Chapter 28: Sorry, It Misfired

Bick was enjoying the scenery of the rich area of Liberty Town with great interest, feeling the extravagance and tidiness of this place that was completely different from the wasteland world.

Hearing such a bad mood, it was as if he had suddenly eaten a cockroach while tasting delicious food.

When he turned his head, he saw a guy in a bright red tuxedo sizing him and Kate up with the corner of his eyes in disdain.

The cockroach that he had eaten from the delicacies was now half a cockroach!

When Bick’s hand was on the hilt of the knife at his waist, Kate immediately stopped him and said in a serious voice, “Don’t attack the rich areas of Liberty Town, or you will become everyone’s common enemy.”

Hearing Kate’s dissuasion, Bick also understood that this was not a good time to continue to use force.

He also understood that it was better not to go too far. In front of all the forces in Liberty Town, he used a shocking method to completely destroy the Hellfire’s trading fleet.

This was already enough to display his strength. It was not a wise choice to provoke his opponent at any time.

Moreover, when the man in front of him, who was dressed like a boiled lobster, saw that he was about to use a knife, he was so scared that he took two steps back. This could be considered as teaching him a small lesson.

Unfortunately, when he saw that Kate had stepped forward to stop him and Bick had stopped, the other party immediately started to show off again.

His voice was exaggerated as he howled, “Oh my god, old Bob has gone too far. He actually let in two violent people. Guards, guards… chase these two violent country bumpkins out, quick!”

When Bick narrowed his eyes and watched his performance, seven or eight black suits with long guns quickly surrounded him.

These men in black suits didn’t even look at Bick and Kate. Instead, they directly smiled at the lobster. It could be seen that this guy must have a high status in the wealthy district.

“Jack, throw these two guys out and teach them a lesson while you’re at it. Tell Old Bob that I’m very dissatisfied. If you do that again, I’ll leave Liberty Town and go to the next survivor base!” The lobster raised his head proudly, he looked at Jack, the leader in the black suit, with his nostrils.

“Mr. Cook, please rest assured. Your satisfaction is the direction of our work.”Jack nodded and bowed, wishing that he could kneel down and lick the soles of Cook’s shoes.

When he turned to the two people in front of him, he became arrogant again. He casually waved his hand at his subordinates, indicating for them to take action.

Seeing this, Bick rushed to Lobster Cook without hesitation. Jack and the others instantly raised their guns, ready to shoot this arrogant guy on the spot.

Unfortunately, when they took aim, they couldn’t pull the trigger no matter what.

That was because the man from the wasteland who should have his gun pulled when he entered the rich area was now aiming at Mr. Cook’s head with a long gun.

“Damn it, where did he get a long gun? Shouldn’t he only have a portable cold weapon?” Jack was about to go crazy. He had no idea how Bick did it.

A man in a black suit said hesitantly, “It looks like, it looks like a long gun that was pulled out from the bushes beside him.”

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, the man in a black suit explained, “It should be. When he passed by there, his hand reached into the bushes, and then he raised his hand and got a long gun.”

Black suit wasn’t sure, but he wasn’t sure if his eyes were playing tricks on him, because the spear in Bick’s hand seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.

Compared to such an unscientific scene, someone had placed the spear in the flowers in advance, which made black suit believe it more.

Hearing his subordinate’s words and seeing Cook being pointed at by the spear, Jack didn’t dare to act rashly.

On the one hand, Cook’s life was in immediate danger. On the other, Bick’s identity also made him suspicious.

To be able to hide guns in wealthy areas in advance, if someone told him it had nothing to do with the higher-ups of Liberty Town, he wouldn’t believe it even if he was beaten to death.

But why?

Mr. Cook was a VIP that the higher-ups had repeatedly warned him to take good care of. Could it be that there was a change in the higher-ups?

All of a sudden, Jack’s mind was filled with all kinds of guesses.

Bick realized that the item storage and retrieval function of the system was too useful. It could always surprise the opponent.

The guns that came and went were completely unpredictable.

Of course, taking out the long gun did not mean that Bick was going to smash the head of that lobster in front of him, but it was to take ahold of the situation.

He did not want to be thrown out of the wealthy district, let alone be taught a lesson.

Seeing that the men in black suits did not dare to move, Bick calmly asked the Lobster Cook in front of him, “What did you say just now? I didn’t hear it clearly from far away. Can you repeat it?”

Cook’s face was a little green, but he still said stubbornly, “I don’t believe you dare to shoot. D * MN old Bob, if this is how he manages the wealthy district., then it seems I’ve reached the end of the sincerity of Liberty Town!”

Bick tilted his head and pondered for a moment. He directly lowered the muzzle of the gun and fired a shot at Cook’s feet, showing his determination with action.

“Oh no, sir, please calm down!”Jack widened his eyes and put aside the wild thoughts in his mind. He put the long spear back on his shoulder and shook his hands to dissuade Bick.

Bick did not even look at the men in black suits. He smiled and apologized to Cook without sincerity, “Sorry, it misfired.”

Then, under Cook’s incredulous eyes, he said naturally, “Can you apologize for what you said just now? Of course not to me, but to that lady.”

Cook’s lips moved. He wanted to lower his head, but he felt too embarrassed. He continued to face this guy who just fired a shot, afraid that he would really shoot him.

“Damn it, where did you shoot? What happened to Jack? Why haven’t you killed the guy who shot at you yet?” A big-bellied bald man ran from afar at a speed that didn’t match his figure.

“Old Bob, look at what you’ve done. I’m leaving Liberty Town. It’s too dangerous here!” Cook seemed to have seen something he could rely on. He shouted loudly to vent his fear of being threatened by Bick.

“Mr. Cook, please calm down. I guarantee that the rich area of Liberty Town is the most comfortable and safe place to live in the wasteland. Please believe in the ability of Liberty Town.” Old Bob comforted cook loudly and then looked at Bick with a serious expression.

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Hearing old Bob’s words, Cook immediately felt relieved. He knew that he had not been targeted by the higher-ups of Liberty Town yet.

Jack, who had been letting his imagination run wild, was ready to listen to old Bob’s orders and drag this audacious wasteland customer out to be tortured to vent his anger on VIP cook.

Just when everyone thought that old Bob raised his hand and was about to give the order, they saw him fiddling with the high-end personal computer on his wrist. After he pulled out two more photos, he kept looking at the photos and comparing them with Bick’s face.

“Gulp… excuse me, excuse me, are you Mr. Bick, who just annihilated the Hellfire trading team?” Old Bob swallowed hard and asked respectfully in a hoarse voice.

Bick shrugged and revealed to old Bob that he was that Mr. Bick.

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