Chapter 34: The Use of Fat Monster

Senator Albert’s face was a little sickly pale, but his eyes were full of excitement.

He was already forty-five years old this year. Before the Apocalypse War started, this age was when a politician was at his most vigorous condition, with sufficient experience and prestige.

However, after the Apocalypse War started, the average life expectancy of the survivors in the wasteland was only thirty-seven years old. Albert, who was forty-five years old, was already considered old.

Even if there were iodine and enzymes ingested through personal computers, the daily food and drink, even the air that they breathed in, were filled with nuclear radiation and biochemical viruses. It was not easy to be able to live a long life.

This was also the reason why some people felt that there was something wrong with the genetic potion that the Northern Federation had sent out. However, they still could not resist the temptation.

At the very least, after injecting the genetic potion, with iodine and enzymes in addition, they would be able to live for a few more years.

When he was captured by Emily, who had broken through the layers of defenses, Albert had refusal in his heart. To be able to become a vassal of a region in the wasteland, he definitely did not lack the courage to perish together at the last moment.

However, after being turned into a blood slave by Emily, Albert had instantly submitted sincerely.

Injecting the genetic potion and risking his own genetic code and being controlled by the Northern Federation, what was the reason for that?

It was all because he was unwilling to part with his prosperity and wealth, and wanted to live a few more years.

Now that he had become a blood slave, it was just a change of master. It wasn’t that unacceptable.

Moreover, his current status was in danger. With a powerful master, he might even be able to turn the situation around!

As for Old Bob, it was even simpler. In the past, he was working for the Liberty Town’s seven-member parliament. Now that he had become a blood slave, he was immediately on equal footing with one of the seven great senators, Albert.

Now both were blood slave, who was more noble than the other?

In theory, Old Bob’s status had even risen!

Therefore, after the last ray of the setting sun disappeared and the stars filled the sky, Albert and Old Bob appeared respectfully in front of Bick.

In the early morning, when Emily returned to hide in the seal, Bick knew that she had succeeded.

Old Bob, the middle-ranking member of the Liberty Town and the first person under the seven-member council, had become a blood slave.

He was in charge of the security of the core area of the Liberty Town, the wealthy area, and was also secretly managing Cook’s laboratory.

With such a status, Old Bob had become a blood slave. Bick could basically do whatever he wanted in the Liberty Town.

Unexpectedly, Emily had a bigger surprise for him. It was Albert, one of the members of the seven-member council.

When dealing with Cook or Old Bob, Bick could use the blood clan magic that Emily had taught him to suppress them.

The boiling blood punishment would heat up the blood slave’s blood until it was boiling. That kind of pain was unimaginable for ordinary people.

However, facing Albert, who had made a name for himself in the wasteland and controlled a large survivor base with the other six people, using punishment and pain was not the best choice.

Therefore, during the entire day, Bick was thinking about how to face Albert.

If the meeting at night did not go well, and Albert decided to perish, Bick did not think that he would be able to escape from Liberty Town with Kate, whose genetic collapse could only cause her to fall into a coma.

However, looking at Albert in front of him, Bick felt that he might have really thought too much during the day.

Why did he feel like this guy was quite willing to become a blood slave?

It was impossible for one of the managers of Liberty Town, Senator Albert, who controlled the food and communication of the town, to be actually a masochist?

Thinking of how the normally well-dressed, steady and experienced Albert was whipped and dripped with wax oil in the quiet of the night when no one was around, Bick subconsciously shivered.

Being able to live for another 500 years was the highest pursuit of every person with high status and wealth.

After all, the lives of the poor people on the wasteland were torturous every day.

It was better to leave this painful life as soon as possible and enjoy eternal happiness in heaven.

The higher-ups who were already in heaven could not bear to leave this world.

Albert was in this situation. This was also one of the reasons why he immediately accepted to be a blood slave.

In fact, the moment he saw Bick, he wholeheartedly offered his loyalty.

Of course, this was because he did not know if Bick was trying to figure out if he was a masochist.

“Great Mr. William, please accept Albert Garcia’s loyalty. Your needs are the direction of the Garcia family’s advancement.” Albert was extremely humble.

If he couldn’t understand something, he wouldn’t think about it. This was something that Bick had understood since he was young. He immediately said, “Alright, I accept your loyalty. I will ensure that Mr. Cook’s research and development will proceed smoothly.”

Albert and Old Bob immediately bowed and accepted the order. Then, they looked at Cook.

Cook also raised his needs. A true level one mutated beast, the essence of its body.

Albert and Old Bob looked at each other with a strange expression.

It was not easy to meet a nuclear radiation evolved creature that could be called a mutated beast.

Of course, the wasteland visitors did not think this was a bad thing.

No one wanted to be a meal for the mutated beasts. Those monsters were the true top of the food chain in the wasteland.

However, they needed to hunt mutated beasts now.

The most crucial question was, where could they find them?

Of course, this was Albert and Old Bob’s problem.

Cook only needed the essence of the mutated beasts, and then he would start to make the perfect version of the genetic potion.

Bick just needed to give the order and the rest would work on it.

“There is a way to quickly obtain the essence of a level one mutated beast, but…” Albert looked at Bick hesitantly.

Hearing that he could quickly obtain the essence to start working on it, Bick’s eyes immediately lit up.

Although Cook had always assured him that Kate’s physical condition was still very stable, and that she would definitely be able to carry it until he produced the perfect version of the genetic potion.

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However, as the first woman he had been with, and he had truly fallen in love with, Bick wanted to solve the problem sooner.

“Is there any difficulty?” Suppressing his excitement, Bick could see the dilemma in Albert’s and Old Bob’s expressions, and he immediately asked.

He did not doubt if these two fellows were acting behind his back, because they did not know that Emily could only come out once a month when the moon was full. This was Bick’s greatest trump card.

“Not far from the town, we have controlled a fat monster that failed to evolve. Recently, its energy levels have been fluctuating very strangely. During the last meeting of the council, we decided to completely eliminate it to ensure the safety of Liberty Town.” Albert’s expression was strange, he had the temperament of a schemer.

Bick remembered the huge fat monster that he saw on the road to Liberty Town and nodded subconsciously.

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