Chapter 5: Kate also Transmigrated?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Long ago, he had noticed a human-shaped object lying there motionless.

Bick had thought that it was a zombie corpse or a human corpse, but as he got closer, he found that the chest of the human-shaped object was still rising and falling.

“Alive?” Bick took out a long spear and a machete from the system space and carefully approached it.

If it was a trap set by zombies or other survivors, he would teach them a lesson and let them know how powerful Bick was.

Bick poked at their stomach with his spear. From the touch, it didn’t feel like a zombie.

The skin of those zombies didn’t have any elasticity. If they couldn’t control the strength of their rotten skin, even if the spear didn’t have a bayonet, it would still stab into their stomach.

Raising his spear, he looked around cautiously, but didn’t see any survivors lying in ambush.

It seemed that this wasn’t a trap.

It couldn’t be said that Bick was too careful. After all, the first batch of survivors he met after coming to this world almost killed him.

From then on, his trust in the remaining humans in this world would naturally be reduced.

Who knew how much time had passed since the apocalypse began, and what kind of apocalyptic culture the surviving humans in this world had developed.

Perhaps, Bick had only met a very small number of people who behaved badly. In this god-forsaken world, there were still some kind-hearted survivors.

However, Bick did not dare to continue gambling with his own life.

First, he would treat these survivors as the search party that he had met that day. Then, he would slowly discover their beauty.

If he thought too highly of them, he might not have a second chance to discover that they were broken.

The humanoid object that seemed to have been stabbed twice by the muzzle of the long spear did not feel very comfortable. It had already fallen into a semi-unconscious state. Suddenly, it opened its eyes.

Bick was shocked. Its eyes were full of threats and the desire to fight, as if they were cats that had invaded its territory.

Its head and face were covered with clothes just like Bick’s, only its eyes were exposed.

This was the most common style of dress in the desert, which was sun-proof and wind-proof.

Therefore, Bick couldn’t see its appearance, but judging from its eyes, it was definitely not a person to be provoked.

When he saw Bick’s face more clearly, he knew that she wasn’t a zombie or some other monster. His eyes were filled with pleading.

Bick swore that he had never seen so many emotions in a pair of eyes before.

Moreover, this change was too fast!

If he hadn’t been scared by her threatening eyes, Bick would have thought that what he saw just now was just an illusion.

Although he couldn’t see her face, Bick knew that she was definitely a beauty.

It was very easy to determine her gender because even if she was lying on the sand dune, there were still two spectacular undulations under the linen robe.

I can’t possibly put two pieces of bread on my chest, right? Bick thought to himself and even subconsciously licked the corner of his mouth.

With such big breasts, her face could really be ignored.

As a young man who was full of hormones, Bick was very knowledgeable about “balls.” Of course, it was just theoretical research. The San Fernando Valley was the source of his theory.

As for actual combat, it was difficult to explain. Bick was a shameful virgin before he transmigrated.

At the high school prom, he had the opportunity to lose his virginity to Jenny, who was in the class next door. Although Jenny was not a beautiful woman, she had a set of overbite.

However, her well-developed body was still very attractive to Bick in high school.

Unfortunately, his bad friend spoofed his sweet deal.

When he remembered that he was surrounded by people and was covered in bubbles, he wanted to die.

Pretty women’s breasts could be categorized as “Hockey,” “Baseball,” and “Volleyball”.

Needless to say, Hockey was flat and stuck to the ribs. How lacking in nutrition could one be?

Baseball was something that could be held in one hand. It was better than nothing.

As the name suggested, volleyball was a man’s gift.

But the beauty in front of him was at least the size of a basketball!

Moreover, the other party’s pleading eyes were particularly charming.

The light blue pupils were like the purest sapphire.

With such a pair of beautiful eyes, it was likely that god would make her remaining facial features just as beautiful.

Quietly digging the her out of the sand dune, Bick handled her like a piece of fragile porcelain.

Bick swore that he had never been so cautious when he helped aunt James wash dishes and earn pocket money when he was young.

Leaning against the sand dune, Bick rested the back of her head on his arm and half-carried her.

Although they were separated by their clothes, Bick could still feel the elasticity of their young bodies. He could not help but bring this elasticity into the fantasy of her breasts.

He really did not know how it would feel.

A virgin who was full of hormones definitely could not receive any stimulation.

At this moment, he held a beautiful young woman in his arms and smelled the faint feminine scent on her body, as well as the feeling when he was half-hugging her.

Bick’s body had a very honest change, and she also felt the fiery firmness at the first moment.

That pair of blue eyes rolled her eyes charmingly, as if she was complaining about his eagerness, making the little virgin Bick very embarrassed.

Opening the linen shawl that covered his head and face, Bick could not help but gasp. It was really too beautiful.

There was even a faint sense of familiarity. His exquisite facial features, charming blue eyes, and his signature pair of huge breasts.

Bick subconsciously blurted out, “Kate Upton?”

Kate’s expression was a little puzzled. She wanted to ask something, but unfortunately, the long period of hunger and thirst made her unable to make any sound.

Seeing this, Bick quickly put his other hand behind his back and took out a glass of cold coke from the system space.

As he fed Kate the coke, Bic’s thoughts ran wild.

Kate Upton had also transmigrated?

Could it be that some wormhole had been opened between the other world and this world, and people were constantly being thrown into this god-forsaken apocalyptic?

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Because he was too engrossed in his thoughts, Bick’s action of feeding her coke was somewhat hesitant. Kate knew that the other party would give her water to drink, and she was very confident in her appearance and figure.

However, she did not expect that this lone wasteland traveler would actually take out such a luxurious drink. How long had it been since she had tasted the sweet taste.

The black liquid filled with bubbles was simply the most beautiful taste enjoyment in this world.

The most important thing was that the drink was still cold.

One had to know that this was a hot desert. To be able to sip a cold drink, even a big shot from a survival base wouldn’t be able to enjoy such treatment, right?

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