Loki’s Successor System

Chapter 212: Culling

"Everything's about that little girl," Joshua frowned, "we nobody's don't even know her name but we know she's fucking OP. That little thing has powers upon Powers. Skills upon skills. They literally bring people here and let her finish them off in order to almost feed her in a way. It's sick and messed. I've always understood why you wanted to leave and I ... I've been considering myself. I'm just a little scared; is all."

"I see," Jin said. "Why are you scared though?"

'Things are going well. I've learned enough. So I attack tonight.'

"If you can get attacked by a Void one hour into your drive," Joshua said, "the how will an unlucky man on foot fear?"

"Luck is but a fake concept in which I rather not believe. In other words, Josh, it doesn't exist."

Joshua narrowed his eyes. "Says the guy who made me believe in bad luck."

"I did?"

"Yup," Joshua stood. "Have a good rest of the day, John. It's sunset. I'm gonna go have an early sleep. Those people are working us extra hard for that little girl."

"See you ... tomorrow," Jin smirked.

Joshua nodded, and walked through the door, closing it behind him.

Jin rubbed his hands together.

[Strength: 65]

[Health: 72] 

[Speed: 48] 

[Skill: 61] 

[UP: 18]

[Exp: 83/85 | Level 12]

Cliff appeared next to him on the bed. 

Jin smirked. "I would actually revert to my real body but I don't know if there are hidden cameras here ... still I do have to save my energy for tonight. Might just help myself to some of the farm food they've got in stock here in preparation for tonight."

A clone appeared in the room and tossed Jin an apple. 

Jin caught it, and immediately took a bite. His eyes were aglow.

"So .." Cliff trailed off, "attacking tonight, huh?"

"Precisely," Jin said, "I have an interesting bunch of opponents. Apparently one of them is a Successor."

"I wouldn't underestimate her if I were you."

"That's why I'm going to be ghosting around tonight first. I'll start with their healer. Walk through her wall and stab her to death."

Cliff shook his head and vanished.

Jin grinned

[Strength: 65]

[Health: 72] 

[Speed: 48] 

[Skill: 61] 

[UP: 18]

[Exp: 83/85 | Level 12]

"What to spend my UP on this time?"

He placed his hand on his chin. "I think I'm spending all on my health this time. I'll need all the Hp I can get if I'm going to be fighting a whole organization. Plus, I think I have enough skills to do the job as is." 

He spent all of his points on his health.

[Strength: 65]

[Health: 90] 

[Speed: 48] 

[Skill: 61] 

[UP: 0]

[Exp: 83/85 | Level 12]

JIn then stood up from his bed and started toward the door. He pulled his hood over his head and walked right through his door with his ghost ability. He wasn't yet done there for he even went radically invisible soon after. At this point, he was nearly a full-on ghost.

Smirking while invisible, he entered random rooms down the hall. Stupidly, the Hunters had put their names on their front doors. He was looking for a female name first, Specifically the Hunter with the healing ability. He decided to take her out first since the others would be reliant upon her for healing. 

He walked right through her door. She laid upon her mattress, naked as born. Jin's mask manifested on his face and he closed his hand, his dagger appearing amidst his palm. He squeezed hold of the dagger and whipped it out. 

Then he rounded her bed and bent over. Finally, he swiftly grabbed her up by her neck and slit her throat with his dagger. She was roused by the sudden searing pain. She flew upright and gagged. The cut ran deep. She placed her green glowing hands upon her neck, when suddenly Jin thrust his dagger, straight through her right temple. She fell right back onto the bed. Blood oozed out of her wounds and doused the white bedsheet, spanning across it to no end.

Jin whipped out his dagger, and blood splashed across the room. 

[+20 Exp, +10 UP]

[Strength: 65]

[Health: 90] 

[Speed: 48] 

[Skill: 61] 

[UP: 10]

[Exp: 103/85 | Level 12]

[Exp: 18/95 | Level 13]

[You have leveled up!]

[+20 UP]

[UP: 30]

Jin smirked and moved on, walking through the healer's door. The person in this next room was the guard. Jin was here to kill Hunters solely, but perhaps killing guards was a thing a made a surplus, given that they also posed as a threat to him.

He swiftly slit the man's throat and walked through his wall.

[+10 Exp, + 5 UP]

[Exp: 28/95 | Level 13]

[UP: 35]

Renegade, a powerful fire user slept in the next room. The man slept with his eyes opened, and Jin thought the man was looking at him. It was almost as though he could see the invisible. Jin simply summoned his dagger and teleported right next to the orange-haired man. He thrust the dagger in a downward motion when suddenly, the man clutched at the blade.

Renegade's hand bled as the blade sunk deeper, but he didn't let go. He furrowed his brows. He was only able to see a hovering dagger, but no wielder. 

Renegade forced a smirk. "You thought you could kill me in my erotic dreams, didn't you, assassin?"

Jin released the dagger. Then, he quickly teleported to the other side of the bed, closing his hands again. His dagger manifested in his palm. He quickly slashed it at Renegade's neck. Renegade rolled. Jin cut the mattress and bed sheet. 

Jin teleported to the other side of the bed again and slashed at Renegade's body. Suddenly, there was an explosion of fire before Jin could even touch him. Jin went slamming into the wall behind him. He groaned, sliding down the wall, and to his behind. His invisibility was deactivated as was his shapeshifting.

He sat on his behind with his mask on his face. 

Renegade suddenly lunged toward him with a fiery fist. He quickly used ghost and slipped right through the wall behind him. Renegade's hand went straight through the wall, and it remained there for a bit until he yanked it out, grunting.

Jin was in another room. Lindane's room. The prediction woman. She quickly started toward the door. Jin turned around and sent his dagger straight at her. She stopped two seconds before the dagger came at her. The dagger missed her miserably. 

"I knew you were coming," Lindane said. 

Jin closed his hand, spun, and sent the dagger at her again. She took one step forward, and Jin's dagger missed her again. Jin closed his hand when suddenly, Renegade came bursting through the wall behind him. Lindane rolled. Renegade like a flaming boulder crashed into Jin and went straight through the wall of the other room with him.

Lindane made her way out of the room. She furrowed her brows. She was about to report Jin to the Government official and put on the emergency sirens. She started to sprint when suddenly, she ducked. Jin appeared one second later and sent a dagger right over her head. She rolled right. Two seconds later, Jin teleported, and slashed in a downward motion, missing her.

Lindane dodged again. "You're just a mimic, aren't you? A clone." She dodged again. 


Jin slashed at Renegade's stomach. Renegade groaned as he raised a hand. Jin teleported. A giant fire blast shot from Renegade's raised hand. Jin slashed at Renegade's calf from behind. Renegade fell to a knee. 

Jin was about to slash at Renegade's head when suddenly there was an explosion of fire. Jin vanished. The entire room was destroyed. Walls went crashing into walls. Renegade's clothes, except his pants, were burnt away. His hair became flames itself. 

"WHERE ARE YOU, ASSASSIN!" Renegade snapped.


Lindane was dodging every single one of Jin's attacks. Her prediction ability allowed her to see seconds into the future or past. She seldom used it to see the latter, given that her memory was all she needed to see details of the past. When it came to seeing seconds into the future, she was quite adept. She even knew the outcome of Jin's attack. 

She dodged Jin's attack again. "Who are you?"

Jin didn't answer. He furrowed his brows under the mask. In fact, he already knew how he was going to defeat someone like Lindane who predicted his moves before he made them. Other than Prediction, she was after all only human. How could she dodge a sudden explosion on two human feet?

Although Lindane was dodging endless flurries of attacks, her focus was pressing the emergency button. She closed the distance between the button and herself. Until eventually, it was within her reach. She desperately turned to the button. When suddenly, Jin appeared in front of it, elbowing her to her head.

She went pitching to the floor. She crawled backward as Jin approached her. Then suddenly, she could crawl no more. Her back was against something. She quickly looked up only to see Alex.

Alex put on his white gloves and bowed to Jin. "Do you remember me, Jin?" 

Jin furrowed his brows.

"'Tis I, officer Alexandro! The greatest user of teleportation!"

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