LoL: I really didn’t mess up!

Chapter 403 The new season begins

At this time, on the other side, the five LCK players who were clearing away their keyboards did not look good at this time.

In fact, they also know that facing the almost rogue four-championship team in the LPL, they are probably in trouble.

But they didn't expect that they would lose so miserably today!

At this time, several players couldn't help but start complaining, wondering who voted for them?

The LPL lineup has strength and coordination, and is the favorite to win the S7 World Championship. You let them, a group of veterans who were put together temporarily and have no cooperation at all, do it?

Doesn't this harm them?

The five LCK players packed up their mice and keyboards and left from the backstage passage.

Next to the five people, the host quickly rushed to the stage with a microphone.

The All-Star Game also includes the awarding of FMVP.

Because this is the hometown of Riot Games, Ryze and Tryndamere also came to the scene.

This time Ryze was the first to take the stage, and he announced the FMVP candidate for this game as soon as he came up.


The LPL team's overall performance in these three games was so good that they didn't even know who to give the MVP to.

In the end, Riot Games decided to give it to Chen Dongqing because his matchup gap was the most obvious in these three games.

Chen Dongqing was a little surprised when he saw the FMVP trophy being handed to his hand.

I didn’t expect that after a trip to Los Angeles, I could bring back a trophy!

That's a good thing.

Trophy cabinet collection +1.

Chen Dongqing gave a brief acceptance speech, and the All-Star game ended.

After the main game, it’s the SOLO game.

Under much anticipation, the first and second best players in LOL history, ilex and Faker, will compete in the finals.

"Come on, Sang Hyuk." Before going on the field, Marin gave his teammates a final word of encouragement.

On the other side, LPL players also took turns boxing with Chen Dongqing.

"Come on." Uzi joked with a smile: "Come back with a score of three to zero, is that okay?"

If Chen Dongqing can score another 3-0 in his solo game, then this year's All-Stars will have a perfect ending!

"Just watch." Chen Dongqing patted his chest, "Just watch how I handle Faker!"

Chen Dongqing and Faker didn't take off their keyboards at all, they walked directly onto the stage.

The players from the two teams came to the audience one after another to watch this ultimate battle together.

Soon, the first game of BP between the two sides began.

Faker was extremely targeted in the ban position, decisively banning the three heroes Sword Girl, Kalista, and Lucian. These are all strong heroes in Chen Dongqing's solo game.

But Chen Dongqing had already expected it. He slowly banned Zoe and Syndra and entered the selection stage.

Facing the ban position, Faker confidently chose a rock bird.

Yanque is a hero that can be consumed and competed with, and also has the ability to push the lane. It is a good choice for playing solo!

Now the question becomes, what hero did Ilex choose?

Wait until the hero selection time is over and enter the loading time.

Through the loading interface, Faker saw the opponent's chosen hero.

Captain Teemo is on standby!

Teemo! ?

Faker fainted immediately.

Do you look down on people? ilex!

In the audience, LPL and LCK players, as well as other viewers, were all stunned, and the live broadcast room was filled with questions.

Although Teemo's solo ability is indeed not bad, compared with serious solo heroes, it is still a bit less interesting, right?

Is there any special understanding?

With this question in mind, the game soon started.

At this time, the director cuts out the talent choices of both parties.

It can be seen that both sides chose to bring Alley, who is very strong in this version.

As for the equipment level, Chen Dongqing chose the Duolan Sword and AD gameplay, while Yanque chose the Duolan Ring.

After going online, Faker had a clear mind and first observed what skills Teemo would learn.

The heroes on both sides of this hand have no killing ability. They are basically running for a hundred swords, so they have to plan in advance.

Teemo seems to have this idea. It can be seen that Teemo's basic attack is infected with poison on the minions. It is obvious that he has learned E.

Faker saw this picture, nodded, and immediately started the cross Q push line.

If Teemo learns Q, the level 1 exchange is quite strong, so he needs to pay attention.

But if he is learning E, he doesn't need to take it seriously.

On the other side, Chen Dongqing was well prepared. Seeing Yanque's Q, he decisively stepped forward to invite a blood exchange, and hit it with a basic attack!

Faker was well prepared and responded decisively with a basic attack!

Although he would lose more than a dozen points of health if he exchanged a normal attack, he would definitely make money by pushing the line of troops.

When he gets promoted to second level first, Teemo won't be able to play the game!

The two sides faced each other in waves, and Ai Li collided with each other. This alone produced a considerable amount of blood.

However, Rock Bird's damage ends here. The basic attack has 47 health points and Alley has 15 health points. In total, the damage is only 60 health points.

On the other side, because Teemo has adaptive attack power and the Dolan Sword comes out, this basic attack directly costs 60 blood points, and Ai Li also has 15 blood points.

And it's not over yet

After attacking, Alley on both sides slowly flew towards their respective masters.

During this period of time, because Teemo clicked on the E skill, the poison slowly caused damage to the rock bird.

Chen Dongqing took the initiative to take a step forward and caught the little pet Alley in advance.

At the same time, the last damage of Teemo E's poison happened to be triggered!

Ai Li had just come back and immediately struck out with lightning again, rushing towards the rock bird! Another 15 points of blood!

Seeing this scene, everyone was immediately shocked and realized that things were not that simple.

Can Teemo directly trigger Alley twice with one basic attack?

The current Alley is a peak version that can deal 20 points of panel damage at level one just after he came out!

If a basic attack is triggered twice, it is equivalent to adding an additional 40 points of damage to this basic attack!

What is this concept? Let's put it this way, the first level of electrocution only has 40 HP. This basic attack can trigger an electrocution, and the CD is very short!

Rock Bird's basic attack only brings 60 health points to Alley.

But Teemo's basic attack directly dealt over a hundred points of damage!

It has changed, everything has changed.

Although I don’t know how ilex developed this weird linkage, this alone is enough for Teemo to secure his position as SOLOKING!

On Alley's way back, Chen Dongqing was not in a hurry to exchange blood, so he squatted behind Soldier A to push the line, and used the Dolan Sword to restore the lost blood volume.

After Alley came back, Chen Dongqing rode on the face again and attacked Alley twice with one basic attack.

Another hundred blood!

Faker is numb.

Who can withstand this blood-consuming force?

After reaching two levels, Chen Dongqing's blood consumption became more and more intense. When he got up, he would get an AQ and a wave of two hundred.

After a few back and forth, Faker's health bar became more and more dangerous, so he had no choice but to return to the city to replenish his supplies.

Chen Dongqing didn't stop him. He was going for a hundred swords, so he just came back.

He returned to the tower, and then added two more Dolan Swords, entering the cheating mode.

In fact, from this moment on, he had already won.

The mage's battery life cannot be compared to that of Sandolan's shooter.

Faker also understands this truth. Since he can't beat the cost of last hit, he can only focus on fighting.

Teemo is exhausted. If he fights to the end, he might still have a chance!

With this kind of thinking, Faker frequently initiates blood-consuming invitations!

But after playing two waves, Faker discovered something was wrong again.

Teemo has [Little Mo Run], and his movement speed is too fast, and his W can't even lift it!

Without taking out shoes, it is actually very difficult to rely on Teemo's W to avoid the Rock Bird's W. It is almost a fantasy.

But in Chen Dongqing's hands, it was a piece of cake.

Without the control of lifting, Teemo himself has no displacement, which results in the rock bird losing two damage skills in front of Teemo!

How can you win over Teemo with just one Q?

Chen Dongqing activated W to increase his movement speed, once again dodged a key [rock spur], and then chased all the way with basic attacks with his backhand, winning the first game easily!

The audience in the audience was quite generous and quickly gave out a burst of majestic cheers!

Off the field, Uzi looked at this scene with great joy.

Fortunately, he did not participate in the SOLO competition.

According to his hero usage habits, if he plays something like Varus and comes up to play solo, and then gets blinded by Teemo and then chases him, he will have to use Red Warm!

But since I didn't go up, then you are the one who will be tortured, Faker!

There is no intermission in SOLO games.

Soon, the second game started.

This time, Faker could only send Teemo to the ban position, but the price was that Lucian was released.

Chen Dongqing locked directly!

This version of Lucian also has a strong laning talent, which is strong attack.

E goes up and connects with Q to create a small burst of strong attacks. Not many heroes can withstand it.

Chen Dongqing doesn't follow you in any fancy way. He uses Q to push the lane while consuming blood through the extended distance.

When the troops advanced to the tower, Chen Dongqing was tortured under the tower like crazy!

Still the same idea.

First suppress the blood line and last hit count.

When he gets close to a hundred swords, the opponent will be in a hurry.

What happened next was as expected. Faker initiated a blood exchange invitation, but it failed miserably. He only had half of his health left when he first came online!

Chen Dongqing decisively rode on his face, and Lu Xian rushed under the tower to complete a set, and then used his ultimate move to grab and seize, directly completing the solo kill over the tower!


The third game ended even faster.

Chen Dongqing still wields Lucian and still has the same operational ideas. Faker has changed his style of play this time and chose to take out a Zoe to hit the lane!

But the final result was that in three minutes, Chen Dongqing used E to move sideways to avoid the fatal face-to-face bubble, and then used a backhand to complete a solo kill!

Chen Dongqing accomplished the epic achievement of killing Faker alone three times in a single game!

A champion is born!

Chen Dongqing took off his headphones and stood up to greet the audience's warm cheers!

Winning the SOLO competition for the second consecutive time, Chen Dongqing is still using his performance to prove who is the strongest player in the world!

He walked to Faker's side, shook hands with him with a smile, and said, "Well done, Sang Hyuk."

Lee Sang Hyuk pursed his lips and remained silent.

He now finally understands what it was like for INnoVation to lose to Chen Dongqing on stage.

After a long time, he finally said: "Well done."

Then, Lee Sang Hyuk wrapped his keyboard and left the stage.

Chen Dongqing raised his eyebrows, turned around and walked to the center of the stage.

This time, it was Tryndamere who walked onto the stage and presented Chen Dongqing with the SOLO championship trophy.

Today's two fist bosses are a little helpless towards Chen Dongqing.

Why is it always you who wins the award?

Tryndamere said helplessly: "Would you like to come to Santa Monica later? Maybe we can talk about your champion skin."

"No problem." Chen Dongqing nodded with a smile and accepted his second personal trophy today.

The cupboard where the trophies are kept is seriously full. It seems that buying a house is imminent!

Soon after he finished his acceptance speech, he came to the stage holding the trophy with a smile and bragging to his teammates.

"What do you mean, there's nothing wrong with it, right?" Chen Dongqing said with a smile, "If you say three to zero, then it's three to zero!"

"Awesome!" The factory director took the trophy from Chen Dongqing's hand, looked at it carefully, and commented: "The production is quite exquisite."

This time it is an ordinary long strip trophy made of glass, but the transparent glass still adds a touch of high-end to this trophy.

The factory director looked at the trophy and felt a little sad for a moment.

He has not been a player who plays with manipulation since his debut. If he had done better, he would not have been kicked out of 4396 by Little Peanut.

Obviously, he is destined to miss the chance to win the SOLO competition.

But in Chen Dongqing's hands, this thing is as simple as picking something out of a bag.

It's really unfair.

The director returned the trophy to Chen Dongqing, and the LPL five-member team turned around and left the North American studio.

Chen Dongqing returned to the hotel first to install his two trophies. At this time, the factory director and Doinb came over and planned to take a walk around Los Angeles.

"I won't go." Chen Dongqing said with a smile: "I have to go to Riot headquarters with Jian Aoao."

The factory director and Doinb immediately figured out why they were going to Fist, and their expressions instantly darkened.

Chen Dongqing said with a smile: "Do you want to go together?"

"Come on, you go." The two of them left without looking back.

Chen Dongqing and Uzi quickly took a car to Riot headquarters and briefly chatted with the designer about the design details of their skins.

Uzi came up with a very interesting idea this time, which made the designer shudder, saying that he would definitely adopt this idea.

It was already dark when Chen Dongqing returned to the hotel. After learning that Chen Dongqing was back, several players came to visit, took photos with Chen Dongqing and exchanged team uniforms.

A person who is currently active and at the peak of history is a living legend in a competitive industry, and it is also a goal that all professional players need to learn from and pursue.

Nowadays, most of the new professional players in the industry are fans of Chen Dongqing.

The QG youth training camp, which was crowded again this year, is the best evidence.

Of course Chen Dongqing was happy to see this scene. He smiled and exchanged team uniforms with the other All-Star players, and then solemnly packed them in his suitcase.

After a night of gaming, on December 12th, Los Angeles time, the LPL team officially boarded the return flight.

When we landed, it was already December 13th, Shanghai time.

After returning to Shanghai, Chen Dongqing did not return to the base. After saying goodbye to his teammates, he took the bus back home, fell asleep, and ended the day.

The entire S7 season ends with this day.

At this point, all games in the S7 season have ended.

After this break, Chen Dongqing will readjust his posture and prepare for the new impact of the S8 season!

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