LoL: I really didn’t mess up!

Chapter 416 Crazy winning streak! Tell me loudly who it is!

Before the end of the regular season, the league has officially released regulations that this playoffs will be held at QG's home court in Shanghai.

This can be regarded as a kind of care for QG, the big father of the alliance.

But for those teams that play home games in other cities, it's obviously a form of torture.

Because they had to return to Shanghai specifically, rent a hotel near QG's home court, and also have to solve training problems.

But the people in QG are much more comfortable, just waiting for work and watching other teams running around and working hard.

But fortunately, there are only two teams that have their own home team and have made it to the playoffs.

One is the Snakes team in Chongqing, and the other is WE in Xi'an, and these two teams will start playing from the first round, so it won't be a trouble for too long, and they will probably go home soon.

April 12, the first day of the playoffs.

Today's game has nothing to do with the QG people, because QG is the top of the Eastern Conference, that is, Group A, so they will have two byes and directly wait for the challenger to arrive in the semi-finals.

In the afternoon, everyone in QG came to the training room in the new base - this training room is not used for training games, but for physical training.

After everyone in QG stretched, they performed hill-climbing exercise on the treadmill as usual.

After more than half a year of training, QG's cardiopulmonary function has been greatly improved since 2017, and it has good resistance to treadmills.

Now even Uzi can complete forty minutes of treadmill aerobics in one go with great difficulty.

All I can say is, it’s a shame.

As for Chen Dongqing, it was even easier. He didn't even breathe heavily.

While climbing the slope, Chen Dongqing put the tablet on the treadmill and reached out to browse the post bar.

The regular season is over and the playoffs are starting. During this period, there are so many things to discuss, so the posts in the forum can be said to be all-encompassing and of all kinds.

The most popular post recently is none other than Kangba Sheng Zhi Xing. The love story between a Kangba good brother and a deaf-mute girl has made countless bar friends collectively drop their pearls.

Sentences such as "Fetch the scissors again" and "These chicken wings are not fresh, let's go!" have even become hot memes.

Chen Dongqing browsed this post specifically with a smile on his face.

This post was also deleted when Kangba was banned in 2020. Chen Dongqing was still a little regretful at that time, but now it’s good to read it again.

Chen Dongqing read the post to the end, then quit and continued to refresh.

The playoffs are about to start today, and many fans are talking about the upcoming battle between BLG and EDG.

[EDG really can’t do without a factory director, right? EDG has been fighting since the first round? 】

[Even if the factory director is here, EDG will still have to start from the first round. You don’t care who are the top two in Group A? 】

Under this reply, the layer owner also posted a picture showing the team list and matchup situation for the 2018 LPL Spring Playoffs.

I have to say, it is indeed outrageous. In the group EDG is in, there are two 18-1 teams in front. It is a pure death group. It is not easy for EDG to be ranked third.

In comparison, the group in the West is much simpler. FPX is almost the dominant team, with novices behind them pecking each other.

In the second round-robin of different groups, QG and IG went to the East and they were killing each other randomly. Losing even a small game was considered embarrassing.

As for today's game between BLG and EDG, of course it goes without saying. Chen Dongqing flipped through the replies and the netizens unanimously preferred EDG to win.

Although EDG is a bit weak this year, you don't really think that EDG will lose to BLG, right? The team's familiarity has always been top-notch.

And because of regulations, the top-ranked EDG also has a victory. The advantage is so great that it is difficult to lose.

Chen Dongqing exited the post and continued to scroll down.

[Report! The best lineup of the regular season is out! 】

Chen Dongqing raised his eyebrows slightly and clicked on the post.

The LPL's best lineup will be selected at the end of the regular season every year, and will be divided into first, second and third lineups.

This is a proper honor. Even if you only get a third team, it is a recognition of your performance in the spring game.

But there will always be quarrels among fans. If you win awards in the regular season and win in the playoffs, then the best lineup will become a boomerang.

Chen Dongqing scrolled down and quickly saw the candidates for the first team.

[Top laner: ilex, jungler mlxg, mid laner Rookie, bottom laner Uzi, assist: Ming]

Except for one Rookie, the other four are from QG.

Chen Dongqing found this selection quite interesting.

No cake sharing this time?

But it is reasonable to say that according to QG's current dominance in the LPL, it is the limit to give IG a Rookie.

Even if Rookie is justified in taking the mid laner for a while, there will still be extreme QG fans who come out to complain.

If one of the four uncontroversial positions of top, jungle and bottom is divided, the fans will most likely rebel collectively.

Of course, you can never satisfy everyone.

Just below this floor, there are many IG fans expressing their dissatisfaction.

They are obviously an 18-1 team, why do you only have four spots?


At this time, QG fans will come out and say the classic saying: [What kind of champion are you? 】

This time, IG fans stopped talking.

In the current competition, QG has the absolute advantage. After all, if you have the results, you can do anything.

IG cannot speak loudly until they defeat QG.

Chen Dongqing continued to slide down and saw the second team.

[Top laner: TheShy, jungler Ning, mid laner Doinb, bottom laner JackeyLove, assist Meiko]

This lineup is also remarkable, there is nothing wrong with it.

I believe that the combination of these five people can produce quite a chemical reaction.

TheShy has also achieved career-high statistics this year, with 20 solo kills in the whole season, an average of 14 kills in 15 minutes per game, and an average of 650 points. These are all very eye-catching statistics for the previous unit. He ranks high with his fault advantage. two.

Then he fell behind Chen Dongqing at a disadvantage.

It can only be said that it is outrageous.

And then there’s the third team:

[Top laner: Flandre, jungler Karsa, mid laner Scout, bottom laner lwx, assist Baolan]

When Chen Dongqing saw this lineup, he immediately raised his eyebrows. He saved the three pictures with a smile, then sent them to the QG group, and then said: "Look at the group, the best lineup is out."

When the teammates who were exercising nearby heard this, they all took out their mobile phones and took a look.

The four people except Xiaohu all nodded with satisfaction when they saw that they were really in trouble.

Nothing wrong, this is what their QG should look like!

Then they continued looking down.

Second team, third team.

Xiangguo couldn't hold back at the sight, and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, Xiaohu, you have won 18 games in a row and haven't even made it to the third team? Hahaha, vomit."

Xiang Guo was already very tired, so this smile almost didn't make him laugh. He quickly stepped back and took a deep breath for a long time before he could adjust.

Not to mention Xiaohu. As a newcomer to QG, he has not yet adapted to the intensity of training. He is already very tired. He has no energy to reply to Xiangguo's taunts, so he can only lie down and let the ridicule go.

It wasn't until the training was over and it was time to eat after taking a shower that Xiaohu sat at the dining table and expressed his dissatisfaction.

"Why can't I get a duck in the third formation?" Xiaohu looked unconvinced, "Are my data okay?"

"There are too few MVPs." Xiangguo said with a smile: "What version is it now? The mid laner in other teams has the most MVPs, but you have the least MVPs, how can you compare with others?"

Xiaohu stopped talking now.

He is now just like an IG fan.

When your grades are not good enough, you don’t have the confidence to speak.

"Damn it, in the playoffs, I really want to slap them in the face!" Xiaohu angrily finished his meal, and then quickly returned to the training room to enter training mode.

The few remaining people in QG look at me and I look at you, and they are all happy.


After Xiaohu came to QG, he did rely a little too much on his teammates and played too comfortably. The sharp edge he had in RNG last year was gone.

If Youxiangguo and him hadn't been fighting each other, which made Xiaohu play more urgently, he might not have been able to win an MVP in the entire regular season.

If this best lineup can make Xiaohu become more serious, that would be a good thing.

Chen Dongqing finished his meal with a smile and returned to the training room.

Returning to his seat, he did not forget to watch the results of today's game.

In the match between EDG and BLG, EDG, which had a win at the beginning, as expected, lost two games in a row, 3-0 against its opponents, and successfully advanced to the top six.

If EDG can win again in the six-to-four game, they can advance to the semifinals and become QG's opponent.

At that time, the unformed mid laner Xiaohu will be able to take advantage of the situation and challenge the three formation mid laner Scout.

It depends on the development next.

Chen Dongqing didn't think much, started the live broadcast, and started today's CSGO.

He now has 2200 points and is steadily improving.

Time flies, and the LPL playoffs are still in full swing.

On April 13th, the eight-to-six competition in the lower half started. The two sides in this competition were WE and Snake who had traveled thousands of miles.

The current LOL obviously has the intention of returning to the upper, mid and jungle version, and WE is the biggest victim of this version.

In this version, 957 clearly exposed the shortcomings of his veteran player, and repeatedly fell behind in a series of battles with young top laners.

In today's game, 957 was ruthlessly captured by Brother Holy Gun again.

Although the midfielder of xiye+condi in the middle lane meets the needs of this version, the hole in the top lane is too big, and the brother-in-law in the bottom lane is beyond his reach, so he can only watch the game gradually decline.

Although they were third in the group and had a one-win advantage, after a few games, the two sides soon reached a 2-2 decider.

In the sound of war songs, the fifth game began.

In the decisive game, Holy Spear Brother stood up again and took the lead in completing the single kill on the road.

The big hole in the top road forced WE's midfielder to work hard towards the top road.

But SofM is also famous for being a yin. He counterattacked and hit the road twice in a row, successfully breaking the rhythm of WE.

In the end, the game came to twenty-eight minutes. On the WE base, Snake switched from three to five. The remaining two people successfully bulldozed the WE base and also advanced to the top six!

April 14th.

Six into four in the upper half.

The two sides in this game are EDG, who have advanced, and JDG, the second seed in the Western Conference.

Against such a not-so-top team, EDG can win the game just by relying on Scout's rhythm.

In today's game, whether it was the Enchantress fighting the Ice Girl or the Ice Girl fighting the Enchantress, Scout all had a laning advantage and completed the forehand and backhand education on Toothpaste, helping EDG defeat their opponents three to one and successfully advance to the semi-finals!

"Okay, let us congratulate EDG! They defeated their opponents three to one and advanced to the semi-finals! They will then serve as challengers and start a semi-final showdown with QG, the number one player in the Eastern Conference!"

As soon as they heard the commentary, the audience couldn't help but burst into laughter.

It's another classic EDG matchup against QG. I can only say that this matchup has a bit of a sense of fate.

EDG has been filial to QG for so many years. Whether it's the factory director's fault or not will be known once the semifinals begin.

April 15th.

Snake, who also advanced from eight to six, faced IG.

It can only be said that they are all six to four, but the situations in the lower half are different.

EDG in the top half met JDG, and the lower-ranked teams were even stronger.

But in the second half, Snake encountered IG, which was 18-1 and ranked among the best in LPL history in terms of combat effectiveness.

This alone is enough to prove the level gap between the east and west groups.

As for the result of this game, it can only be said to be quite brutal.

The holy gun brother who was shitting on 957's head the day before yesterday met an experienced top laner like Duke, but he didn't get any benefits.

After hiding on the road, IG's midfielder exerted force and easily won the first game.

In the second game, a group of mid laners were still exerting their strength.

Although this version of Enchantress is not very strong, Rookie is in control and does not feel awkward at all. He first relied on Enchantress's blood-draining ability to defeat the mid laner of the Snake team, and then took advantage of Duke to push the lane into the tower and fight with Ning. Wang Yibo went on the road and jumped the tower, taking Brother Shengqiang and SofM away with him!

2-0, IG holds three match points.

But fortunately, the Snakes team just highlights an upper and lower limit.

In the third game, Brother Holy Spear showed off his might and completed a single kill in the matchup.

The Snake Team seemed to have discovered IG's flaw. SofM appeared spiritually and appeared at the key point of the two-wave top lane battle, catching Duke to death twice in a row.

This time, the Snakes recovered one point!

Let two chase three?

This idea had just arisen in the minds of the audience, and was immediately extinguished by a basin of water from IG.

Can't catch up a little bit.

In the fourth game, IG's top, middle and jungle combination started again. The most annoying thing was that SofM also started it. The three-level linkage of Holy Spear Brother jumped over the tower and caught Duke. Instead of catching Duke to death, he stayed in it. Under the tower.

Brother Shengqiang turned his head and glanced at SofM, feeling numb.

Dude, are you playing?

The richest man glanced at Brother Holy Spear and smiled mysteriously.

This smile brought the Snakes into the summer split.

Three to one, IG advanced to the semi-finals!

At this point, all the top four spots have been determined!

Top half: QG vs. EDG.

Bottom half: FPX vs. IG.

"Okay, let us rest and adjust for three days. It will still be Shanghai Super Heshenghui. Let us witness the birth of the final team together!"

April 18th.

The weather in April was approaching spring, and Chen Dongqing finally got rid of the bloated cotton-padded jacket. Although it was still a little cold, fortunately the journey was short. Chen Dongqing walked into the backstage of the venue in two steps, and soon felt countless warmth coming from all directions.

"What should I say, are you nervous?" Chen Dongqing smiled and said to Xiaohu next to him: "Today we have to face Scout again. This is the mid laner of the third team!"

When he heard the name Scout, Xiaohu couldn't help but feel a little serious.

Although Xiaohu didn't have much C in the regular season, he did not collapse very much. What stood out was his stability.

The only time he crashed was when he was single-killed by Scout, but fortunately, he was saved by the incense pot.

"It's okay, Li Yuanhao." Xiangguo stopped mocking at this time, and instead joked with a smile: "If it doesn't work, just call me dad, and I will definitely come to help you."

"No need!" The account holder waved his hand, "I was careless last time, and there will definitely be no problem this time."

"That's fine." Banbazi smiled: "EDG is still easy to play, don't put too much pressure on it."

After everyone simply arranged their faces in the dressing room, they quickly sat in the lounge and began to discuss the BP for the next round.

"Anyway, EDG is still the same as before." Banbazi said: "The top lane will always resist pressure, with the mid-field rhythm as the core, mainly protecting the bottom lane iboy's rhythm. We are very familiar with this style of play, and we are best at it. This is the way to deal with it.”

As soon as this was mentioned, everyone was laughing.


Along the way, QG has focused on bottom lane teams, and they didn't know how many they destroyed.

They have Uzi's laning ability in the bottom lane, and they are destined to encounter a lot of resistance as they focus on the bottom lane.

In this case, whether QG fights in the bottom lane, lets Chen Dongqing play on the top lane, or chooses to switch half zones and concentrate its firepower on the top half, it can easily win. This is an excellent The top laner brings natural contributions to the team.

So today, all you need to do is pass the ball to Chen Dongqing, open up space for him, and let him dribble the ball to break through alone!

At the same time, EDG.

Everyone is also discussing today's game ideas.

"Our previous approach will definitely not work." Head coach Nofe shook his head and said: "If we still focus on the bottom lane, the top lane will most likely collapse."

This was a blatant statement that his top laner was no longer good, but no one in the audience objected, not even top laner Jin Gong himself.

There is no way, facing QG, no one can guarantee that the top lane will not collapse.

"Today, we will play in the middle and jungle." Nofe said: "Li Rucan, you are the absolute core of our team today."

The junior high school student adjusted his glasses and nodded.

There is only one way to win against QG, which is to rely on the midfielder to win. After all, the midfielder has always been the weakest link in the QG team.

After the introduction of Xiaohu, the flaws in the middle seemed to become more and more obvious.

EDG has Scout, a top mid laner who is as good as Rookie, Doinb, and GodV. Of course, there is a theoretical possibility of a breakthrough.

Of course, the difficulty will be a little bit higher.

Next, it depends on what the players on both sides say.

"Okay, welcome to Shanghai Super Hopson! This is QG's home court!"

Today's host Yu Shuang stepped onto the stage, first focused the attention of the audience, and then opened the game with a smile: "What is about to be held is the 2018 LPL Spring Playoffs, the semi-final showdown between QG and EDG!"

When it was time to invite players from both sides to the stage, Yu Shuang changed the topic and said with a smile: "Before the game starts, we have an awards ceremony! Let's jointly invite this year's regular season MVP, ilex, to come on stage!"

The options for the regular season MVP were already announced a few days ago, but it was not until today's QG game that they were finally awarded.

Although Chen Dongqing lost one-third of the game schedule, he still won this MVP honor by relying on the number of MVPs that is not inferior to anyone else and the fault-level data of the previous unit.

Amid the cheers of the QG home audience, Chen Dongqing stepped onto the stage with a smile and took the trophy from Yu Shuang.

At this time, Chen Dongqing's regular season data was also cut out on the big screen behind him.

Played 25 games, won 24 games, winning rate 96%

Received 9 MVPs (3rd)

KD7.77 per game (1st)

Average output 734 (1st)

Number of single kills 24 (1st)

A series of data, all at the dominance level!

Chen Dongqing took the trophy and microphone with a smile and gave his usual acceptance speech.

It's just that awards don't mean anything. He is about to use a victory to prove his strength and so on, highlighting a madman.

At this time, in the event live broadcast room, barrages had filled the entire screen.

[OK, crazy! 】

[Brother Shu has really never taken EDG seriously]

[Nonsense, you would be crazy if you kept winning]

[Come on, come on, QG fights EDG, the child’s favorite episode! 】

[EDG came to challenge again and was recorded by speed pass? 】

[Don’t be embarrassed, I guess EDG will win at least one game today]

[Can you pull him down? EDG will take the lead and beat QG? If the three rounds add up to more than 90 minutes, it will be considered a success! 】

After the awards ceremony, Yu Shuang asked Chen Dongqing to leave the stage, and after a short interval, he invited the contestants from both sides to the stage.

At this point, Yu Shuang's mission officially ended. After she left the stage, the sound source switched to the commentary booth, and the voice of Colonel Guan began to sound: "It's coming, it's coming! QG vs. EDG! This showdown is a classic repertoire of our LPL. That’s it.”

"Yes." Beside him, today's No. 3 commentator Wang Duoduo immediately answered: "From S6 to now, the playoffs are always indispensable for the collision of these two teams!"

"But unfortunately, EDG seems to have never defeated QG in a BO5." The second commentator remembered smiling and said: "I hope they can break this impression today."

At this time, the director also took advantage of the situation to cut out the regular season data of both teams.

QG's data is still as exaggerated as ever, whether it is killing team KD or other statistics, it is among the best.

It is worth mentioning that QG's average game time this year dropped to second place.

The main reason is the rise of the IG team.

After all, QG still occasionally plays late games, but IG is different. In thirty minutes, either you die or I die, resulting in their number of kills and game duration ranking first in the league.

But on the other hand, EDG's data is a bit miserable.

Because they were in the same group as QGIG and were beaten back and forth for two rounds without winning, it was difficult for their data to improve.

As he was talking, the director's voice came to Colonel Guan's ears. He immediately ended the topic and shouted loudly: "Anyway, the game is not over yet, and the outcome is hard to say. We have received news that the players from both sides have already Get ready, let's watch the first wave of BP confrontation between the two sides!"

"QG has the priority to choose sides in this game, but they still actively chose the red side that they are more accustomed to. At this time, we can see that EDG on the blue side has already banned Dao Mei in the first hand!"

After the green jungle knife and eye stone were deleted, even the LPL ecology has undergone major changes.

The most obvious point is that single-banded heroes such as Jesnar, who rely on vision protection, have received some restrictions. Single-banded heroes cannot get anything they ask for, so most of the meaning of selecting heroes has disappeared.

In addition, a hero like Jace lacks a suitable rune, so after all calculations, he can only barely bring one Alley.

But now Ai Li has been slashed several times, and the level 1 damage has been reduced from the initial 20 to 14. Ai Li can't use it anymore, so Jesnar is even more uncomfortable, like a version of abandonment.

The old Jace who triggered the Wind Cavalry with one shot and then stepped on the accelerator to take off in third gear has become history forever.

This directly caused Jace's priority to drop significantly, at least not as high as before. EDG released it from the ban position in the first round to ban the more difficult knife girl.

But fortunately, Chen Dongqing has never been a hero with unique skills. Jess has reversed the version. At worst, he won't have to make a hard selection. It's useless.

He followed the coach's wishes and chose to ban Bobby.

On the other side, EDG quickly banned Sword Girl in the second hand. This hero has nothing to say and must be respected.

Banbazi thought for a while and chose to ban the captain.

This is the unique skill of the opponent's top laner Jin Gong. He can mix in the early stage and perform C in the late stage, so he must respect it.

"Then the last move. EDG chose to ban Qinggangying! Three bans for light warriors? Isn't that too perverted? Then came QG, they chose to ban Ornn! The bans on both sides were exaggerated, and they actually banned him at the beginning Six top laners dropped! Is this a competition for the hero pools of both top laners?"

Chen Dongqing felt helpless when he saw that the opponent was actually banning Qinggang Ying on the third hand.

Sword Girl and Sword Girl Qinggang Ying are all banned? This makes no sense, right?

But there is actually nothing EDG can do.

The Sword Girl Sword Girl in the first two hands is too perverted and really can't stand it. Although the Qinggang Shadow in the second hand can fight in the lane, this hero is Ueno's swing flavor. It is very dangerous to let Xiang Guo get it, and it is necessary. ban, and then such a situation formed.

With six top laners banned, the choice of heroes on both sides of the lane is obviously infinitely compressed.

EDG thought for a long time and finally chose the crow.

Crow is the hero who got a big buff in this version, and performed quite well in the first few rounds of the playoffs.

It's a pity that Jin Gong's hero training speed is too slow, and he still hasn't mastered it perfectly.

But now that all the heroes have been banned, they have to choose.

There is a possibility that the Crows will swing in the middle and jungle, so QG is not in a hurry to choose the top lane, but instead locks in EZ and Karma with a backhand.

There is nothing much to say about the double repair EZ, Uzi’s current anti-compression underwear.

Now when Uzi is asked to play other heroes to resist pressure, it feels like there are ants crawling on him.

On the other side, EDG is targeting Morgana and the policewoman, focusing on a bottom lane push and suppression. They obviously intend to leave the middle and jungle until the final reveal.

Banbazi didn't think much and quickly locked the enhanced blind monk to the incense pot and entered the second round of BP.

"Okay, for the second round of bans, EDG chose to ban Vampire and Jayce. It's another classic five-ban top laner! Show your respect!"

"On the other hand, QG banned Zoe and Snake Girl. The two mid laners were banned, which is also a sign of respect. Let's take a look at QG's fourth choice next!"

EDG's midfielder has not yet been selected, and the position of Crow has not yet been determined.

There was no other way, QG could only let Xiaohu choose the hero first. In the fourth move, they locked Ryze.

At this time, EDG's lineup was finally locked.

Mid laner Syndraga's jungle prince is their final answer, which means that the Crow has also been swayed to the top lane.

"Then let's see now what Brother Shu is going to use to kill the crow." Colonel Guan said with a smile: "Both sides banned eight top laners, and then EDG chose another one. Then Brother Shu doesn't have many targets to choose from. !”

Not many targets to choose from?

Chen Dongqing didn't think so.

The moment the selection position is given to QG's tenth move, a hero is selected and confirmed!

I will never condone this cowardly act!

"Noshou!?" The surprised voices of the three commentators sounded together!

Turtle, use the Hand of Noxus to kill the Noxian leader, right?

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