LoL: I really didn’t mess up!

Chapter 419 The last pillar of EDG?

"Predator!" I remember shouting in surprise at the commentary booth: "Relying on the predator's movement speed bonus, Xiangguo quickly rushed to the bottom lane and completed a beautiful counterattack!"

"This wave is really spiritual!" Colonel Guan shouted loudly: "This predator is really something."

Countless spectators in the audience were also extremely surprised, cheering one after another.

When they first saw the bottom lane being jumped over the tower, fans had even begun to calculate whether the overall wave would make a profit or a loss.

Brother Shu took first blood, but we only died one Shi Senming, so that should be a profit, right?

Just as they were thinking, Olaf stepped on the red light and rushed out, directly shattering their thinking.

What’s there to think about? It’s such a waste of money!

【Fuck! pot! 】

[Guigui, this wave of ideas is really full, there are still many ideas for Xiang Guo ghosts]

【Bird eating cricket】

[QG up and down both ways to make money together? I can’t imagine how cruel this game will be]

In just three minutes, Xiangguo achieved a luxurious record of 2-0-1.

You know, he Yedu has only brushed one group!

In terms of GANK efficiency, it is simply amazing!

"Push the line?" Xiang Guo turned around and asked.

"Push, push, you can also make up for the wave of experience." Although Uzi didn't hold a kill, the two assists were enough for him to make up for the wave. He shared the experience of a wave of minions with Xiang Guo, sending the line of soldiers into the opponent's line. Under the tower.

Although Xiangguo has only brushed a set of blue buffs so far, he has been promoted to level three after eating three heads and sharing the experience of a wave of soldiers in the bottom lane!

In the Xiangguo Wild Area, there are still five groups of wild monsters waiting for him.

"Damn, it's so fun." Xiangguo said with a smile: "This is such a fun start, the stack of spiritual hunters is almost full!"

Spiritual Hunter is a small red talent that can reduce the CD of active skills.

Predators, justice and glory, can eat it all.

Uzi also puffed up his chest and sang with a thick voice: "Never has such a wonderful start!"

Xiaohu knew exactly who he should lick. He smiled and said, "Let me just say, Brother Shu's decision must be okay."

Two levels of capture, and then the help of predators, this is the strange idea that Chen Dongqing proposed at the beginning.

Theoretically, as long as the plan is executed well enough, there will be no problem.

The only problem is that if Ornn is not caught in the top lane, Xiangguo will not be able to make a predator, and will not be able to counter-crouch in the bottom lane.

So Chen Dongqing said at that time that if the plan failed, he would personally protect the road.

But fortunately, this situation did not happen. Chen Dongqing and Xiang Guo completed this wave of GANK perfectly, allowing the plan to run completely.

Chen Dongqing grinned and said happily: "Nothing else, it's just the brain, do you understand?"

As a top laner, Chen Dongqing does not participate in team command, but his mind has always been flexible.

Now both the upper and lower lanes are full of advantages. Next, we only need to stabilize the rhythm and slowly expand, and victory will be within our grasp.

While Xiang Guo was leveling up, he also said to Xiaohu: "Li Yuanhao, wait for me in the middle lane. I will help you later. Then you follow me in the bottom lane and clear the level directly for the bottom lane."

"OK!" Xiaohu nodded and rubbed his hands.

Maybe it was because his teammates were so awesome, but before he knew it, Xiaohu forgot to prove himself in the playoffs.

But this world is fair after all, and there are no eternal bastards.

If you play too chaotically, there will be problems.

Some teams don’t have problems until the World Championships, and a year of hard work comes to nothing.

But fortunately, here in QG, problems are always exposed quickly.

Because QG is a nearly perfect team, once there are some flaws, it will look very dazzling and be quickly discovered and exploited by opponents.

Although this wave of climbing failed miserably, the EDG people did not give up and were still thinking about the next countermeasures.

"Come to the middle." Scout said, "You can kill in the middle."

The difficulty of Snake's fight against Ryze is also at the easy level. Snake's Q850 code and E700 code are both longer than Ryze's W which is 615 yards.

Moreover, Snake Girl's ability to push lanes is no slower than this version of Ryze.

Regardless of blood consumption or lane pushing, Snake Girl is always a small winner!

At this time, the game came to four minutes, and Xiaohu's blood volume had dropped to less than half.

But Xiaohu was not too nervous at this time.

This blood volume is a result he can accept, because he will soon have enough money for Goddess Tears.

Ryze is a hero. Anyway, there is no pressure in the first few minutes of laning. Generally, Goddess Tears will go directly back to the city when they have enough money.

EDG captured Xiaohu's mentality, got stuck at this critical moment, and launched a wave of attacks against Xiaohu!

After Haro went out, he just brushed a group of river crabs, and then went straight to the middle!

The timing was just right. As soon as he came over, the army line was pushed to the middle position by Xiaohu.

Xiaohu had an eye position when he went up the river, so he stood near the upper river and relied on the eye position to protect himself.

But it's a pity that this mentality is also exploited by EDG people!

Haro stood on the path between F6 and the river. Xiaohu's eyes in the river grass were separated by a thin wall and Haro's position was not detected.

Scout threw a W, and Haro appeared in Xiaohu's field of vision. While Ryze was being slowed down, he hit a Q steadily!

Echo Crash hits the face and takes AE, while Scout hangs Q on the side and keeps giving E!

Xiaohu's operation was not messy. He EWQed out a shield and acceleration, and then the remaining health flashed away!

He even wanted to run away!

But Scout didn't give this chance. Snake quickly followed up and struck with E followed by Q!

E bites through the shield, Q hits steadily, and with the subsequent poison damage, the tiger that runs back under the tower is slowly poisoned to death!

"Hey, EDG's midfielder teamwork is very good!" Senior Colonel Guan exclaimed: "The damage was so extreme that Xiaohu almost ran away!"

"Oh, almost." Xiaohu also sighed in his voice.

If he had twenty or thirty more points of health, this Q wouldn't be able to poison him.

"It's okay, it's okay." Chen Dongqing said: "Snake Girl also handed over the dodge. I'll just catch a wave in the middle later."

Xiangguo looked at this situation and frowned slightly.

If the middle lane cannot be liberated by itself, it will delay his rhythm a bit.

But there was no way, now that the matter was over, he could only go to the middle to take action first.

When Xiaohu's TP came online, Xiang Guo set his sights on the middle lane while farming, trying to see if there were any opportunities.

But it's a pity that Scout is no longer the fledgling young player. He knows that he is the lifeblood of the team, so he is not in a hurry at all. He just stands in front of the tower and slowly adds up the damage without giving him any chance.

Xiangguo looked at this situation and couldn't find any flaws for a while.

This rhythm is really awkward.

I brushed the incense pot all the way up, but still couldn't find any solution.

Catch him, Jin Gong, who was caught to death once, can't even leave the tower now.

Catch him, it's even more impossible, after all, he just came up.

Caught? No chance either.

"Don't worry, brush it first." Xiangguo could only say, "Wait until level six before you find an opportunity to do it."

At level six, they can rely on Ryze's ultimate move or Qinggang Shadow's ultimate move to find rhythm.

Before this sixth level, there are no good opportunities.

The game was silent for two minutes.

In six minutes, Xiangguo killed his subordinate's red buff with an axe, officially reaching level six.

But at the same time, Haro's blind monk is not slow at all, and he also brushes the wild to rise to six.

QG is waiting for a level six, so why not EDG?

Obviously, EDG, with its Blind Sin and Snake Lady, is more proactive at the midfield level.

The moment he reached sixth level, Haro's blind monk took steps and ran towards the middle!

Everyone in EDG kept in mind what was discussed before the game started - the middle lane is QG's only breakthrough.

EDG's midfielder has been craving Ryze for a while now.

For level six blind monks and snake girls, if they want to kill Ryze who doesn't dodge, it can't be easier.

Taking advantage of the troop line to enter the tower, Haro took the lead this time. The blind monk made a large circle and found out from QG's F6 camp, then flashed up and kicked Ryze directly out of the tower!

Scout caught Ryze with a W, then chased him and spit out his fangs, and was killed by Xiaohu again outside the tower.

The incense pot he was about to capture was actually near the middle, but he really had no choice about the situation. He could only watch Xiaohu being killed, and then come over to receive a wave of tower swords.

"It's over, we were killed again in the middle!" Colonel Guan shouted: "EDG created a huge gap in the middle. It seems they still have a chance!"

When they saw QG's 3-1 kill ratio in three minutes, everyone felt that this game was over.

But no one expected that EDG's midfielder would make continuous breakthroughs in the middle, and the head ratio was pulled to 3-3!

What everyone didn't expect was that this was just the beginning.

Xiaohu, who had lost another wave of soldiers, came back online. Just when he was sighing and calling the opponent a pervert, his next wave of disaster came again.

He pushed the line of troops under the opposite tower, and then Scout's Snake Girl followed the trend and came online.

With two heads, Scout was the fattest person in the game at this time. He didn't even try to hold back the Time Staff this time, but chose to play the arrogant outfit of Archangel and then the Ice Staff.

At this moment, he holds the missing chapter plus Tears of the Goddess and Little Yellow Book in his hand, which is one more missing chapter than Xiaohu's!

With this economic advantage, Scout only needs one ultimate move to petrify to complete a single kill!

If done correctly, petrification isn't even necessary!

The two sides continued to line up in the middle. Scout saw that the distance was right and took action directly!

Flash W to bind the ground, then Q followed by R to attack directly!

Xiaohu turned his head very quickly. Although he was not petrified, he was still slowed down by the big move and hit by Q.

While the poison spreads, Scout's fangs quickly follow up!

Faced with this situation, Xiaohu didn't rush to run. He wanted to EWQ to immobilize the snake girl, use a shield to trigger acceleration, and then run!

But it's a pity that Scout's control of distance is exquisite. He was stuck 615 yards away from Ryze, not giving Ryze W a chance at all!

But at this distance, Snake Girl's QE can hit!

Xiaohu had no choice but to WEQ the minions to speed up, but while he was throwing away his skills, Snake Girl hit him with another Q.

The heroes of both sides accelerated at the same time, but Ryze still couldn't keep away!

In the end, Scout fired three venomous fangs and killed the little tiger in front of the tower!

On the other side, Olaf from Incense Pot rushed out in a Predator. He also wanted to replace the snake girl with no skills, but Haro's blind monk also drew a W from the side and drove Incense Pot away!

"EDGScout is killing everyone!"

In this cold announcement, Scout's record has reached 3-0.

If nothing else happens, Scout may be an archangel when he returns to the city.

A snake girl who emerged as an archangel in ten minutes and can move around.

This will be a huge pressure for QG.

"Wow, it's rotten, it's completely rotten!" I remember sighing: "The hole in Xiaohu's hand is too big, which affects the situation of the entire QG team."

The barrage at this time was already full of question marks.

[Die three times in four minutes? 】

【? ? ? Your teammates have such a huge advantage, so why don’t you just send them off like crazy? 】

[I won’t lie down anymore]

[The middle tower is about to fall, why are you still playing tricks? 】

[This Hu÷ is really a war criminal. Is he worthy of joining the QG team? 】

【send! 】

In the QG voice channel, Xiaohu watched his record reach 0-3 and was completely silent at this time.

Although he is the one being countered, even though he is being targeted by the opponent.

But if he goes 0-3, then there must be something wrong with him. This goes without saying.

On both sides of Xiaohu, the other four people in QG felt bald about the situation, but they did not put too much pressure on Xiaohu.

Although Uzi likes Hong Wen when playing games, he only becomes popular when he is unhappy with the game.

The pressure from the Snake Girl hasn't hit him yet, so he's in a good mood.

Not to mention the other three, only Xiangguo casually complained about something like "What happened to Li Yuanhao" and "This snake girl is invincible".

These words were not very offensive, but they still made Xiaohu even more silent.

At this time, Chen Dongqing said carelessly: "What's the hurry? We're only one head behind, we still have an advantage!"

Xiaohu looked over blankly.

Do we still have an advantage?

"I still have the advantage, that's enough." Chen Dongqing said nonchalantly: "Look, I will tie the head immediately."

At this time, the troops on the top side of the road were also pushed into the tower, and Jin Gong's Ornn was at half health at the moment because he was repeatedly consumed by Chen Dongqing.

Because the blind monk is in the middle, this actually gives Chen Dongqing a good opportunity to jump over the tower.

Half-blood Ornn? Not so good.

But just do it and it’s over!

Chen Dongqing blocked a gap between the defense tower's basic attacks, and directly kicked Ornn with a set of AQA, easily triggering a strong attack!

Jin Gong saw that this Qinggang shadow dared to cross him so blatantly, and he immediately launched a counterattack!

The combat power under Orn Tower is not weak!

Jin Gong first hit Qinggangying with a QR, and then hit the defense tower next to him with an E!

Qinggangying is in the defense tower, and his E can directly knock him away when he hits the tower!

Of course, Jin Gong knew that this E would probably not be able to hit anyone, because Qinggang Shadow had a big move.

Sure enough, watching Ornn crash into the defense tower, Chen Dongqing moved quickly and took off with an R [Hex Ultimatum], perfectly evading Ornn's E control!

Watching Qinggangying turn R, Jin Gong turned R again to ensure that he would not lose skills.

Qinggangying's ultimate move clears the defense tower's hatred, and Qinggangying can retreat without any damage at this time.

If he still dares to jump over the tower, Jin Gong can counterattack with his W and second stage R. He will not be scared at all standing under the tower!

Will Chen Dongqing continue to cross the border?

This is inevitable!

After the big move landed, Chen Dongqing didn't give up at all. He directly pulled up with A and kicked Ornn until his health was reduced. Then, taking advantage of Q's acceleration, he pulled away with a W [tactical sweep], which hit the outer circle!

Jin Gong sprayed a W towards the green steel shadow, and then quickly made an R, just in time to catch the red goat that was slowly rushing towards him!

Relying on the second stage R to trigger fragile and control, it is enough for Qinggangying to drink a pot.

He also has the ability to flash. If the Qinggang Shadow continues to move forward, he can completely flash away, and then the tower father will be enough to slowly shoot the Qinggang Shadow to death.

But if Chen Dongqing can do a tower jump alone, then he must be fully confident before doing so.

The moment before he was about to be knocked away by the goat, Chen Dongqing pressed E decisively and hooked a hook to the far wall!

Although in the next moment, he was pushed away by Orn's big move, the subsequent hook hook to the wall took effect, and the E skill brought Qinggangying to the wall outside the tower!

This wave is called controlled offset.

Use the release timing of skills to override the control to gain more operating space for yourself.

The green steel shadow quickly exited the tower and hung on the wall, and Ornn's ultimate move control also disappeared.

Chen Dongqing grinned, entered the tower again, and kicked Ornn with his second E!

Jin Gong suddenly started to panic at this time. He quickly stepped away to avoid Qinggang Ying's E.

But Chen Dongqing was like a gangrene attached to his bones, his E flashed and he flashed, and he kicked Ornn forcefully and knocked him out!

This E triggered Yaoguang for the third time. Chen Dongqing landed a kick and finally kicked Ornn to death!

After killing everyone, Chen Dongqing carried the tower twice, and then came out of the tower with remaining health, completing an elegant solo kill!

The audience, which had been silent just now, immediately erupted into a burst of shocking shouts!

Colonel Guan's voice was not lost in the roar of the audience: "Solo kill! Brother Shu completed a wave of cross-tower solo kills in the midst of the team's crisis!"

"It has to be Brother Shu!" Wang Duoduo couldn't help but exclaimed: "This can complete the tower crossing, I never expected it!"

After watching Qinggangying take down a wave of tower soldiers and complete the battlefield cleanup, the director cut out the replay of Chen Dongqing's wave of tower jumping.

In the slow-motion action, Qinggangying's perfect idea of ​​crossing the tower is clearly demonstrated.

Use the ultimate move to dodge E, use E to hit the ultimate move, and then dodge and follow with E, finally completing this wave of single kills over the tower with only remaining health left.

It is no exaggeration to say that if there is a mistake in any aspect, it will definitely be Qinggang Ying who dies under the tower!

This wave, this wave is called precise etiquette.

"Yes, Jin Gong still had half of his health. He had some dodges and big moves, and he tried his best, but he was still passed over!" I remember that I couldn't help but praise: "Brother Shu's operation is really terrifying!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room also said "Fuck! Tree!" to show how shocked they were.

At this time, Chen Dongqing's expression remained as usual. While pressing the button to return to the city, he smiled and said to the person next to him: "Now the number of heads is 4-4. We are not very bad now, right?"

Xiaohu scratched his head and asked, "What about this snake girl?"

Although this snake girl is no longer able to dodge, so he will not be killed alone, but this 3-0 snake girl is still a problem.

At this time, you can see that Scout has gathered all the archangels and entered high-speed development mode.

"It's just a fat snake girl. It's useless. You can kill him anytime you want." Chen Dongqing said calmly: "You and Liu Shiyu first go on the road and help me get the bounty from a tower."

Precisely because Scout didn't dodge, and he still had a bounty on him, Scout obviously didn't dare to play too aggressively, so he could only stay steady for two minutes.

And taking advantage of these two minutes, Xiaohu and Xiangguo pushed away the middle line of troops, and then headed straight to the top as a group!

This step can be called a simple and crude resource replacement.

Because QG's mid-tower has no health left, if Xiaohu goes on the road to demolish the first-health tower this time, the mid-tower will definitely drop as well.

The situation on EDG's mini-map was changing at this moment, and Scout pinged several signals in succession, signaling to be careful on the road.

Looking at the situation on the road, Jin Gong could only reluctantly retreat to the second tower.

"I'm fat enough for you to eat." The hero Olaf doesn't care about the economy. The economy of two heads of the fragrant pot is completely enough, so he quickly withdrew from the defense tower and gave up the economy of the first-blood tower.

Xiaohu wanted to retreat with him, but was immediately called back by Chen Dongqing.

"Why are you leaving?" Chen Dongqing frowned: "You are already rubbish, but you still give in to the first-blood tower. You don't want to win, do you?"

"Okay." Xiaohu scratched his head and walked back to share the first-blood tower's bounty.

With three hundred gold coins in his account, while Chen Dongqing became fatter, Xiaohu also made up for his poor 0-3 deficit.

Of course, as a price, Scout also pushed the lane into the tower, knocking down QG's half-health first tower in the middle, and Snake Girl's already fertile economy went to the next level.

At this time, the director cut out the economic panel and saw that Snake Girl's economy was absolutely far ahead, even 300 gold more than Chen Dongqing's.

"This snake girl is the key to EDG winning this game!" Colonel Guan couldn't help but commented sharply: "Scout is the last pillar of EDG. As long as he doesn't fall, EDG can't lose!"

In the QG voice channel, Xiangguo also said: "This snake girl must be killed once. If you don't kill her, it will be too late."

If Snake Girl makes the two semi-meaty outfits Seraph + Ice Staff, she may really be unstoppable.

It must be nipped in the bud!

"I know." Chen Dongqing pinged his ultimate move: "When my ultimate move is ready, I will directly kick him. You can just follow him and kill him as you like."

As Chen Dongqing said, if EDG only has one snake girl, it won't be a problem at all.

They have a headlock mechanism like Qinggang Shadow, so how can they be afraid that the opponent's single core is too fat?

It depends on whether I do it or not, and you're done!

Chen Dongqing returned to the city to resupply, and when he went online again, his ultimate move was almost ready.

He didn't hesitate. After Qinggangying finished pushing the line, he ran directly to the middle!

Chen Dongqing knows that he is now a thorn in EDG's side, and his every move will be closely monitored by the opponent.

So he didn't try to cover up this time, and just blatantly caught him.

This wave is a clear-cut catch.

As soon as the Qinggang Shadow disappeared from sight, it immediately caused a signal storm from EDG.

At this time, the problem was placed in front of Scout.

Qinggang Shadow is coming, so do you retreat to GANK, or call your teammates to protect yourself?

There is no doubt that Scout, who has the advantage and is the core of the team, cannot accept the first result.

"Can you come from the middle?" Scout immediately shouted to the team, "Come and protect me."

"I can come!" Haro, who was near the middle road, immediately said, "I'll protect you."

Meiko shook her head: "It's not convenient for us, we can't come."

Their bot lane combination is advantageous, but they haven't recovered from the initial losses. Now that their bot lane is being pushed, Meiko certainly can't move.

But fortunately, Jin Gong said that he could also follow him to protect the middle road.

Scout felt a little relieved after hearing this.

If there is protection from Ueno, then this wave of standing under the tower will definitely be no problem.

After all, he himself is big and has room for maneuver.

So this wave is 3V3 under the tower? The odds of winning are great!

As long as you can win this wave, you will basically win this game!

At this time, from the perspective of God, we can see Chen Dongqing and Jin Gong behind Chen Dongqing.

And the incense pot, Haro.

Both players in the upper and lower fields took steps forward, approaching the middle.

Seeing this, everyone knew that a big wave was coming.

The outcome of this wave of battles in the middle is likely to directly determine the outcome of the game!

Soon, the middle line of troops advanced under the tower.

At this moment, Olaf from Incense Pot jumped out from the lower jungle area and collided with Haro's blind monk. The two junglers directly struggled with each other!

The incense pot knew that he couldn't let the blind monk rush into the tower to protect the snake girl, so he directly swung his ax and slashed wildly at the blind monk!

Although this resulted in the head-on tower jump without the help of Olaf, it did not delay it. The snake girl of the naked archangel was not frank at this stage.

Chen Dongqing stood in the EDG upper jungle area, hung on the inner wall of the F6 camp, and kicked the snake girl under the tower with an EW flying kick!

Scout could actually use his ultimate move to directly immobilize the Qinggang Shadow at this time, but he did not do so.

Because Qinggangying hasn't resisted the tower yet, his ultimate move is meaningless.

He chose to dodge to avoid Qinggangying's kick, but Chen Dongqing's W was released very delicately. Although Scout pressed the flash button, he was still hit by Qinggangying's leg sweep!

Scout's eyes lit up!

Isn't this the perfect opportunity?

Scout reacted quickly and immediately launched a big move, trying to immobilize the Qinggang Shadow!

But Chen Dongqing responded faster.

After being prepared early, Chen Dongqing's 142ms reaction came into play. He almost clearly saw the movement of Snake Girl releasing her ultimate move.

He turned back instantly!

The next moment, the green light of [Petrified Gaze] returned and hit Lady Gray's jade back.

At the same time, Xiaohu's Ryze also rushed into the tower. He quickly immobilized Snake Girl with a QW, and then unleashed a small burst with a QEQ!

This set of explosions is quite solid, quickly reducing the snake girl's blood volume!

Chen Dongqing took advantage of Ryze's control to get in the face, and used a basic attack to deal the first dazzling damage!

And it was at the same time that Aoun's ultimate move also started from Chen Dongqing's position, then hung a fragile weapon on Chen Dongqing's body, and then slowly rushed towards the far end!

Obviously, Jin Gong also followed, but because he arrived slowly, he could only use his ultimate support from the far end.

Chen Dongqing saw this scene in his eyes, and he immediately changed his mind about using his ultimate move to avoid Snake Girl Q, and instead chose to take it hard.

While carrying the tower and Snake Girl's fangs, he walked out of Snake Girl's W range, and attacked with A and Q on Snake Girl.

But it can be clearly seen that his own blood volume is declining faster!

But Chen Dongqing did not panic. He carefully stared at the direction in which the goat was returning.

When a red sheep head rushed over there, he immediately took off with a big move, dodged Ornn's second big move, and successfully evaded the hatred of the defensive tower!

Although he only has one-third of his health left, as long as the defense tower doesn't hit him, everything will be fine!

Xiaohu, on the other hand, was very clever and used a basic attack to overcome the hatred of the defensive tower.

When the big move landed, Chen Dongqing did not rush to kick the real injury, but made a smart lateral move to avoid the Snake Girl's Q!

On the other side, Xiaohu, who was resisting the tower, used another EQ, beating the snake girl to her remaining health!

Chen Dongqing took advantage of the situation and pulled up with a kick that really hurt him!

"Shut down!"

The snake girl's blood volume was completely emptied and she slowly fell under the tower!

The so-called last pillar of EDG is nothing more than the reeds by the summer river in front of QG - a large area can be chopped down with one knife!

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