LoL: I really didn’t mess up!

Chapter 422 There is also a gap between sending and sending

The very next day, QG's home game started again.

The two teams of FPX and IG took the stage and started another semi-final showdown.

Instead of playing a training match, everyone in the QGLOL branch dragged their chairs to the projector on time to watch today's semi-final showdown.

But Chen Dongqing was not in a hurry at this time. He had only played half of CSGO and had to wait until he finished.

The audience in his live broadcast room saw Chen Dongqing's slack appearance, and they all posted comments to ridicule him.

【? Not training? 】

[The finals are coming soon, why don’t you still play CSGO? 】

【Brother Shu is like this】

[But this time is usually QG’s training match time? No training match today? 】

In fact, QG really wanted to play training matches, but they couldn't make an appointment.

At this time of the semi-finals, the other eliminated teams have already had a vacation, and what awaits them next is a long vacation of more than a month.

QG had no choice but to bite the bullet and find EDG to play training games.

EDG actually won't have a holiday for another two days, but the players are mainly doing some shooting tasks at the base these two days. If they are asked to play training matches, they will definitely not be happy.

NM, you just tortured us yesterday, and are you beating us again today?

Isn’t this the same as shitting on our heads and asking us to borrow paper?

Really unfamiliar.

There was no way, QG could only move freely, so Chen Dongqing was given time to live broadcast.

In fact, before the live broadcast this afternoon, Chen Dongqing went to the DOTA2 branch next door to visit, and was stunned to get stabbed twice before returning to his training room.

Chen Dongqing pulled him out and was instantly killed by the opponent with a headshot. He turned his head and glanced at the barrage, and then said: "Don't be embarrassed. Anchors playing CSGO are required by barrage. As for the barrage, the anchor does not The one who takes the blame.”

This remark once again caused a burst of questions on the barrage.

But I have to say that it is indeed time for Chen Dongqing to go off the air. During the game viewing session, he will inevitably talk about some inside information that cannot be spread out. This stuff cannot be spread out.

Next, Chen Dongqing stopped playing, and steadily searched for slow play, easily won the next few games, and then turned off the live broadcast.

Chen Dongqing dragged his chair and sat in front of the projector. At this time, he could see that the BP of both teams had been completed.

Chen Dongqing took a special look at IG's top laner candidate and found that the top laner was still Duke.

Then this one is hard to say.

Without TheShy, although IG will become more stable, it will also lose a carry point.

FPX's midfielder pair of Doinb+Karsa is top-notch in the LPL and even in the world, even compared to QG.

This highly compatible midfielder combination helped FPX achieve the third-best record in the league.

In front of this pair of midfielders, IG's unfavorable midfielder linkage may not necessarily produce any good results.

If the midfielder fails and the top lane fails to stand out, then how can IG win the game?

Chen Dongqing sat up straight and watched the duel carefully.

The game was indeed developing in the direction Chen Dongqing expected.

The midfielders of IG and FPX clashed, and the two sides fought to the death in the middle, but neither achieved any good results.

Although the number of heads and deaths in the middle and jungle on both sides has been rising, the gap between the two sides has not widened, and it has almost no impact on the overall rhythm.

In this case, IG is a bit incapable of playing.

They have no independent carry ability in the top lane and two newcomers in the bottom lane. Both lanes rely too much on Rookie's rhythm in the middle. If Rookie becomes invisible, their entire situation will be deadlocked.

But FPX does not have this problem.

Because FPX's assistant Liu Qingsong is different from Baolan. Liu Qingsong has been a fan of roaming supports since his debut.

When he won the S6 championship, Liu Qingsong participated in the rhythm with high intensity, causing Uzi to often win.

In the bottom lane, after Liu Qingsong's Luo helped Lin Weixiang push the line, he immediately disappeared from sight and started to link up with Karsa.

Karsa's consciousness was still strong. He led Liu Qingsong into the lower jungle area of ​​IG, easily found King Ning and played his flash.

Immediately afterwards, the two quickly counterattacked and ran to the bottom lane, catching the two young men JackeyLove and Baolan who were pushing the lane!

The IG bottom lane duo never expected that they would be the ones to suffer!

It was too late for them to run away at this time. Karsa's pig girl used a big move to throw over, and combined with Liu Qingsong's Luo W's control, Baolan was easily left behind.

As for JackeyLove, he could only retreat to the second tower and watch a wave of soldiers being shot dead by the defense tower.

From this moment on, the scale of victory began to tilt. Liu Qingsong's Luo was promoted to level six in eight minutes, and a wave of big moves roamed the middle, completely changing the situation in the middle.

Doinb's roaming rhythm was late but arrived, with a wave of four and two, completely destroying IG's bottom lane and firmly grasping the advantage of the game!

In the end, FPX took thirty-two minutes to win the first game!

Banbazi looked at the scene in front of him, thoughtfully.

One thing to say, Chen Dongqing's judgment yesterday was indeed correct.

In the regular season matchup between the two teams, IG was the final winner, and one of the wins was TheShy's power in the deadlock, which helped the team open a gap.

If TheShy had participated in this game, the situation might have been different.

Of course, IG's other win at that time was the standard big brother Rookie's carry game, so as long as Rookie can seize the opportunity in the future, IG will not necessarily lose today.

So, have to look again.

What if Rookie opens C?

Taking advantage of the break, Chen Dongqing took out his mobile phone and browsed the post bar. He saw that the counter bar was filled with carnival posts from FPX fans. Seeing that their home team won the first game, they all felt secure.

The break was fleeting and the second game started quickly.

In this game, IG's thinking changed very quickly. They chose the red side position and gave Rookie the last choice of position.

And in the first few choices, they selected top laner Shen and jungler Qinggang Shadow to highlight a gang! The bottom lane is to lock the push combination and not give Liu Qingsong a chance to roam.

As for the last move, Rookie locked on the classic Syndra to drive the rhythm.

This time the strategy is right.

King Ning's Qinggang Shadow chose the third-level capture method in this round.

But I have to say, it really works.

Qinggangying came to the middle at the third level, Rookie pushed the ball accurately and stunned, Ning Wang followed up with the follow-up control, and the two successfully scored first blood!

Rookie, who is at the peak of his career, stands out for his fierceness and stability. After getting this kill, he was out of control, firmly holding the right to the mid lane, and in subsequent games, he linked up with the jungle and fought many times, giving the team the advantage. growing.

Because the battlefield is in the upper half, and the bottom lane is pushed all the way, Liu Qingsong's roaming ability cannot be used at all.

In the end, IG pulled back a victory and won the second game, and the game entered the battle of Tianwang Mountain.

When Chen Dongqing opened the post bar again at this time, he saw that the wind direction in the counter bar had changed again. This time, Gouzi began to have the upper hand, quite arrogantly, and highlighted a turn-based system.

Next, we have to look at the third one.

In the BO5 game, with the first two games tied 1-1, the third game was called the Battle of Tianwang Mountain.

The team that wins the third game will be the first to get the match point, and the winning rate will be infinite.

FPX will not tolerate being chased for two consecutive games. In the third game, they will probably take out their pants.

Soon, the third game started first.

Sure enough, the underwear arrived.

In the third choice, FPX directly took out Kled’s mid laner.

This thing has always been Doinb's trump card hero. As long as Mercury Shoes and Tiamat are in hand, no mage can steal the lane rights from Kled.

Rookie was actually well prepared for Doinb's Kled, and even specifically selected a hero like Ice Girl who is not afraid of melee combat in this round.

But no matter what, it’s useless.

In the first eight minutes, Karsa used his radar-like jungle characteristics to control all of King Ning's moves and counterattack them one by one.

Prince Ning always felt like he was living in Karsa's shadow and couldn't do anything.

In nine minutes, Doinb returned to the city to replenish supplies. Then he fired his big move and cooperated with Karsa in a wave of four and two, successfully liberating the bottom lane!

Rookie actually expected that Doinb would attack the bottom lane, and he also left for the bottom lane in advance, but he couldn't prevent it and could only watch his bottom lane duo go west.

This is the biggest feature of the 16th version of QG. The whole world knows that they are going to play four and two in the bottom lane, but the opponent just can't defend it!

After clearing the bottom lane, Liu Qingsong joined the rhythm and in turn killed King Ning in the jungle.

Faced with the situation where the building was about to collapse, what did Rookie, an ice girl, do?

This game lasted 27 minutes. FPX relied on its smooth and fierce offensive momentum to flatten the IG base and win the battle of Tianwang Mountain!

At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room was boiling.

[It seems that IG is still not working. Isn’t this going to be sent? 】

[Is this the value of 18-1 in the regular season? You won’t just get third place in the end, right? 】

[Winning the third place with 18-1, that’s really a smile]

[There is also a gap between BO3 and BO5. IG’s tactical reserves are too weak, so they will only rely on their big brother to play]

At this time, Chen Dongqing also said: "Now, TheShy should be on the stage."

IG's main problem now is the lack of carry points, and I believe they can see it themselves.

There's no way they wouldn't make changes.

as expected.

Chen Dongqing's cell phone rang. It was a call from the delivery man.

Yesterday Chen Dongqing won three consecutive MVP awards, so as usual, he would treat his teammates to dinner, but Linko paid for last night's dinner, so Chen Dongqing chose to treat his teammates to milk tea today.

Chen Dongqing went out and came back with a big bag of milk tea, and saw that the players from both sides were on the court for the fourth time.

At this time, it can be seen that IG's top order has been quietly replaced by TheShy.

And you can also see that IG has a serious expression from top to bottom, especially coach Kim Kyung-soo, whose whole face is extremely tight.

Obviously serious.

Now it gets interesting.

Chen Dongqing handed out the milk tea and sat in his seat talking to his aunt in Shanghai while watching the start of the fourth round of BP battle between the two sides.

After TheShy came, it seems that BP's thinking has changed.

The team's focus began to gradually shift to the upper lane. In the middle and jungle, they selected the rhythm lineup of Qinggang Shadow Galio, and in the top lane, they selected Jayce, forming a half-zone combination that was extremely strong in the early stage!

Since then, the trend of the game has undergone a huge change.

Needless to say, TheShy’s Jace’s skill level is undeniable. It only took him four minutes to complete the introductory achievement of Blood Pressure Aguang Ten Swordsman. After that, the troops entered the tower, directly facing the face to accelerate the cannon, then connected with the WR to transform, and slashed the hammer violently. Three hits, and finally E followed Q to clear Gnar's health bar, and then flash out of the tower to complete the single kill!

At this moment, countless dogs in the audience screamed!

Once TheShy comes on stage, it will be different!

Sure enough, TheShy just couldn't beat Brother Shu. He was really easy to beat other top laners!

Sometimes, the victory of a game is snowballed by a wave of single kills.

Seizing the open wound of TheShy on the road, IG certainly took full advantage of it.

King Ning went on the road and jumped the tower, and Karsa followed him like a shadow and appeared in time.

But no matter what, this time King Ning came with Rookie.

Rookie still hasn't gotten rid of Doinb's lane rights entanglement, but the biggest feature of Galio is that he doesn't need lane rights to roam.

Rookie gave up the line of troops and took two steps up, and then flew directly to the top lane with a big move!

A wave of three guarantees, A Guang died under the tower again!

Since this wave, the game has lost its suspense.

FPX also acted quickly. They quickly switched to the bottom lane and got something back in the bottom lane.

But it doesn't mean much.

Although Lin Weixiang is a little fat, it is useless at all.

In the mid-term team battle, TheShy only needs to fire one shot, and Lin Weixiang has to steadily replenish his status.

No matter how fat AD is, he is nothing compared to the top laner.

In the fourth game, IG regained a victory and the game entered the deciding game!

The war song begins.

Seeing that the two sides in the semi-finals fought until the fifth game, everyone's expectations were raised for a while.

They also didn't expect that TheShy's return would cause such a big change in the IG team.

It can only be said that because of Chen Dongqing in the LPL, all top laners in the region are overly underestimated.

When you mention TheShy, everyone will think of - oh, is it the top laner who was killed by Brother Shu?

But actually, this proves nothing.

Why is TheShy killing other top laners every day? The audience didn't remember.

Now is the stage of the playoff semi-finals. Unlike the regular season, almost all LPL viewers have their eyes on this stage.

On this stage, countless spectators finally began to face up to this carry-type top laner from South Korea.

It seems to be quite fierce.

The final decisive game ended faster than everyone imagined.

The variable this time comes from the bottom lane.

In this game, JackeyLove also took out his underwear hero - Draven.

As a talented young man who relied on Draven to reach the top of both servers at the age of 15, his Draven has its own system and is worthy of a team's resources to cultivate.

In this round, the two sides fought bloody battles in the bottom lane for ten minutes. IG relied on Draven's strong combat effectiveness and excellent snowballing ability in the early stage to successfully get an 8-4 kill ratio, and took the lead in breaking through the first tower in the bottom lane!

After Draven returned to the city to replenish the Blood-Drinking Sword, his snowballing ability reached a new peak. During this period, the frequency of IG's team battles increased to a higher level, and the number of heads on both sides began to increase!

But because of the damage of Draven, the blood-drinking sword, it is basically difficult for IG to lose in small team battles, and their advantage has begun to expand.

When the game came to 22 minutes and 00 seconds, IG's economic advantage had reached 9.3K!

When IG took the Baron BUFF into its pocket, the outcome was decided between the two sides.

The snowballing three-piece set of Delevingne led the audience by an endless amount, and the damage could only be said to be extremely high. IG was like an autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, crushing them in one wave and winning the decisive game!

"Three to two!" Changmao in the commentary box shouted: "Let us congratulate IG for narrowly defeating FPX and getting the last ticket to the finals!"

"And their opponent is none other than our four-time LPL champion, QG!"

Amid the shouts of commentary, IG big brother Rookie stood up and smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed into a line.

He came to IG as a gift from Kakao in December 2014. He has seen too many ups and downs.

The top four in the spring and summer of S5 and the top 16 in the S competition are already the pinnacle of the IG team.

Since then, S6, S7, and IG have never reached such heights.

In the past three years, Kakao, the big brother of the original team, has long disappeared. As a gift, he has been sticking to it until now.

Now, it is its fourth year.

His perseverance seemed to have paid off. A group of teenagers who called him "Brother Yijin" followed him and promoted him to a height he had never reached since coming to IG - the LPL finals.

Rookie believes that they will not be a flash in the pan like WE, and the story of IG this year will definitely not stop there.

The barrage in the live broadcast room came like a tide, and countless dogs were extremely excited!

[Guigui, after TheShy got on it, he just crushed it with two hands and took it down? 】

[So TheShy is so important? 】

[Is this IG really so powerful? Five starters directly crushed FPX? 】

[FPX, the top four in last year’s S tournament, didn’t even make it to the LPL finals after recruiting new players this year. I didn’t expect this]

[This IG is really powerful, it feels more powerful than any EDG or WE that QG encountered in the LPL finals]

[The dog son started barking now? Void is more powerful than EDG, right? Almost done]

At the end of the game, the barrage of various elements started to quarrel again, but I have to say that countless viewers are really optimistic about this IG.

You know, last year's FPX made it all the way to the semi-finals, and even won a game with QG, which can be called the hard-power runner-up.

This year, Zoom replaced Aguang, Clid replaced Karsa, and the team was strengthened on paper, but FPX actually lost to IG.

So what is the level of this IG?

"It's no exaggeration. The strength of this IG team may be stronger than our opponents in the finals in the past two years." Banbazi turned off the projector and turned to summarize the QG players.

When he said this, Chen Dongqing thought for a while.

Who were the opponents in the LPL finals in the past two years?


That's okay.

IG is definitely much better than S6's EDG and S7's WE.EDG.

It can indeed be called the strongest opponent QG has ever encountered in the LPL finals.

"But it's okay." Banbazi continued with a smile: "I believe we can win."

The second semi-final is over, and there are only six days remaining before the final.

On April 23, QG and IG got on their own planes and arrived in Chengdu, the land of abundance.

After Chen Dongqing got off the plane, he went directly to the hotel to check in. Sitting on the bus, Chen Dongqing looked at the scene outside the window, feeling a little sad.

He has only been to Chengdu twice in his entire life.

One time was a month ago, when he came to OMG's home court to participate in a game.

The second time is now.

I heard that there are a lot of thieves from certain minority groups here, but I don’t know if that’s true.

Chen Dongqing moved his eyes back to his mobile phone and looked at the content on it.

In the past few days, the competition in the remaining divisions has been a step faster as usual, ending the spring finals first.

This is not because Chen Dongqing is arrogant and studies MSI opponents in advance. The main reason is that the next few competition areas have been played, so he still has to take a look.

This year, the scale of the MSI event has been expanded again, with the number of participating teams officially increasing to 14.

Of course, there is no need to consider the wild card division. The main thing is to see what the five major divisions say.

In Europe, the Galaxy Battleship version of G2, formed after Ah P kicked four teams, did not achieve satisfactory results.

You know, before the reorganization, G2 was a pure European fantasy god. It won all the championships in the two years of 16-17 and won four consecutive championships in the division.

In all major competitions, only Flash Wolves and QG have achieved the same achievements as them.

But this year, after the reorganization, they pulled back instead.

FNC, with Ou Cheng and Caps, swept G2 3-0 in the spring finals and won the world's first MSI ticket.

Followed closely by North America and LMS.

There were no surprises in these two divisions. Senior Brother Huan Shen and Flash Wolf from their respective divisions completed their dominance of the divisions and won the championship successively.

Yes, the fantasy god in the North American region is Big Brother, not TSM.

In the S8 season, the senior brother officially transferred to TL, which perfectly continued his dominance in the division and successfully brought this team, which was relegated twice last year, to the level of spring championship!

Finally, it’s the LCK division.

In the afternoon when Chen Dongqing arrived in Chengdu, the game between KT and Longzhu was in full swing.

As expected during the transfer period, this year's SKT will most likely pull it off.

The facts are as expected. This year's SKT only reached the semi-finals before being eliminated. In the subsequent third-place match, they lost to AFs and won the third place.

As for last year's S competition runner-up Samsung, let alone that. There is nothing to say about the version team. Like WE, this team has not been found.

This year's LCK semi-finals are Longzhu and KT who are currently in the finals, as well as the third place AFs and the third place SKT.

As for the two teams in today's finals, it can only be said that they are quite similar to FPX's match against IG yesterday.

Because neither team is fond of the other, they are both pure fighting teams, which are very different from SKT's operating style.

Chen Dongqing looked over and saw that it was full of blood.

Khan and Smeb on the road, Score and Peanut in the jungle, these are not people who like to grow.

Once the two teams started fighting, the fight in the upper half was from start to finish.

The LCK kids who were used to watching the operation had to cover their eyes when they saw it, saying it was too scary, too scary.

The two sides fought back and forth, and they fought all the way to the BO5 decider!

At this time, Chen Dongqing had already checked in at the hotel. While watching the live broadcast on his mobile phone, he came to the training room and chose a machine on the edge to sit down.

Chen Dongqing originally thought that this fifth game would be a game where both sides would use all their cards and fight without regrets, but the result was quite sad.

Both sides started to get sick for no apparent reason.

There is nothing that Longzhu can do because they have too many old men.

They have Score in the jungle and Xuan Ming and Xuan Ming in the bottom lane. These three are all 23+ players. This kind of high-intensity BO5 game is simply a dimensionality-reducing blow to them.

In this game, although kills were still produced at a high frequency, overall, it was almost all mistakes made by Longzhu.

Heads were rolling down on both sides, and KT quickly took a huge lead, as if victory was close at hand.

But at this moment, KT started again.

Don’t forget, KT also has an old man.

KT's assistant Mata first appeared in an inexplicable position and was directly caught by Longzhu.

Longzhu, who was outnumbered, did not hesitate and directly activated the baron!

Of course KT is not willing to let Baron go just like that. Anyway, the problem of missing one support is not a big problem. Their economic advantage is so great that they can fight four on five!

But alas, it turns out that four-on-five is a bit too much.

The extra support on Longzhu's side has become the key. Gorilla used Luo's support to support two consecutive key Ws, helping the team to play a wave of three for four and take away the baron!

After this wave, most of Longzhu's energy has returned!

But KT's performance has just begun.

This time it was Mr. Dai who exerted his strength.

Deft, who was born in 1996, is actually only 21 years old now and is not considered a veteran.

But Deft sent a key round without any reason

Many players like to give away, but there is a gap between giving away and giving away.

Some players will only give away a dry three hundred gold coins. No matter how many they give, it will be difficult to make the situation fluctuate. This is undoubtedly a rookie behavior.

However, some players can often lead the entire team to defeat through a high-quality header, which can drastically change the situation.

Only a small number of players can perform this kind of high-quality head delivery. Every time it happens, it often makes people smile and say, "It's you."

And pilots are among the best.

This time, the pilot Wuhu took off, and the small cannon launched a face-jumping attack, directly sending KT into the abyss.

Seeing this picture, the barrage in the live broadcast room went crazy with joy.

【As expected of you! 】

[Okay, okay, take off! 】

[Mr. Dai has become an old man at a young age, right? How will you play when you get older? 】

[Is this the LCK finals? Don’t make me laugh]

【Why do you dance? 】

When Chen Dongqing saw the barrage, he couldn't hold back his laughter for a moment.

Although Deft staged a veteran legend as the fourth seed won the championship in the S12 game, it has to be said that Mr. Dai at this stage is really awesome.

But it’s sad to say that after all these years, the LCK has only produced one or two top players.

But on the LPL side, it can be said that the stars are shining brightly.

Everyone who understands understands, but I can’t say much about those who don’t understand.

In the picture, relying on Deft's takeoff, KT ruined all the good situations.

Of course, the rest of the content is no longer suspense. The remaining three people from Longzhu advance in a wave of triumph, turning the KT base into fragments all over the sky!

KZ, also known as Dragon Ball Team, is officially crowned the new king of LCK!

At this point, all the spring champions of the other major regions have been produced. Now the eyes of the world are focused on the last and strongest region, the LPL.

As for the LPL championship gathering, I believe all viewers have their own answers.

Next, the whole world just needs to wait for the performance of the first division.

I went to watch the game today. I was a little late. Sorry.

(Cheng Lu is about to play, the highlight of today! The glory of the fourth seed will have to be recast through my Weibo post!)

This chapter is the foreshadowing of MSI. It’s always good to lay more ground.

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