LoL: I really didn’t mess up!

Chapter 429 Champion Skin!

The champion skin design this time is also innovative.

First, the designers used different colors for the special effects used by the six players for the first time.

Second, the designer designed two images for each skin, one is the normal image in the game, and the other is the two-dimensional image of the hero returning to the tarot card after pressing Ctrl+3.

As soon as Luo Gang appeared, he had a two-dimensional image.

"Wow!" Shi Senming's eyes widened when he saw that his Luo was actually the first one to appear. He said to the audience in the live broadcast room with excitement: "Aren't you handsome, brothers?"

Shi Senming is a pure appearance person. When he was talking about skin design with the designer, everyone else was studying Easter eggs, movements and other things, but Shi Senming kept focusing on the appearance with the designer.

Luo broke the card and instantly changed from a flat image to a three-dimensional one.

This tarot card-themed Luo retains the characteristics of the bird very well. The cape on the back is made up of black feathers one by one. The black cape is matched with the white clothes. If you look at it from the back, This Luo is like an elegant and elegant male figure.

Magician represents creation, and Rakan is one of the most creative heroes in support.

The screen flashed, and Luo had appeared in the high ground in the middle of the red side.

In the picture at this time, there are four heroes bathed in gem ultimate moves who are running rampant.

But at this moment, Shi Senming's Luo activated his ultimate move, and the feathers on his back burst into black light. At the same time, a symbol representing infinity appeared on Luo's head. It was quite handsome!

Chen Dongqing deliberately glanced at the barrage and could see that many viewers had begun to use terms such as "handsome" and "buy hot" in the barrage.

As for the picture of four people running rampant with gem ultimate moves, it is the third game of the S7 finals, QG versus SSG.

With their backs on the high ground, everyone in SSG used the ultimate move of Incense Pot Nightmare to start the team, and relied on the ultimate move of gems to force ALLIN!

In this wave of team battles, Shi Senming's Luo RE entered the field to receive W, directly lifting four people into the air, forcibly delaying the invincibility time of the gem's ultimate move!

And this time, it is the designer’s perfect reproduction of Shi Senming’s operation!

Luo truly interpreted the phrase "as graceful as a startling dragon and graceful as a wandering dragon". Everyone saw a black light flashing between the people on the opposite side, and the people on the other side were collectively charmed. Then Luo made a move [Grand Appearance], killing the four people. Lift them all up!

At this time, you can see that Luo's W has also applied a very gorgeous black special effect. In the black background, a white QG team logo is clearly visible!

"Guigui, he's quite handsome!" Chen Dongqing only knew the design details of his own skin, so when he saw Shi Senming's special effects, he couldn't help but praise: "Shi Senming's Luo must be a hit."

Several of the heroes QG selected this year are of a type that is not easy to produce special effects. They look simple and unpretentious. If we look at sales alone, some people may not be able to sell them to Shi Senming!

After hearing this, Shi Senming's smile grew wider.

After Luo W's control ended, the invincibility effect on everyone in SSG also disappeared. At this time, the QG generals must seize this opportunity and win this wave of team battles!

At this time, it is the performance stage of C-position Uzi.

I don’t know when, an image of a shooter holding a giant crossbow appeared from the void. The giant crossbow fired holy silver bullets and began to produce a large amount of output!

The protagonist of the scene has also been transferred from Luo to this shooter!

Coincidentally, Uzi’s champion hero VN was also in this game.

In the third game of the final, when Uzi chose VN, many viewers questioned whether this was a skin game.

But it turns out that the choice of this VN is a stroke of genius.

The percentage of real damage mechanism makes the four big lumps of meat selected by SSG directly meaningless!

At this time, you can see that Uzi's VN is dodging and rolling in the team battle, turning on the crazy output mode, the whole body is shaking back and forth in the screen, and the basic attack after activating the ultimate move is surrounded by a white stream!

And Q's stealth action is even more cool. When Q comes out of the VN, a white light will rise around him, making his entire body disappear into the void!

But if you look carefully, the shape of this VN seems a bit strange?

When the VN emerged from hiding for the second time, the camera immediately showed a close-up. At this time, it can be seen that this VN actually changed the image of a cold and cool woman in the past, and transformed into a big woman. Fat boy!

This fat VN has a round belly, short arms and legs, but his movements are surprisingly flexible, and he can evade all the skills from SSG!

As soon as they saw this picture, countless people were stunned and filled the screen with question marks.

【? ? ? 】

[A two-hundred-pound VN, right? 】

[I would have never imagined that this BVN was actually wearing red glasses]

[Don’t you understand this? Red glasses are an anchor and are indispensable]

[What card is this? 】

Chen Dongqing couldn't help but chuckle at this time.

The idea of ​​the 200-pound VN came from Chen Dongqing's chat with Uzi when he and Uzi went to Los Angeles to play All-Stars at the beginning of the year.

When Uzi mentioned this idea to the designers, they immediately recognized it. They felt that this idea was both innovative and could well show the characteristics of the players, which was exactly what was needed for the design of champion skins.

The two-hundred-pound VN fired white crossbow arrows one after another. After killing the SSG generals, he and his teammates strode forward. The SSG base was already in front of them!

This was QG's last game in 2017, and after this wave of team battles, they officially successfully defended their title and stabilized their throne.

At this time, Uzi's mouth was harder to suppress than AK. He was still saying happily in the live broadcast room: "How can I say, this VN is okay, brothers?"

After the VN skill display, the screen switched back to the normal skin display session, giving the VN a detailed close-up.

Press Ctrl+3, and VN will turn into the image on the card. The content on the card is a two-hundred-pound VN sitting on the trophy, taking out a horn and blowing it hard.

The Tarot card represented by this VN is [Judgment].

The angel blows the trumpet, which represents "resurrection" and symbolizes that the past is the past after all, and you will open a new world with the sound of the trumpet.

In the new world, you will find that you are not alone. There are many friends working with you to achieve success.

The side of this card is a metaphor for Uzi's encounter with Erlianya in S3S4. S5 took the opportunity to meet a group of good teammates in S6 a year later and took revenge to win the championship.

Immediately afterwards, the scene turned and the camera came to the middle again.

What appears on the screen this time is Godway's Moon Goddess.

When you see the Moon Goddess, do you think of the Tarot card [Moon]?

But in fact, the card of Jiaoyue is not [Moon], but [Queen].

The overall tone of Moon Goddess and QG are similar, both are white. If it is also represented by [moon], it will be no different from the original leather. Therefore, in order to differentiate it from the original leather, the designer made some ingenious designs. Change.

When the Q skill is used, a golden light comes out!

A hero like Jiaoyue is quite easy to do special effects. After all, many skills are very conspicuous. When every skill is thrown, it will be full of golden light pollution special effects.

There are a lot of special effects, but as long as the model is not too bad, many people will like it.

"Okay, not bad!" Godway nodded with satisfaction.

After the display of the bright moon, the goddess of the bright moon transformed into the image of a tarot card.

The bright moon in the card is wearing white-gold armor and kneeling on the ground. If you look at it from Chen Dongqing's perspective, she looks a bit like the supreme empress Jiao Yue in later generations.

Seeing this, the audience could see the care put into this skin.

Black magician, white judge, golden queen.

Different color special effects, different tarot cards, is this really a champion skin? Is the production cost too high?

Last year, after the designer changed the style of the team uniforms of previous years and produced the Ashes style championship skin for QG, the audience thought that this was the pinnacle of championship skin production.

I didn’t expect that designers would be able to do a whole new job this year!

After the bright moon, there is the prince in the jungle position.

There is no need to say what card the prince uses, it can only be [Emperor].

The prince's card image is a warrior wearing blue and white armor, sitting on a throne with a bright championship ring on his head.

As for the 3D image, the prince's skill special effects are all blue. When the big move is blocked, a big QG team logo is displayed in the center of the circle, which is quite bright and dazzling!

Xiangguo licked his lips and said with satisfaction: "It's not bad, at least it's a little more showy than last year's Leopard Girl."

Leopard Girl is a classic type that is difficult to create special effects. Last year, the designers racked their brains and struggled to add some special effects to Leopard Girl.

But this year the prince is different. W and R are both open and close, just block out the light pollution and it's over!

The camera turned and it was the substitute's turn this time.

Chen Dongqing said happily: "369, what is your card?"

The concept of Jace as a hero does not fit well with Tarot cards, so it is very difficult to find the corresponding Tarot cards. If you try hard to find them, it will inevitably appear abstract and difficult to remember.

Chen Dongqing heard 369 say it before, but forgot it after a while.

"It's [Chariot]." 369 scratched his head and said, "The designer helped me find it. I heard what he said made sense, so I nodded in agreement."

In the picture, Jace, who is shown in the form of a card, is sitting on a chariot. The chariot is pulled by two lions, one black and one white, always ready to move forward.

The victor on the chariot symbolizes the human soul, and controls the two lions to symbolize human will and instinct, and is the representative of "victory" and "success".

As Jace broke the cards and returned to the normal form in the game, the two lions, one black and one white, also turned into a stream of light and turned into a transforming weapon in Jace's hand.

The cannon form is a black lion, and the entire skill is black. An accelerating cannon blasts out a deep black light on the enemy.

In hammer form, it is a white lion, and its entire body glows with white light.

Although Jace uses the black and white colors that have appeared before, Jace is exclusive to two colors, which can be regarded as a differentiation.

Chen Dongqing also smiled and nodded, praising: "It's not bad. The designer also put great care into designing your skin."

369 said happily: "It must be less careful than Brother Shu."

The previous five skins have been introduced, and finally, the much-anticipated Qinggang Shadow skin makes its debut.

Qinggang Shadow is also a classic type that is not easy to do special effects. The designers spent a lot of brain cells in order to make a skin for their precious FMVP.

The picture began to change, and everything came to the spring.

This time the designer specially designed a 3D animation, in which an elegant woman in red clothes slowly hangs upside down from the spring.

This is exactly the tarot card represented by Qinggang Ying - [The Hanged Man].

Hanging upside down represents a paid sacrifice and a test.

Every loss must be rewarded. After this test, the Hanged Man will be reborn from the ashes and achieve success.

In the picture, the Hanged Man Qinggang Shadow E hooks the wall of the prince's ultimate move and kicks the enemy's mouth. AQRA Tiamat then pulls up with a kick and cooperates with the damage of teammates to directly melt the enemy's mouth. !

If you have been watching the game all the way, you will immediately recognize that this is the second game of the S7 finals. Chen Dongqing flew into the enemy group alone and killed the ruler alone!

At this time, the European and American commentators on the scene were also very proud and shouted: "OMG! Ilex is really a monster! He almost tore apart SSG's entire defense line by himself!"

In this set of operations, the special effects of Qinggang Shadow are perfectly displayed!

When the second stage of Q is pulled up, Qinggangying's scissor kicks pull out a conspicuous red trail.

W [Tactical Sweep] is even more handsome. A red light sweeps across, giving a sense of power.

As for E and R, they also fit this theme perfectly.

After the E skill is pressed, the entire hook is glowing with golden-red light. When it is kicked out, the Qinggang Shadow's whole body is glowing with red light.

As for the ultimate move, not to mention, after Qinggangying's ultimate move falls, a large magical circle with a sense of wonder appears around the target, locking the enemy in it!

Chen Dongqing added with a smile at this time: "The skin of the hero Qing Gangying depends on the feel, but brothers, don't worry about this. I also asked the designer to fine-tune the details of the feel bit by bit to ensure that you will be comfortable using it!"

The status of the source code skin of Qinggang Shadow is similar to that of the Supreme Fist to the blind monk, and the Godfather of the Gang to the male gun. It is a type that feels invincible and cannot be separated from it.

But for Chen Dongqing, the champion skin, the skin movements were fine-tuned by Chen Dongqing bit by bit, and the workload was much greater than that of other skins.

Chen Dongqing glanced at the barrage and saw the barrage flashing quickly in the live broadcast room.

【Buy, buy, buy! 】

[Brother Shu personally adjusted the feel? OK, buy, buy, buy! 】

[Guigui, this QG skin doesn’t even look like a championship set. Is it too flashy? 】

[I am a local dog, I just like to be flashy]

[Who will use the source code after having this skin? 】

[Looking at the reskinned champion sleeves from S1 to S4 that don’t have any special effects, and then looking at this QG one, I can only say that it’s very annoying]

At the end of the video, there is a group photo of the six skins.

In the past, for champion skins, a group photo was first made, and then separate parts of each hero were cut out from the group photo as original paintings.

But this time it is obviously different. The original loading picture of each hero is its own card image.

As for the group photo, that was also made separately.

This time, Riot specifically found chief artist Alex Flores to produce the original painting.

This painter has great military exploits. Top original paintings such as Divine Fist Li Qing, Divine King Noshou, and Night Messenger Yasuo were all created by him.

With this kind of original artist's efforts, QG's group photo this time is of course very epic.

This time it was a VN standing in the front row with a weight of two hundred pounds, holding a giant crossbow and aiming coldly - this C position was probably a helpless move. After all, with the image of two hundred pounds here, if he stood in If it's on the left and right sides, the whole picture will probably be out of balance.

Standing on the left and right of VN are Jiaoyue and Luo, each of them posing towards the camera, their movements are very tense!

The prince of Xiangguo and Jace of 369 stood further outside, also in fighting postures.

The five people in front occupy the lower half of the entire original painting, and there is a large blank space above. Of course, our FMVP hero, Qinggang Shadow, needs to fill it!

The Qinggangying sat on the throne, looking at the camera with an indifferent expression, as if the five charging heroes below were just her soldiers, which was indeed full of majesty.

At this moment, it seems that Qinggangying is not the "Hanged Man", but the "Queen".

The entire original painting is full of power and tension. At a glance, the audience feels as if a knife is slashing towards them.

This is also the result of the heroes selected by QG.

Bright Moon, Prince, VN, Luo, Qinggangying

What these heroes of QG have in common is that they all have fast and difficult-to-defend displacement skills, which also demonstrates the bloody style of the 17th version of QG.

What, you said that Jace is a swordsman who only knows how to steal disgusting people from a distance and never hammers upwards?

Don't be embarrassed, that's the behavior of a substitute and has nothing to do with the starting lineup.

Chen Dongqing looked at the original painting in front of him. The more he looked at it, the more he liked it. He felt so happy that he was so generous that he distributed 200 sets of champion skins and 500 sets of Qinggang Shadow single skins directly in the live broadcast room, and then he felt happy. This ended the live broadcast.

After the broadcast, it was of course dinner time. Chen Dongqing took 369 and Gao Dewei to the restaurant they often go to.

After finishing the meal, Godway turned around and asked while waiting for the bus: "This year's MSI should be fine, right?"

"Why do you ask questions like this?" Chen Dongqing said with a smile: "Does this need to be said? Just play whatever you want. Wait until we win the cup and it's over. According to my experience, the competition in this year's LPL might not be even worse than the World Championship. big."

Godway is no longer in the LPL. He smiled and said: "Is it really so scary?"

"It's obvious." Chen Dongqing spread his hands and said, "EDG has failed this year. Can you believe it?"

Before the emergence of the championship version of EDG, this team had always been a yardstick to measure the strength of the LPL.

This team is invincible and the LPL will win.

If the team pulls together like this, the LPL will be invincible.

This year FPX has preserved its strength very well, IG has also emerged, and then there is the traditional king QG.

Between these three teams, EDG even has a hard time winning!

This is the embodiment of the strength of the competition area!

Godway made sense when he thought about it, and said with a smile: "Fortunately, I am playing Jedi. If an old man like me is asked to play LPL, I won't be able to withstand it."

"What's wrong with old age?" Chen Dongqing punched his old friend and joked: "If you continue to fight, who can beat you? Didn't you see that Rookie has regained his second youth this year?"

"Forget it, let's not talk about this." Godway said calmly: "Anyway, MSI is over and I have to prepare for the game when I get back."

Godway is not in the offseason now. He also has games to play. Today he just came over to participate in an event in the middle of the game.

"Just keep working hard." Chen Dongqing said with a smile: "With your talent, it shouldn't be a problem for you to win a Jedi championship, right?"

"I can only say that there is a chance, but I'm not sure." Godway joked: "The Jedi don't have a teammate as strong as you. How about you come and play with me for a season?"

"I'm from QG, why do I come to 4AM to play games?" Chen Dongqing also laughed: "When Linko asked you to join QG's Jedi branch directly, if you had to quit, then there was nothing I could do. If you were still there As for QG, I’ll be here as soon as you say a word.”

"Because I don't want to make too much money or achieve results when I play Jedi. It's just for fun." Godway waved his hand and said: "I was just joking. Did I really ask you to come? If you come here and still can’t win the championship, wouldn’t it be a shame?”

At this time, the car called by Godway and 369 happened to arrive. The two finally said "Come on" to the QG players, then got in the car and drove away.

Chen Dongqing watched his two old teammates go away, feeling a little sad in his heart.

When Godway and 369 left QG this year, it can be said that they were all driven by dreams.

One is that LOL’s wish has come true, and he is determined to expand his territory in other games like Chen Dongqing.

One is unwilling to be content with being a substitute and decides to make a career.

I wonder if there will be a moment when these two people regret leaving QG?

Chen Dongqing thought of this, sighed, and walked back to the new base with his current teammates.

But as soon as they came back, they saw Linko sitting in the lounge, seemingly waiting for them.

Chen Dongqing raised his eyebrows: "Brother Li, why are you here at this time? Do you want to treat us to dinner?"

Linko said with a smile: "I just received good news here, so I want to tell you."

Upon hearing this, everyone in QG pricked up their ears.

What good news?

"The boss just called me to inform me." Linko said: "The selection of e-sports players for the Jakarta Asian Games to be held in the second half of this year will begin soon. Our club has a total of four branches, and all members Get on the list!”

When this was mentioned, everyone in QG was thoughtful.

Chen Dongqing briefly thought about the list of projects selected for this year's Asian Games.

Honor of Kings, Clash Royale, League of Legends, DOTA2, Hearthstone and StarCraft 2?

There are six projects in total, but QG does not have divisions for Hearthstone and Clash Royale at all.

In other words, for the remaining four events, all QG players are on the roster?

And it’s worth mentioning that QG’s StarCraft 2 division only has Chen Dongqing.

Although the personnel strength of this division is very weak, this division has reached unprecedented heights in CN Star and won an unprecedented championship.

If Chen Dongqing does not participate in the interstellar competition, then no CN Interstellar players will agree.

In other words, Chen Dongqing is very likely to participate in the Asian Games in two roles!

"Oh, this is a good thing." Chen Dongqing smiled and said, "Then we can also bring glory to the country?"

Speaking of this, Chen Dongqing suddenly thought of the DOTA2 division.

When the Asian Games projects were announced last year, Chen Dongqing was still thinking about winning three gold medals.

But now that the preliminary audition list has been determined, doesn't he have no chance?

"Don't be too proud, there are a few of you who may not be stable." Linko smiled: "It's just a preliminary audition list now. Many people have been selected, and they may be deleted or added at any time. Just talk about Li Yuanhao and Li Yuanhao. As far as Shi Senming is concerned, there are people who are not worse than them."

In the auxiliary position, Liu Qingsong's honor is equal to that of Shi Senming, and there are seniors like Meiko with seniority.

As for the mid-level unit, Godway's honor is even more impressive for killing Xiaohu.

Therefore, they urgently need an eye-catching result to gain recognition.

"So you understand, right?" Linko said with a smile: "We must play well in this MSI. If we lose this time, the three old members of QG will be fine, but the new members may not have a chance."

Hearing this, Xiaohu and Shi Senming had serious expressions in their eyes at the same time, obviously listening to these words.

As for Chen Dongqing, he was thoughtful.

So, in DOTA2, he has no chance at all?

In the next few days, the MSI version was officially updated, and QG champion skins were finally launched. Chen Dongqing began to work as a live broadcast model, giving away one or two hundred sets of champion skins every day, which attracted another wave of people in the live broadcast room. skyrocketing.

The five-day break passed quickly, and the balance of the vacation began to be insufficient.

On the last day, Chen Dongqing took time to go back home and have a meal with her parents. Then she packed her luggage and prepared to start the MSI journey.

At noon on May 5, Chen Dongqing put on his backpack and gathered at the gate of the base with his teammates, preparing to embark on the journey to Germany.

But today they are not the only ones, the players from the DOTA2 division are also gathering at the entrance of the base, and they seem to be preparing to set off.

The competition system of DOTA2 is different from that of LOL. Their leagues are short and intensive.

LPL has just started the spring split, and they have already won the first round of ESL One Katowice, the runner-up in the DAC Asia Invitational, the EPICENTER Cup champion, and the MDL: Changsha Station champion.

From first round to runner-up to second consecutive championship, QG’s DOTA2 division has also made great progress this year!

Now, they will go to participate in the last game before TI8-DOTA2 SuperMajor.

And coincidentally, this DOTA2 SuperMajor, like MSI, has the finals on May 20th.

Chen Dongqing smiled and greeted the guys from the DOT2 branch, and said with a smile: "What do you mean, let's set off together and come back together as champions?"

Everyone in the DOTA2 division, which had just won two major championships, was quite confident. They patted their chests and said with a smile: "OK!"

At this point, people from both sides walked towards Hongqiao Airport and Pudong International Airport, embarking on their respective journeys.

Due to length and competition schedule issues, the DOTA2 line cannot use an entire season to slowly advance and win the championship step by step like StarCraft does.

The result of this is that the pace is too fast and the foreshadowing is somewhat insufficient. If I write it forcefully, I can detect a lack of logic.

But fortunately, the missing trace of logic can be found to be rounded out.

At this point, the book has entered the last sixth of the plot, and there is no big problem in landing it perfectly.

PS: It feels like WBG is going to be sent away by Xiaohu? As expected of you, Xiaohu!

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