LoL: I really didn’t mess up!

Chapter 438 As long as I am here, there is no possibility of failure

May 15th.

The last day of the group stage.

Before the game started, Guan Zeyuan and Wang Duoduo sat in the commentary box and analyzed the current rankings in the group stage.

Wang Duoduo has done his homework. He talked to the camera: "Actually, on the last day, the qualifying spots have been determined."

TL had too big a hole in the first round, and it wasn't much better in the second round. So far, they have only won against Flash Wolves. Now that they are only 1-7, they obviously have no chance of qualifying.

EVS is slightly better than TL, with a current record of 2-6. There is a theoretical possibility of qualifying, but the possibility is almost zero, just like the national football team's theoretical possibility of qualifying for the World Cup.

QG's position in the first place is also quite stable. At 8-0, they are three points ahead of the second place, which can be said to be far ahead.

Guan Zeyuan saw this and said with a smile: "Then today's game is the second battle between KZ at 5-3, Flash Wolves at 4-4 and FNC."

"But in general, FNC and KZ are more relaxed." Wang Duoduo added: "Because KZ and Flash Wolves have to compete with QG today, but FNC doesn't need it. His opponent today is TL." With EVS, it will be easier to get points. As for KZ, because they have a higher score, they only need to win one point, and basically second place in the group is guaranteed."

Colonel Guan smiled and concluded: "In other words, the second place in the group today will most likely be between KZ and FNC!"

As soon as the audience heard this, they immediately became excited again.

Is it possible that KZ will fall to third place in the group today? That's quite interesting.

Isn’t this a replica of S6?

The two commentators were chatting, and soon the first game of the day began!

The first game today is a novice fight between the two qualifying teams, TL and EVS.

Although TL has been eliminated, they also adhere to the idea of ​​​​not making it easier for other teams, and directly pushed EVS in the 25th minute.

TL launched the deathrattle again, completely shattering the possibility of EVS qualifying.

Immediately afterwards, QG took the stage and ushered in their first opponent today-KZ.

Although KZ only needs one win to advance to second place in the group, this win obviously will not happen to QG.

KZ didn't have any thoughts of fighting. The two sides just fought back and forth for thirty minutes in a very conventional way. In the end, QG won the game with the strength of team battles.

When QG's score reached 9-0, KZ's score reached 5-4!

In the third game, FNC took the stage and also faced off against EVS.

This time there was no suspense, FNC won the game, and the score also came to 5-4!

The scores between the two teams FNC and KZ are still very close. As for the outcome, the outcome will be determined soon in the next game!

In the fourth game, the highlight comes.

KZ vs. Flash Wolves.

If KZ wants to qualify second in the group, this point from Flash Wolves is very crucial!

Therefore, KZ put away its contempt this time and chose to fight seriously!

This time they first selected the strongest AD AD Ezreal in the version, and then locked in the mid laner Sword Girl to fight against Rock Bird, and the top lane weapon to fight Qinggang Shadow.

This lineup is quite solid. When Chen Dongqing saw the lineup, he thought KZ was already stable.

And this is indeed the case.

BDD's sword girl showed off her mercury shoes and small wooden hammer, taking advantage of the middle and jungle battles, reaching a 2-0 record in ten minutes.

Next, the game is also developing in the direction that KZ wants.

The time came to 35 minutes. In one or two sporadic small team battles, the head ratio of both sides reached 4-2. At the same time, KZ's economic advantage also reached 8,000!

At this time, in the LPL commentary box, Guan Zeyuan looked at the situation and said with his arms crossed: "KZ's lineup is even more powerful in the later stage! Now that they have such an advantage, I think we can already congratulate KZ in advance!"

A mysterious force from the East crossed the other side of the ocean and came to Berlin, Germany.

Just then, the unexpected happened.

35 minutes, team battle in the middle.

Flash Wolf's green steel shadow flew into the field, and locked his ultimate move on Ezreal's head!

KZ didn't panic, Pray's EZ activated Archangel's shield and counterattacked calmly!

But at this moment, Snake's Luo seized a good opportunity and directly activated Flash + E to fly to his teammate Qinggang Ying!

Luo, who was using his ultimate move, flashed past in the middle, and a black light flashed, and everyone on the road was already charmed!

Then Snake took two steps to charm the EZ next to him, and then with a W, he directly lifted four people!

At this moment, everyone watching the game widened their eyes!

Maple's rock bird flashed forward, and a WE second company caught all four of them!

Betty's Xayah also kept doing it, [Storm Feather Blade] followed by [Barb], countless feathers pierced through the bodies of everyone in KZ, and cooperated with the second consecutive attack of Rock Sparrow to create a terrifying teamfight coordination, directly playing A dreamy one-for-four!

"F*ck!" Backstage, when Xiangguo saw this scene, he couldn't help but stand up, "It's overturned!"

In this late-stage team battle, the economic gap is virtual.

As long as you seize the opportunity, you can make a comeback at any time!

"Ah???" In the LPL live broadcast room, Guan Zeyuan's commentary voice was also full of disbelief: "Really or not, is Dragon Ball about to be killed by Lightning Wolves?"

At this time, it would be useless even if the Colonel tried his best.

After more than 30 minutes of one-for-four, KZ only had one top lane weapon with residual health. It was obvious that it had no ability to defend the home, and the end of the game was a foregone conclusion!

Khan bought a mixture of tenacity and fought a last-ditch battle, relying on the combat power of the weapon master to defeat four against one. Unfortunately, in the end, only one person was replaced with difficulty.

The remaining three members of Flash Wolf advanced in a wave and won the game!

At this moment, the audience was in a commotion!

There was also a commotion in all major competition regions!

They never expected that KZ, which they had high hopes for, would suffer a second consecutive defeat on the last day of the group stage!

From 5-3 to 5-5, KZ lost its leading position and came to the same score as FNC and Flash Wolves!

"In this case, as long as FNC wins the next game against TL, they will be able to advance as second in the group!" Colonel Guan said loudly: "The chance is very good!"

Soon, the fifth game started.

In the second battle between Europe and the United States, FNC faced off against TL.

This is FNC's most critical battle in the entire group stage, which directly determines their group ranking!

In this game, FNC played very well, accumulating an economic advantage of 4,000 in twenty minutes.

But their advantage is limited to the top half.

TL's core senior brother is still well developed, so there is still suspense in this game.

Twenty-five minutes later, the opportunity came.

FNC caught the warding TL support Tahm Kench in the upper river. After hitting the numerical difference, they decisively opened the baron!

But TL certainly wasn't used to it, and decisively took over this wave of four-on-five team battles!

Big brother's policewoman lost Tamu's protection, but she survived to the end. With the help of Baron, TL miraculously played a three-for-five wave and won the team battle!

At this time, Tahm, who was killed at the beginning, also happened to use a big move to join the senior brother.

The senior brother and Tamu worked together and pushed back and forth, narrowly defeating the dragon and completely eliminating the economic disadvantage!

Relying on the power of the dragon, TL completely reversed the situation!

Next, the game completely tilted in the direction of TL.

Relying on the power of Baron, TL continued to expand its advantage, and finally completed a comeback and won the game.

Chen Dongqing looked at the scene in front of him backstage and couldn't help but laugh.

TL deathrattle was activated again.

TL, which was already determined to be unable to qualify, first defeated EVS's hopes of qualifying with a victory, and then crushed FNC with another victory, shattering the team's dream of being second in the group.

Nothing better than this

But then again.

FNC first lost to Vietnam, and then its life was ruined by Baron.

Why does it look so familiar?

You are not FNC! who are you!

In this way, the program effect will be achieved.

Although the qualifying situation has been determined.

But the three teams KZ, FNC, and FW are now tied for second place with a score of five points.

The three teams have the same points, which is the first time this has happened since the launch of MSI!

Chen Dongqing raised his eyebrows, turned around and asked, "What do you think about the situation where these three teams have the same score? Is there a play-off or is there any other explanation?"

If three teams have the same points and they want to play in a playoff, when will they have to play?

The three teams played one round against each other first, and three games passed.

What if the three teams have the same score? Then you have to fight for the rest of your life?

"I don't know. I'm afraid Riot has never thought about this situation, right?" Linko smiled and said, "We'll see what Riot has to say later."

"Why are we still chatting?" Banbazi interjected from the side: "There is still one game left. Let's win the Flash Wolves first and then talk about it. Don't wait until someone else sends us to second place."

"Impossible!" Chen Dongqing waved his hand, "Do you think we are the Korean team?"

The Anti-Korean Qixia can only defeat Koreans, and when they meet QG, they will show their filial piety. Do you understand?

The 2018 Mid-Season Invitational, the last game of the group stage, was between QG and Flash Wolves.

Just after double-killing KZ, the arrogant Flash Wolves were bulldozed by QG in 19 minutes.

At this point, the group stage ends and the rankings are fixed.

Ranking first in the group is: 10-0, undefeated QG.

Ranked second is: 5-5 .FW, KZ, FNC.

After winning the game, not long after Chen Dongqing returned to the backstage, staff came over, called all four teams together, and started talking about the strategies for the next game.

Riot gave the teams two plans for everyone to make a decision together.

The first plan is to conduct extra games according to normal conditions.

But as mentioned before, if there is an extra game, it may take a long time. If it is played too late, it may even have to be left until tomorrow. For MSI's compact schedule, playing one more day will affect the knockout rounds. state.

The second plan is to let QG choose one of the second, third, and fourth teams as the opponent in the knockout round, and the remaining two teams will form their own teams.

"Oh, that's great." Chen Dongqing laughed when he heard it, "You can choose whoever you want?"

"It doesn't make any sense." Banbazi spread his hands and said, "Forget it and let you choose the second place. Will you choose it?"

Chen Dongqing smiled and said nothing.

Regarding this plan, QG actually has no decision-making power. They just came to take a look. After all, they are not the ones who will share equally.

On the other side, the three teams had different expressions after hearing what the translator said. They discussed it together for a while, and the results were quickly announced.

Although the discussion took a long time, their ideas were quite unified - no extra games.

This kind of long extra round is obviously not what the three teams want to see. They are eager for more rest and research time.

Since everyone has qualified, who will compete for the rankings? There is actually not much difference between second, third and fourth.

After the answers were unified, Riot informed QG of the choices of the three teams, and this temporary competition system was decided and completed!

(There is no such rule in 2018. I checked and it seems that this rule is newly added by S12MSI)

After the rules are decided, Riot will need to spend some time informing the audience of the temporary rules, so this also gives QG some time to make a decision.

"What do you mean, who should I choose?" After returning to the lounge, Banbazi first asked the players for their opinions: "FNC and Flash Wolves, the two teams are about the same strength. Let's see who you can beat easily."

If there is a choice, then of course the South Korean team must be excluded. After all, this is the most difficult opponent, and it is logical to leave it until the end.

But Chen Dongqing didn't think so.

"What do you think about stopping the Korean team in the semi-finals?" Chen Dongqing asked.

As soon as these words came out, there was a brief silence in the surrounding lounge.

Everyone's first reaction was no, because they didn't think it was necessary.

But there seems to be no reason to refute it.

If the Korean team can shoot 5-5 like European Wanwan, it means that they are like that.

The dominance of the Korean Division has long ended. They have not won any championship for three years.

It's just an ordinary team in an ordinary division, why can't they choose?

Uzi thought for a while and said, "I think it's okay."

Xiangguo also nodded, acknowledging this.

Xiaohu and Xiaoming have no decision-making power, but the big brothers in the team agree, so of course they agree too!

"Then you have to think about it carefully." Linko said seriously: "If you fail, the backlash of not making it to the finals will be greater than ever."

"No." Chen Dongqing waved his hand, "With me here, there is no possibility of failure."

Banbazi smiled and said, "Then I'll listen to you."

In the LPL live broadcast room at this time, today's commentator Guan Zeyuan listened to the director through the headset and finished the detailed information of this new competition system, and then conveyed this competition system to the audience.

As soon as these words came out, the audience in the live broadcast room immediately started talking.

Colonel Guan also had a heated discussion with the people around him about which team QG should choose.

"I think you can choose Flash Wolf!" Colonel Guan said: "Although Flash Wolf double-killed Longzhu, judging from the result that they were pushed equally by QG for 19 minutes, they were restrained by QG!"

"Then I think it's okay to choose FNC!" Beside him, Wang Duoduo said: "Because FNC actually gets its points from weak teams. They just have a higher lower limit. In fact, the upper limit is not KZ. The Flash Wolves are so tall, I think QG can restrain a team with a low ceiling like this!"

The two commentators exchanged words with each other, and the discussion was quite lively.

Of course, like Banbazi, they did not include KZ in their selection.

While chatting, Colonel Guan soon heard through the headset that the representative players of the four teams had already appeared on the stage. He immediately smiled and said: "How to choose, it depends on Brother Shu's choice! What happens next? Let’s get the footage to the scene!”

Everything on the screen shows that the representative players of the four teams are already standing on the stage.

At this time, the European bearded host shouted to the stage and called Chen Dongqing to the center of the stage.

At this time, the eyes of LOL players all over the world are focused on Chen Dongqing.

His choice will directly determine the matchup pattern in the semifinals.

Behind him, Ou Cheng, the FNC representative, and Maple, the FW representative, swallowed involuntarily.

In their opinion, whoever QG chooses will basically stop in the semi-finals.

If they don't choose, then they may still have a chance to compete in the finals.

Only BDD, the representative of KZ, was not too panicked and looked quite calm.

In their view, it is impossible for QG to choose them anyway. This is too abstract.

With everyone watching, Chen Dongqing picked up the microphone and said his choice with a smile:


At this moment, the whole world was shocked!

"Huh???" The people in charge of the college were all dumbfounded, "Would you choose Dragon Ball? This choice is a little bit..."

On the stage, BDD’s smile froze on the spot.

His first reaction was that he had heard wrongly.

Then the second reaction was disbelief.

The third reaction is anger.

What's the meaning?

Take the initiative to choose us in the semi-finals?

Are you so eager to eliminate us?

Your QG is so confident, can you beat our KZ for sure?

On the other side, Ou Cheng and Maple looked at each other in a tacit understanding, and they could clearly see the joy on each other's faces!

They never expected that QG would take the initiative to choose Dragon Ball!

In this case, they will automatically form a team and become the semi-final opponents in the other half of the district?

The host was also obviously sluggish at this time, but he quickly reacted and immediately shouted to the four teams to stand together according to the semi-final divisions.

Chen Dongqing smiled brightly and took the initiative to shake hands with BDD.

BDD looked at Chen Dongqing with a serious face, but in the end he said nothing.

Looking at the handshake between China and South Korea, the cheers from the audience were quite explosive, almost one wave after another.

In the live broadcast rooms of major competitions around the world, all the viewers were extremely excited.

FNC and FW were drawn together, the players on both sides laughed, and the audiences on both sides also laughed.

One wave directly avoided QG and the Korean team. This is a win-win!

In the LPL competition, although it is inevitable that a small number of viewers feel that QG is a bit too crazy, more viewers still feel that QG made a good choice!

For a team that aims to win the championship, will it care who its opponent is in the semifinals?

It’s all a side push anyway!

Only the spectators in the LCK division looked gloomy, as if they were mourning for their heirs.

Their hearts sank to the bottom.

QG's current absolute dominance is obvious to all. Even the extremely proud Korea has to admit that encountering QG in the semifinals is very bad news.

Since the emergence of the MSI competition, their LCK has never won the championship, winning three consecutive championships.

Could it be that this year, they won’t even be able to win the runner-up spot?

After the selection, Chen Dongqing returned to the backstage with a smile, talking and laughing with his teammates.

"You didn't see BDD's expression." Xiangguo came over and said cheerfully: "When you recited the team name of Dragon Ball, they immediately became stupid and laughed to death."

"He must be stupid." Chen Dongqing said cheerfully: "He was so anxious when we shook hands, his eyes widened."

Everyone was talking and laughing, packed up their things and left the venue.

Although it was a bit risky to choose KZ, the results of the show after the selection made everyone very happy. They found the Chinese restaurant they had been to before and had a good meal.

Tomorrow, they will take a plane and embark on a journey to Paris, France.

Europe is too small. Although it is said to be a cross-border flight, the straight-line distance is actually only more than 800 kilometers, almost in the blink of an eye.

If the distance had been far, France would not have waved the little white flag in just 42 days.

On May 16, Chen Dongqing landed at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport carrying a backpack.

On the way to the hotel, Chen Dongqing didn't forget to take out his mobile phone to surf.

In this kind of external battle, he actually rarely saw the fight, and usually only glanced at it after winning the game.

He still reads Twitter more.

After all, Twitter users are a mixed bag, from all countries, and there are often scuffles between viewers from different competition regions, which makes it even more exciting!

Since QG selected KZ yesterday, the discussion on Twitter about this choice has not stopped, and many people have been talking about it.

European and Wanwan users certainly appreciate this choice.

After Riot sent out the information about the semi-final matchup, the official tweets of the two clubs Flash Wolves and FNC even went to this Twitter to post "Thanks" and "Thank you" respectively.

Chen Dongqing was not polite and left "Not at all" and "You're welcome" respectively.

This wave is about gaining favor in these two competition regions. No matter whether Europe and Wanwan make it to the finals or not, they will keep Chen Dongqing’s kindness in mind.

Of course, the main premise of all this is that QG cannot lose in the semifinals.

If you take the initiative to choose KZ, but still lose in the end, it will be ridiculous, and you may become the biggest clown in the history of e-sports.

It’s almost the same level as last year’s StarCraft Finals, when the Koreans lost the championship seven times against one.

But the QG players didn't feel too much pressure on this.

Nothing else but confidence.

Stress and confidence are inversely proportional.

Everyone in QG clearly knows how strong they are. No matter how great the pressure from the outside world is, as long as they are confident that they can win, the pressure will not fall on them.

The only one who is a little stressed is Xiaohu, who has always been regarded by the outside world as QG's shortcomings.

As soon as he settled down in the hotel, he immediately got into the lounge and started studying the KZ game video.

Chen Dongqing looked at Xiaohu struggling, squinting slightly, thoughtfully.

Xiaohu is actually a bit like the factory director, he is a standard research player.

Their research on their opponents can even be as detailed as their warding habits, positioning habits, and even the operating habits of a single hero.

As long as he studies enough, anyone can get through two moves.

What these players have in common is that when competing in the competition area, they control thunder and lightning and are invincible.

In MSI, their ability will not fall behind, because there are only six teams in MSI, and only the Korean team can be called a strong team. They only need to study and understand for the Korean team, and leave it to their teammates to take care of other weak teams. There won't be any serious problems.

But once they reach a stage like the World Championships, where there are many experts and the opponents are all unfamiliar, they will instantly become big and become the team's biggest shortcoming.

The reason is obvious, that is, there is insufficient research on the opponent, which means that you have jumped out of your comfort zone and entered an area that you are not good at.

In this case, they will even lose to Brazil.

In his previous life, S8's Xiaohu did not fall behind when facing Rookie, and even often had an advantage. However, when facing Ah P, he was stepped on continuously and was defeated by the MVP three times in a row.

This is a symptom of insufficient research.

So when KZ was directly selected in the semi-finals, this was actually not good news for Xiaohu.

Because the time available for his research has shortened.

Of course, it can't be much shorter, after all, their semi-finals and finals are only one day apart.

Chen Dongqing thought for a while, then approached and asked: "How do you say, how is the research going?"

"Not bad!" Xiaohu paused the replay, turned around and asked: "I have been studying KZ for a long time, and I have almost studied it for a long time. Now it is just a final review. I am still a little unsure about playing mid lane in the LCK. "

"Okay." Chen Dongqing smiled: "Let's discuss some tactics with you."

When Xiaohu heard this, his eyes immediately widened, and then he asked: "Okay, okay, what tactic?"

Chen Dongqing smiled and said: "You should be able to play top lane, right? You choose Victor to go to the top lane, and I will go to the middle lane to smash BDD to pieces. What do you say?"

This is the ultimate solution to a lack of research time – no research.

If you can't solve the problem, then solve the problem.

Just choose Victor to mess around and leave the ball to the big brother.

"Isn't this bad?" Xiaohu asked a little uneasily.

"What's wrong with this? Have you forgotten about my Karma in the group stage? I have no problem playing roaming." Chen Dongqing said with a relaxed expression: "And besides, whether it's good or not, let's try it in the training match Won’t you know if you try it?”

Chen Dongqing thought for a while and realized that his words might affect Xiaohu's mentality. He added: "Don't worry, you are still the mid laner. It's not that I don't believe you, but I'm just using this as a trump card. You Do you understand?"

Xiaohu didn't feel any distrust from Chen Dongqing's words, but felt that it was normal.

Brother Shu's mid laner is better than me. Isn't this normal?

He thought for a while, then simply nodded and said, "Okay, let's give it a try!"

It was lunch time. Everyone in QG went to have a French meal first, and then gathered in the training room to start the final training before the semi-finals.

During the training match, Chen Dongqing told the coach about his idea of ​​playing mid lane. After hearing this, Banbazi just nodded calmly, without much change in his expression: "Okay, let's give it a try."

Their QG has too many fancy tactics, but this is where they go.

This time, their opponent in the training match was G2.

G2's mid lane Caps performed quite well, and even has a vague tendency to become the first mid laner in this MSI. It is the best choice to test the strength of Chen Dongqing's mid laner.

But the results were quite gratifying.

Although Chen Dongqing is a top laner, his hero pool is never limited to the top heroes.

After moving to the middle, he is still a sea of ​​heroes, his dominance in the lane has not weakened at all, and he is still full!

Poor Xiaomao, who was beaten dizzy by Chen Dongqing in today's training match, almost started to doubt himself.

When everyone in QG saw this effect, they all nodded with satisfaction.

It seems pretty good!

Of course, Xiaohu who is on the top lane is not so comfortable. He plays submissively and can only resist pressure. This is the instability factor of this tactic and cannot be used for a long time.

But if you use it as a trump card, then there is no problem at all!

Banbazi was quite satisfied with this trump card because it gave him a lot of room to operate.

Generally speaking, the hero swing in BP can only be used on the red side.

After all, if you are on the blue side, you need to be the first to determine the lineup. The opponent can wait for you to decide on the swing hero, and then take advantage of it with the final move.

But this double swing of heroes + players is different.

This is a BP tactic that can be used on the blue side!

When they thought of this, everyone in QG happily looked forward to it.

With this tactic, it can basically guarantee that the blue side will win the KZ game, right?

Went to watch the game, time is a little tight today.

But okay, it’s worth it!

BLG is purely a foreign war fantasy god, right? Can you believe it knocked Samsung unconscious?

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