LoL: I really didn’t mess up!

Chapter 442: Being beaten home at level two, are you a professional mid laner?

In the middle, Chen Dongqing was holding a high-tech cannon and looking down at Blue Piriz not far away.

Under the pressure of Jace, BDD was very cautious in finishing last hits. It was rare that he stepped up and hit a melee soldier with a Q, which was extremely stressful.

Seeing this scene, Senior Colonel Guan couldn't help but joked: "I just don't know how well Brother Shu's mid laner can perform. After all, the gap between the mid lane and the top lane is still quite big."

"It shouldn't be a big problem." I remember smiling and saying: "Brother Shu's personal ability is here, at least in the laning area. He should be able to play casually. As for the rhythm driving, we will see later. "

Doinb was thoughtful in his mind as he listened to the remembered words.

He still remembers that the linkage system between midfielders and junglers that QG relied on to win the championship seemed to be proposed by Chen Dongqing?

Would such a person have poor rhythmic ability?

In the picture, the second wave of soldiers just came online at this time. Chen Dongqing raised his hand to make up for the first melee soldier of the second wave. At the moment when he reached level two, Chen Dongqing exploded with hand speed and used the Q skill to take action. From now on, immediately press CTRL+E+E to release the accelerator gate, and shoot directly with a vertical portal cannon!

This accelerating cannon appeared almost at the same time as the upgraded glare, catching BDD by surprise!


With the blessing of 369 Jess's skin, this black light cannon hit BDD directly in the face!

At this moment, Chen Dongqing decisively cut off the hammer, stepped on the accelerator door and rushed forward!

This is the good thing about Jace in the middle. Generally speaking, mages have short legs, so they can be easily approached, and they don't have the ability to fight back!

Although BDD retreated very quickly, he even ran under the tower before Jess could catch up.

But Chen Dongqing didn't give up at all. He hit [Leap of the Sky] directly into the tower, and then followed the trend with an E+A!

When Ryze was being pushed back, Jayce hit him hard with a passive basic attack, successfully achieving phase acceleration.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Dongqing stepped on the green smoke, turned around and pulled away, only to be hit by the defense tower.

This is the gold content of mid laner Jace. You can earn money by rushing into the tower to exchange blood!

Seeing this scene, all the audience suddenly took a breath.

This pair of lines is exaggerated.

As expected of someone who has reached the pinnacle in the top lane position of the weak and the strong. The combat power of this pair is placed in the middle, which seems to have the meaning of a dimensionality reduction attack!

In the past few years, the middle lane has been affected by QG. Almost all of them are rhythm tools and lane pushing tools.

But now that Chen Dongqing came to the middle lane, it reminded BDD of the bloody smell of the assassin battle in the middle lane two or three years ago.

But unfortunately, the smell of blood he smelled came from his own wounds.

After this move, BDD's blood volume dropped to less than half in an instant, and he drank a bottle of potion a long time ago. Now he only has one bottle of potion left in his hand, which is obviously not enough for him to continue laning.

BDD was so tired that he could only stand far back and wait for the soldiers to come over.

The advantage of the middle lane is that the line is short, and the line of soldiers is quickly pushed over. BDD stands on the edge of the defense tower, but he gets some space for last hits.

There is space, but not much.

Jace is a well-known hero whose advantage can kill you, and Chen Dongqing's control over blood consumption is perfect. Although BDD stands under the tower to last hits, it is obviously not safe.

As long as he seizes the opportunity, Chen Dongqing will directly go up and steal points, consuming BDD's blood volume.

BDD had finished the second bottle of medicine in his hand, but his health bar still remained below half.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Dongqing seized the opportunity and hit the minion with an accelerated cannon. Through the AOE effect after hitting the minion, he hit Ryze to the extreme and knocked down his health bar!

BDD felt a chill in his heart.

What to do!

He now has more than 300 health points, and he has already entered Jace's killing line!

BDD gritted his teeth and had no choice but to retreat and return to the city.

Seeing this scene, countless spectators were quite surprised.

This was not even the third level, and he was already fighting home. This was something no one expected.

Are you really a professional mid laner? Can you still get hit with TP in two levels?

And the most important thing is that BDD still chose the most stable Dolan Ring Two Reds to go out!

For Ryze, it is crucial to be able to produce Tears of the Goddess in the first wave of return to the city.

If they can combine, it will be a smooth game. After TP goes online, they can push the line arbitrarily with the mana bonus of Tears of the Goddess.

If you can't combine it, you can only buy a blue crystal or something, which is a bit inferior and the overall rhythm will be affected.

But BDD couldn't even afford the blue crystal this time. He spent a long time looking at it in the store, but in the end he could only buy a bottle of reusable potion worth 150, and then sent it online.

Compared with the second red Dolan ring when going out, this Dolan ring with potion is even driving backwards.

This wave, this wave is called the start of Tianbeng!

Chen Dongqing looked at the TP light lingering on the tower opposite and smiled.

BDD is easier to bully than he thought.

Taking advantage of the time when Ryze returned to the city for supplies, Chen Dongqing quickly pushed the third wave of troops into the tower.

Taking advantage of the fact that Ryze had no fighting power and was sealed under the tower by the artillery soldiers, Chen Dongqing accelerated his hammer and went directly into the wild area.

At this time, the camera cut to the lower jungle area, and I saw that after the wine barrel of Xiang Guo finished its wild run in the upper half of the area, it had no intention of going to the lower half of the area. Instead, it went straight into the upper half of the KZ.

At this time, Xiangguo had already rushed to KZ's red BUFF camp and met the excavation opportunity that was playing red.

The incense pot was not polite, the wine barrel was filled with wine, and a WQ hit the top of the excavator!

Cuzz sees it in his eyes and is anxious in his heart. Because he knows that this red BUFF must have nothing to do with him.

Because Jess from the opposite side has already come to support!

There is no other way, Cuzz can only turn around and retreat, giving up this BUFF.

But Xiangguo's target didn't seem to be the red BUFF. When he saw the excavator turning around and retreating, he immediately detonated the Q skill to slow down, and then pursued it!

Cuzz looked at the wine barrel behind him and frowned slightly.

You don't want to kill me, do you?

However, the excavator's CD for drilling holes in the early stage is very long. Having already drilled the holes, he now has no other options.

He could only drill down into the ground first, push the wine barrel upward with a right click, and then quickly click on the hole he had drilled before. The excavator crossed the thick wall and drilled directly to the F6 camp, putting a long distance away from the wine barrel.

But at this moment, a Jace stepped into QG's F6 camp and happened to see the excavator drilling the hole.

There was still a short distance between the two sides, so Chen Dongqing directly fired the cannon, and an accelerating cannon hit the excavator's face!

Immediately afterwards, Chen Dongqing stepped on the accelerator door and charged over, chasing the excavator with A and W in gun form to connect points, triggering the phase!

The next moment, a big fat man pushed out through the thick wall and was hit all over by the excavator!

Cuzz was completely confused. He could only turn around and flash back to the red buff camp, still thinking about escaping!

At this moment, Chen Dongqing said: "I'll dodge!"

Chen Dongqing didn't want to kill this first blood, he also had his own considerations.

First, the damage from the wine barrel has already been dealt, so even if you dodge it, the damage won't be enough.

Secondly, the flash of the wine barrel is very important and cannot be used to pick up heads.

Chen Dongqing flashed over the wall and saw that the excavator had not gone far.

Jess cut the hammer accelerating and used a move [Leap to the Sky], followed by A and E, and took down the head of the excavator with residual health!

"First blood!"

Amid the cheers of tens of thousands of spectators, Chen Dongqing, who changed lanes and came to the middle, successfully scored first blood!

At the same time, the wine barrel of the incense pot finally swayed over, and a Q exploded on the red buff.

This red BUFF has not escaped the battle yet, and still has hundreds of health points.

Xiangguo came over to help with the punishment, and Chen Dongqing was unequivocal and took advantage of the situation to take the BUFF.

One blood and one BUFF, so his flash was not in vain.

Chen Dongqing hummed a little tune and returned to the middle, just in time to meet Ryze, who was pushing out his troops.

BDD watched Jace come back with a red BUFF after taking the first blood, and he wailed again in his heart.

Xiba, wouldn’t you have crossed over earlier?

Of course, he didn't dare to say this.

Because in the final analysis, the jungler will die this time because his mid lane collapses too quickly.

If only he could hold back a little more, Jace wouldn't be able to wander around so unscrupulously.

But there is nothing he can do!

Seeing Jace on the opposite side chasing him with red buffs, BDD felt sad in his heart.

Now, he has no idea how to play the game.

In the following time, the one-sided beating in the middle continued.

BDD has been standing under the tower for the past few minutes and has never come out.

During this period, Cuzz took advantage of the opportunity and grabbed a wave of mid laners.

But anyway, the excavator would be at a disadvantage if he caught Jace.

Watching the excavator drilling the hole, Chen Dongqing didn't need to do anything. He only needed to cut the hammer and then point an E on the excavator.

Although he will be pushed up by the excavator next, the excavator will also be hammered away by him, unable to keep up with the subsequent damage!

Immediately afterwards, Chen Dongqing took advantage of the situation and hit the excavator with QW, which directly triggered the phase and escaped!

Of course, this wave of catching is not meaningless.

Because Jace's HP was knocked low and he had to return to the city to replenish his supplies, BDD finally got a chance to return to the city to replenish his supplies.

If it were BDD alone, it would be impossible for him to have the right to return to the city.

But it doesn't come without a price.

Xiangguo's wine barrel came to the bottom lane, and an E flash knocked out Kai'Sa. With the follow-up clip of the policewoman and Feng Nu's Q, he successfully completed a wave of GANK in the bottom lane.

The cost of returning to the city once in the middle is that the AD in the bottom lane loses a life.

It's so cruel

And after going online again, Jace has already made a serrated dagger and a long sword. For Ryze who barely made the Goddess Tears, it is still as strong as a dimensionality reduction strike.

At this time, Doinb said: "If nothing else happens, then it should be four for two."

It’s not just Jess in the middle lane who has absolute line power, but also the policewoman Feng Nu in the bottom lane.

Next, as long as the tactics are executed properly, KZ's bottom lane duo will be worth 600 yuan!

Sure enough, the rhythm picked up quickly.

In six minutes, Chen Dongqing finished pushing the troops in the middle, and then quickly ran to the bottom lane!

At this time, the situation of the troops in the bottom lane is quite sensitive. They are about to enter the tower, but have not yet entered the tower.

When the KZ duo, who were standing in front of the tower doing last-ditch damage, heard the news of the MISS in the middle, they had no time to withdraw to the second tower.

Soon, the bottom line of troops was pushed into the tower. Jace and Wine Barrel appeared behind the tower on time, and a wave of tower crossing slowly unfolded!

If you have a God's perspective, you can see that there is no teammate in the entire lower half of KZ. This wave of Xuanming and Ming are completely isolated and helpless!

Therefore, without any suspense, as Shi Senmingfengnu's basic attack against the tower, Xiangguo hit an E and directly sentenced the two elders Xuanming and Ming to death!

Because this wave of tower jumping was too simple, QG, who was experienced in tower jumping, even allocated the heads rationally.

Chen Dongqing worked hard and won one.

As AD, Uzi has a promising future and also won one.

After taking the head, a congratulatory voice of "NiceNice" immediately came from the voice.

This voice was none other than Xiaohu who was on his way.

Xiaohu felt comfortable playing this game.

Turtle, as soon as he went online, he saw a vampire using Dolan Shield facing him. He felt almost no pressure at all!

The next game will be even simpler. Just hit the last hit in the top lane, and get first blood in the middle lane.

He added another last hit, and someone was captured again in the bottom lane.

Just add some more CS and kill two of them directly from the bottom lane!

Nothing was done, the team was 4-0!

So the top lane position is so wonderful?

At this moment, Xiaohu suddenly felt Chen Dongqing's happiness at certain times.

He wishes he could play top lane every day in the future, just hang out anyway, imitate the substitutes in the team, and choose Ornn on the road to squat, who can't do that?

But Xiaohu's beauty didn't last long. The moment the top troops entered the tower, a teleportation circle suddenly appeared behind his tower.

Xiaohu's expression instantly faded.

Top laner Victor was jumped over the tower, what a familiar situation.

Enjoy, of course, the full set.

He enjoyed it when Chen Dongqing was winning, and when Chen Dongqing's superior Victor was being crazily targeted, Xiaohu certainly couldn't miss it.

In the top game, Chen Dongqing relied on his calm handling to resolve KZ's three-man tower jump.

Does Xiaohu have this kind of treatment?

Obviously not.

But he has a father.

"Help, help!" Xiaohu, who was shouting "Nice" just a second ago, immediately shouted: "The other side is trying to overtake me!"

His teammates are all in the lower half, who will come to save him?

As Ryze and the excavator teleported to the ground, KZ's trio of tower jumps slowly unfolded!

At this moment, a TP light lit up!

Who said there is no one to save?

There really is!

Chen Dongqing, who had just completed the tower in the bottom lane, was standing next to the first tower in KZ's bottom lane and teleported directly towards the top lane!

The audience in the audience was surging, and Colonel Guan in the commentary box was also very excited: "Brother Shu's TP is very crucial! Jess's fighting power is too strong, this wave of KZ people may have to retreat!"

Sure enough, watching TP's light shine on, the KZ midfielder duo hesitated for a second and finally chose to retreat.

In this wave, Chen Dongqing can actually wait until the other side starts jumping the tower before attacking. In this way, he can probably wait for Xiaohu to die and pick up a head that resists the tower.

But Chen Dongqing didn't do this. He directly attacked Xiaohu just to save Xiaohu's life.

It's because he is eager to protect his son.

Xiaohu was so excited when he saw that his tree daddy came to protect him that he kept repeating "Awesome" in his voice.

Chen Dongqing looked calm and said with a smile: "Be careful. When there is a fight on the bottom lane, you should retreat when you are on the top lane. Don't give it a chance."

Xiaohu made the mistake of a novice top laner this time.

If it were an experienced top laner like Aguang and Duke, needless to say, he would have retreated to the grass.

Of course, Xiaohu is a mid laner after all, so his lack of experience in this area is understandable.

Xiaohu nodded like a fool and responded obediently: "Okay, okay, I will definitely pay attention next time!"

Chen Dongqing then smiled and pressed the return button, and by the way shared Xiaohu's wave of troops.

Seeing that the crisis on the road was resolved, the commentator in the commentary box smiled and said: "I have to say, I have to take back what I said at the end of the first game. What I said at the time was, first QG in every game made me feel like QG in 2016."

"But I want to say now that QG in this game is the real rhythm of the 16th version of QG! A 4-0 kill ratio in six minutes, with a lead of nearly 3,000 gold, is simply terrifying!"

"The main reason is that Brother Shu, the mid laner, has such a great rhythm!" Senior Colonel Guan also nodded with a smile, "I think he is very busy. He first goes to the bottom lane to four-pack two, and then non-stop TPs to the lane to protect Xiaohu. , in just half a minute, he ran up and down! It’s hard for you to imagine that this is actually a top laner."

When Doinb heard this topic, he couldn't help but said with admiration: "Brother Shu is indeed far ahead of other players in understanding the game, which makes it easy for him to play any position."

After this wave, QG's rhythm did not pause, it continued.

In seven minutes, the incense pot reached level six, and he immediately started looking for targets.

He glanced back and forth between the middle and lower lanes, and finally settled on the middle lane.

A stunted little Ryze, kill him at will!

In the middle, Chen Dongqing pushed his troops into the tower. He held all his skills, looked at Ryze not far away, narrowed his eyes and said, "Come on, do it."

Xiangguo, who had been squatting quietly behind the first tower of KZ, received the order, immediately poured wine and turned on the predator and rushed out!

BDD was staring at the health bar of the cannon truck in front of him. Suddenly he turned around and saw that a wine barrel had appeared behind him and knocked him dizzy.

Seizing this opportunity, Chen Dongqing took advantage of the situation and launched a combo!

A black cannon hit, and then Chen Dongqing immediately WR, cutting out the white hammer form.

Black Cannon and White Hammer, this is the skin of 369 champion Jayce.

But it is worth noting that there is an interesting little easter egg here, because the attack speed acceleration is a skill in the cannon form, so even if you switch to the white hammer form, the next three basic attacks will still have black special effects.

Chen Dongqing jumped up with [Leap of the Sky], smashing out a side of white light, and then swung the black hammer three times in a row. The last E [Thunder Strike] was used, taking the lead by relying on the equipment, and actually hammered Ryze to death on the spot. !

"Huh?" The incense pot that came out of the wall Q came up and threw a set of W. Before Q could detonate it, Ryze died on the spot. He immediately issued a soul torture: "Is this the second?"

"This is what a mage is like." Chen Dongqing's face remained calm as he turned around and walked out of the tower, "How can he be so frank as a goddess?"

It's only eight minutes now, and Chen Dongqing has already achieved a terrifying record of 3-0-1.

And this is still 3-0-1 for the middle unit, which is different from the upper unit.

With this unit's record, only the opposing top laner will suffer, and at most the jungler.

But if the winning unit has such a record, the entire opposing team will suffer!

After taking the head, Chen Dongqing returned to the city.

With the help of three players and one assist, the magic boots that should have been distributed in ten minutes were distributed in advance in eight minutes.

At the same time, Chen Dongqing also synthesized the saw-tooth dagger in his hand into Youmeng's Spirit.

The magical boots combined with the out-of-combat movement speed of Youmu Spirit can allow Jace to swim throughout the canyon.

The scariest episode.

After going online again, Jace's damage began to be exaggerated.

Chen Dongqing repeated his old trick, seizing the opportunity when Ryze and the ranged soldiers were standing together, and blasted them. Not only did he kill the ranged soldiers in seconds, but he also directly knocked down one-third of Ryze's health!

BDD silently retreated to the foot of the tower without saying a word.

Chen Dongqing didn't bother much on the line, and disappeared in the middle after pushing the line.

In the following time, Jace kept walking and appeared in every corner of the canyon.

First, he flashed the excavator again in the lower jungle area and drove it away, and then followed up with a wave of four and two in the lower lane, taking advantage of the situation to get two heads and a tower in the lower lane.

After this wave of rhythm, QG took advantage of the trend and began to change lines.

Xiaohu, who had been messing around for a whole round, went to the bottom lane and continued to guard the tower to mix things up.

Uzi went to the middle and started his rhythm of farming money and pushing towers.

Chen Dongqing returned to his familiar top lane.

Wealth and honor do not return home, just like walking in brocade at night.

Fellow fellow Khan saw that Jace had an outrageous record of 5-0-1 as soon as he came back, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

You want me to go against someone who is 0-0-0 and face someone who is 5-0-1?

At eleven minutes, Chen Dongqing pushed the troops into the tower. He did not hesitate at all and took action directly!

Khan stood under the tower with nearly full health, countless possibilities and corresponding operational ideas flashed through his mind.

I'm a vampire, I'm full of blood, I'm powerful, I'm dodgey, how can you defeat me by yourself?

The next second, Jace AQRQA hit him in the face with a series of small bursts, knocking his health to less than half in one face-to-face.

Moreover, this gun form Q does not use the acceleration gate, it is just an ordinary Xiaodoudou.

Everyone in Khan was dumbfounded.

What kind of harm is this?

Khan quickly hit Jace with his ultimate move, and then W drilled into the ground.

But Chen Dongqing had triggered the phase to run very fast at this moment, immediately rushed out of the defense tower range, and reset the defense tower's hatred.

When the vampire gets W up, Chen Dongqing rushes forward, hits the vampire with an E, then switches back to the cannon form, clicks W three times, and then sends a crooked cannon to the face, directly killing the vampire with justice!

Khan worked hard to develop for ten minutes, 0-0-0, 108 last hits, the development is quite good, and he is full of health, has big power and dodge, and his combat effectiveness is definitely not weak.

But in the face of an absolute economic lead, this thing is meaningless, and he doesn't even know when to cross.

"This is a ten-minute wave of tower hopping!" Colonel Guan said with a smile: "There are a large number of troops under Khan's tower. If nothing happens, this wave of tree brothers will be able to easily destroy the top tower!"

At this time, bad news also happened to come from the middle. Xiang Guo used a wave of E and flash R to start the team perfectly, blasting BDD's Ryze out of the tower. Xiao Ming's Feng Nu predicted Ryze's landing point, and a Q perfectly blew him away!

Uzi put out a trap, Q followed E and then E for headshots, directly taking BDD's head!

The middle tower is also in QG's possession!

Now in just over ten minutes, the economic gap between the two sides has reached close to 5,000!

Immediately afterwards, QG teamed up to take down the Canyon Pioneer, but they did not rush to let go, but temporarily returned to the city to rest.

Commentators all over the world are extremely disappointed.

It seems like they haven't seen such a big gap in the professional game in a long time.

Only the three people in the Korean commentary box are different.

They couldn't say a word at the moment, they just felt embarrassed.

"Why is the gap so big?" Jin Dongjun was puzzled. "Is the rhythm of ilex's mid laner really so good? He can kill wherever he goes?"

Roaring Emperor also showed a trace of bitterness on his face, "This is mainly because BP was calculated, right? Who would have thought that QG would let ilex play the mid laner?"

"Yeah, it's such an insidious team." CloudTemplar, the third commentator, agreed.

The third commentator no longer had any hope for the outcome of this game.

How could a comeback be possible with such a huge disadvantage?

There has never been such a precedent in the international competition.

The three people now just hope that even if KZ loses, they must lose beautifully.

The game soon reached 22 minutes. At this time, all six outer towers of KZ had been removed. The five people huddled in the high ground and did not dare to come out at all.

QG saw that the people in KZ were like turtles, and it was difficult to demolish the high ground by force. They simply pushed the three lines of troops through first, and then directly opened the baron!

QG's Dalong has always been nonchalant. A few people just ALLIN without saying a word!

At this moment, there were frequent signals on the small map on KZ's side. They knew that QG was in the big dragon, so the five of them were very impatient and walked straight towards the big dragon pit.

But halfway through the jungle, a Jace stood in front of them.

The four people in QG are all fighting the dragon in the dragon pit. This Jace is in an isolated and helpless state.

But Jace didn't seem to know how to write the word "coward" at all, so he fired out a [Electric Energy Stirring] shot from his backhand!


This shot directly hit KZ's excavator, Luo, and Ryze!

Under the leading economy, the damage of this shot was very terrifying, directly knocking out one-third of the health of three people!

This horrific injury shocked everyone.

What kind of damage is this?

Can I still take on the big dragon group with this amount of blood?

Can't do it?

GorillA stared at Jace for a long time. At this moment, he suddenly had the urge to flash R and hit Jace.

He thought again that the other side was Ilex.

There was no way this person could be driven to him so easily.

GorillA sighed, and finally gave up on the fight for the big dragon: "Just give in, I can't take over the team with this HP."

Backstage at KZ, Coach Sin couldn't help clenching his fists as he listened to the team's command and decision-making.

Can you let this dragon?

The economic gap between the two sides has exceeded 10,000 yuan. If you give in to this dragon, can you hold on to it next?

Watching the people in KZ being knocked back by Jess, the three people in the LCK commentary box went crazy.

"Ah???" The Roaring Emperor couldn't help shouting: "Don't retreat, don't retreat!!! Xiba, how can you win if Dalong gives up?"

But the people in KZ were destined not to hear the commentary. The five of them walked together to the middle, but they rarely pushed down one of QG's middle towers.

On the eve of everyone in KZ pushing down the middle tower, a message came on the screen.

"The Blue Army killed Baron Nash!"

The dragon exchanged for a tower, which can only be said to be a loss to the grandma's family.

Seeing KZ's operation, countless viewers couldn't help but feel happy.

Trade a tower in the middle for Baron?

Is this the current operating level of the LCK team?

Too high!

"Okay, let's win the Baron!" Colonel Guan said with a smile: "Now, in just over twenty minutes, the economic difference between the two sides has reached 12,000. With QG taking the Baron BUFF, there is only one wave left to win. It’s such a simple push!”

I originally wanted to finish it in one scene, but it was a little over the top.

But the problem is not big, the rhythm is still under control, the second game will be a little better, the third game will be more refined, and this BO5 will end tomorrow. (End of chapter)

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