LoL: I really didn’t mess up!

Chapter 444 Reminds me of a VN

"Two to zero!" Colonel Guan smiled brightly when he saw his team winning so easily, "This game is really easier than I thought!"

"QG relied on a series of exquisite line changes to directly resolve the biggest pain point of no line rights in the middle, thereby achieving a huge lead at the lineup level!"

I remember talking about this and I wanted to laugh: "This wave of lane changes is really powerful. As a top laner, Brother Shu still performed at a dominant level after coming to the middle. This is really amazing!"

In the MSI semi-finals, the decision to temporarily switch lanes from mid to top was outrageous enough, but the most outrageous thing was that switching to the mid lane was still the same C!

At this moment, the barrage in the LPL live broadcast room also reached a peak.

[Guigui, mid laner Shuge feels even more powerful than top laner! 】

[It is recommended to buy TheShy in the summer split and let Brother Shu play the mid lane himself, which will be even more powerful]

[Indeed, I heard that QG’s four-pack-two system was proposed by Brother Shu, and his tactics are definitely no worse than Doinb’s]

[Haha, how is that possible? TheShy is now Wang Sicong’s baby, so it’s impossible to let him go.]

[Without saying too much, I suggest Brother Shu to play in the mid lane. I think Xiaohu is having a lot of fun playing in the top lane.]

Compared with the joyful atmosphere in the LPL live broadcast room, on the other side, the atmosphere in the LCK live broadcast room is completely opposite.

The barrage was full of hostility.

[Xiba KZ, it’s okay to go 5-5 in the group stage, but you’re still being tortured like this in the semifinals, right? 】

[The most embarrassing MSI! 】

[It’s better to let SKT or KT go]

[Then why didn’t they go? Don't you want to? 】

Among the barrages full of arguments, there were also bursts of wails from the three commentators.

"Ah!!!" On the Roaring Emperor's broad face, all the facial features were squeezed together, highlighting one pain, "The second game is our side game. Is it so satisfying to lose?"

Jin Dongjun also looked sad, "If we lose this game, then KZ's series will be very uncertain."

At this time, the three commentators thought at the same time, they won't get a single point this time, right?

Although they lost in the MSI in the past two years, at least they got one point.

Halfway through the game, they could still see some hope of winning.

But there is not even a glimmer of hope in today's game! This is too cruel.

As the players from both sides left the field, the director moved quickly and cut out the data panel of the game.

The economic trend of this game, player KD and damage are all clearly displayed on the panel.

The moment they saw the damage panel, the three LCK commentators were stunned and didn't know what to say.

In the KZ lounge, the atmosphere at this time was extremely depressed.

After watching this game, Coach Sin had millions of words in his mind, but for a moment he didn’t even know where to start.

BDD slumped on the chair, looking at the ground with confused eyes.

He was temporarily switched to the middle by a top laner and was beaten, which made him question himself for the first time.

He raised his head and glanced at the lounge TV.

Because he lost the game, he didn't look at the damage panel after the game and didn't know how much damage he had done.

Until then, he saw his injuries through the official data panel.

BDD's eyes were completely dull.

QG lounge.

Everyone was in disbelief when they looked at the damage figures.

Jace dealt 22,000 damage in 24 minutes, fully displaying his damage-heavy attributes.

The director also deliberately placed Jace in the mid lane this time. Because Jace's damage bar is too long, it feels like Jace is giving the middle finger to the opponent.

But that's not the point.

Jace's long damage bar is certainly eye-catching, but the most eye-catching thing is the one opposite Jace, Ryze, whose damage bar is not as long as the hero icon.

At the end of this short bar chart, a strange number is displayed.

2.2K, exactly one-tenth of Jace’s.

"Turtle" Xiangguo was shocked when he saw this damage. His eyes widened and he said, "Fuck! Ryze with 2200 damage, is this too exaggerated?"

Uzi was stunned when he saw this damage, "Have you only done this much damage in these twenty minutes? Is it too exaggerated? To be honest, it reminds me of a VN."

Everyone in VN is also familiar with that one. It is a classic of the LPL generation. He did not hit a single three-ring in the whole game and slashed 443 damage to the kid Youshen.

Xiaohu saw his second father laughing, and he laughed too. The drake's voice was particularly harsh, "Ritz's hands are not too short, right? Isn't it easy to just do some damage? What does this two thousand and two mean?" Are you so good BDD?"

Chen Dongqing was beside him, listening to Xiaohu's words and not knowing what to say.

He didn't laugh, and he couldn't laugh.

Xiaohu saw the expression on the big daddy's face next to him, turned around and asked with a smile: "Brother Shu, your attack was too strong, wasn't it? You beat the opponent stupid!"

Chen Dongqing turned around and said: "Xiaohu, you shouldn't be able to deal damage like two thousand two, right?"

"How is it possible!?" Xiaohu said anxiously, as if he was insulted: "Even if I cut off my left hand and play with only one hand, I still can't get two thousand two!"

Chen Dongqing finally smiled and said, "That's good."

"Okay, let's stop talking about this." Banbazi said with a smile: "There's no point in talking about this all the time. Let's talk about the BP for the next game."

"What else is there to talk about as BP in the next game?" Xiaohu said with a smile: "Everyone on the other side has been beaten stupid. It's up to us to choose sides this time. I don't even know how the other side should play."

Return to the LPL commentary box.

"But you can't blame him for getting hurt like this."

At this time, Guan Zeyuan started to take notice of the target and tried to defend BDD: "He didn't dare to exchange blood with Brother Shu in the lane. He kept getting beaten. He also had no rhythm in the mid-term. He was also the first to be defeated in a team fight. There’s no room for damage at all!”

At this time, the camera switched down and the MVP candidate of this game was cut out.

Of course, there is no doubt that the MVP can only be mid laner Jayce, who has the highest damage and the best KD.

The two commentators understood what was going on, and immediately began to praise Daddy Jace's skills with Doinb.

Immediately afterwards, the two began to chat about the trend of this series and predict the BP of the next game.

Soon, the intermission ended and the players from both sides took to the stage for the third time.

Colonel Guan received the news from the headset and said: "Okay, as expected, QG, who has the right to choose the side in this round, still took the initiative to choose the position of the red side. If nothing else, Brother Shu will be in this round. He will definitely return to his previous job."

"Yeah." Miller also smiled and said: "Although Brother Shu's switch to the mid lane has worked wonders, the top lane is his battlefield, and after Xiaohu switches to the top lane, it won't have much effect. In fact, It’s not necessarily earned.”

Colonel Guan continued: "Then, let's see how KZ, who is on the blue side, will do BP!"

BP begins for both sides.

In fact, KZ is nothing more than that problem.

Not enough ban slots.

Sword Girl, Sword Girl, EZ, Kai'Sa, and Victor, who can double-swing in the middle, has been affected by the impact of the first two games, and his priority is also increasing.

The people at QG are actually not sure how KZ will deal with the ban positions of these five heroes.

Put all two ADs, and then take one on each side? Or should we continue to let Victor go? It's possible.

KZ quickly gave their answer.

Among the countless possible permutations and combinations, KZ chose the most abstract one and the one least thought of.

"KZ's choice is to ban Sword Girl, Kai'Sa, and Victor?"

Colonel Guan was shocked when he saw this ban position, "Really or not, aren't you going to ban Sword Girl? Sword Girl and EZ are both outside! They can only take one?"

As soon as the words fell, KZ took the first move. They locked EZ, the strongest version of this version, in seconds.

This also means that the Wushuang Swordswoman has been released!

At this moment, the audience was in an uproar.

Is this the plan you've been working on for ten minutes? KZ?

The three people in the LCK commentary box almost fainted, and the Roaring Emperor even wailed loudly, shouting "Sword Princess can't let go!".

As the only commentator for LCK competitions in recent years, he has witnessed his team being chopped down by ilex's Sword Lady too many times.

Ignore the version, ignore the lineup, and choose C.

Even if you target him at 0-2, he can still kill your top laner alone, then team up with the dragon, and take down the bottom lane duo alone.

"Can such a hero be released? Are you confused?"

But Roaring Emperor didn't know that KZ had no choice but to make this move.

After all, QG's Sword Girl, EZ, Kai'Sa, and Viktor are all heroes that have been tested in competitions. Whichever one QG gets, it can play a winning role.

There is only one Sword Lady, which is an urban legend. QG has not chosen it for a long time, and KZ has never experienced the power of ilex Sword Lady.

KZ thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to give it a bold try to see the gold content of this urban legend.

At this time, on the other side, everyone in QG looked at each other.


Dare you let Sword Girl go?

Then choose! Just do it!

On the first floor, the Peerless Swordswoman is locked directly!

At this moment, the audience cheered instantly!

Chen Dongqing's Sword Princess is like a symbol, a flag.

Although he has always been in the ban position and has not appeared many times, every time he appears, it can arouse the audience to scream!

"Come on, come on!" Colonel Guan said with a smile: "Since you dare to release Sword Lady, KZ must be ready to fight against Sword Lady. Next, it depends on what hero Khan plans to use to deal with it!"

After the sword girl came out, the follow-up draft of this game seemed to be meaningless, and the coaches of both sides took action one after another.

After locking Sword Lady, in order to make up for the lack of frankness and team-building problems caused by Sword Lady's top laner, QG quickly changed their BP strategy, giving up the policewoman Feng Nu they had prepared, and instead locked the prince Gary in the second and third hands. Oh, escort the sword queen.

This is the gold content of the big daddy in the team, and it is worth sacrificing the BP of the entire team to protect him.

As for the other side, KZ, standing on the edge of the cliff, finally turned over their trump card and selected two uncommon heroes.

Upper unit, Illaoi.

Medium unit, big eyes.

The choice of these two heroes can only be described as slightly abstract, which surprised everyone.

Is this KZ's trump card?

Only Xiaohu couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw the big eyes.

He remembered the solo game between him and Shi Senming before the start of the first game.

what's going on? Such a coincidence?

Next, KZban dropped Xayah and the policewoman, and then locked in the jungler Olaf and the assistant Luo.

Uzi was also unambiguous, directly locking Verusgatam, choosing to resist the pressure and protect the late stage.

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue square KZ: top laner Illaoi, jungler Olaf, mid laner Big Eyes, bottom lane EZ Gallo.

Red side QG: top laner Sword Girl, jungle prince, mid laner Galio, bottom laner Verus Gatam.

The coaches of both sides shook hands for the third time in the center of the stage, and then slowly left the field.

The voices in the audience were uniform, and everyone was shouting the QG team name loudly. The momentum was so powerful that it spread throughout the audience!

Even with sound-isolating headphones, the five KZ players still inevitably heard this terrifying unified voice.

The five people in KZ were full of confusion.

what's the situation?

This is indeed a European game, right? Why are they all calling QG?


With doubts, Khan bought Dolan Shield and slowly walked online.

Illaoi's top laner is indeed one of Khan's trump cards.

This heavy-armor type top laner has always been Khan's secret weapon against light-armor warriors.

The Peerless Swordswoman is, of course, also in the ranks of lightly-armed warriors.

In a duel, heavily-armed warriors can often easily crush light-armored warriors through their own numerical values.

Of course, the advantage of lightly-armed warriors is that they are more flexible, so it’s hard to say who will win and who will lose.

In this top lane matchup, Chen Dongqing did not take much advantage.

After all, the hero Illaoi's stats are still strong, and Chen Dongqing's W basically has no use.

On the opposite side, Illaoi only needs to stand under the tower. With Dolan's shield, there is no problem in holding the line.

But Chen Dongqing is certainly not in a hurry.

Both Sword Princess and Illaoi are single-lead heroes who cannot fight in groups, but in the later stage, Sword Princess is obviously stronger.

Just delay, who is afraid of whom?

During the peacetime between the top lane and the lane, Chen Dongqing cut the camera to the middle and bottom lanes to take a look.

In the bottom lane, Uzi has a solid laning advantage.

Verus's laning ability is quite strong, and there is really no pressure against EZ Galo.

In the middle, Xiaohu also played very well.

While playing, Xiaohu was still laughing: "I'm not telling you, BDD, with his big eyes, can't play as well as Shi Senming."

The big eyes can definitely be called a secret weapon if you take them out in normal times. After all, they are rare and require long hands.

When you suddenly take it out to fight against some short-handed heroes, it may be really effective!

But it is a pity that Xiaohu was abused by Shi Senming's big eyes just once during the SOLO session before the start of today's game.

Big Eyes knows everything about this hero. As long as you line up once or twice, it will be difficult for this hero's skills to hit you.

What a coincidence, Xiaohu actually accumulated some experience.

In this game, Xiaohu manipulated Galio to move flexibly, and for a few minutes he didn't get a Q from Big Eyes, which made BDD full of questions.

Anyo, is your positioning so good?

BDD was wondering when, at this moment, a prince carrying a military flag suddenly appeared from the wilderness behind him and rushed straight towards him!

And at the same time, Galio rushed up with an E and started to charge W!

BDD's nerves were tense instantly.

Seeing the prince poking at him with a QE, BDD had no choice but to dodge!

In fact, when BDD was bypassed by the prince and didn't know it, he was already a dead person.

Obviously, when faced with BDD's dodge to dodge EQ, EQ will inevitably follow up decisively with dodge.

This is the operational confidence of the best jungler in the world.

Two golden lights flashed one after another, and the big eyes took off immediately!

Xiaohu also released his flash decisively, and Galio followed up with his W flash, taking advantage of the situation to connect with QA!

The damage of a set of two people is not enough to complete the kill, but it is not a big problem, the pursuit distance is enough.

The two of them chased Big Eyes all the way to the tower. Finally, Xiangguo fired Q [Dragon Crash] and took Big Eyes' head!

"Fitst blood!"

After gaining the advantage in the middle, the rest of the game is easy.

The first thing Xiaohu bought when he returned to the city was mercury shoes. From this moment on, the right to pass the center line was firmly in his hands.

But Xiaohu was not in a hurry to swim away.

This is QG's character. If you want to come, come to Boda.

In six minutes, Cuzz's Olaf also came to the bottom lane, wanting to take advantage of QG's disappearance of vision to try to make a move.

As luck would have it, Shi Senming really gave KZ a chance this time.

Without a view of the river, he actually wanted to press forward and lick someone with his Q.

GorillA's Luo decisively took the initiative and lifted Tahm away with a W.

On the side, Olaf from Cuzz also rushed out decisively, and the three of them chased Shi Senming and fought fiercely.

This version of Tahm Kench doesn't have the powerful movement of later generations of W. If he gets beaten in the early stage, he really won't be able to run.

Tahm is a hero who can be said to be rough-skinned and thick-skinned. Shi Senming held on to the shield for a while with his remaining health. He waited until the shield was almost gone before dodging and running back to the tower.

But it was useless to dodge and run. The two elders Xuan Ming dodgeed up at the same time and forced Shi Senming back to the spring.

Shi Senming watched the screen turn into black and white and scratched his head helplessly.

For his head, the KZ people paid the price of one sprint and two flashes!

Seeing this exchange, everyone in QG laughed happily.

Isn't this blood money?

In eight minutes, I saw that the KZ bottom lane duo didn't even dodge, and QG's bottom lane four-pack and two-two came at the drop of a hat!

Uzi pushed his troops into the tower, and the prince of Xiangguo appeared from behind, and covered it with an R [Heaven and Earth Shattered]!

Pray quickly handed over E [Olympiad Leap] to jump out of the circle, and GorillA followed him with E [Double Dance]. The two of them still wanted to run!

But obviously, the fragrant pot is waiting for this hand.

The prince's EQ followed up with the second consecutive move, flying both of them at the same time, and then Galio's ultimate move appeared, placing the two elders Xuan Ming in the center!

QG's midfielder duo clearly communicates.

Under the perfect control of the first move, this wave of tower jumping has no difficulty, and two heads are easily produced!

What stands out about the rhythm of Xiang Guo is that it is fast and powerful!

On the road, Chen Dongqing couldn't help but nodded slightly when he saw that his teammates had already achieved such a huge advantage.

If your teammates are so powerful, why do you need him?

He just hangs around and that's it.

The time soon came to ten minutes.

On the top lane, both sides' top laners are now at half health. Chen Dongqing's equipment is relatively mediocre, with only one Tiamat. He has accumulated a lot of money and didn't go home.

But at this time, Sword Girl has reached level nine, has the full level Q skill, and is in a small period of strength.

Khan, who was holding cloth-armored shoes and a death sentence, was quite confident and wanted to have a fight with Sword Queen. He chased Sword Queen with his Q skill tentacles and slapped her fiercely.

Chen Dongqing looked at the eager Khan and narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling that this was a good opportunity.

I originally wanted to hang out with you on the road, but if you insist on fighting me, don't blame me for killing you alone.

Seeing the flaw in front of him, he didn't hesitate and rushed forward with a decisive QW!

Because Sword Lady's W can't block any of Illaoi's skills, I simply cast it first to reduce Illaoi's attack speed and movement speed, creating an advantage for myself in the fight.

Although Khan's attack speed was reduced, he didn't panic. He hit the soul with an E hook, and then directly made a big move!

The big move hit Sword Queen and Soul, and two tentacles immediately appeared around them, and they smacked towards Sword Queen!

Khan then pressed W to reset the attack interval of the tentacles, and a wave of burst damage was dealt directly in one set!

But when Chen Dongqing saw this situation, he advanced instead of retreating and directly activated his ultimate move [Unparalleled Challenge].

On the way to forming the flaw in his ultimate move, he chose to save the best frontal flaw until the end. He moved below Illaoi, and his basic attack just penetrated the first flaw below.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Dongqing changed his position in A-dodge, dodging the tentacle slap and hitting the second one above.

Immediately afterwards, the Sword Princess moved a step, just came to the right, waved [Tiamat], and penetrated the third flaw!

In almost a second, the four weak points around Illaoi were reduced to the one that was the best to attack from the front.

Chen Dongqing stabbed back with the last [Breaking Air Slash], successfully completed four breaks in one second, and created a blood recovery formation.

How could the Swordswoman lose in a fight like this when she was defeated by Illaoi's tentacles on the way to the fourth defeat?

It was only then that Khan finally realized something was wrong, turned around and ran away!

But Chen Dongqing didn't panic at all. He waited for a wave of Q skill CDs, and stabbed straight forward with Q [Breaking Slash], directly slowing down with A and E!

That's right, Chen Dongqing has kept E until now just to prevent Illaoi from dodge.

After E slowed down, Chen Dongqing took a step forward and struck a critical blow with his sword, completing the solo kill!

At the moment when the single kill information was generated on the top lane, good news came from the bottom lane. Uzi successfully demolished the first blood tower on the bottom lane.

Xiang Guo also successfully captured the Fire Dragon.

"The advantage of this one is not smaller than the previous one!" Colonel Guan looked at the situation of the three takeoffs and couldn't help but grinned: "In ten minutes, the head ratio was 4-1, and there was also a first-blood tower and a dragon. !Isn’t it too exaggerated?”

Although the game has only lasted ten minutes.

But looking at QG's perfect rhythm in this game, everyone knew that this game was stable.

This is originally an abbreviation. Writing this is almost the end of it.

I updated 8,000 words today, nothing wrong~(End of chapter)

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