LoL: I really didn’t mess up!

Chapter 451 ilex is indeed a god

"It's very beautiful! QG's rhythm in this game is as perfect as ever!" Watanaru shouted in the commentary box: "It's only nine minutes now, and it's already a head-to-head ratio of 6-2!"

"This game is mainly due to QG playing well in the middle and jungle!" Miller also commented: "Xiangguo's KD of 1-1-5 so far has achieved a 100% team participation rate. Xiaohu's KD is better, winning 4- 0-1, we are already dominating the game!”

The European commentary on the scene was also quite exaggerated, shouting Xiaohu's ID, but in an English accent, it sounded more like "closing account".

Baijihu, who came to the lower lane and got two heads, was so excited that he wanted to shout "Never had such a wonderful start" on the spot!

"I'm sorry, I will be the MVP of this game!" Xiaohu shouted excitedly: "I won't be the FMVP today, right?"

Chen Dongqing watched this scene from the side, just shook his head with a smile, and said: "Then you win this game C first and then talk about it, where is 4-0?"

Xiaohu patted his chest and said quite confidently: "Don't worry, are you still worried about my carry ability?"

Xiangguo stabbed at the side: "Don't worry."


Xiaohu was silent for a second, and then said: "Liu Shiyu, don't bark. Just wait and see how I perform."

Xiaohu proved with facts that his carrying ability must be seriously questioned.

At the eleventh minute, Uzi had the advantage in the bottom lane and was ready to push the line to get a health tower.

At this time, the prince of Xiangguo also came to stand guard on the bottom lane to ensure that the first-blood tower could be taken down safely and worry-free.

On the other side, Snake, the assistant and commander of FW, saw this scene and knew that the next tower was about to be lost, so he simply stopped defending and instead turned his head and ran towards the middle!

At this moment, in the middle, the 4-0 Xiaohu is taking advantage of his advantage and shitting on Galio's face.

As a result, in the next second, Galio WE continuously controlled Luo's RW and then Blind Sin's Q, which directly stunned Xiaohu.

"Huh? Why didn't the opponent guard the bottom lane and catch him?" Xiaohu was beaten and screamed. He used EWE combos, relied on W to reduce damage, resisted the damage, and pulled out [Wing Double Blade], and even wanted to escape.

As a result, the next second, the blind monk used [Raptor's Tail Swing] to directly kick him to death.

"Shut down!"

Xiaohu, who was 4-0, gave away his final bounty in this way, vividly explaining what Feng He, the violent tiger, is.

On the road, Chen Dongqing looked at this scene and couldn't help but sneer: "It's started, right? Li Yuanhao."

When Xiaohu heard his father's scolding, his face turned red and he was speechless.

At this time, the second father said with a smile: "It's okay, you pulled it well, I took a first-health tower, it's not a loss, you come to the bottom lane, leave it to me in the middle lane."

In fact, if Xiaohu survives this wave, Uzi will probably develop more in the bottom lane.

After all, a 4-0 sword girl in the middle is quite intimidating.

But unfortunately Xiaohu died, and Uzi chose to change lines.

Xiaohu understood this. He walked sickly to the bottom lane and entered the slow single-band development time.

Fortunately, Dao Mei's equipment lead is still there, and Xiaohu's advantage compared to other mid laners is that his single belt awareness is quite excellent. He can do the same as Chen Dongqing, keenly judging the positions of several people on the opposite side. Movements to determine when to retreat and attract firepower to the greatest extent.

In the middle, Uzi was also under full pressure. The huge pressure from the middle and lower lanes forced the Flash Wolves to run back and forth in the lower half.

But fortunately, after all, QG is a VN in the middle, and the tower push is not strong. The tiger in the bottom lane does not dare to lead too deep, and the Flash Wolf's defensive pressure is not great.

They ran back and forth between the middle and lower roads, and there was no problem in holding on to the situation.

Chen Dongqing observed the current situation and squinted slightly.

The opponent is indeed resisting the situation now, this is true.

But this is based on the premise that there will be no problems on the road.

If another breakthrough can be made on the top lane at this time, the Flash Wolves' defense will completely collapse.

He knew that it was his turn to give the opponent a fatal blow.

On the road, Chen Dongqing has already made Yaoguang, Tiamat and mercury shoes.

On the other hand, the weapons and equipment are much more clumsy. They just made cloth armor shoes and a small wooden hammer. The outstanding thing is that they are immortal.

However, this kind of weapon lacks initiative. Under Qinggangying's repeated blood-draining harassment, only 70% of its health is left at this moment.

Chen Dongqing's blood volume was about the same, but he didn't give in. He first relied on Tiamat's AOE to quickly push the troop line into the tower. After the defense tower was reset, the troop line was handed over again in the middle.

When the game reaches this stage and Qinggangying has full level Q, the situation has begun to reverse.

Nowadays, the one who has the initiative in the lane is no longer a weapon.

Chen Dongqing didn't have any extra operations. When the weapon came forward to hit the target, he directly stepped forward and charged forward with a W [tactical sweep] to start accumulating power.

Now there are only two ways in front of weapons.

Or dance in the inner circle of Qinggang Ying's face and fight.

Or, just eat this W and run away.

Now Hanabi obviously doesn't dare to make a fool of himself, so he has no choice but to run away.

Seeing the W sweep in the outer circle, Chen Dongqing raised the corner of his mouth, pressed the Q skill decisively, took advantage of the deceleration to catch up quickly, and kicked the Q directly towards the weapon!

With the acceleration of the Q skill, it is inevitable that the weapon will be kicked by him.

There was no other way, Hanabi could only use E to block the kick, and then hit Qinggang Shadow with W, hitting Immortality and knocking out a large amount of Qinggang Shadow's health.

But Chen Dongqing couldn't help but smile when he saw that the weapon still dared to turn around and fight back after firing E.

You really don’t know how high the sky is and how high it is.

He didn't run away like other Qinggang shadows when he saw the weapon firing E. Instead, he strode forward and rushed directly into the weapon's face.

Just like last time, keep calm, concentrate, and keep an eye on the movement of the weapon.

This time, relying solely on Q to offset the weapon's E is no longer enough for Chen Dongqing.

He needs something more fancy.

Chen Dongqing felt that time was almost up, so he stretched out his E first and hooked towards the far wall.

And at this moment, the weapon suddenly waved the street light in his hand!

Hanabi was flexible this time. He ended his E skill early just to not give Qinggang Shadow a chance to kick him!

But he still underestimated his opponent.

Chen Dongqing's use of kapu attack and kick weapons did not rely on experience or prediction, let alone luck.

It's all about reaction and hand speed!

Even though the weapon pressed E in advance, Chen Dongqing still reacted in time, pressed Q decisively, pulled up his kick, and kicked straight towards the weapon!

The difficulty of this wave of operations is really too high. Even for him, he has to concentrate on it, and it can only be played in the zero-lag environment of the game.

But as long as you succeed, the benefits will be extremely high!

In the dizzy environment, Qinggangying triggered his own passive shield with a kick, protecting himself from blood loss and kicking down the weapon's health bar by a large amount!

Hanabi pursed his lips. He didn't dare to move the shielded green steel figure, so he could only turn his head and pull away.

But at this moment, the E released by Qinggang Ying happened to hook onto the wall.

Under the dizzy condition, the green steel shadow flew straight towards the wall.

E controls the offset + Q card to forcefully kick out the damage. Chen Dongqing has almost achieved micro-management to the extreme in this wave!

The higher the difficulty, the greater the benefits. This set of combined operations, firstly, ignores the immunity effect of [Counterattack Storm] and secondly, it ignores the stun effect.

Chen Dongqing relied on his own operation to dissolve the core E skill of the weapon into the invisible.

Without E, how could the weapon win against the Qinggang Shadow?

Because Qinggang Shadow has mercury shoes + legendary toughness, the weapon's one-second stun was weakened to very little. Qinggang Shadow had just resumed free movement after being hung on the wall.

Chen Dongqing was not in a hurry. He hung on the wall for half a second, dragged the CD of a wave of Q skills, and then kicked directly towards the weapon!

Hanabi hurriedly jumped back and ran back, but Chen Dongqing had no intention of kicking the weapon. With his E skill in mid-air, he hit the top of the weapon with a big move [Hexian Ultimatum]!

After the ultimate attack is over, the weapon has no chance of survival.

Chen Dongqing walked over and took advantage of the situation to take the A to Q shot, then pursued two steps, pulled up with one kick to trigger the glare again, kicking the weapon to the remaining health!

In the end, Chen Dongqing set fire to the opponent and turned around confidently.

Under the burning flames, the last trace of HP of the weapon was consumed.

"QG ilex killed FW Hanabi!"

At this moment, cheers surged from the audience, and live broadcast rooms around the world were filled with barrage!

Moreover, the audience couldn’t understand this wave of killings!

Is it so easy to kill? How?

"Beautiful!" Wawa shouted happily in the LPL commentary booth: "After gaining an advantage in the middle and bottom lane, he also completed a solo kill on the top lane! This is a standard three-way game!"

Seeing this scene, Wawa couldn't help but smile and said: "This game is a bit like last year's QG!"

Many people say that the 16th version of QG is the pinnacle of the team. The team has achieved the ultimate in linkage and cooperation. It is the championship won by everyone's concerted efforts.

The 17th version of QG is the pinnacle of laning. The trident of ilex, GodV, and Uzi form the most powerful laning trio in the world. They often kill three lanes in just ten minutes. They can directly speed through the game. A championship won throughout the year.

And this game allowed the audience to find the feeling of the 17th version of QG!

Godway couldn't help but fall into reminiscing as he listened to the words of the two people next to him.

After two seconds, he said: "Indeed, I have to say that Xiaohu, the mid laner, is actually better than expected. Although he does not have a special personal style, he is very versatile and can be integrated into any style of the team. In fact, this It’s also a very difficult thing.”

QG's former mid laner expressed his approval of the current mid laner. This is quite a strange scene.

But Doin Miller thought for a moment and suddenly remembered that Doinb seemed to have said something similar the day before yesterday?

At this time, in the voice of the QG team, everyone's morale was also high!

"Nice! Chen Dongqing!" Xiang Guo was full of praise for this, "Your single kill is very crucial!"

This wave is really crucial.

Because in these two minutes, QG has not been able to expand its advantage under the concentrated defense of the Flash Wolves.

Of course, QG's lineup is stronger in the later stage. In fact, even if the situation is awkward, they can win steadily.

But this is not what QG wants, they just want to end the game quickly.

Chen Dongqing's mediocre solo kill played a key role.

The Flash Wolf has done everything it can to stabilize the situation in the middle and lower sections. The hole that appears again on the upper road, even if it is not big, is fatal enough for the Flash Wolf!

Next, there is nothing more to say.

The 1-0-1 Qinggangying on the top lane became the core of the team. Taking advantage of his teammates to attract firepower in the middle and bottom lanes, Xiangguo Prince made a tricky move and hit the Flash Wolf's waist.

While the troops were entering the tower, Chen Dongqing took action directly and kicked the weapon under the tower.

Hanabi didn't dare to fight back, so she turned around and ran away, but she ended up right in the prince's mouth.

Xiangguo is very experienced. He first attacks with basic attacks to lower the HP of the weapon to put pressure on him. He then waits for the opponent to dodge and then follows up with EQ, and cooperates with Chen Dongqing to easily kill the weapon!

After killing the people, QG's top and jungle players performed their respective duties. Chen Dongqing took the previous tower, Xiangguo took the vanguard. The situation that the Lightning Wolves had maintained for a long time suddenly took a turn for the worse.

In the Lightning Wolf voice channel, the atmosphere has dropped to freezing point.

There were five people sitting in the game, and the more they played, the more silent they became.

Snake looked at the situation where the three groups were being suppressed at the same time, and could not relax his worried brows.

To be honest, with their lineup and situation, he didn't even know where their comeback point was!

The opponent's VN plus Lulu becomes more powerful in the later stages. Sword Girl plus Qinggangying is also a good player with a single belt, and it is impossible to guard against it when the equipment is ahead.

So how should they fight?

"Alas" Hanabi couldn't help but sigh when facing the black and white screen, and said: "This is mine, I shouldn't be killed when I go out."

"No." Everyone in the Lightning Wolves shook their heads, blocking out the top laner's self-blame words.

To put it bluntly, it’s no wonder this one is on the road.

Compared to the holes in the top lane, their bottom half actually has bigger problems.

The emotion of lament spread in the hearts of everyone in the Lightning Wolves.

They also know that Flash Wolves’ journey in this MSI has to come to an end.

They will become the biggest background board and stepping stone, supporting QG to ascend to the altar.

At 16 minutes, Xiangguo released the vanguard, helped the team level the middle tower, and easily took down the water dragon with the team.

At this point, the economic gap between the two sides has officially exceeded the 4,000 mark. At the same time, QG has two dragons in hand and is already confident of victory.

Uzi is still not in a hurry. VN has not reached his strong stage yet, so he still attracts firepower in the middle.

Now is the stage for two lightly-armed warriors, Chen Dongqing and Xiaohu.

Both of them have top-notch line-leading abilities. They can boldly lead the line forward and get away when they are about to be caught.

And if one side attracts firepower, the other side will decisively lead the line deep and launch a fierce attack on the Lightning Wolf's defense tower!

In the 18th minute, taking advantage of the firepower attracted by Chen Dongqing on the top lane, the little tiger sword girl on the bottom lane chased Galio on the opposite lane and slashed him. After cutting out the opponent's flash, he successfully bulldozed the second tower on the opposite bottom lane.

Xiaohu has been conquering this second tower in the bottom lane since he switched to the bottom lane, and he finally won it until now!

At twenty-two minutes, Xiaohu received instructions from the team and fought more and more boldly. He actually brought his troops directly to the high ground and waited for the people on the opposite side to surround him without retreating.

Of course this is not because Xiaohu is dizzy, this is also one of QG's plans.

Because at this time, Chen Dongqing, who was on the top lane, also pushed his troops in front of the second tower, and then quickly turned around to join his teammates who pushed the middle lane on the upper river channel, directly ALLIN the dragon!

Since Flash Wolf dared to seize the bottom lane at this time, of course he had already made preparations, just wanting to trade the Baron for the life of the knife girl.

It’s a shame, right? But in fact, the people of Flash Wolves have nothing to do. They can only catch one first. As for the Baron, they can only let the jungler try to punish it.

But the result of the punishment is destined to be bad.

When the dragon was still half-healthy, Moojin's blind monk was already wandering near the dragon's pit. Without the dragon's vision, he was a little panicked.

The next second, a green steel shadow kicked out from the big dragon pit, kicked him in the face, and then kicked him up to half of his health!

Moojin was so frightened that he could only kick the green steel shadow away, and then he rolled and crawled away with his eyes open!

Chen Dongqing knew that the blind monk had no teammates, so he didn't give up at all and just chased forward. Waiting for the next E, he directly locked the head with ER and landed AQ!

At this time, the Lightning Wolf men had also finished killing Xiaohu and were heading towards the upper jungle area to support them.

Baron Nash's howl came from the canyon. Chen Dongqing didn't pay attention to the opponent at all. He kicked the blind monk to death in front of the opponent's support, and then turned around and left with the purple BUFF.

"Okay! QG will go back to the city for a rest for the time being. They need to replenish their status and update their equipment!" Wawa shouted happily: "They may be ready to end the game!"

After winning the Baron, QG still pushed 131 points.

With the blessing of the Baron BUFF, the three lines of troops advanced together and arrived at the high ground of the Flash Wolf almost at the same time.

The QG third-line members almost greeted each other. The moment the third-line troops were pushed up, they took action directly!

In the middle, Xiangguo Prince was the fastest. He dunked into the high ground in the middle with an EQR, trapping the opposite bottom duo at the same time!

At this moment, the audience in the audience was in turmoil. Maple, who was on the bottom lane, did not dare to delay and quickly gave support with his ultimate move.

But Xiaohu moved up with several Qs in a row, and an E cut off Galio's ultimate move!

As for the top road, it goes without saying that Chen Dongqing kicked directly into the high ground on the top road, and he actually planned to overtake the weapon alone!

Of course, Chen Dongqing also has this capital.

It's just over twenty minutes now, and the stunted Hanabi hasn't even made three bloody hands yet.

But Chen Dongqing already has three items + greed + storm sword + stopwatch, and the three-piece set is close at hand.

With this kind of equipment gap, weapons are obviously unusable.

Qinggangying Qed the tower first, and then clung to the edge of the tower. He quickly hit the wall with a flying kick. He didn't even use the E skill to kick the weapon master, and was directly kicked by Qinggangying, losing nearly half of his health. !

Hanabi quickly activated E to counterattack, but Chen Dongqing was not in a hurry. At this time, he had such a huge advantage that there was no need to perform any operations. He used a big move to clear the defense tower's hatred and let the weapon stun him.

When the Q skill improves, he will use the second set of Q skill to easily complete the solo kill!

The three groups of QG fought separately, but the director was tortured, and the camera switched back and forth between the three groups.

Seeing that the battle on the top lane was finally over, the camera also cut back to the middle lane at this moment.

Uzi also activated his ultimate move at this moment, and with the blessing of Lulu's ultimate move, the two-hundred-pound VN was like a god of war. He first cooperated with Xiang Guo to focus the fire on the opponent's AD!

Betty was trapped in the circle of princes. He had no choice but to use his invincible ultimate move, and then flash away to save himself a way out!

Uzi was not in a hurry, and used a backhand E to push away the blind monk beside him, then rolled and became invisible, clearing the blind monk and Luo first.

This Xia, who is not big or flashy, will be taken care of by someone.

From behind, a hook lock hooked the Lightning Wolf's highland crystal wall, followed by a red light that flew along the hook rope!

Everyone saw that the green steel shadow seemed to have already charged up his Q, and released [Tactical Sweep] on the way to the hook, kicking towards Xia!

With the release of exquisite skills, the outer circle of W just hit Xia's body, and then kicked him unconscious, followed by pulling him up with a kick, and then pressed down the golden body instantly!

This three-dimensional kick with real injuries is something that a fragile AD cannot withstand.

Most of Xia's remaining health disappeared instantly and turned into a dead soul at Camille's feet!

"Double kill!"

On the other side, Maple Galio's support arrived late, but Galio's E+W moved closer and even wanted to protect his AD!

But this is also within Chen Dongqing's vision.

The moment she killed Xayah, with a "ding" sound, Camille transformed into a golden figure and directly avoided Galio's W dodge.

The Qinggang Shadow's pulling action was frozen at this moment, showing his elegance!

Behind, Uzi has now finished dealing with the blind monk and Luo, and rolls closer. Xiaohu's Sword Girl also comes close, and joins forces with Uzi to send the last Galio back to the spring water!


In a devastating team battle, with the combined efforts of Qinggangying and VN, QG played a perfect wave of zero-for-five!

After the team was wiped out, what was in front of QG was the unmarked base of Flash Wolf!

Highland Tower, Highland Crystal, Incisor Tower

Flash Wolf's buildings are collapsing one after another! The voices from the audience are getting louder and louder!

"Let us witness the birth of a legend together!" At the scene, the European commentators stopped pretending and took off their masks one after another, revealing the true faces of QG fans. "QG defeated FW three to zero and won the 2018 Mid-Season Invitational!"

The moment the Flash Wolf base exploded, the large screen on the scene suddenly switched. The makeup photos of the five QG people appeared on the top, and a big "champion!" was displayed on the bottom!

Chen Dongqing stood up and embraced the incense pot next to him passionately!

Uzi and Shi Senming were sitting close to each other. They stood up at the same time and hugged each other immediately!

Xiaohu, who won the championship for the first time, moved the slowest. He sat on the chair for two seconds before finally realizing that he had won the championship!

He also jumped up, looked at the people on the left and right, and decisively joined Big Daddy's embrace!

"Nice cancel your account!" Chen Dongqing shouted cheerfully: "You are the best in this game."

In fact, this is a bit embarrassing. The four heads Xiaohu got at the beginning remained unchanged until the end of the game. The final record was 4-2-7.

But it has to be said that Xiaohu's wave of control in the bottom lane and helping the team win the Baron can be considered a great contribution.

Xiaohu didn't care about that much, he only knew that his eldest father praised him, and he also believed that he had made a great achievement with this move!

On the side, Uzi and Shi Senming also joined in, and the five QG people hugged each other to celebrate this championship!

At this moment, countless spectators were chanting QG's team name in the audience, and this torrent of sound clearly reached Chen Dongqing's ears.

"QG! QG! QG!"

In the LPL commentary box, Wawa was also extremely excited. His voice was full of excitement, making the LPL audience extremely excited: "Congratulations to QG! After 2016 and 2017, they won the Mid-Season Championship trophy for the third time! "

"The gold content of winning the cup this time is really too high!" Miller's voice was also extremely excited: "They fulfilled their pre-match promise and completed an unprecedented MSI victory! They also completed three consecutive MSI championships. !Continue to consolidate its position as the world’s number one e-sports club!”

At the entrance to the aisle, Linko was so excited that he rushed to the stage shouting: "Let's go, come up and hold the cup!"

As the QG club becomes larger and larger, Linko's voice in the club is getting smaller and smaller, and even the big boss has changed this year.

This is actually stressful for Linko.

After all, the club belongs to him, and he can accept whether he wins or loses.

But now QG belongs to someone else, and he will be under pressure if he loses.

But fortunately, QG will not lose.

Linko smiled and rushed in front of the team members, smiling and giving Xiaohu a thumbs up.

In this last victory, Xiaohu’s performance was impressive!

When Xiaohu heard that the manager was also praising him, he immediately puffed up his chest with excitement!

"Okay, let's shake hands." Linko said with a smile: "You have performed well enough this time. You all have bonuses, and the activities have been promoted to you. Let's take a long vacation!"

"Okay!" With the championship in hand and the holiday in sight, Xiaohu seemed to be in great spirits and walked like a dragon and a tiger!

The camera followed the footsteps of everyone in QG and came to the Flash Wolf player bench.

Wawa has rich experience as a commentator, and he immediately praised Flash Wolves' performance at this MSI.

"I think for the Flash Wolves, although they lost today's game, it's actually not that difficult to accept." Watou said with a smile: "Because their progress in this MSI is gratifying."

There is nothing wrong with what the doll said.

The process of being beaten three times in a row is certainly uncomfortable, but if you put this process aside, this runner-up result is enough for them to return to the LMS division with a smile.

After S2, this runner-up is their best result in the international competition for the LMS region.

Flash Wolf stood up and sighed with a wry smile.

But it's ironic to say that the reason why they won this runner-up was mostly thanks to QG.

Maple watched Chen Dongqing walk up to him and said, "Thank you."

Maple actually wanted to say thank you to Chen Dongqing for a long time, but he never saw Chen Dongqing in person and never had the chance to say it, so he just said it now.

The result of the game has been settled, and Maple doesn't have any hatred for QG's people.

But Chen Dongqing was baffled by what he said.

Why do you still say thank you when your opponent loses?

He politely said "It's okay" before shaking hands with Moojin and Hanabi.

When shaking hands at the end, Chen Dongqing politely said to his opponent, "Well done, see you in the World Championships."

This made Hanabi very happy.

To top laners around the world, ilex is a god.

Hanabi didn't think so. After all, everyone is playing games and is a professional player. Who is more noble than whom?

But after today's game, Hanabi had nothing to say.

ilex is indeed a god.

And now, this person is still praising him for playing well?

Hanabi looked at ilex's back as he walked towards the center of the stage, feeling quite honored.

This is the end of MSI

The second half of the year is the time for S8 to come to an end.

Brothers, let’s follow Chen Dongqing through the last long step to ascend to the gods~

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