LoL: I really didn’t mess up!

Chapter 463 Sword Demon, Sword Demon, Sword Demon!

Taking advantage of QG's ability to take down the dragon, the director quickly cut out the replay of the team battle just now.

Although it was the second time to watch it, countless viewers could not help but be dumbfounded when they saw the crazy performance of this wave of sword demons.

What is this Gou Ba?

Why can this sword demon kill five people by himself, but still have full health at the end of the fight? Is this really a hero in League of Legends?

When Sword Demon was first reworked, countless people jokingly called Sword Demon a little Riven. His explosive power was not as high as Riven's, and he was not as flexible as Riven. He was simply copying Cao Cao.

But now it seems that it is all nonsense.

What little Riven, super big Riven!


[Who says that the hero Sword Demon is not powerful? Who dares to say who I should criticize! 】

[It’s really outrageous, I dare say there is no other hero in the LOL game that can achieve this effect! 】

[It seems Brother Shu is fine, the sword demon is indeed strong]

[Hey, what if the heavily armored warrior you said is not suitable for the competition? 】

[What kind of heavy equipment is Sword Demon? The continuous displacement of these two E's is not much more flexible than most top laners]

The camera cuts back to the game. At this time, everyone in QG has returned to the city to resupply and update their equipment.

At this time, we can see that the economic gap between the two sides has exceeded 10,000. QG's four-core Sword Demon, Yasuo, Lucian, and Wine Barrel have all made a three-piece set. I don't know how QG can lose!

I don’t know when the audience started shouting QG’s team name in unison, and the shouts were uniform and shocking!

This call reached the ears of both players and greatly affected the morale of both sides!

After everyone in QG vaguely heard the call, their fighting spirit was high. They were bound to win this final team battle!

Everyone in KZ lost their fighting spirit. They lowered their heads and operated their characters numbly, not even knowing what to do.

Now that the disadvantage is so huge, how can there be room for a comeback? It's just waiting to die.

Every time at this time, everyone in KZ would start cursing fist in their hearts.

Xiba Lu, why can’t we surrender in the competition?

Soon, QG's final push came to their doorstep.

Without any bells and whistles, the moment the troops entered the highland tower, the team battle started immediately!

This time, Chen Dongqing was still the first to advance into the formation. This Tyrant Sword Demon with leading equipment was the gap that KZ could never cross!

Xiangguo's big move exploded the KZ formation, and Xiaohu's big move was directly directed to Xia's body, directly putting Xia in the air!

Chen Dongqing took advantage of the situation and activated his ultimate move and Youmeng rushed into the field quickly, and QE with a knife just took off Can Xuexia's head!

Then Chen Dongqing's sword demon ran rampant in the field, like a god descending to earth! Sword Qi, Q2 interrupts Thain's Q, and then Q3E hits Thain and Galio at the same time, creating an explosive AOE, and standing still thanks to blood-sucking!

Waiting for the next round of Q, Chen Dongqing hacked to death Thain with two swords, and then stabbed the blind monk to death with sword energy, successfully getting three kills!

The remaining Uzi and Xiaohu were one each, taking Galio and Luo into their pockets.


After the sound of group destruction, another voice sounded.


The voice of the Sword Demon Super God also appeared on the scene, announcing who was the real big daddy!

At 26 minutes, Chen Dongqing slashed with his sword, harvesting 50 gold coins and cutting the KZ base into fragments all over the sky!

"Let us congratulate QG!" Colonel Guan beamed, "In the first game of the intercontinental competition, they completed a three-way crushing victory through their iconic early attack! They played a wave for our LPL. Nice start!”

"Yes!" Wang Duoduo looked at Chen Dongqing who stood up to celebrate in the picture and said with a smile: "The most joyful thing is Brother Shu's stable performance after returning from a long absence! Although he has not played a game in the past month, But Brother Shu still used this game to prove that he is still the number one man in history who is at his peak!"

When it comes to Brother Shu's status as the first person in history, even Wang Duoduo, who is a commentator, can stand up proudly!

"But there is one thing to say, the sword demon chosen by Brother Shu is also worth talking about!" Colonel Guan couldn't help but admired: "The performance of Brother Shu's sword demon is really outrageous! The battle started in the lane It’s two against one against three, and then there’s a team battle where one fights against five, who can stand this?”

"The most exaggerated thing is the fault tolerance rate of this sword demon in team battles!" Wang Duoduo couldn't help but laugh: "This sword demon with bloody hands and a big move to resurrect, there is no need to try to dodge any skills in team battles, anyway, just directly Just rush in and take all the damage, and your teammates will kill everyone in the time it takes to resurrect."

Now the audience understands why QG wants to lock the Sword Demon directly.

Who wouldn't enjoy it when he's so strong?

What little Riven?

This is Shen Ruiwen!

Seeing this, Colonel Guan smiled and said: "If nothing else happens, maybe the Dark Sword Demon will become a key factor in this intercontinental competition."

After the game ended, Xiaohu took a look at the damage list with great interest, and wanted to see how much damage he had done with this weapon.

He beat Yasuo so well, with a very high damage rating!

But one look hurt.

Sword Demon was first, Lucian was second, and Barrel was third. Yasuo was ahead of him by 7 damage points.

Hurt fourth?

Xiaohu's face suddenly froze, and he stood up in confusion, only to see the smiling daddy.

Perhaps influenced by his daddy's smile, Xiaohu immediately slapped his thigh and laughed happily again.

The damage number doesn't matter at all, as long as you win!

Chen Dongqing patted Xiaohu on the shoulder and praised his solo kill operation.

Xiaohu smiled even more happily when his big daddy praised him.

The shouts from the 18,000 viewers on this stage are not as good as a compliment from Brother Shu!

"Let's go, shake hands!"


Everyone in QG moved quickly, taking long strides to the other side of the player bench.

Chen Dongqing didn't chat much with the KZ people, but stayed in front of Khan for a while.

Because the expression on the other side was really ugly.

Khan was obviously a little hurt by this tragic situation. He lowered his head and grimaced, thinking about the game just now.

To be honest, he had never played such a miserable game in his life.

They were overtaken twice at the beginning, and then came three dark minutes with no chance of healing.

He lasted until seven minutes, and his last hit was still a pitiful 15 knives.

Then in the following time, he had no human rights. Whether it was Yasuo or Sword Demon, he was passively beaten.

I stood under the tower and guarded the tower for twenty minutes, and then from time to time I would be hit by a wine barrel with an E-dodge.

As for the team fight, it was even more of a beating.

After the game, his record was fixed at 1-6, which was as miserable as it could be.

If a top laner has a 1-6 record, can he be a normal person?

When Khan looked up, he saw the perpetrator walking in front of him.

The person in front of him had a cheerful and sunny smile that made people want to punch him.


Khan's eyes sharpened, and he clenched his fists subconsciously, but then released them instantly, then raised his hand to shake the other person's hand, and his whole person became smiling again.

Can't fight, can't fight.

Chen Dongqing didn't understand the change in Khan's face in front of him. He shook hands with laughter and said, "Come on."

Khan is a player who has been in the LPL youth training, and he still understands this simple Chinese.

After the handshake was over, Chen Dongqing and his teammates bowed in the center of the stage, and then returned to the players' bench to pack up their peripherals.

Chen Dongqing had just wrapped his keyboard and mouse with his own mouse pad, but the next second he saw a hand reaching out in front of him.

Chen Dongqing looked calm and put the mouse pad on this hand.

Xiaohu was rich in experience. He rolled the mouse pad into the crook of his arm and leaned it against his waist. Big Daddy's peripheral was firmly held in his hand!

Chen Dongqing and Xiaohu walked side by side, and when they reached the backstage passage, they saw Ren Dong reaching out to stop them.

"Nice, Brother Shu," Ren Dong bumped fists with Chen Dongqing, then smiled and said, "I have an interview with you today."

Chen Dongqing smiled and nodded, stopped on the spot, and looked at the post-match data panel.

After taking a look, it was Number One who saw his injury as expected.

In twenty-six minutes, Chen Dongqing directly dealt 26,000 points of damage, and the average damage was just over a thousand!

I dealt too much damage to Thain with this one. In team battles, AOE was also a direct blast. No one could compare with me in terms of damage.

He passed by Q3E. How many slides did Uzi's Lu Xian have to slide before he could catch up?

Not even just the output.

Once a thing like the Sword Demon has an advantage, the amount of damage it can sustain is terrifyingly high!

After the post-game data, the next step is the selection of the game MVP.

Chen Dongqing took a closer look at the data, and then couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

As expected, the data of this sword demon can only be said to be quite explosive when looking at the entire history!

The 8-0-4 super-god and tyrannical sword demon.

Crazy 38% damage ratio

And the injury data is even more exaggerated, reaching the beginning of 4, as high as 42%!

"This injury." In the commentary box, the senior colonel was shocked, "This is the first time I have seen an injury ratio starting with 4! This injury ratio plus the injury ratio added up, it went directly to the terrifying 80 %!”

This data is full of unreasonableness.

Mainly the injury data, which is actually generally the data dominated by the jungle position.

Because the jungler has to fluctuate with wild monsters, and the health bar goes up and down, the injury data is naturally much ahead of the line.

Want to grab 40%+ injury ratio among junglers? How much damage will this team fight take?

It can only be said that Colonel Guan still doesn’t understand the sword demon after all.

It is common for a dark sword demon to have 3,000 HP to resist 6,000 damage. In addition, Chen Dongqing can easily resist 5 of them without dying, so it is difficult to lower the damage tolerance data.

When Chen Dongqing saw this, he couldn't wait to open the counter and see how the baby maggot blew his own.

But now is not the time to visit the restrooms.

Ren Dong extended his hand towards Chen Dongqing, and Chen Dongqing followed him onto the stage with understanding.

"Today's post-match interview session, we invited ilex, the top laner of our QG team." Before Ren Dong finished speaking, the audience in the audience couldn't wait, and collectively gave surging cheers, and then shouted ilex in unison This iconic ID!

Obviously, at his home stadium, Chen Dongqing does not need to introduce himself, the audience will be eager to introduce him.

Chen Dongqing smiled and waved to the audience and bowed. When the shouts gradually subsided, the interview was finally able to continue.

"First question." Ren Dong said with a smile: "In this game, QG represented the LPL division and got a good start! What do you think of Brother Shu?"

This is a commonplace question. Chen Dongqing held the microphone and said with a smile: "I can only say that I am very happy. I played this game very happily, and the result after the game is also very happy. I hope our victory can... Let’s set an example for the other brothers in the division, let’s strive for a complete victory today!”

Backstage at LPL, everyone couldn't help but tighten their anus after hearing this.

Gouba, you like to say harsh words, but don’t take us with you!

Everyone is turning their attention to today’s schedule.

Today, all four LPL teams are going to play.

Except for EDG, whose schedule is relatively easy and only needs to play around the corner, the other three teams all have to play against the Korean team.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing if anyone loses today?

Of course, this has nothing to do with QG people.

Chen Dongqing happily returned to the backstage, lay down on his chair, and then entered a state of ruin.

That's the bad thing about the opening game. Everyone is playing together, and it's not convenient for them to leave early. They have to wait until the six games are over.

This caused Chen Dongqing to wait in the lounge for a long time.

At this time, everyone in EDG, the second team to play today, also stood up. Their opponent today is the LMS fourth seed, so it can only be said that there is not much pressure.

People on both sides stood up and escorted the EDG people out of the lounge.

"Come on, come on." Xiangguo said, "No one will lose to Team Wanwan, right?"

Scout adjusted his glasses and waved his hand, "Don't worry, it's impossible to lose."

The LMS division is actually somewhat similar to the LPL. There is one team that stands out and has won the championship for more than two consecutive years.

But the difference between the two divisions is that the top team of LPL is the world champion. Although the three teams behind are not as good as the top team, they are still at the top level in the world.

The top team in the LMS is capped at the top eight. The three teams behind are obviously not much better.

My big EDG can't beat Brazil, South Korea, and QG. How can I beat Min Wanwan No. 4?

Seeing everyone in EDG leaving the field with confidence, Chen Dongqing sat back in his seat, took out his phone and looked at the counter bar.

As expected, the forum at this time was full of praise for his sword demon.

[Brother Shu is so invincible. This is the first time I have seen the output and damage taken exceed 80%! 】

[It is indeed outrageous. Generally speaking, if the output damage exceeds 50%, it is already outrageous]

[The main reason is that QG has a four-core lineup, except for the four auxiliary ones, which all provide output. As a result, this Sword Demon can still achieve an output ratio of more than 30, which is really exaggerated]

[I’m so nervous, this Sword Demon is so good at dealing damage. If I lose two rounds of Q skills in a team battle, my AOE will be full]

[No, EDG’s game is nothing interesting to watch, I’m going to start a ranked game now]

[Okay, okay, I’ll ban the Sword Demon now]

Chen Dongqing licked his lips and felt comfortable in his heart.

The praise from bar friends is always so pure and direct.

In addition, it is also full of ridicule of Khan.

[If you choose a tank like Thain in front of Brother Shu, do you really not regard Brother Shu as a human being? 】

[I chose well this time, I will continue to choose next time]

[There is no way. The blue side chooses first. If you choose the carry top laner, you will be killed by a blast. If you choose the tank top laner, you will be raising your father. This is not his hero’s problem, but other people’s problems]


[Five games in MSI and one in the Intercontinental Tournament. Now KZ has been defeated by QG for five consecutive rounds. They can't even fight back. I suggest that if the two teams meet again in the future, just use a one-click sweep. QG will win by default. . 】

[One-click sweep makes no sense]

The comments about Khan reached the level of joking and ridicule among the friends, so they stopped. After all, everyone was in high spirits after winning the game, and they were also full of understanding and tolerance for Khan.

But it’s different in LCK.

In the Korea Net transfer post, many people even claimed that Khan was an undercover agent sent by the LPL. The fact that Khan debuted in the LPL is irrefutable proof.

When Korean viewers thought about the contrast between Khan's strength at home and abroad, the more they thought about it, the more reasonable they became. This abstract argument gradually became tenable!

Chen Dongqing was happy.

If you lose the game and call the players undercover, spies, then who would dare to play in your place? How chilling.

In addition, there was also a lot of criticism in the middle.

The reason for being criticized in the middle was naturally the wave of solo kills.

How could he be killed by Yasuo when he was in full flash state? This makes no sense!

As for the bottom lane, the firepower is slightly less, but it is there.

Korean netizens may indeed find no problem with Xuanming and Xuanming in the bottom lane, so they simply started to look at history.

[As the most critical bot lane duo in the current version, is it reasonable that there is no sound at all in every game? 】

[Thanks to the team for grabbing Xialuo for you, but you start to fall behind after two levels. It’s really funny.]

[From 2016 to now, how many times have these two people performed filial piety to QG? You are the ones who have performed filial piety the most]

[That’s embarrassing. In terms of the number of filial piety performances, Pary and GorillA should be similar to Faker. They both lost an MSI and an S game. They also lost together in the Intercontinental Championship last year. Don’t look down on the other.]

[But don’t forget, in last year’s Intercontinental Championship finals, KZ was beaten by QG with a record of 1639. In terms of filial piety, they were number one! 】

[Oh, what you said makes sense! 】

Chen Dongqing couldn't help but laugh and cry when he saw this.

Why are you still comparing yourself to others?

Chen Dongqing smiled and exited the post, continuing to swim in the anti-bar. He didn’t know how long he had been browsing when a burst of exclamation suddenly came from his ears.

From this exclamation, Chen Dongqing heard a hint of worry and a hint of disbelief.

No way?

Chen Dongqing looked up and saw a message popping up on the game screen that MAD's top laner had scored a double kill.

MAD's top laner, Gnar, was standing under his own tower with residual health, surrounded by EDG Ueno's corpses. He probably relied on his tower father to counter-kill the two people who crossed the tower.

"What's going on?" Chen Dongqing asked, turning his head.

"I didn't know that Haro was going crazy." Xiangguo said bluntly: "It's hard to tell. You'll know just by watching the replays."

Soon, the replay was played.

Haro was indeed crazy. The wine barrel was close to his face and an E was forced to empty. This move was directly deceived by Jin Gong. A basic attack attracted the hatred of the defense tower. Then Gnar flashed away and relied on the tower father to counterattack. Two people.

Chen Dongqing was speechless after seeing it.

If you don’t know how to jump over the tower, don’t jump over it. You must learn from others to jump over the tower.

Now if you send the opponent's top player a 2-0 start, wouldn't it be a direct send to the top half?

Sure enough, the opponent Gnar directly updated a Vampire Scepter after returning to the city, and the line instantly became a lot more ruthless.

From this moment on, Jin Gong entered into his familiar rhythm of resisting pressure.

MAD's jungler also knows a bit about the game. He took advantage of the upper lane right to suppress Haro's barrel, and the upper jungle area was completely reversed!

EDG is at a huge disadvantage in the Ueno area!

"No, you won't really lose to Wanwan, right?" Xiang Guo was speechless when he saw the rhythm was so bad, "Don't do it, you chicken from another place!"

"Don't worry." Chen Dongqing said calmly: "EDG understands headwinds. This is a small mistake."

In the headwind game, who can compare with EDG? After all, after being tortured for so many years, the main thing is a headwind.

Although EDG went crazy in the jungle, there was still a mid laner after all.

The little girl, this knife girl, launched a strong attack in the middle. First, she relied on the lane alone to force out the flash of the opposite mid laner Ryze, and then called on the jungler to make a wave of hits. She successfully took the kill and relieved the jungle. Disadvantages.

Next, Haro also found himself again, playing the game around the big daddy in the middle, relying on a wave of mid-field linkage to kill the opposite jungler, and then took advantage of the situation to control Xiaolong.

Immediately afterwards, the advantage of the middle and jungle spread to the bottom lane, helping the bottom lane get two heads in the middle and jungle confrontation!

At this time, the camera is on the road.

At this time, you are surprised to find that although Jin Gong is short-handed and long-handed, and although his opponent is 2-0, his last hit is not far behind!

Chen Dongqing looked at the picture, and his heart was full of praise.

Jin Gong is still as stable as ever.

Next, the game is obviously simple.

EDG's people control the initiative in the game. Next, they only need to make steady progress without making mistakes and do a good job in operations. Victory is within easy reach!

In the end, the game was fixed at 34 minutes. EDG expanded the economic gap all the way to 8,000 points. In the end, a team battle with a good ambush in the jungle successfully played one for five and won the game!

"Nice!" Everyone in the lounge smiled and welcomed the return of EDG. Uzi said with a smile: "You played well, Ye Ye."

In the last wave of team battles, it was Meiko's Luo who played the role of ending the game.

Meiko smiled politely but said nothing.

In fact, winning this game is not glorious, so Meiko is embarrassed to brag about herself.

On the side, Xiangguo suddenly said: "What happened to your start? Why is the team so bad after playing Wanwan? Shouldn't this kind of team be abused casually?"

Everyone in EDG looked stiff, and Scout looked even worse.

At the beginning of the intercontinental competition, he planned to perform well and avenge his shame.

The result can only be said that the start was not ideal.

If they were playing a Korean team, they might have to pay for their mistakes at the beginning!

Chen Dongqing coughed twice, quickly pulled the incense pot away, and said with a smile: "It's okay, this is a win no matter what! Go back and adjust, I will wait for you guys to come back."

Only then did everyone in EDG regain their composure and returned to their seats.

At this time, the IG generals also stood up and began to prepare for their third game.

Prince Ning stood up and jumped twice. The AJ4 under his feet was shining. He said carelessly: "Come on, brothers, we must win this round beautifully, don't get sick!"

The faces of everyone in EDG turned dark again.

Chen Dongqing couldn't help but hold his forehead.

Don’t those who play jungle have low emotional intelligence?

But I have to say that in this game, IG really had no problems playing here.

The LCK division has not fully adapted to Sword Demon. Now, as long as players can play Sword Demon, they can take the initiative in the intercontinental competition.

Although Rookie can't draw the Sword Demon, TheShy has no problem. He wields the Sword Demon against Smeb's Sword Girl!

In the duel of swords and shadows on the top lane, 19-year-old TheShy was better with his own personal operation. In a wave of six-level confrontation, he relied on the second stage QE to dodge the sword girl [Wing Double Blade] while hitting the outer edge of the sword. Then the next three stages of Q dodged without retreating but advanced, taking the sword girl's head!

Single kill!

The audience burst into applause. Countless people looked at TheShy on IG and their eyes were full of joy!

This is the super top laner in the LPL, only ranked below Brother Shu! Smeb, can you handle it?

Smeb looked at the black and white screen, and then at the sword demon in the screen who was wielding his sword to clear the troops, and couldn't help but feel a little dull for a moment.

For some reason, a figure appeared in his mind.

In his peak year of 2016, there was a man who challenged him to the top of the Staples Center and ruthlessly snatched the championship from his hands.

Time flies by and it’s 2018 in a blink of an eye.

The man who once stole his championship became higher and stronger, growing from a fledgling top laner to the number one player in history.

But now, he is 23 years old and has passed his peak. Even not only ilex, but also Khan and TheShy can step on his head and dominate him.

Is the gap getting bigger?

Smeb was sluggish all over. Needless to say, there was no need to say more about the rest of the game. After the sword demon returned to the city, he directly replaced his cloth armor shoes, and his sword girl was no longer an opponent.

In the end, relying on TheShy's superior Sword Demon's small team play in the upper, middle and jungle, IG won a complete victory in the first half!

In the end, TheShy team battle also staged a scene of one versus a hundred, once again showing the audience the invincibility limit of the current version of Sword Demon!

In the end, after the game, during the MVP selection process, Sword Demon still successfully won the MVP with his super high output and injury tolerance data!

Seeing this, Chen Dongqing was completely relieved.

With the Sword Demon here, it's not difficult to win completely on the first day!

After all, Sword Demon is not only very powerful, but the most critical point is that he puts too much BP pressure on the LCK players.

Because this hero is only known by people from the LPL side.

And this also leads to a fatal problem.

Will the last FPX of LPL be Sword Demon?

With no information at all, the LCK team didn't even know whether to ban Sword Demon!

Ban it. If the opponent doesn't know how to do it, then they are stupid.

Don't ban him. If the opponent does it, then he will be cut.

After much deliberation, LCK finally chose not to ban.

As we all know, FPX top laner Aguang is not known for his carry. The possibility of him taking out Sword Demon is not high.

Soon, the last game of the first day of the group stage.

FPX everyone took to the stage. Their opponent today was the third runner-up in the LCK, AFS.

Seeing that AFS actually released the sword demon, Doinb couldn't help but feel happy and smiled like a pot of lust.

Don’t you think that since our top laner is a bastard, we don’t need to ban Sword Demon?

Sorry, I, Doinb, am just a warrior mid laner!

Darkin Sword Demon, locked on!

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