LoL: I really didn’t mess up!

Chapter 486 Reverse Wave and Anti-aircraft Water Cannon

One hour passed in a blink of an eye, and it was August 11th, Vancouver time, at 5 pm.

At this time, domestic time happened to be at nine o'clock in the morning. It was the beginning of the day and the moment when everything revived. Students, party workers and office workers from all walks of life tried every means to create conditions for themselves to watch the game. Some people chose to secretly watch the game during class. They watch the text broadcast on their mobile phones under the table, and some choose to squat in the company toilet for two hours to watch the game.

What's more, he even asked for leave early and opened the live broadcast room on time at home!

In short, everything gave way to the TI finals. They have to watch this final no matter what!

Because they all believe that QG will definitely win!

4-0 historical matchup record, plus this is an even year. The time is right, the place is right, the people are all occupied, how can I, CNDOTA, lose?

There are even a large number of people who don't play DOTA2 at all who clicked into the live broadcast room. For no other reason than hearing that Brother Shu is equally as fierce in DOTA2, they came here specifically to watch Brother Shu win the championship!

As the number of people in the live broadcast room increased, the camera finally cut back to the competition scene.

At this time, in the live broadcast, there was a fat middle-aged man with a white beard walking slowly onto the stage.

This person is none other than Gabe Newell, the founder of V Agency, nicknamed G Fat.

It was the V club he headed that released DOTA2 and founded the TI International Invitational Tournament.

G Fat didn't talk much. He held the microphone and first welcomed all the audience. Then, he officially announced that the finals of the TI8 International Invitational Tournament were officially started!

As G Fat exited the stage, the big screen at the scene also began to play short videos.

As usual, there will be a new hero introduction video first, showing the new heroes that will appear in DOTA2 in 2019 - God of War and Mister of the End of the World.

The audience burst into applause and looked forward to it.

There's no way around it, Valve is so lazy that their programmers can take eight months of vacation a year! They can produce two new heroes a year, which is already an explosive workload!

After the introduction of the new heroes, the big screen began to play TI’s glorious moments since its founding eight years ago.

TI1, that was the first competition of TI. At that time, the Chinese team did not attach much importance to this competition. There were only a few participating teams, and even the strongest team did not participate. However, they reached the finals strongly and regretted losing money in the end.

In TI2, the Chinese team launched an all-out attack and finally won the championship strongly, continuing their dominance in the DOTA1 era.

TI3, this year is regarded as CNDOTA's TI year. The controversial spring hook made countless Chinese players lose their minds in Seattle and finished in third place.

TI4, the Chinese team came back strong again and staged a civil war in the finals!

TI5, the EG team with the talented girl Sumail won the championship. The runner-up, third runner-up and third runner-up this year are all Chinese teams, namely CEDC, LGD and VG respectively.

In TI6, the legendary Wings continued the myth of even-numbered years and swept all the way. Through their terrifying dominance and elusive but extremely powerful play style, they became the brightest star in the history of TI.

TI7, like TI5, did not win the championship, but the runner-up, third place, and third place were also all Chinese teams.

At the end of the short film, time comes to TI8 and the present moment.

The live music suddenly became exciting!

Amid the loud shouts of the host, both teams in the finals officially took the stage!

Under the guidance of the host, Chen Dongqing strode onto the stage and waved his arms toward the audience!

At this moment, the voices of countless spectators surged up in the audience, with great momentum!

Chen Dongqing nodded with satisfaction.

Okay, I feel a little bit better.

After experiencing the crazy performances recently, the group of Canadians in the audience were finally trained by Chen Dongqing to become what he wanted.

Chen Dongqing nodded with satisfaction and sat back in his seat.

In China at this time, Douyu platform.

Several DOTA2 lazy dog ​​anchors who are usually late for live broadcasts in the evening have rarely become live broadcast pacesetters today, and the live broadcast room is bustling with activity.

Of course, there are also a few anchors who like to go to extremes. They stayed up all night and planned to wait until the finals were over before going to bed.

This includes reeds.

In the live broadcast room of Douyu No. 138286, Luwei was extremely enthusiastic at this time and was boasting excitedly: "It's coming, it's coming, the tree god is sitting on his throne! Didn't you see the tree god's face? There was a smile on the corner of his mouth. With a smile, I read a hint of contempt in this smile! It’s very scary!”

After these abstract words, the audience in the live broadcast room was filled with questions.

For how many days they played in TI8, Luwei blew Chen Dongqing’s attention on live broadcast.

At first, many viewers thought that this B was here to gain Chen Dongqing's traffic, but in the end they found out that was not the case - this person really wanted to make Chen Dongqing his father.

"Why aren't the anchors sleeping? Aren't you afraid of sudden death?" Lu Wei replied while reading the barrage and said: "You don't think this final will take a long time, do you? Let me tell you, it shouldn't take more than two hours, even if you include the award ceremony. , the anchor can go to bed before twelve o'clock, and he can't die suddenly, just watch."

At this moment, the screen suddenly switched and the BP panel appeared on the screen.

OG's BP in this game was still very targeted. They directly banned Ghost, Sven, and Mavericks in the first three moves, and snatched the elf in seconds with one move.

Compared with yesterday, OG chose to release Terror Blade this time and ban FY's favorite hero Mavericks, which can be regarded as a small optimization.

Obviously, OG believes that Terror Blade's power period is too late and its weakness is obvious. If they can get the Plane Elf, they are sure to get the advantage.

As for victory or defeat, that is not something that BP can solve. It is enough to gain an advantage.

Seeing this scene, Lu Wei couldn't help but frown slightly, thinking about the BP counterattack that QG could do.

It is indeed difficult for TB to deal with the plane elves. After all, both sides are pushing heroes, so whoever exerts force early has the advantage.

Then, choose a PA to kill? Or choose an enemy spell to pull.?

Neither feels good.

The next second, QG had already made the choice for him.

QG's first two hands directly locked the sailor and the captain, directly confirming these two cores!

The water man masturbated, and the eldest brother of both sides was not afraid at all. In the first round of BP, he confirmed his choice.

At this point, the tone of this game has been basically set, and the game has directly turned into a rhythm competition between the two sides!

Subsequently, the two sides took advantage of the situation to replenish their lineups. OG chose to use Ax King to fight against the water man, while QG took out a classic big butt with his backhand, highlighting a mixed word.

The match between the two sides will begin soon!

In terms of the opening laning level, QG's three routes are actually not easy.

The short hand in the middle lane beats the long hand, and the disadvantage lane is normally at a disadvantage. The advantage lane is also due to the weak water man at level 1, so there is no benefit in the first two levels.

Of course, this is just theory.

In DOTA2, personal ability is always greater than theory.

Chen Dongqing blocked the line of troops slightly, so that the handover position of the line of troops was closer to the front of his tower, which made his last strike more stable.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Dongqing learned the second skill and started a battle of wits and courage between the lines with Ceb.

The hero Waterman is actually very special and complex. He can be said to have a total of six skills, which is difficult to summarize even in simple words.

The first skill is very simple, a rush skill that transforms into an invincible water wave and moves in one direction, dealing AOE damage.

This skill is the soul of the reverse wave. This skill is not very important in the lane. It is generally used to farm money and team battles, so it is generally learned at level three or even level four.

The second skill is more complicated. After learning it, you will get two skills, both named [Variable Strike].

An agility version directly causes damage to the enemy. The higher the agility, the higher the damage. The other is a strength version, which directly repels and stuns the enemy. The higher the strength, the longer the stun time.

These two skills calculate CD independently, but there is a three-second release interval between each other, that is, they cannot be thrown consecutively.

Chen Dongqing clicked this skill at the first level, which is equivalent to holding two skills directly in his hands. He had a very clear idea. First, he directly called xNova to focus on the long-range soldiers on the opposite side. The moment before the minion's health was reduced, Chen Dongqing directly [Variation Strike (Agility)] hit the minion, relying on the small burst of the A-connection skill to directly catch the first long-range soldier, without giving the opponent a chance to deny it.

If you supplement the long-range soldiers, then half of the first wave of laning will be won.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Dongqing and xNova quickly retreated, watching the health of their long-range soldiers decrease rapidly.

At the moment when the minion was about to enter its remaining health, the opponent's No. 3 ax king raised his hand and wanted to take advantage of the last-hitting ax and melee combat to get the knife. But at this time, three seconds had just passed, and Chen Dongqing made an exquisite [ Variant Strike (Strength)], pushing the Ax King away, just in time to interrupt his attack!

After pushing Chen Dongqing, he took advantage of the situation and leveled A with his sword, and fired the bullet quickly, denying this long-range soldier!

Chen Dongqing couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth and nodded with satisfaction.

This wave was all he could do. In order to offset the positive and negative effects of the two swords at the beginning, he directly contributed nearly half of his mana.

The next last hit can only be said to depend on one's ability.

After the long-range soldier died, the melee soldiers on both sides faced each other head-on, and their blood volume began to decrease simultaneously.

Chen Dongqing saw the opportunity accurately and sent out basic attacks one after another at the right time. Under the excellent last-ditch attack, he completed two positive and negative attacks and one negative attack. The positive and negative compensation was fixed at 3-2.

On the other side, Ceb is much worse. His positive compensation is 1 and his negative compensation is also 1.

In just the first wave of troops, Chen Dongqing achieved a 100+ economic lead!

This confrontation made countless viewers unable to help but feel surprised.

ilex’s laning is really tough!

Since the knockout rounds, he has almost never been at a disadvantage in the lane, and his last hit is always an advantage!

At the same time, on the other side, at OG's player seat, Ceb's palms had begun to sweat.

He is very experienced in this pairing of Axeman and Waterman.

Ame's water man reverse wave game a few months ago was exactly his axe.

At that time, he played a very good suppression effect, suppressing Ame's three waves of soldiers with only three swords!

But now, when he takes out the ax to draw water from the man, why has everything changed?

The water man on the opposite side is inexplicably very reliable in last-hitting. He enjoys the A-soldier damage bonus of last-hit ax and higher basic attack power in melee combat, but he has never touched up!

Why do you feel like this guy is scarier than yesterday?

Has he evolved again?

Chen Dongqing has indeed evolved again. Of course, this is only for OG and Ceb.

He played a whole night game with OG last night, and he had already figured out OG in terms of laning and mid-term operations.

If you bully Ceb in lane, then you really have the skills.

It’s not just the laning that has evolved, but also the tactical level.

As soon as Chen Dongqing closed his eyes, he knew what the people in the shadows on the opposite side were doing. It was almost the same as the whole picture hanging!

In three and a half minutes, JerAx disappeared from the line.

As soon as Chen Dongqing squinted his eyes, he could see that the other party was helping control the talisman in the middle.

As soon as Chen Dongqing saw this action, he immediately made a corresponding decision.

Since the opponent wants the talisman, give it to him!

Let's kill them before we hit the road.

He directed FY's Tusk Sea People to TP directly onto the road, running all the way in the darkness, and then a snowball led Chen Dongqing and xNova directly to the face of the helpless Ax King!

The output of the three of them was very impressive when it came to killing an Ax King. Chen Dongqing's last move [Variation Strike (Agility)] followed one wave after another and easily killed the Ax King and got the first blood!

This wave of QG's sudden attack made everyone in OG full of questions and couldn't understand it!

The most incomprehensible thing is JerAx.

His front foot has just left the top lane, and he hasn't even reached the middle lane yet. You go to the top lane and start to attack? How did you know I was leaning in?

If I go on the road this time, wouldn’t all three of you die?

And the most embarrassing thing is that he didn't get anything when he went to the middle this time.

Maybe's thinking is also clear. Anyway, the mid laners on both sides have not produced magic bottles, so you can take this talisman as you like. Anyway, the mid lane is short. At worst, I will lose half of the line, and you can't beat me!

Yes, it's that crazy.

This year's Maybe can be praised as Wu Guanchao, which is not unreasonable.

He did punch Sumer and kick Miracle.

The Topson he is facing now is probably not as good as the two people in front of him!

He has never been bad at beating Topson!

Xiaotang, just wait to be killed by me!

The camera cuts back to the road.

After getting first blood, Chen Dongqing quickly made up the Great Magic Wand and Sky Eagle Ring, which directly solved the problem of mana battery life in the lane. He became unscrupulous in the top lane and chased the Ax King with a fierce A!

When the Ax King on the opposite side throws skills at him, he will directly transfer his health to resist damage, without any pressure at all.

In addition to laning suppression, Chen Dongqing has not forgotten to link up with his teammates.

In five minutes, FY wandered to the top lane, and the Tusk Seaman went straight into the jungle and caught JerAx who was pulling the jungle!

The Tusk Seaman rolled xNova onto JerAx's face, controlling and damaging him to keep him behind!

"Brother Shu, come and get the head!" FY shouted: "If you don't come here, he will run away!"

Ame in the background narrowed her eyes after hearing these words.

Usually FY likes vampire heads the most. For heads like this, he usually just fucks them without saying a word.

Assist Brother Shu today, that’s how you play, right? OK OK.

Chen Dongqing received an emperor-level treatment this time. He immediately moved over in a wave and took advantage of the situation with a move [Variation Strike (Agility)] to easily take away the remaining health head.

After this wave of kills, Chen Dongqing's economy rose again, reaching the familiar first place in the game.

"I can only say that it's very scary." Lu Wei couldn't help but brag again, "I don't know if you know what it means to be the first in five minutes of water people's economy. We usually use two words to describe this kind of people - power leveling. !”

What Lu Wei said was not an exaggeration, it was indeed reasonable.

The main thing is that the hero equipment of Hydroman is secondary. He is mainly very level-hungry.

The third skill of Waterman is called [Attribute Transformation], and after learning it, you will directly obtain two skills.

Of these two skills, one slowly converts strength into agility, and the other slowly converts agility into strength.

In fact, this skill is easy to understand, because Water Man is an agile hero, and the agility attribute is directly linked to armor and attack power, so the higher the agility, the higher the damage, and the strength attribute is related to the upper limit of health, so if you switch to strength, The blood volume will be extremely thick, and it can take a lot of damage.

And this transformation is very extreme. If he is fully sensitive, the water man will only have one or two hundred health points, and almost any mage will die with one touch.

But at full strength, Water Man's attack power will drop to double digits, making him completely untouchable.

A simple understanding is that you can only choose one of damage and tankiness, so you need to flexibly change it anytime and anywhere according to the battle situation.

But there is a process for this skill conversion. If you change attributes at the first level, the attributes will change very slowly. In addition, the attribute conversion skill will also provide additional strength and agility according to the skill level, so water people generally It is a main point-to-attribute conversion, which makes the play more flexible and the damage will not be bad.

As the skill level of Water Man increases, the hero Water Man can truly stand up and become a powerful number one position that can carry and fight.

Now that the water talent is at level 4, it is already ranked first in economy. Lu Wei doesn't even dare to imagine how powerful it will be when it reaches the next level.

Of course, the people in OG also knew about this situation. They looked at the huge disadvantage of the off-lane and couldn't move their brows away anxiously.

They thought about it and finally decided to switch lines.

Let Ceb's Ax King go solo with Big Ass, and then let the Airplane Elf go to line up with the Water Man.

Although the water people are currently in the economic lead, at least the strong period has not yet come, and they can still operate.

Of course, they have to deal with their big ass before changing the line.

Charles's big ass has been standing under the tower for a long time, and he is having a great time relying on the hero's bastard attribute.

Moreover, Charles's mind is as solid as a rock. Even if the OG people keep taunting him with roulette and giving him rewards, he will remain unmoved and treat him as the son of his tower.

This time, OG didn't play any roulette psychological tactics, and the four of them went straight to the bottom lane!

In this wave of arrests, the OG people did not give Chen Dongqing any information, so Chen Dongqing did not expect it.

Of course, it's still the same truth. If Chen Dongqing didn't expect the situation, it only means that the opponent made a bad move, and it doesn't matter.

This wave is like that.

Taking advantage of being caught in the bottom lane, Chen Dongqing reacted quickly and quickly asked FY to block the back path of the opposite Ax King, and then encircled and suppressed the Ax King in the nearby woods, killing the Ax King to death!

Generally speaking, this wave is a one-for-one change.

But obviously, QG is more profitable, because Maybe in the middle is untouched. He can enjoy the troops and wild monsters in the middle, which opens up hundreds of dollars of economy.

Next, OG finally completed the line change and chose to switch the player on the advantage lane to fight against the water man.

Of course, what they didn't know was that their substitution would directly send them into the abyss.

Chen Dongqing's mind was like lightning. He first saw the opponent's Ax King move to the bottom lane after being resurrected. He instantly realized OG's substitution decision.

And it was at the same moment that a bold plan immediately emerged in his mind.

Because Charles has been soloing in the bottom lane and only died once, his level is very high.

At this time, he had reached level six in more than six minutes.

Big Butt's ultimate move can target friendly units. After a short delay, Big Butt and all nearby friendly heroes will be teleported to the target location.

This ultimate move is a powerful strategic skill. The mechanism of teleporting around the entire map with surrounding teammates makes countless teams afraid of three-pointers when grabbing singles.

But Chen Dongqing doesn't need to rely on this big move to save people this time.

He's going to do something big.

"Brother Chao." Chen Dongqing suddenly said: "Go down and meet Charles. The two of you will come up in the car together. Do you understand?"

Maybe understood, and he immediately walked down and met Charles in the wild area.

And at this moment, Chen Dongqing, FY, and xNova had already pushed the line and entered the jungle through the fog.

At this time, you can see that on OG's side, the aircraft elf is shooting TP towards the top point, just in time to receive this wave of troops entering the tower.

If nothing else goes wrong, OG’s lane change is actually quite reasonable. After all, the bottom lane takes lanes and kills people, and then the wild monsters in the jungle are cleared. When T goes to the top lane, there will be another wave of lanes, and the economy will develop very quickly!

But obviously, there have to be surprises.


At the last moment of the teleportation, Chen Dongqing gave an order and asked Charles to directly activate his ultimate move and take Maybe for a three-second teleportation readout.

FY's Tusk Sea People seized the opportunity and directly pushed up the snowball after the two people on the opposite side landed, rolled Chen Dongqing and xNova into the tower!

At this moment, the OG voice channel was in a state of turmoil!

The people in OG never expected that QG’s decision would come so suddenly. They actually calculated the TP of their airplane elf and prepared an ambush in advance!

At this moment, OG directly lit up three TPs!

This little airplane elf is their treasure, and it must be protected no matter what!

And to say the least, there are at most three people in the wave on the opposite side. In this wave of five against three, it’s not certain who will suffer!

But unfortunately, this wave is not five against three.

But five against five!

The QG trio was the first to enter the battlefield and set their sights on the aircraft!

With the economy ahead, the output of the three people seems quite powerful. They can even take away the Ax King in one set, let alone a small plane?

After the Big Tooth Seaman's snowball rolls over, the ice wall seals the road, and then he punches down with two punches!

The damage done by the Tusk Seaman alone had already wiped out nearly half of the plane's health!

Chen Dongqing switched to the full-sensitivity state early, and followed the trend with two basic attacks followed by [Variation Strike], and combined with xNova's damage, the remaining half of the aircraft's health bar was instantly cleared!

At this moment, JerAx, the first teleporter from OG, had landed.

But he was not the only one who also landed.

Big Butt's big move ended after a delay. Captain and Big Butt appeared on the top lane at the same time. Captain Kunca made a move with his scimitar, and a ghost ship flew from the far end and hit the center of the field hard!

Charles stretched out his big butt right hand and used [Abyss of Resentment] to imprison all the two supports N0tail and JerAx in the audience!

Immediately afterwards, the ghost ship arrived at the target location and once again knocked the two of them into a stun!

On the other side, the remaining two people from OG couldn't help but change their expressions when they saw this situation.

Is this still supporting me?

Why are there five people in this QG wave?

They had no choice but to cancel the teleportation and sell off these two mortal assistants.

Maybe was baring his big teeth at this time. The captain wielded a scimitar and slashed [Tidebringer] with a knife, causing a piece of AOE damage and cutting the two auxiliaries to residual health at the same time!

Chen Dongqing used his top-notch K-head skills, and the water man moved forward in a [wave form], and a big wave rushed over the two remaining health supports. With this wave of critical AOE damage, he forcibly collected all the two heads. In the bag!

"QG.ilex is unstoppable and has completed three kills!!!"

The people in OG couldn't help but sigh secretly when they heard the announcement coming from their headphones.

Unstoppable, this is the word that appears only after six consecutive kills in DOTA2!

This time they switched their eldest brother to the top lane just to suppress the water man.

But in the end, the suppression effect didn't work at all. Instead, three of his own people joined in to help the water man speed up again!

At this time, we can see that the waterman has reached a terrifying record of 6-0!

ilex's water man! It only took seven minutes! Just killed six!

OG people actually have a good mentality, they are always optimistic.

But they also have to admit that this one can already knock out GG.

Next, the game entered the waterman time as expected.

Chen Dongqing was killing people like crazy, leading his teammates to invade everywhere, and the OG people who were killed were scurrying around in the wild area and running away!

When Chen Dongqing entered the OG jungle area, it was like returning home, collecting all the waves of wild monsters that OG had stocked up.

OG’s hard-earned money was all used as a wedding dress!

On the other side, the OG people have not given up and are still fighting to the death.

It has to be said that the OG team's mid-term teamfighting ability is still top-notch. They often have situations where they are inferior in the line, but they can fight back directly after a few waves of teamfights.

Their teamfighting ability was also well demonstrated by QG.

Even though they were at a huge disadvantage, after a few waves of team battles, they really made a lot of kills.

After Ceb's Ax King made a jumping knife, the situation even improved slightly. They took advantage of the absence of the water man and secretly launched several small groups, and even made a small profit once or twice.

Of course, this doesn't mean much.

Because Chen Dongqing's Water Man never died from beginning to end!

Chen Dongqing was still not in a hurry and continued to lead his teammates to force the opponent under the tower and erode the opponent's economy through jungle invasion.

In a blink of an eye, the time came to 35 minutes.

At this time, we can see that QG’s economic lead has exceeded 20,000 points.

Sometimes I have to say that the game DOTA2 is a real bladder. Even if Chen Dongqing has a huge advantage, the bladder is still the bladder in the game.

The height-defending ability of the airplane elf + an axe-man is really too abnormal. Chen Dongqing really can't find any breakthrough!

In the last wave of high school with a shield, QG had to pay a price of a Roshan Shield and two lives to break OG's middle high ground with difficulty. At this time, everyone returned after adjusting their condition and launched a general attack on the top high ground!

The good news about this wave is that there is no tower defense on the opposite side, and three buy-outs were played on the previous wave. The opposite side will not dare to blindly fight, so they can play more boldly.

Taking advantage of the high line of troops, QG's five people directly grouped together to attack. Relying on their equipment advantages, they boldly drove away the OG people. They used the trend to group together and break the opponent's high ground!

"This wave is very beautiful, you can go!" On the domestic Douyu live broadcast platform, YYF was remotely controlling the QG team members from a distance, "Wait for the next wave and come again to win!"

The high ground in DOTA2 will not be reborn. After breaking two lanes, you have basically won 90%. Then you only need to develop for a few minutes, wait for the Roshan to refresh, and then control the shield in a wave and you are done!

But Chen Dongqing doesn't want to work overtime, he just wants to see the opposite base explode now!

He was currently observing the positions and movements of the five OG players, looking for opportunities to take action.

I have to say, he really found a wave of perfect timing.

He now holds Sanshen, clone, BKB, and Void Spirit Knife, a four-piece set.

With BKB's protection, the only thing that can threaten him on the other side is Ax King's jumping roar.

"Come on, come on, follow me!" Chen Dongqing shouted in his voice, and then rushed in in a wave!

Seeing this classic reverse wave, countless people's eyes widened instantly!

This scene seemed familiar to them!

Backstage, Ame's heart sank at this moment!

This scene does seem familiar.

A few months ago, he had such a huge advantage. After pushing to the high ground, he made a reverse wave and was instantly controlled by the opponent. Then he took the championship away to OG.

Of course, in fact, this reverse wave cannot be completely blamed on him.

Because the decision to counterattack at that time was made jointly by their entire team, but he was the first to implement it.

Just like this time.

This reverse wave seemed a bit aggressive to outsiders, but no one from the other QG members protested. They all chose to fight back at the same time!

This time, OG's response was still quick!

At the moment when Waterman's reverse wave came over, Ceb's movements were very fast, and he jumped directly to the landing point of Waterman's skill, and shot with a roar!

Ax King's roar will forcefully taunt surrounding enemies, and this roar is a powerful dispersion skill that can ignore BKB!

But Chen Dongqing figured it out early. Ax King had this trick.

The moment the water man landed, the clone ax disappeared from the field and began to use power!

The disappearance mechanism of the clone ax is the key to evading the Ax King's roar. As for the transfer of power, it is just a back-up that Chen Dongqing left for himself in case he did not avoid it.

The water man disappeared from the scene for a moment, and the axe roared just in time, but it was in the air.

Chen Dongqing curled his lips, knowing that this wave was over.

He immediately changed his attribute back to agility, then directly activated BKB, and gave his ultimate move to the plane on the side!

The full name of Water Man is [Morphing Elf]. In fact, this name is mainly reflected in his ultimate move.

After the target is selected with the ultimate move, the waterman will directly transform into the target's appearance, can use the target's basic skills, and can switch back and forth between the target and his own form at any time.

This ultimate move adds countless possibilities to the water man!

For example.

Transform into an airplane and release the airplane's [High-Speed ​​Cannon] (allowing basic attacks to attack all enemies within the range at the same time), then switch back to the main form, and use the ultra-high attack power of the waterman's fully sensitive form to produce terrifying team battle output!

This wave of martial soul fusion skills is called [High Speed ​​Water Cannon]!

A few months ago, Ame used this move to complete a one-on-four fight, creating a famous comeback scene.

But now, Chen Dongqing has brought this trick back to the world.

At this moment, the water man is on full fire! Immediately afterwards, the audience saw countless water balloons flying quickly towards the five OG people at the same time!

It’s like a visual feast at this moment!

Under the ultra-high attack power of the all-sensitive water man, every basic attack was clearly visible, but this time the basic attack hit five people at the same time!

On OG's side, JerAx at position 4 only took three basic attacks, and his health bar was quickly cleared!

After two more basic attacks, the elf followed closely and was sent away by the water man!

Immediately afterwards, Chen Dongqing used the Void Spirit Knife to connect with [Variation Strike], and the two pieces of damage were thrown to Topson, instantly completing the instant kill effect!

At this time, on the other side, Ana used her ultimate move and wanted to use BKB and [anti-aircraft artillery] to counterattack, but it can only be said that the genuine version cannot beat the pirated version. Without the attack speed boost of the elf, the aircraft artillery with low attack power cannot be defeated at all. Not impressive!

FY's Tusk Seaman pushed the snowball in and directly knocked the BKB plane away with one move [Walrus Fist]!

Like Ax Roar, Sea People's Divine Fist can also ignore BKB's magic immunity effect.

After a punch flew by, QG's men followed suit and drowned OG's remaining planes and Axes in an instant!

The group is destroyed!

After one wave, the winner is decided!

This chapter is barely a big chapter. I can finish this chapter in one chapter.

The rest of the game was passed by in one stroke and ended quickly.

After finishing writing TI, the only content of this book is the Asian Games and the S-Games. The countdown to the end has entered the last month, brothers.

By the way, I recommend this book (end of this chapter)

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