LoL: I really didn’t mess up!

Chapter 489 The thorn of alienation

The DOTA2 competition is actually half over until TI.

Everyone in the DOTA2 division only needs to prepare to win the Asian Games gold medal, and then they can enter the vacation state.

So Chen Dongqing can finally return to the LOL division.

In fact, he could have continued to rest, take the entire regular season off, and wait for the playoffs to return, but he still did not do so.

The main reason is that he hasn't played LOL for too long, so it doesn't matter to him. His performance is definitely still top-notch, but the main reason is that his teammates have played with Letme a lot, so they may not be used to him.

So you have to practice tacit understanding with your teammates and help them change their minds.

In this way, we can ensure that nothing goes wrong in the next Asian Games.

Of course, this regular season won't last long.

Now there is only half a month left before the Asian Games, and only the last half month of the regular season.

Moreover, the league specially helped QG adjust the schedule, allowing QG to complete the regular season one week in advance to facilitate full preparation for the Asian Games.

Full play, full plan, in fact, it is only the last three games.

On August 14th, QG played against VG.

VG's opponent is not that strong, it can even be said to be a bit weak. It is currently ranked in the middle and lower reaches of the league. According to common sense, this game should not attract much attention.

But no matter what, this is Chen Dongqing’s first LPL game after winning the TI championship.

Well, it's a bit weird, but it's true.

On the eve of the game, the QG official blog officially announced the news of Chen Dongqing’s return to the team, which instantly exploded on Weibo. Even the news of “ # ilex returning to the team” directly topped the list on Weibo!

In this era where e-sports and the Internet are gradually connecting with the public, Chen Dongqing is the well-deserved traffic king.

Countless fans of Chen Dongqing opened their arms in various social media and shouted, shouting that the eternal god is back!

Amid the hot discussion, today's QG vs. VG game tickets were in short supply. Thanks to the efforts of scalpers, the ticket prices for this game even reached four digits for a while!

When both players took the stage, almost all the audience held Chen Dongqing's light sign high and shouted his ID, which made Chen Dongqing a little surprised.

Is this a little crazy?

He hasn't played in a game for a few months. Why is the audience completely different from before?

Of course, if you think about it carefully, it’s not impossible to understand.

Mainly because Chen Dongqing never played again after winning the MSI championship.

The popularity accumulation of MSI victory + three consecutive championships is one of them.

The accumulation of popularity of the TI champion is the second.

The third reason is that fans haven't seen Chen Dongqing play for two months. This is also the most important point.

Multiple increases created a huge momentum for Chen Dongqing's first game back!

Chen Dongqing has nothing to repay for the warm welcome from the fans and can only try his best to contribute wonderful games.

In today's match against VG, Chen Dongqing had a Sword Demon and a Sword Girl, and they all killed the opponent and easily won two MVPs!

Countless spectators waved their flags and cheered, extremely excited.

I have to say that QG still has to go on the road to carry in order to feel good!

The top lane has been resisting pressure, and the bottom lane is solely used to exert force? Yes, but not necessary.

August 16th.

QG vs. BLG.

Today's audience is a little calmer and no longer as enthusiastic as yesterday, but the voice of the audience is still loud.

The schedule of this game is still easy. Chen Dongqing and Uzi each won an MVP and won the game easily.

After the game, Uzi, who won the MVP of the first game, lost his temper for a moment when he saw everyone in the audience shouting "ilex".

I have to say that this QG is indeed Chen Dongqing's team.

After all, he is just the second father.

On August 19th, the last day of QG's regular season, they faced JDG.

This game was a little more exciting than before. After all, JDG is not weak. It is now one of the top six teams in the league and is still somewhat competitive.

In this series, the little tiger in the middle was in poor condition. He did not start the roaming rhythm in the two games, and was even beaten twice by the opponent's toothpaste.

But fortunately, QG's double dad is still stable in the line. When Xiaohu is suppressed in the middle, in a blink of an eye, he has already suppressed twenty knives on both sides.

Xiangguo felt comfortable with this situation, and then ran to the top lane and jumped over the tower, easily defeating Zoom!

I have to say that there is a fundamental difference between two-way advantage and one-way advantage.

In the first two months of the regular season, the whole world knew that Xiangguo was going to be captured, so the whole world would defend it, which would make it difficult for Xiangguo's GANK to succeed.

But now, after Chen Dongqing's return, he has given Xiangguo one more choice and given the opponent a little more uncertainty, so the rhythm will be much smoother!

Two to zero, easily won!

"Damn it, these two months of competition have really tortured me to death." Xiangguo couldn't help complaining: "Why didn't you come back earlier?"

Chen Dongqing laughed and scolded: "Are you talking nonsense here? Where is the time of the TI competition? Is that something I can decide? Didn't I come back the next day after TI?"

"Okay, okay, at least he is back." Linko said happily: "To be honest, Chen Dongqing is already authentic enough. Just because he has helped our club win so much glory, he can't play the entire summer season." No one talks about him!"

"Indeed!" Chen Dongqing nodded repeatedly, "I should rest for another week. There is really no need to play these few regular season games."

"It's okay, it's always good to come back early." Linko added: "To find out the feelings with my teammates in advance is also a way to prepare for the Asian Games! There are only eight days left before the Asian Games!"

Chen Dongqing asked again: "When will we fly to Jakarta?"

Linko smiled slightly: "Tomorrow."

Chen Dongqing understood clearly.

I don’t know why, but I always feel that the pace of life has become faster recently.

On August 20, Chen Dongqing boarded the plane again and went straight to Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia.

China and Indonesia are actually quite close, but Shanghai is located in the easternmost area of ​​China, so this flight still took nearly seven hours.

Chen Dongqing rubbed her lower back and stepped off the plane, sighing that she really had to take a good rest next year. She was flying around all the time, and something was going to happen to her whole body.

Chen Dongqing walked forward with his teammates and saw Abramovich and Meiko at the airport pick-up port.

EDG's schedule ended one day earlier, so the two EDG players came to Jakarta yesterday.

"Okay, the plane is on time!" Abu said with a smile: "Let's go, the air conditioner on the bus is turned on, get on first."

It’s the sweltering heat of late August now. Indonesia is always in hot water, and it’s extremely hot when it gets hot.

Chen Dongqing had just walked the 100 meters to the door of the bus, and it was already so hot that he was sweating on his back.

Chen Dongqing sat down, put his hands on his small box, and then said with a smile: "What should I say, what are the plans for today?"

Although the five main players belong to QG, the coaching team belongs to EDG and Snake, so Chen Dongqing still has to listen to the opinions of the coaching team.

Abu smiled and said: "What other arrangements can we make? Let's talk about the version first!"

The bus slowly stopped in front of the hotel. This is the Asian Games Village.

Of course, if this can be called a hotel.

Chen Dongqing looked at the squat building in front of him. The dilapidated and backward feeling made him dream back to his elementary school days.

He couldn't help but frown and said, "Is this serious?"

This is not as good as the hotel they usually stay in when traveling. It's more like calling this a hotel.

Let athletes sleep in hotels? It doesn't make sense.

"There's nothing I can do. Just give me a little help, Sister Li." Abu also said cryptically, "I'm actually very helpless."

Chen Dongqing suddenly understood.

In fact, this Asian Games was not held in Jakarta at the beginning. At the 31st Olympic Council of Asia in 2012, representatives from Hanoi, Vietnam, proudly wearing the national flag, finally defeated their competitors from Surabaya, Indonesia, and won this precious medal. Chance!

As a result, it came to 2014. After two years of research, Vietnam decided not to do it.

It doesn't matter whether we do it or not.

In the end, the opportunity to host the Asian Games could only be temporarily transferred to Indonesia midway.

Once you come and go, you will have less time to prepare.

Even now, there is still one Olympic venue that has not been completed.

It can only be said that their execution ability is barely satisfactory, and if you shorten their time by two years, you can't blame them for not doing things well.

Chen Dongqing sighed and walked into the Asian Games Village with his teammates. After checking the athletes' information, he quickly found his room.

It is still a room for two people. The room is very small. Each person has a single bed, which is about 1.2*2 meters.

Chen Dongqing is okay with this. He sleeps honestly anyway, and this bed is completely enough.

But Chen Dongqing wanted to know how a tall basketball player like that slept on this bed?

Chen Dongqing didn't think too much, put on his backpack, and then headed to the training room.

The training room is not big, it is also a medium-sized room. There are mottled peelings on the surrounding walls, which can only be said to be very solid.

While everyone was choosing seats, Abramovich was also tinkering in front of the coach's computer and cut out a PPT.

After experiencing the embarrassment of the last Asian Games qualifiers, Abu and Zhu Kai have become much more professional and can also make new versions of PPT.

"Today, the LPL summer regular season is officially updated to version 8.15." Abramovich was operating while still opening his mouth: "Although our regular season is over, we still need to get familiar with this version, because This version is also used in the Asian Games, and this version has many changes!”

PPT Turn over the title page and come to the main text.

"The first is a hero rework."

A female hero appears in the picture.

The heroine has a green tone and is dressed in a ninja costume. She holds a sickle in both hands and faces away from the camera. The large flowery arms on her entire upper body are quite dazzling. The whole picture is quite tense!

The thorn of alienation, Akali!

Chen Dongqing opened his eyes slightly and saw something extraordinary.

"As before, this version of Akali is positioned in the middle and top lane. This hero has been in the official server for some time, and the winning rate is reflected here."

The PPT continued to turn pages, and a winning rate chart appeared in front of me.

In version 8.14, before Akali was reworked, this hero had a win rate of 49%, and then after the version update. On the first day of the redo, the winning rate plummeted to 41%, and it went straight to the top.

Of course, the ranking win rate of new heroes is of little significance as a reference.

After all, in the previous version of the intercontinental competition, when Sword Demon was reworked, the winning rate was also terrible, and almost everyone in the LPL was deceived.

In the end, it was Chen Dongqing who defied all opinions and came to earth with a sword demon, making this hero the secret weapon of the LPL division and a key factor in winning the Intercontinental Championship.

"I specifically asked EDG analysts and players about Akali's skill mechanism. They all agreed that this is a very suitable hero for the game. I believe this hero will play a key role in the Asian Games." Abu. He continued: "Xiaohu, Brother Shu, how is your hero proficiency?"

Xiaohu scratched his head and said with a confused look on his face: "It's just normal."

It’s not that Xiaohu is lazy, the main reason is that he really doesn’t like Akali as a hero. He has practiced dozens of ranked games, and both the winning rate and the record are terrible.

It can only be said that Xiaohu is almost in this state when it comes to magic assassin heroes. His game style is not suitable for playing aggressive assassins.

"Well, I have to practice harder recently." Abu said: "I checked the results, and Faker's Akali on the opposite side has been practicing very well! What about Brother Shu? You have practiced Akali since you came back from TI. ?"

Chen Dongqing's face was calm and he said: "I haven't practiced before. But my Akali is fine."

Abu nodded: "OK, very good!"

Haven't practiced it, but no problem.

This is a bit abstract, but when it comes to Brother Shu, it's normal.

Abu is now used to Chen Dongqing's abnormality, so he won't be surprised at all.

"Of course, besides this, there are other hero changes." Abu continued to turn the pages of the PPT.

"Sword Demon was slashed by a sword. His base life was reduced, Q damage was reduced, damage to minions in the early stage was reduced, E charging time was reduced in the early stage, and then the ultimate attack power bonus increased. It was mainly weakened in the early stage, reducing Sword Demon's alignment. intensity, and then a small boost later on.”

This hero change is reasonable and reasonable. After all, Sword Demon can basically be played as a long-handed mage during the laning phase. Tanking is like spinning tops, and it is also reasonable to slash the laning phase.

Abu said: "Of course, if we only weaken the lane, I don't think it will affect the strength of Sword Demon on the field. He still has a high priority in selection."

"Then, Sword Girl has also had slight changes. He and Sword Demon are just the opposite. Sword Girl's basic attack power and basic health have increased, and her passive damage has increased, but the values ​​of Q and W have been slightly weakened, and the ranges of E and R have also been reduced. reduce."

"The purpose of this change is obvious. It enhances the laning ability of the top laner, but weakens the dominance of the mid laner."

The hero Dao Mei is actually a typical hero who bullies the weak and fears the strong. She fights against all kinds of warriors in the top lane and is submissive, while in the middle lane she bullies the mage and hits hard. The designer obviously wants to balance this extreme situation this time.

"As I said before, the changes to Dao Mei are also painless. There is still a lot of room for choice, but the emphasis will be shifted from the middle to the top. Well, Brother Shu's Dao Mei should be no problem." Abu said with confidence. Hold on, and then continue to turn the PPT pages.

"In addition, Syndra's changes cannot be ignored."

"The first-level damage of Q [Dark Sphere] has been directly increased by twenty points. This value is terrifying. It has directly lifted Syndra to the T0 position in the Korean server. Is this little tiger okay?"

Xiaohu patted his chest in relief this time, "Don't worry about this, it's absolutely no problem!"

"OK!" Abu nodded. "Other than that, there shouldn't be anything worth noting. We can slowly explore the rest in the training match. Okay, not much to say, and we don't have much time now. It’s early, everyone, go to bed early and start training tomorrow!”


The athletes at the scene dispersed. Xiaohu took the incense pot and planned to explore the surrounding area.

Chen Dongqing walked down the first floor and came to the DOTA2 room.

In the room, he saw the DOTA2 athletes who were also having a meeting.

They are still mainly members of QG.

"Brother Shu is here?" Coach Xiaoba said with a smile: "Let's have a meeting when we come. Let's talk about next week's game."

There is no version update for DOTA2, and the focus of their meeting is not on the game content, but on the gameplay.

After all, the number one position has been replaced, and the play style needs to be redesigned.

Of course, the way of fighting is also simple - just listen to Brother Shu and let him kill.

Eight thousand words updated.

It's nearing the end, and the protagonist is already completely invincible. It would be inappropriate to forcefully create ups and downs, so the plot will advance faster.

By the way, I recommend this book (end of this chapter)

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