The blazing pillar of flame penetrated the ground and went straight to the sky, like a volcano erupting.

For a moment, the heat waves rolled, the magma splashed, and the nearby rocks were constantly melting and spreading around.

The magic hunters looked at the scene in front of them with shock. They couldn't believe that someone could use magic to cause such large-scale damage in this solid military fortress!

Although the fortress was built with only the forbidden magic stone to reinforce the walls and buildings, and the ground was not reinforced, it has never appeared that someone can cast such a large-scale magic when the magic power is suppressed. Its power has far exceeded their cognition.

But the commotion caused by Brand in the field seems to be far from over...

I saw him rising up to the sky little by little under the cover of the pillar of fire, looking down at everyone like a god in charge of fire.

The next moment, countless magma, lava, and boulders on the ground seemed to be summoned and flew towards Brand in the air.

These magmas and lava combined to wrap Brand up, and eventually turned into a lava giant several dozen meters high.

"This... is it hiding?" Aidil looked at this scene and said in surprise.

But the next moment, the lava giant moved!

It slowly raised one foot, as huge and heavy as a mountain, and fell to the ground as if it contained endless power.

With a bang, the earth trembled and cracked, countless broken stones flew, and a wave of air swept towards everyone in the field, causing many people to stagger and fly out.

And this was not over yet, the giant raised another stone arm and slammed it into the crowd nearby, with lava flowing on it and emitting a hot breath.

Although the demon hunters had high combat literacy and fast reaction speed, and avoided the opponent's fist in time, they were still splashed by the magma that exploded from the giant's fist.


In just a moment, the skin and flesh of several people were melted by the high temperature. Although they did not die on the spot, they were dying.

"Fight back! Stop it!"

At this moment, the head of the corps, Eldred, shouted and issued an order for a counterattack. He knew that he could not let the monster do whatever it wanted, and he had to take effective measures to restrict it.

The battle was not over yet. Brand hid in the body of the lava giant. They needed to destroy the giant to pull out the opponent's body and imprison it.

"Kill! For Demacia!"

People roared and rushed to the giant fearlessly, like a group of ants trying to eat an elephant.

Aidil also took action. He rushed to the front with the rune blade in both hands.

Although Brand became a giant, his strength and defense were greatly improved, but in contrast, the opponent's movements became much slower.

After dodging the two punches of the lava giant sideways, he easily came to the opponent's feet.


The sharp sword light passed by, directly cutting a more than one-meter-deep crack at the giant's heel, and magma flowed out from it.

Aidil's eyes lit up, thinking that the enlarged Brand might be easier to deal with. Such a huge body is simply a living target.

Not only him, the attacks of many people nearby had obvious effects, and various wounds of various sizes soon appeared on the giant's body.

But before everyone was happy, those cracks were healing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Everyone in the field suddenly changed their faces. What should they do with such an amazing recovery speed?

With their attacks, they could not break through the giant's heavy rock body to attack Brand inside.

But if they fought a protracted war, the opponent had endless magic power and extraordinary recovery speed.

To be precise, as long as Brand's magic power is not exhausted, then this lava giant will never fall!


The giant attacked again, crushing several demon hunters who were unable to dodge with one foot, and then turned his eyes to Aidil.

Obviously, Brand had not forgotten his goal, he came for the World Rune.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The lava giant walked towards Aidil. Although its movements were slow, its speed was not slow at all, and each stride could take a long distance.

The sound of its walking was like a roaring drum, shaking the heart and the earth at the same time. From time to time, magma would drip onto the ground, making a hissing sound, melting the ground into pits.

"Stop this monster!"

Many demon hunters wanted to step forward to stop it, and kept attacking the opponent's feet. Some archers shot white rainbows to penetrate the giant's rock body.

Unfortunately, their attacks had little effect. They only stopped under the opponent's huge body.There were cuts of varying sizes on his body, which were soon repaired by Brand's magic.

Aidil's expression froze when he saw this scene. He realized that ordinary attacks were no longer a threat to the big guy in front of him. Only by accumulating stronger attacks could he hit the giant hard at once.

He shouted to the crowd: "Help me hold this guy back. I have a way to deal with it, but it takes some preparation time."

After that, he didn't care whether these people agreed or not and ran away directly, keeping a distance from the giant behind him.

"Captain, what should we do?" The deputy asked his immediate superior.

Eldred, the leader of the demon-hunting army, just thought for a while, and then said: "First, intercept this monster here. Send someone to report the situation here to His Majesty the Third, saying that we need reinforcements here. Also, send someone to move the Justice Colossus outside the capital."

The deputy was puzzled and asked: "Why do we need to move the colossus? Moving that thing consumes a lot of manpower and time."

As he said this, he glanced at the lava giant in front of him. The size of the other party reminded him of Galio's size. He couldn't help but complain in his heart: The leader doesn't expect the Justice Colossus to come back to life and fight this monster? How is this possible? It's a stone statue!

Eldred sighed and said, "Of course I know this, but there is no better way at the moment, right? This fortress alone can't suppress the huge magic power of this monster. Moving the colossus here may have a glimmer of hope to suppress the opponent."

The deputy quickly went down to execute the order, and Eldred turned his attention back to the battlefield. However, his eyes seemed unusually deep, giving people a sense of mystery, and his whole temperament became a little different.

In addition, what the two did not know was that at the moment when the lava giant appeared, the Justice Colossus they had just discussed had already noticed this place.


On the war monument, Galio stood on a huge stone platform.

It looked far in the direction of Xiongdu, and its sight seemed to span thousands of miles, and saw a stone giant whose whole body was made of lava magma.

Galio was very excited, and he was restless in his heart and wanted to rush up to compete with the opponent and have a hearty battle.

It has been sleeping here for too long, and it has long wanted to find a suitable opponent to stretch its muscles.

Galio stretched his body, because he had absorbed a lot of magic power from the huge forbidden magic tree in the forbidden magic forest before, so that even if no one charged it in the short term, it could move freely.

It walked down from the stone platform, looking at the figure of the lava giant in the distance with burning eyes, and the wings behind it suddenly spread out, and then it squatted and jumped up!

With a bang, the ground under its feet collapsed, and Galio's huge body rushed into the sky like a rocket, flying towards the distant Xiongdu. The spectacular scene was enough to make people dumbfounded.

It was a pity that there was no one here, no spectators.

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