Two hours ago, in the manor of the Crown Guard family.

At the moment when Aidil took out the world rune from the system space, a trace of energy fluctuation belonging to the rune flashed, which was not only detected by Brand hiding underground, but also sensed by Ryze who was walking in a small ravine somewhere in the south outside the Xiongdu.

He turned his head suddenly and looked in the direction of the distant Xiongdu.

"It's the breath of the rune!"

Although the fluctuation was very obscure, Ryze still sensed the approximate location range.

Without the slightest hesitation, the magic pattern on Ryze's skin lit up immediately, and under his feet, blue energy ripples spread, quickly constructing a complicated rune array.

Warp and jump!

With a whoosh, Ryze's figure was shrouded in a white light and disappeared from the spot in an instant. When he appeared again, he was already in the manor of the Crown Guard family.

He opened his eyes and kept looking around, carefully sensing the location of the rune, but the result shocked him and he looked around in confusion.

"Where is the rune? Why is the aura gone again?!"

He cast a teleportation magic, and in the blink of an eye, the aura of the rune disappeared again?

"Wait! This aura is..."

Suddenly, Ryze seemed to sense something, and looked to the north. A pillar of fire penetrated the surface and appeared on the horizon, containing extremely amazing magical energy.

"That's Brand!"

Ryze understood immediately and immediately ran towards the north. He knew very well that Brand would not appear here for no reason, and he must have the clue of the rune to appear.

But because the distance was too far, he could not sense the exact location of the rune, but only the approximate range, so that the location he teleported had a considerable deviation, just in the southernmost part of the Crown Guard Manor.

The Crown Guard family's manor is extremely vast, with the north and south ends far apart. Even with Garen's physique, it would take at least ten minutes to run there.

In addition, Ryze happened to meet the guards in the manor on the way and was intercepted as a suspect.

Although he easily dealt with these people with his strength, it still took a lot of time.

As for why he didn't use teleportation magic again, it was obviously because this type of space spell had some limitations.

Just as Ryze rushed to the edge of the battlefield, he found that the energy fluctuations of the rune appeared again in front of him, and this time it flashed and disappeared in an instant.

"That's right, the rune is in front! We must not let Brand take it away first!"

Ryze looked anxious, he quickened his pace and rushed to the battlefield. Then he saw a flaming meteor flying in the sky, that was Brand's figure.

Not far away, there was a group of people also watching Brand in the sky, which were Lux, Sona, Tiana, and Garen.

However, the four of them focused their attention on Brand, and did not notice Ryze who was a few hundred meters away.

Ryze looked at Brand's gradually disappearing figure in the distance, and then looked around again, and did not find any energy fluctuations belonging to the rune.

'What's going on? I didn't feel the breath of the rune. Could it be that Brand took it away? '

Thinking of this, Ryze immediately stepped forward to chase Brand's figure.

Along the way, Ryze found that Brand seemed to be chasing a teenager! This puzzled him a little, because he did not sense the fluctuations of the world rune on the teenager.

But Ryze still chose to follow all the way. He believed that Brand could not appear here for no reason. He knew him too well. Brand must have some reason to chase the young man!

The two chased and fled all the way to the headquarters of the demon hunter. During this period, Brand's magic brought a lot of disasters to the civilians of Demacia on the streets.

Ryze saw the victims, and felt a little bit of pity and guilt. He felt that he was partly responsible for the disaster caused by Brand.

After all, the other party was once his disciple, and it was also because he did not take good care of the world rune that the monster Brand was born.

So, while following Brand's figure, Ryze secretly cast magic to control the fire to prevent the disaster from spreading.

He followed Brand and soon came to a military fortress. But he did not show up rashly, but found a secret place to observe on the spot.

With his strength, he wanted to hide himself, and those demon hunters could not find him at all.

So, he witnessed Brand's chaos in the demon hunter headquarters, witnessed the battle between him and the Justice Colossus Galio, and witnessed the last sword light of Aidil.

At the same time, he also understood why Brand was obsessed with that young man!This is because the long sword in the opponent's hand emits energy fluctuations belonging to the rune! Especially the last sword! The energy fluctuations of the rune are almost filling the entire sword.

Ryze's pupils shrank after realizing this fact. He instinctively wanted to rush up to take back the rune, but in the end, reason still made him stop.

He felt that if he rushed out, it would only make the battle more chaotic. There is a high probability that he would fight with Brand and compete with each other, which would raise the scale of the disaster to another level.

Instead of doing so, it is better to choose to wait and see. Let those Demacians consume Brand's magic power, and I will conserve my energy and be ready to intercept at any time.

It must be said that Brand always loses to Ryze, and there is a reason for that. One is a hot-tempered old brother, and the other is a calm old man. The two are far apart in terms of scheming.

Ryze, the old man, obviously has invincible strength, but he is too cautious.

So, Ryze had been hiding in a secret corner outside the battlefield, silently watching the whole battle.

Until Adyr finally walked out of the round fort and slashed out the sword light that reached the sky to defeat Brand.

He was shocked and surprised. He didn't expect that Brand had already left the stage before he made a move?

Now he was even less anxious. Brand had stepped down, who else could compete with him?

However, he still did not act rashly, but planned to wait until Adyr was alone, and then go to the door to recover the rune.

If he appeared rashly at this moment, it would probably cause hostility between Adyr, Galio, and the Demacians.

To be on the safe side, it is better to wait until the other party is alone, so that he can relax a little, and at the same time avoid the possible accidents caused by the intervention of third-party forces.

Ryze is a very humble and steady person. He deeply understands that no matter how strong he is, he cannot act rashly and do whatever he wants. Otherwise, he would be like Brand, angering the public and being beaten up by the gang!

So he patiently waited for the best opportunity, until finally Aidier led a group of mages to leave Xiongdu and come to the Forbidden Magic Forest...

Then, there is now...

"The power of the rune is too dangerous. It is not something you can control. It may be a good thing for you to hand it over."

Ryze said to Aidier in front of him, with an extremely firm attitude and a hint of unquestionable.

His attitude was quite friendly, not as irritable as Brand, who shouted for war and killing when he met. At the beginning, he mainly persuaded.

Of course, if he couldn't persuade, he also knew some tricks!

Looking at Ryze in front of him, Aidier's brows were solemn, but he was slightly relieved.

He felt that although the other party knew a lot about his situation, what he knew was limited after all. At least he didn't know that the rune was stolen by him, otherwise he would never talk to him so calmly.

At the same time, Aidil hesitated. Judging from the information the other party knew now, it was obviously impossible to bluff the other party.

He only had two choices at the moment, either hand over the rune! Or fight back!

Fight back? Haha~

Aidil laughed at himself in his heart, feeling that he seemed to have only one way to choose from the beginning to the end.

He didn't want to fight with Ryze, and even from the beginning he didn't want to provoke Brand.

But there was no way, Brand's attitude was too bad! Even if he handed over the rune, that guy didn't look like he would let him go.

Thinking of this, Aidil made a decision in his heart.

He looked at Ryze and asked, "If I give you the rune, you will leave, right?"

Ryze's expression gradually eased and nodded.

Seeing this, Aidil no longer hesitated. He moved away from the mages behind him a little, and in a perspective that no one could see, he took off the handle cover of the rune blade in his hand, and then revealed the world rune in it.

Seeing this, Ryze's pupils shrank, and he was about to remind the other party loudly: Be careful! Don't touch the rune directly!

But before he opened his mouth, Aidil had already grasped the world rune in his palm.

Looking at Aidil holding the rune in his palm, Ryze was stunned. He never expected that the man in front of him could touch the world rune directly!

What does this show?

It shows that the young man in front of him has a pure heart! Even in the face of the power temptation brought by the world rune, he did not lose himself and give rise to greed and obsession. This is extremely precious!

All of a sudden, Ryze looked at Aidil with a hint of appreciation and tolerance, and even his favorability increased by five points.

Aidil looked at the world rune in his hand with a complicated expression, a hint of pity in his eyes, and then decisively threw it to Ryze.

Ryze stretched out a hand,He took the world rune flying in the air, felt it carefully, and nodded.

But soon he frowned again, looked at Aidil and asked: "Where are the other runes?"

Although he did not sense the energy fluctuations of other runes on the other party. But facing the only clue about the rune, Ryze was still unwilling to stop there.

He felt that the person in front of him might know the traces of other runes. There was no reason or evidence, just an inexplicable intuition!

It must be said that Ryze's intuition was very sharp and he saw the truth at a glance!

Unfortunately, Aidil was not a novice, of course, it was impossible for him to trick him out of his pants.

He scratched his head blankly, shook his clothes, then stood there and weighed it twice, and then asked puzzledly: "Do I have any more on me?"

Ryze opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but found that he really had no evidence to prove that there were other world runes on the other party.

He stood there, thinking for a while, and carefully looked at Aidil in front of him, as if he wanted to find out the source of his intuition.

'There is indeed no rune fluctuation on his body, but why do I feel that other runes are related to him? '

Aidil stood there, watching Ryze looking him up and down with a look that wanted to dissect him, and felt nervous.

But his face remained calm. After thinking again and again, he gritted his teeth and made up his mind to take a gamble and fight for it.

He bet that Ryze could not sense the world runes in the system space! He bet that Ryze would not rashly attack him based on his intuition!

At the same time, he also had his own confidence in his heart, that is, if he really died, then the three world runes in the system space would disappear with him forever in the rune land.

It can be said that his life and death are almost bound to the existence of the three world runes. When he is alive, the world runes are there. When he dies, the world runes will disappear forever.

With this relationship, even if Ryze really did make a move, he could still use it to deal with the other party and get a chance to breathe.

But the next second, he was slapped in the face!

Because Ryze really did it! Without any signs!

He ran very fast and rushed straight to Aidil, condensing a blue energy ball in his hand.

Aidil did not dare to be careless, raised the rune blade in his hand and slashed at the energy ball.

Although there was no blessing of rune power, it was a weapon made of forbidden magic stone, which had its own restraining effect on magic.


The energy ball bombarded the sword, and part of the magic power was absorbed by the surrounding forbidden magic stone trees during the flight, and another part was absorbed by the sword body, but the remaining magic power exploded, blowing Aidil directly more than ten meters away!

Not far away, a group of mages stood a few dozen meters away and watched the two men discuss. Although they couldn't hear what they were saying clearly, when they saw Ryze taking the initiative to attack, some people couldn't sit still and shouted: "Damn it! This guy actually dared to sneak attack the leader. Fellow countrymen, come together! It's time to repay the favor!"

Hundreds of people rushed towards Ryze with great momentum, like a torrent of waves roaring, and for a moment, the momentum was deafening.

But Ryze didn't care. He glared, and his eyes suddenly brightened, shining like stars, like a light bulb. The profound runes on his skin also brightened, revealing a mysterious and ancient atmosphere.

He stretched out a hand towards the crowd, and the next moment, countless energies condensed into magic patterns in the air, turning into light curtain cages that imprisoned everyone in place!

Rune imprisonment!

"What a joke!"

Everyone was shocked. In just a moment, they seemed to be back in the dark cage, their eyes filled with despair and fear.

The gap was too big! Hundreds of mages were easily controlled by the other party in one encounter?

Some people were still struggling, condensing fireballs or energy beams in their hands to continuously bombard the light curtain in front of them.

Unfortunately, their magic was completely incomparable to Ryze. No matter how they attacked, the rune light curtain in front of them was like a wall made of forbidden magic stone, indestructible.

Some people struggled in a more special way, such as Silas. The other party was holding the pair of forbidden magic stone handcuffs and constantly hitting the light curtain. The effect was quite good, and it actually made the light curtain in front of them dim for a while, but it was still a little worse.

Ryze passed the crowd and slowly approached Aider in front of him.

He looked indifferent and said in a cold tone: "Tell me the clues of the runes in other worlds, and I will stop. Otherwise, you will die here today."

Aidil got up from the ground and looked at the scene in front of him, a little panicked.

However, he did not immediately reveal the clues of other runes, but calmed down and thought carefully.

For some reason, he always felt that Ryze was testing him! Just because he did not feel the murderous intention from the other party!

"I don't have the rune you want."

Aidil stood up and shook his head. He still chose to trust his intuition.

Seeing this, Ryze's eyes were cold, and he slowly raised one hand. An energy ball jumped in his palm, and the energy that escaped seemed to make the nearby space tremble and make a sizzling sound.

Ryze looked at Aidil's firm eyes, and he hesitated and doubted in his heart, 'Does he really not know? '

He stood there and pondered for a moment, and finally took a deep breath, and actually released the energy ball in his hand!

Did he have the intention to kill?


In the perspective that Aidil could not see, a wisp of magic pattern disappeared into the ground and converged at Aidil's feet.

Ryze did not intend to kill, but planned to teleport the opponent away at the moment when the magic ball was about to hit. He wanted to test the opponent through life and death crisis.

But Aidil did not know all this...


The magic ball flew through the air and shot towards Aidil's face. There were bursts of explosions in the air, as if a big explosion had occurred. The energy beams that escaped made the surrounding space distorted.

Aidil's pupils shrank, and his heart seemed to be unconsciously grabbed by someone. The energy magic ball in the air continued to expand in his clear black eyes.

He shrugged his throat and wanted to speak out and reveal his trump card. But the next moment, a black and purple light curtain suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking the terrifying energy magic ball!

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