LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 148 The world has changed (please subscribe)

The Siren lowered its sails and docked slowly at Pilt Harbor.

Unlike Bilgewater's slaughterhouse, which was filled with sea animal carcasses and smelled of blood, Piltover's dock was cleaner and much more prosperous.

In the port, there are many sails and boats connecting each other. Further away, you can see the towering buildings of Piltover, the majestic sea defense embankment, and the most eye-catching one, the Sungate Canal sea lock.

This giant mechanical gate, glowing with golden light under the sun, is just like it looks like, a money printing machine that spits out gold coins.

"I heard that Picheng Man controls this canal and can collect thousands of gold coins in just tolls in one day!"

"Tsk tsk...This is easier than robbing money!"

Looking at the golden Sun Gate Sea Lock, the sailors sighed with envy.

"They are just robbing money." Sarah curled her lips sarcastically:

She casually pushed her wavy bright red hair behind her ears, revealing her cold, arrogant and disdainful profile:

"The Picheng guys are guarding the canal to collect tolls, while we are floating on the sea to collect tolls."

"Oh, no one is nobler than anyone else."

Saying that, Sarah looked back at Zu An again——

While outsiders arriving at the port were amazed by the prosperity of Piltover, as long as they turned around for a moment, they could see the poisonous clouds and dilapidated Zaun on the other side, which clung to the earth like abscesses.

Most people would only think that Picheng is beautiful and Zaun is dirty; Picheng is good and Zaun is bad.

But Miss Fortune has her own opinion:

"A city of civilization, a city of progress, it's just a big Bilgewater."

Bilgewater is divided into upper town and lower town. The lower town is home to poor fishermen, and the upper town is home to rich pirates.

Piltover is also divided into Upper Town and Lower Town. The lower city is Zauan across the canal, where poor workers live.

As for the upper's just a bunch of pirates who came ashore with their names clean.

Yes, in Sarah's opinion, those elegant and civilized men in suits and ties in Piltover are just another form of pirates.

Because ordinary people can only see the civilized and orderly side of Pi City.

But as a pirate captain and bounty hunter in Bilgewater, Sarah is able to see more of the dark side hidden behind this progressive city than ordinary people in Piltover.

For example...

Sarah came to Piltover this time to discuss some shady business with the Piltover guy.

"I don't know what dirty work these sanctimonious guys are going to give us this time."

The pirates of Bilgewater actually have a deep connection with the great families of Piltover.

The men of Piltover often have some dirty work that they can't do themselves, so they hire pirates from Bilgewater to do it.

In order to make money and develop her power, Sarah often took on such jobs.

Many not-so-pleasant cooperations made her see through the hypocrisy, filthiness and nastiness of these Picheng guys.

These sanctimonious hypocrites are simply more disgusting than the "magnanimous" pirates like Planck.


"Who can't live with money?" Sarah subconsciously weighed the money bag around her waist.

The bag is heavy, and when touched, it can burst out a sweet golden note.

About a week ago, someone contacted her sincerely through the Myrdalda family's underground channel in Bilgewater, with a huge sum of money as a deposit.

The big patron asked her, Miss Fortune Sarah, to personally lead the team and come to Piltover to meet with him to discuss cooperation.

And the name of this big patron is:

"Levi, Levi the leader."

Sarah didn’t know much about the Wind Leader Association, nor did she know Levi.

However, in her opinion, this so-called Leader Association is probably just like other big families and big companies in Piltover, a group of suit gangsters who claim to be civilized.

Otherwise, they would not have contacted her and secretly cooperated with her, a pirate.

"Leader, what a pity..."

"This is a neat and good name."


Sarah arranged for a few people to stay at the dock, and brought along first mate Raven and a group of elites as bodyguards.

As for most of the remaining sailors, she followed the old rules in the sailing world and gave them a short vacation after docking, allowing them to go to the city to find happiness on their own.

As for her little brothers who were exhausted at sea, what kind of happiness are they looking for after entering the city... Sarah doesn't want to know, and she doesn't bother to care.

Anyway, as long as these rough guys don't make waves in front of her, she doesn't care where they go to have fun after the holiday.

However, after landing, Sarah asked for the approximate address of the headquarters of the Leader Association where Levi had agreed to meet with her during the commission, and she unexpectedly discovered:

She and her gang of "breeding pigs out of cage" boys were going to almost the same place.

The headquarters of the Windleader Association has now been moved to the Zaun community;

Most of the casinos and brothels that foreign sailors love to visit are in the Zaan community and the civilian areas surrounding the community.

It's not that there are no casinos and brothels in the rich area of ​​Piltover, but the class there is so high and the consumption is so fierce that even pirates doing business without capital can't bear it.

Moreover, they are all doing the business of Mr. Pi Cheng, and they don't look down on these smelly and lowly sailors.

Therefore, Sarah had no choice but to endure the discomfort and for the time being walked in the same direction as her gang of younger brothers who were eager to give their younger brother a day off.

The group soon arrived at the Zaun community.

"We're here! This is the place we came to last time!"

The sailors' eyes were shining and they were shouting with excitement.

There was also an old driver among the sailors, who was bragging to his companions: "You know? The number one in this brothel, Koliya, is my old sweetheart in Pi City. Her breasts are even better than our captain..."

"Ahem." Sarah coughed twice with a cold face.

Only then did the obsessed sailors recall that their beautiful captain was still following them during this vacation.

Now is not the time to drive.

"Um, um, Captain Sarah..."

"Let's go in first... uh... go in and play poker."

In front of Miss Fortune, a bunch of rough guys turned red in shame.

"Get out!" Sarah kicked the old driver who took the lead in telling dirty jokes angrily: "Take it out to your old sweetheart, don't go crazy here!"

"Get out, get out of here!"

She drove away all the sailors on vacation.

But not long after, before Sarah had time to leave to find the headquarters of the Wind Leader Association, the sailors she sent away turned around and came back.

"What's wrong?" Sarah was puzzled.

"I don't know..." The sailors were even more confused: "That brothel that sells skin and flesh has been turned into a serious hotel."

"We wanted to go in to find the girl, but they drove us back."

As they spoke, they pointed to the signboard with the Blue Bird emblem hanging at the entrance of the store.

Although the sign clearly said "hotel", none of the sailors who were used to "having fun" here did not expect that this place actually turned into a serious hotel.

"Is the boss out of his mind? Can a hotel still make more money than a hotel?"

After failing to meet his old sweetheart, the old driver couldn't help but cursed and spat.

But Sarah had no intention of listening.

Her eyes fell on the blue bird emblem on the sign and a line of small words written on the corner of the sign:

"Leader Hotel Chain Group, Store No. 002."

Hotel chains are a new thing in Runeterra.

But what Sarah cares more about is the word "leader".

"Is this the leader's industry?"

"They took down the brothel and turned it into a hotel?"

Sarah didn't know how much money this so-called hotel chain could make, but if she thought about it, she knew that no matter how much money a hotel made, it couldn't be made faster than a brothel.

Why do leaders do this kind of loss-making business?

Sarah was not only curious about her new employer.

And then... Sarah and the sailors walked and wandered around, and they soon discovered:

"Damn! Where is the kiln? Why are they all missing?"

The sailors were dumbfounded.

Obviously, when I came here last time, this was still a unique industry street in Pi City.

Only a few months later, the original Happy Forests had turned into hotels, restaurants, and even workers’ dormitories bearing the leader’s bluebird emblem.

What happened?

In this way, a group of hard-blooded rough guys wandered around the Zaun community for a long time...

"There isn't even a kiln!"

"God Na! This place is simply hell!"

"Hell..." Sarah was a little lost in thought.

Where is hell?

She still clearly remembered how dirty and chaotic this place used to be.

But only a few months have passed, and the world seems to have changed here.

How did you do it?

Who did it?

"Is... the leader?" Sarah thought of the blue bird emblems all over the streets.

But at this moment, she was not paying attention, and the sailors couldn't help but cause trouble for her.

This group of veteran drivers had already filled up their stacks of Bloodrage and were waiting to kill everyone. However, after wandering around for a long time, they couldn't find anyone to come to the line.

How can I bear this?

They looked around with red eyes, as if they wanted to look for any "leisure shop" that they had missed.

In the end, the leisure shop was not found.

But they found a group of... female cleaners wearing yellow vests and holding big brooms, sweeping the floor on the street.

"Oh, that's not..."

The old driver and sailor who was boasting earlier couldn't help but light up his eyes.

It's not like he's so horny that he goes into heat when he sees a woman.

But among the female cleaners sweeping the floor there, many were acquaintances of him and his sailor brothers.

"Hey, Kolya! Is that you, Kolya?"

"The top guy in that pink house, hey, do you still remember me?"

The sailor smiled evilly and came forward to say hello, shaking the money bag around his waist arrogantly:

"Look, I've made a fortune this time, and I have enough money to take care of your business!"

He shouted so carelessly that the eyes of the people around him immediately gathered around him.

The cleaning lady whom he called "Kelia" suddenly stood there with a pale face.

"What are you doing?" The sailor asked in confusion: "By the way, where did you move your place? I can't find it? And why are you sweeping the floor here? Why, you made a mistake Were you punished by Mamasang?”

he asked naggingly.

The surrounding sailors also laughed evilly.

But the female cleaners all looked dull, standing there like logs, with their heads lowered and unwilling to say a word.

Finally, one person couldn't stand it anymore: "Shut up, you bastard!"

A black-haired girl, also wearing a cleaner's uniform and wearing a quiet braid, stood up angrily.

She is none other than Lina, who is still being sent to a labor camp.

"They are cleaners now, do you understand?" Lina scolded: "There is no one you are looking for here, you can get out!"

"What?" The pirates couldn't bear to hear the harsh word "get out".

Not only did they not leave, they even asked jokingly: "Cleaner? Are you kidding me?"

"Hey, Ke Liya, are you serious? Instead of doing a good job that can bring you money just by moving your legs, you come to sweep the floor on the street?"

The female workers were silent for a while.

The air is extremely delicate.

Then, Lina took a deep breath and stood in front of her coworkers with a serious expression.

"Gentlemen, you should apologize to them." Lina said seriously.

"Apologise?" The pirates' eyes widened in disbelief.

Although they are just low-status sailors.

But... asking them to apologize to a bunch of pheasants?

Are they worthy?

"Bitch, you have to be careful, bah! How can there be such a reason in the world!" The pirates took out their guns angrily, exuding a strong murderous aura only seen by veterans of hundreds of battles.

They thought this would scare this frail-looking girl.

But Lina didn't take a step back:

"Let me tell you, the world has changed!"

"They are human beings! You are no better than them or anyone else!"


The second one will be later_(:з ∠)_

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