LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 158 This is not a treat (please subscribe)

Time comes the next day.

Perhaps it was because the strong wind blew away the poisonous haze that shrouded the sky, and the sun came out for the first time in a long time in Zuan.

Seraphine and Levi held hands and flew, facing the breeze and sunshine, and landed on the coast of Zaun, the former territory of Baron Takeda Saito.

The street scene in Zaun is certainly not beautiful.

Especially now, the picture here can even be said to be terrifying.

When Seraphine dropped her pure white leather boots to the ground, she could immediately feel that she had stepped on something sticky and slippery.

When she raised her feet and looked again, she found that the edges of her white boots were stained with a circle of scarlet—blood, human blood.

The origin of the blood is also obvious.

The street lamps on both sides of the street were covered with relatively fresh corpses.

There were so many corpses that there were not even enough street lamps to hang them. So even the telephone poles were used for counting.

The food attracted countless seabirds. Some of them lay on the ground thirsty for blood, and some simply stepped on the heads of those "street lamp pendants" and pecked their eyes before they could rot.

Rats, ants, and flies also became active.

Just looking at this scene, it is not an exaggeration to say that this place is a purgatory on earth.

The citizens of Piltover can't stand this.

Seraphine frowned.

"Seraphine, are you okay?" Levi held Seraphine's hand, subconsciously caring.

He has not forgotten that more than three months ago, this girl was a delicate young lady whose fingers were broken and she shed a few tears.

Not to mention seeing a dead person, even seeing a dead cat would make her cry with sympathy.

But now... Seraphine just moved from the pool of blood without changing her expression, and rubbed the soles of her boots stained red with blood on the clean ground: "Oh, I shouldn't have worn white boots. of."

As she said this, Seraphine frowned slightly and looked at the white stockings that tightly wrapped her calves and were almost splattered with blood. She thought for a moment, then simply used magic to control the breeze, making herself float off the ground like the goddess Janna.

It turns out that's all she cares about.

"Don't you feel disgusted or sympathize with them?" Levi was quite surprised.

"No." Seraphine shook her head.

Although the scene of corpses hanging from street lamps is disgusting, and the tragic death of the deceased is also sympathizing,...

"Every soul I hear here is cheering for this scene."

"I don't know what these corpses did in life, but if their deaths can only be met with heartfelt cheers from all Zaunites... I think they deserve to die."

Her tone was as firm as a warrior's, which made Levi stunned for a moment.

Oh, right...he was wrong.

He always subconsciously regarded Seraphine as the fragile girl when he first met her, but in fact, as a veteran hero of the Wind Leader Association, Seraphine had long since become a warrior.

In order to promote Janna's thoughts, she has browsed too many memories of the suffering Zuan people in the past three months.

She used to cry a lot.

But now, she had already shed all the tears she should have shed for those Zaun people.

These street lamp pendants are not worthy of her tears.

"However, I don't like this approach either." Seraphine still had an opinion.

She looked at her boots: "This is very unhygienic."

"Moreover, this may affect the outside world, especially the people of Piltover, on their impression of the Windleader Association."

"Levi, I don't think you should let them do this."

"This is not what I taught you." Levi shrugged.

In all conscience, he really didn't teach the Zaan people how to hang up street lights.

They learned it themselves.

And where did they learn it?

Of course from the master who has bullied them for thousands of years.

This place was still called Vazuan, and when it was still a city-state in Shurima, the city lords and nobles liked to hang the bodies of sinners on the city gates for public display;

Later, the Age of Discovery began, and pirates liked to hang the corpses of their enemies on masts to dry;

Later, the pirates came ashore and became merchants. The merchants gradually evolved into the Piltover plutocrats and the Zaun gang. They also liked to hang the corpses of Zaun people on street lamps to intimidate those who resisted.

"They are just following the same example and using all the tricks that the old man used to deal with them back to the old man."

"I didn't teach them that. I even tried to make them restrain themselves."

"But once a fire breaks out, it's not so easy to control how big the fire will burn and how long it will last."

The power of the masses is great, but being large means that it is difficult to control.

Yesterday, with the success of the shipyard riot and the destruction of Takeda Saito himself and his main force, a fire burned raging in Zaun with the help of strong winds.

One factory after another under the name of Takeda Saito, some were led by lurking personnel of the leader, and some were completely out of the spontaneous resistance of slave workers, and they all launched collective riots in a short period of time.

The factory guards who received the news of Takeda's collapse had no intention of suppressing it, and they scattered and fled.

As a result, the fire burned more and more fiercely, and the slave workers went from silence to resistance, to pursuit and killing, to fanatical sweeps and liquidations.

They held weapons and shouted slogans, rushed out of the factory, and rushed into pubs, casinos, high-end brothels, low-light shops, middle-class communities, and other places where Takeda's remnants might appear.

The slave workers pulled the henchmen who were attached to Takeda Saito out of their kennels one by one, beat them to death on the street, and hung them from street lamps.

Such bloody revenge is without trial.

Will there be anyone among them who has been wronged by the masses? Is it possible that the guilty will not die? Most likely there are.

But as Levi said: "Struggle is not cooking. If you want to cook slowly, cook slowly, or if you want to cook high, cook fast. You can't control the heat so accurately."

"When a fire breaks out, it will definitely burn everything that is combustible."

A fire can easily get out of control, so shouldn’t we set it off? of course not.

Because the leader never sets a fire.

The people who really set the fire are those alchemist barons who add fuel to their butts day after day and sit on the powder keg without realizing it.

The leader just draws out the fire that already exists in people's hearts.

"I think this fire should be burned, and burned well."

"Burn Zu'an, which is full of filth, to dryness. Burn it thoroughly, and a new world will be created."

"And all we leaders can do is try our best to prevent the fire from burning in places that shouldn't be burned."

In fact, Levi has put in a lot of effort to achieve this.

He already had the ability to take down the entire Zaun, but he still cautiously started with only Takeda Saito because he was worried that if he took too big a step, the mass movement would become completely out of control.

If we want to prevent the movement from getting out of control and preventing the movement from becoming blind, we must have a team of grassroots cadres who are capable of leading the masses, who have firm beliefs, are loyal, reliable, and have outstanding abilities.

Therefore, in the past three months, he has been focusing on cultivating and building a team of grassroots cadres who will lead the way.

But the leader still made his fortune too quickly and took too big a step.

Even if they only take over a territory owned by Takeda Saito and take over hundreds of thousands of Zaun's population, including slave workers, the grassroots cadres of the leader are barely enough.

And these grassroots cadres generally only received theoretical training and lacked practical experience. They usually behave like experts, but when they arrive at the chaotic sports scene, they are like headless chickens, anxious to catch their eyes.

Not only did they fail to lead the mass movement, they were also coerced by the moving masses to move around.

Levi even received a report that leader cadres followed the rioters and captured a store said to be owned by Takeda Saito.

After finishing the fight, he discovered that this store had nothing to do with Takeda Saito, and he realized that he had followed everyone in a "zero-yuan purchase" in a daze.

Some cadres led angry slave workers into Takeda Saito's mansion and estate to liquidate Takeda Saito's family accomplices.

But the slave workers were so jealous and the cadres couldn't restrain them that they almost didn't even spare the children.

Fortunately, Levi showed up in time to avoid tragedy.

Otherwise, if this matter were published in the "Piltover Daily", it would probably be mentioned by ordinary citizens for more than a hundred years.

After all, the common people would only pretend to be barons, and they would only feel sorry for the children of nobles and the blood of nobles.

As for how much blood these slaves have shed, how many children they have lost, who caused them, and why they are so violent, so angry, and so irrational——

These are problems that the people of Pi City, who have no worries about food and clothing, would not think about, nor could they even imagine.


There are many similar things.

In short, despite the efforts of the Leader Association to control it, a lot of chaos inevitably occurred in yesterday's massive riot.

The fire burned like this for a whole day, and it was not until today that the chaos was ended and order was restored with the efforts of the Wind Leader Association.

"Seraphine." Levi said to her: "I brought you here today to help you solve the problems caused by the fire." Yesterday, the conditions were limited and chaotic. Bloody revenge without trial was naturally the result. normal.

But now that order has been barely restored, the trial process should also be restored.

Only in this way can these street lamp pendants be convinced to die, so that good people will not be wronged and bad people will not be spared.

It also allowed the masses to truly understand why these people deserved to die.

Let everyone understand why yesterday's terror was just.

"Yesterday the slave workers killed many people and arrested many others."

"Seraphine, your mission is-"

"Help everyone preside over the public trial."


The second one will be later_(:з ∠)_

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