LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 401 Karma and Seti mother and son (two in one)

Due to content issues, for safety reasons, this plot is skipped in the form of a synopsis. Feel sorry.


Because bad rumors spread that "Ionia's ten thousand-year-old ancestral law was destroyed by the leader of the wind, causing resentment among the people and imbalance of all things", Karma, as the guardian of balance, personally went out and visited Xi, who was at the center of the whirlpool. Carlo City.

After Levi and Karma met, they fully exchanged views on their different understandings of balance, the social transformation plan implemented by the leader, and what development path Ionia should take in the future, among other issues of common interest to both parties. opinions.

After the meeting, Levi invited Kalmar to go to the front line for inspection.

During the investigation, Levi and his party met the young Seti and his mother, and learned the true situation on the front line from their mouths.

In the end, Levi and others discovered the various chaos that had occurred during the transformation process in rural areas that were firmly controlled by Xikaro's local religious and clan forces.

Levi corrected the problem in a timely manner, set things right, and held those responsible accountable. He also asked Irelia to make up for the shortcomings and strengths and weaknesses based on the actual situation of the region, listen more to the voices from the front line, read more and ask more questions, and raise awareness of issues and issues. Ability to identify problems. We must conduct in-depth analysis and research on existing problems, especially those that dissatisfy the public, identify the crux of the problem, take practical and effective work measures, thoroughly solve them, and effectively improve...



Everything is settled.

After this trip to the countryside of Sikaluo, Livy's biggest feeling was: "Suspend all attempts at reform outside the province of Baru'e."

"We have to slow down a bit, first fully train our grassroots cadre team as leaders through practice in local areas, and then transform this huge Ionia step by step."

"Don't rush. After all, time is with us, not with them."

"Yes." Irelia nodded guiltily.

Li Wei's summary undoubtedly declared the complete failure of the "Feng-Pu cooperation reform" pilot program she presided over. .

"I'm sorry, President Levi." At this time, Irelia lost all her initial pride.

She completely underestimated the methods of the Xiangxian masters and the complexity of front-line work.

There were things she didn't know from beginning to end;

She knew some things and thought they were no big deal, but the actual situation was a hundred times more serious than she knew.

There are things she knows are big problems, but this problem is what the wise masters want her to see.

She did some things based on the work experience summarized by the leader in Baru'e Province, but when these experiences were implemented in Navoli Province and implemented in Sikaro, the results were completely different from what she had imagined.


In short, Irelia realized at this time:

It turns out that a person can really be stupid enough to eat an egg worth 30 silver wheels each, and still think that the price is normal.

And she is this idiot.

"It's all my fault..." Irelia lowered her head, like a kindergarten student admitting her mistake in front of the teacher.

Facts have also proved that she, the Navoli hero who dominates the battlefield and is invincible, is only at the level of a kindergarten student in administrative work.

"Irelia." Seeing her friend who was deeply affected, Seraphine subconsciously wanted to step forward to comfort her.

But she hesitated for a moment and stopped her imminent steps. Because leaders need to be responsible for their own actions.

The incompetence of one general will kill the entire army. Incompetence is the biggest sin of a leader.

Even if Irelia has good intentions, it cannot change the losses she has caused to the people of Syccaro.

So Seraphine couldn't comfort her. Because she was indeed at fault.

"This can't be entirely your fault." Levi sighed: "I also bear a large part of the responsibility."

"Huh?" Seraphine looked at her boyfriend in surprise.

She didn't expect Levi to comfort Irelia like this.

After all, Levi had been looking at her like a fool along the way... That look was so familiar that Seraphine knew it without reading her mind.

"I'm not trying to comfort you." Levi said matter-of-factly: "I do have a responsibility."

He originally planned to regard Irelia as a "safety margin" for the experiment, so he asked her to preside over the pilot work.

But what he didn't expect was that Irelia could be so "unsafe".

Even though I visit the countryside every now and then, I still get fooled into being confused...

It can be seen that this eldest lady of the Zan family, who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, and was selected by the Soul of Ionia after not living a hard life for two days, is indeed too out of touch with the grassroots.

"I overestimated your ability, and I was also wrong." Levi reflected in self-blame.

Irelia: "......"

She really wished she could kill herself with a knife and bury herself in the three rooms and one living room she dug out with her toes.

"Irelia." Levi reminded in a cryptic tone: "There have been suggestions from comrades in the Ionia branch before. Even the current president Riven took the initiative to apply to me and said that she hopes to re-elect the leader of Ionia. The choice of branch president.”

Riven is a foreign Noxian after all.

Although the leader has always been committed to eliminating the influence of external identity and uniting everyone only with faith. But Riven's reputation and prestige in Ionia are indeed not as good as Irelia, the Navori hero who is supported by the masses and respected by all people.

So Riven has been thinking about stepping down and letting Irelia be the branch president. This will also allow Ionians to have a natural affinity with the leader, which will be more conducive to the future development of the leader in Ionia.

For this reason, Li Wei originally intended to adopt the opinions of Riwen and others.

But now it seems...

"I can't be this president!" Irelia gave up this opportunity for advancement without hesitation.

It turns out she can't do this.

Administrative work was too difficult for her.

"In the future." Irelia decided to return to her area of ​​expertise: "I still plan to focus more on the military."


After discussing the finishing touches of this incident with Irelia, Levi approached Master Karma who was accompanying him on the inspection.

Today's Master Karma looks like a beautiful girl under 20 years old. Her brown skin still has a youthful luster, and the simple monk's robes cannot hide the youthful vitality in her movements.

But Levi knew that she was actually the incarnation of the soul of an ancient Ionian in this world. She was a reincarnation with the memories of countless generations of Karma, and she was also the person most closely connected with the soul of Ionia. She was unique. The Apocalypse.

At this moment, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when facing Master Karma, who had come to "provoke an investigation".

"Sorry, Master Karma. As you can see, we do have problems with the work of our leader."

"But the existence of problems does not mean that our reform plan is wrong..."

No matter how good the plan is, it still needs people to implement it. If it is executed by humans, it is impossible for problems to arise.

What's more, the people responsible for the execution this time are not leader cadres with reliable beliefs, but a group of resistance officers with complex backgrounds.

In short, the problem definitely exists.

Denying the existence of the problem is inconsistent with the leader's principle of seeking truth from facts.

However, because of the existence of some problems, to deny the progress and justice of the entire land reform work, and even to mourn, summon the souls, and whitewash those landlords who have been eliminated by history, is a sophistry that is simply untenable. logic.

Levi did not want Kalmar to fall into such a misunderstanding, and thus deepen his resistance to change, and even end up on the opposite side of the leader.

"Master Karma, you are a well-deserved opinion leader in Ionia today."

"Everyone believes that you have a special connection with the Soul of Ionia - even, in the eyes of many people, you are the will of the Soul of Ionia to a certain extent."

This is doomed, Karma's prestige in Ionia is almost unmatched.

The weight of what she said was very serious.

A big problem that the leader encountered in front-line work is that Ionians generally follow tradition and follow the old way of balance that was instilled in them by the patriarchs and masters in the past.

The laws of the ancestors are immutable.

And if they follow the leader and divide the fields of the master's family, they will severely change the ancestral method and destroy the balance of all things.

So they dare not separate. I'm afraid that after the division is completed, the sky will change again.

Who has the ability to transform into the goddess Jana?

Only the Soul of Ionia, of course.

Everyone is afraid that the changes initiated by the Windleader will offend the soul of Ionia and bring irreparable disaster to the world.

Although the soul of Ionia is a "person", he has never appeared to say so.

But ordinary people are used to listening to the words of patriarchs, masters and elders. Stamped by the dual thoughts of religious doctrine and cultural tradition, they instinctively believe in this statement.

Even if Li Wei invited Master Shen, who has the final authority to interpret the Way of Balance, to promote to the public the "New Way of Balance under the Banner of Janna" that the leader insists on in the name of the Balance Sect...

For a while, the Ionians were unable to accept this "deviant" new concept.

The old way of equilibrium advocates that nothing can be changed. Whether it is the laws of the ancestors or the old social order dominated by the patriarchs.

However, the new balanced approach advocates that the ancestors are not worthy of the law, the words of others are not compassionate, and the changes of nature are respected but not feared.

As long as the balance of all things is ensured, human beings can transform the world as much as they want - including changing the old social order originally controlled by the masters and allowing the oppressed untouchables to stand up.

"Your opinion matters now, Master Karma."

Even leaving aside Karma’s unfathomable personal strength, just look at her influence:

"If you side with the Old Guard, many Ionians will follow in your footsteps in blind faith and continue to advocate for the old order that oppresses them."

"This will be a disaster for Ionia."

"So, I hope you will not be prejudged by the chaos that happened in Xikaro and misunderstand the ideals of our leader..."

As he spoke, Levi looked at Karma seriously, looking forward to the master's answer.

Karma's eyes shone slightly, and she said: "Please take me to Balua again, President Levi. I think the leader's performance in Balua Province should allow me to truly see that different country. The same 'New Balance'."

"You?" Levi was a little surprised.

Kalma is also willing to go to Baru'e Province to inspect and learn more about the work of the leader, which shows that she is still willing to contact and communicate with the leader, and even to cooperate.

And that's exactly what happened.

During this trip to Xikaro, what Karma saw was not just the work problems of the leader. She also witnessed with her own eyes how insane things those sanctimonious masters could do in order to hinder the coming of change.

Is it really right to maintain this old order and let these insects continue to rule Ionia?

Of course, the most important thing is:

"The old order is no longer sustainable." Karma said something shocking: "Even without the Wind Leader, it is impossible for Ionia to return to the stability it had before being invaded by Noxus."

"Ionia is changing, and I must change too."

"This..." Levi realized something. He was relieved.

Yes, if you think about it carefully... Although Kalma has been the spiritual leader of the old school for thousands of years, this generation of Kalma is probably a person who actively seeks change.

When Noxus invaded, she broke with tradition and fought back. Later, it was only under severe criticism and strong demands from the monks and elders of the Everlasting Temple that she returned to the mountain to live in seclusion and stay behind closed doors.

Karma obviously realized that the world had changed. There is no going back to the past in Ionia.


"Actually, you're not here to challenge us?" Li Wei asked thoughtfully.

"That's right." Karma replied with a smile: "I know that Ionia will inevitably change, but I can't figure out where to guide it. This question cannot be answered by the ancient wisdom of Karma throughout the ages."

"But you, the leader, gave the answer. That's why I thought of coming over to see if you can really guide the big ship of Ionia to the right course."

She doesn't come here for trouble, but for answers.

"I understand." Levi couldn't help but smile.

He confidently extended an invitation to Kalma: "Please come with me to the Balu'e Province for a walk——"

"I believe that the leader's answer will not disappoint you."


After a frank communication with Karma, Levi finally approached Seti and his son.

The "powerful boss" who will dominate the Navoli Arena in the future is still a little kid who can't stand up as long as Levi's legs.

Hmm...a little kid with eight-pack abs.

What a great talent.

Levi was sighing in his heart.

As soon as Seti saw him appearing, he excitedly clenched his little fists and protected his young mother in front of him:

"Don't come here!"

"I was the one who said those bad words, and I was the one who scolded me for doing the dirty work... If you want revenge, just come to me, don't touch my mother!"

"Seti, don't talk nonsense!" Seti's mother covered her son's mouth.

She is not very old now, has beautiful long white-purple hair, and a delicate and gentle face. She is a most beautiful vastaya beauty.

"I'm sorry, sir." She dragged her struggling son behind her and rubbed the corners of her clothes nervously with her fingers. She said pitifully and decisively: "Seti is only a child. He doesn't understand anything."

"Please let him go. I...I'm willing to do anything."

Levi: "..."

His face darkened upon hearing this.

Has the image of the horse-riding... leader in Xikaluo been so disastrous?

"Madam, don't worry." Levi said helplessly: "I have already dealt with those bastards who used our brand name to misbehave. We are the leaders, the real leaders."

"Swearing is also a way to express opinions. Real leaders will not get angry because of swearing...On the contrary, we will only panic because we can't hear the curse."

"But..." Seti's mother was still nervous.

She said: "We found the rebel masters in the village before, and they also said they would seek justice for us, and then..."

"Hmph!" Seti tried hard to get a little head out from behind his mother: "If it weren't for my powerful fists, we would have told you where it was!"

Levi was silent.

Public trust is the most precious thing. Once broken, it is difficult to repair.

"Those guys who bully you will be completely liquidated. I will let you see them on the street lights of Xikaluo City, I promise." Levi decided to speak with facts.

"And..." He was also ready to make amends to the mother and son.

"You guys probably won't be able to stay in the country any longer."

Sett's father was a Noxian gladiator living in Navoli, and his mother was a Vastayan.

After experiencing the defeat of Barua and Swain's coup, the Noxians completely gave up their rule over the province of Navoli and evacuated from Xikaro City in a hurry.

During this emergency evacuation, Father Seti rudely abandoned his wife and children in Ionia, piled onto the ship and ran away alone.

This run took him directly back to Noxus and to the other side of the ocean.

And Seti and his mother were the legacy of the "Noxian Invaders", the "Noxian Brats" and "Ai Treacherous Women" who were most hated by the people of Sikalo... and lost the empire. Without the deterrence and protection of their father, their situation will naturally not be too good.

Fearing that the Presidenian rebels would launch an indiscriminate liquidation after taking over the city, the mother and son had to escape from Sikalo City and take refuge in the countryside.

However, Vastaya half-breeds, Noxian brats, outsiders, landless pariahs...all the debuffs that could be discriminated against were stacked up by Seti and his son.

In the countryside, far away from Irelia's sight and controlled by the master elders, their situation was even worse.

And this kind of rejection and discrimination, which stems from cultural traditions and racial hatred, and comes from all the surrounding villagers, cannot be changed immediately when the real leader comes.

So Levi decided: "Madam, do you need...I to send you to Noxus?"

"I also have some powerful friends in Noxus. If you are willing to settle in Noxus, I can send you there and help you find your husband and reunite your family."

"Really, really?" Little Seti's eyes lit up after hearing this.

But the light in his eyes quickly dimmed: "No, forget it..."

"I don't want to go find that man!" Little Seti's face was gloomy and his fists were clenched. It looked like his hands were itching unbearably.

His father is simply an irresponsible scumbag. That man didn't love him and her mother at all. Otherwise, this guy wouldn't leave his wife and children alone and run away without even saying hello.

Sett was completely disappointed.

He doesn't want any bullshit fatherly love. If they meet again, he will only let his father know what it means to crack a skull with a strong hand and what a deliberate punch means.

"Well..." Seti's mother looked at her child's expression and said in a complicated tone: "Thank you for your kindness, President Levi."

"We're not going to Noxus."

Although she was married to a Noxian, she didn't like Noxus.

She knew very well what a terrible country Noxus was. If Sett were to go there, he would probably become nothing more than imperial cannon fodder forced to fight on the battlefield.

At first, out of nostalgia for her husband, Seti's mother still wanted to take her children on a ship to escape to Noxus.

But the Noxian invaders were running too fast, too ungracefully.

Their ships don't even have enough people to carry their own people, so how can there be so many places left for Ionia's "honorary imperial people"?

So, after encountering a Noxian version of the "Saigon Iron Fist" at the dock... Seti's mother would no longer hold her arms against her husband who cruelly left her in this desperate situation, and the Noxian Empire. There was no expectation anymore.

"Okay, I understand." Levi thought for a while and gave Seti and his son a better choice: "Otherwise, you can follow me back to Zu'an."

"Zunan is the home base of the Wind Leader. No one there will superficially discriminate against you because of your bloodline, race, place of origin, or any other external identity."

"You can also have a better job, a better life, a better..."

Because of the strong rise of the leader, Zaun, which was once regarded as a hell on earth, has gradually gained a good reputation internationally.

Zaun's story about one copper dollar for bread and 300 silver wheels for washing dishes a month has made countless poor people in Ionia yearn for it.

Therefore, when Levi said this, Seti's mother was immediately moved.

No matter how hard it is, we must not suffer for our children, and no matter how poor we are, we must not suffer for education. As soon as she heard that Zu'an allowed Seti to go to school for free, and even provided financial subsidies for poor students, she couldn't wait to move to Zu'an immediately.

"Really?" Little Seti was still a little wary.

"Don't worry." Levi smiled and waved his hand, and used a gust of wind to pull Seti to him.

Little Seti struggled with all his strength, but in the end he fell in vain in front of Levi's "Strong Wind Skull Cracking".

"Look, if I want to do harm to you and your mother, do I still need to lie?"

"Well..." Little Seti looked unconvinced, but still felt that what Levi said made sense.

This man is very powerful, hundreds of times more powerful than his gladiator father. If he really wanted to bully someone, there was no need to lie.

"Okay, I, I believe you are the one." Seti muttered and agreed.

Then, perhaps because he found that Levi was easier to talk to than he thought, he couldn't help but ask: "Well, Levi."

He called Li Wei by his first name without hesitation: "Is there a gladiatorial arena in Zaun? My dream is to become a more powerful gladiator than my father. If there is a gladiatorial arena in Zaun, I will go..."

"Seti!" Seti's mother pressed down her ignorant son: "What kind of gladiatorial arena are you going to, good boy?"

"Zuan is the capital of science. If you have the opportunity to study for free, go to school well and strive to be a scientist when you grow up..."

"Ahem." Levi's expression was very subtle when he heard Seti's mother's plans for her child's future.

Seti, this guy, doesn't look like he's made for scientific research.


"The future has infinite possibilities." Levi said: "From now on, you have the power to choose your life."

"Choose..." Chewing on this unfamiliar word, Seti's mother and son's eyes shone with light.

However, little Seti was still thinking about his dream: "Then can I choose to be a gladiator?"

"No!" Mother obviously didn't want Seti to follow the same path as her father.

Where is the Arena? That's a place where you have to work hard to make money.

People are just toys for the audience's amusement, poor consumables that provide low-end violent stimulation and enjoyment.

Why is there still a gladiator profession on the leader's territory? If only they were as good as they said they were.

"Okay." Unexpectedly, Li Wei said this: "Zu An also has this profession."

"However, the gladiators we have there are not called gladiators, but... 'competitors'."

"Um..." Little Seti looked confused: "What's the difference?"

"Of course there is a difference." The difference between gladiators and competitive players is the difference between ancient gladiators and modern sports players.

One is life-threatening, and the other is competing for skills from point to point.

Although the leader has banned many underground fighting arenas run by Alchemy Barons and Piltover chaebols, in order to help those extraordinary people who know nothing but fighting, and whose combat power cannot be perfectly transformed into productivity, to better solve their employment problems... .

Under the guidance of Li Wei, they managed the ancient entertainment project of gladiatorial combat in a formal and competitive manner.

Levi named the project "League of Legends."

In the future, the project will become bigger, and it is expected that it will be based on different competition regions such as Twin Cities, Demacia, Noxus, and Ionia, as well as black iron, bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, extraordinary master, world-proud grandmaster, The strongest king and other different ranks are organized into regional leagues by division and rank.

The regional league champion can represent his hometown in the world finals and compete for the throne of the strongest player in Runeterra.

This is just a 1V1 personal competition mode. The 5V5 team competition mode is currently under intensive development.

When this global league system is completely perfected in the future, this "sports competition" industry alone will be able to help many extraordinary people find ideal jobs where they can do their best.

On the other hand, with this set of competitive mechanisms that encourage force competition, there is no fear that the overall combat effectiveness of Runeterra will decline in an era-like manner after the world is peaceful and there are no battles to fight in the future.

"Wow..." Little Seti was completely shocked by Levi's great idea.

His father was just a minor champion in the Arena of Navoli. And the best future he can imagine at this moment is to surpass his father.

But Li Wei pointed out another way for him, a more magnificent journey.

"I, I want to go to Zaun!" Little Sett said excitedly: "I want to become the strongest king of Runeterra!"

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