LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 405 The Enchantress’s Prison Life (2-in-1)

No one knows LeBlanc's past.

Even Levi, who has the "power of the prophet", only knows that she was once a sorceress under Mordekaiser. As for more distant things, he didn't know.

Only LeBlanc knows where she comes from.

Many, many years ago, in the distant past when Noxus did not exist and Mordekaiser had not risen, she was just a peasant girl from the southern plains of Roxy.

The farmers of that era were unfortunate, but also lucky.

The Darkin War, which lasted for thousands of years and finally came to an end, had brought the population of this continent to an incredible low.

There is uncultivated land everywhere. In order to breathe a sigh of relief, warlords from various places who had finally been freed from the Darkin War also introduced policies to encourage farming and reclamation and to recuperate with the people.

As long as you have the ability to open up wasteland and are willing to work hard and endure some hardships, you can own your own land.

LeBlanc's father is a man who is both strong and able to endure hardships. With half his life's hard work and illness, he left his daughter a large piece of land and a strong cattle.

This is LeBlanc’s best memory.

She still remembered sitting on the broad back of the cow when she was a child, watching her father holding the reins and walking slowly in front, and looking back at her with a smile from time to time, that hunchbacked but solid back.

She thought that when she grew up, she would work hard to help the family and buy more strong cattle for her father to make it easier for him.

Then, there is no more.

The decline of the darkin warriors left a huge power vacuum in the land. So the remaining human warlords didn't stop for a few years before they resumed their bad habits and started biting each other like mad dogs.

The flames of war soon reached LeBlanc's doorstep, like a flood flooding an anthill, easily destroying the nest her parents had spent all their efforts building for her.

Her parents died tragically in front of her because they were too slow to kneel in front of the warlord's horse.

The cattle that their family cared for like treasures were cut into pieces by the invaders without mercy and cooked into a pot of meat soup. And she was forced to wear heavy shackles and was taken as a slave by the invaders.

The life of a slave made Leblanc suffer a lot of humiliation in her childhood.

If this continues, the best outcome for her in the future is probably to wait until she grows up a little, and with her beautiful face, she will be spotted by a gentle military officer who is gentle to women, and take her home as his own. slave girl.

And this is the ending that most mortal slaves dream of.

Fortunately, LeBlanc is no mortal.

She awakened her innate magical talent and revealed a glimmer of the pale lady of the future.

The warlord took a fancy to her amazing magical power, which was far superior to her peers, and promoted her from a slave with the army to an apprentice of an archmage. He hoped that after she completed her studies, she would use her abilities to serve his grand cause.

And LeBlanc quickly proved with her strength that no one could enslave her and force her to serve.

Relying on her innate powerful magical talent and her diligent study of magical knowledge, LeBlanc quietly surpassed her teacher and possessed the terrifying ability to subvert this warlord regime.

So, she killed many people in one go.

The so-called teacher who treated her like a slave. The officers and soldiers who had massacred her hometown.

And that warlord.

When killing the warlord, LeBlanc asked him in confusion: "You know clearly that my parents were killed by you, why do you dare to promote me to learn magic?"

"Did I kill your parents?" The warlord then understood: "Oh, I don't remember."

LeBlanc: "......"

Only then did the young pale lady realize that the weak were just ants. A strong man accidentally tramples you to death when passing by, and he won't even remember your name afterwards.

She no longer wants to be an ant, she wants to be her own master forever and control her own destiny.

So, LeBlanc returned to her hometown for the last time and said her final farewell in front of the haystack where her parents' bones were hastily buried.

She abandoned her name, her past.

From then on, she was just LeBlanc, the Pale Lady, the Charming Enchantress.

LeBlanc succeeded.

As the decades passed, her study and control of magic became increasingly sophisticated. The constant accumulation of magic mysteries and magical relics from ancient times gave her the ability to live forever, almost like a god.

She is already strong enough to control the wind and rain on this continent, and no one can enslave her and turn her back into the ant she used to be.

But LeBlanc soon encountered another setback.

Because Mordekaiser is resurrected. This tyrant of the underworld, who was killed twice and reborn three times, almost enslaved the entire continent of Valoran.

LeBlanc inevitably fell into his hands.

Then, as Levi knew, LeBlanc united the warlord tribes of Roxy and secretly designed to seal the Well of Souls deep in the Immortal Fortress, cutting off the power link between Mordekaiser and the iron-armored incarnation. , and finally drove the tyrant back in one fell swoop.

After this was accomplished, the major warlord tribes that had formed an alliance to resist Mordekaiser finally put aside their prejudices, and with the secret integration of LeBlanc and the Black Rose, the Roxy Tribal Alliance—the future Noxus—was established. The embryonic form of an empire.

This new and energetic regime soon inherited Mordekaiser's great legacy and began to expand their living space in all directions.

In the endless wars and victory after victory, the Noxus Empire was born and became the greatest existence in Runeterra.

And LeBlanc is the true master of this great empire.

At this time, she had almost fulfilled the vow she had made in front of her parents' graves. She took control of her destiny and was on top of the world.

But LeBlanc was not happy.

Mordekaiser, who is bound to return, is her lingering shadow.

This makes her urgently need to conquer more lands, plunder more magic foundations and ancient holy objects, and find the various powers left by darkspawn, protoss, demigods, and demons in Runeterra. Only in this way can she have the confidence to deal with Mordekaiser's counterattack.

The Black Rose's control of the empire comes from cooperation with the imperial nobles.

LeBlanc had to endure the greed and depravity of these nobles with her nose pinched, and did her best to maintain their corrupt rule. Only in this way can she maintain the stability of the Noxian Empire.

In order to achieve this goal, she has been secretly advising dignitaries abroad and appearing in many countries at the same time, using her illusions to disrupt order and create chaos.

In the beginning, LeBlanc enjoyed such a power game of manipulating and manipulating people's hearts.

But 100 years have passed, 200 years have passed, 300 years have passed... It is almost 1,000 years now.

LeBlanc had long since grown tired of it.

But she couldn't let it go. Whether it was Mordekaiser's threat or her obsession since childhood, she was destined not to give up her control of Noxus.

Like a miser carrying a huge amount of cash... Although it was tiring, she had to carry it.

Until one day, the leader came.

She didn't want to let it go, so she had to let it go.

After that failed palace coup, LeBlanc put on the thick magic-forbidden shackles customized for her and came to Zaun's high-level war criminals management center.

Food, delicacies, jewels and fine clothes, all these high-class material enjoyments were bid farewell to her once and for all. Her power is imprisoned, her power is taken away, and her freedom is restricted.

The two demons she relied on were also handed over to the leader as her "united battle value" as part of her atonement.

LeBlanc became an "ant" again.

Her daily life consists of: getting up, washing up, arriving at the meeting point, breakfast, sewing machine, lunch, sewing machine, dinner, one hour of free activities, reading and newspapers, theoretical study, and sleeping.

Then repeat life as before.

And she will have to live this kind of life for another 2,000 years.

From the beginning, LeBlanc was only resistant to such a life.

But gradually, away from the intrigues of power, and putting aside the crisis of Mordekaiser, she seemed to have found some kind of relief in this most ordinary and simple working life.

Every minute and second she works in front of the sewing machine, LeBlanc can't help but recall the peaceful days when her mother held her clumsy little hand and learned needlework in that farmhouse many, many years ago.

But this peace was only a temporary luxury for her mother.

Then, LeBlanc suddenly understood the leader.

The leader wants to build Runeland into such a society, a society where ordinary people can enjoy a happy life through hard work. This is not a far-fetched utopia, it is possible.

But after she became stronger, she forgot her origin.

But after the leader has mastered the power, he will never forget the weak. So they can do it and others can't.

Therefore, only leaders can...

"Stop, stop, stop... don't be in a hurry to sublimate." Levi put down the article "My First Half of Life" written by LeBlanc, and the corners of his mouth twitched with boredom: "Tell me, what are you writing? ?!”

"Confessions." LeBlanc looked at Levi pitifully.

She raised her slender arms that were bound by heavy shackles, letting him see clearly her green-white fingers that had been pricked with many small holes by the sewing machine because of her unfamiliarity at work: "President Levi, look - I am really working hard. Repent well."

"You're so sorry!" Li Wei slapped her thought report on the table: "The whole article is about recalling how miserable she was, without mentioning anything about what she did."

"Even if you mention a little bit about your evil deeds during your rule of Noxus, it is only necessary to prepare for the fight against Mordekaiser, and it is a compromise with the old aristocracy that you have to make in order to maintain your rule."

"Mordekaiser and the old aristocratic faction have all been blamed. You have to cut them clean yourself."

"Are you reflecting on this? Are you protesting against defeat?"

"Well..." LeBlanc lowered his head and said nothing.

"Actually, you know what you did." Levi saw through her mind at a glance: "But you don't want to repent."

"Because you feel from the bottom of your heart that what you did was correct in the context of the times."

"Yes." LeBlanc's eyes lit up, as if she had found a confidant: "This is the limitation of the times... If I don't do that, Noxus will disintegrate and human power will be dispersed. Mod Caesar's return will become even more unstoppable."

"Haha." Levi blocked her mouth with one sentence: "Considering the background of the times, the existence of the Alchemy Barons is also necessary. But now, times have changed."

"They're all hanging from the street lights. What about you?"

"I..." LeBlanc stopped talking.

"You really don't repent that easily." Levi was not disappointed.

This is normal. How could a thousand-year-old witch transform into a true repentant and even a leader of Janna believers in just a few days of labor and ideological transformation?

This is just a war criminals management center. It's not a mind control center.

"You should reform it properly." Levi stood up and told her coldly: "There are still two thousand years. It's still a long time."

"Yes..." LeBlanc sighed helplessly.

Then she raised her wrists, which were bruised by the shackles, and begged: "Then at least, please help me unlock this pair of forbidden demon shackles."

"You should know what the forbidden magic stone is. If a mage wears this thing for many years, his body will only become irreversible and decay due to depletion of magic power. At least... let me live through this 2,000-year sentence."

In fact, LeBlanc never thought that Levi would really agree. After all, she is a trickster enchantress and is considered an extremely dangerous person among mages.

She just wanted to make an outrageous request first, and then pay the exorbitant price on the spot to try to improve the food.

Because Li Wei did not want criminals to have such good material conditions in prison that they would treat prison as a vacation, and even create a bad habit of "going to prison is like going home."

So the food in the prison's like holding a steamed bun in your hand, and there's not a drop of oil in the food.

LeBlanc wants to eat better.

However, what she didn't expect was:

"Okay." Levi actually helped her unlock the shackles of the forbidden demon.

Then, he placed a blue bird avatar on her shoulder.

"From today on, this blue bird will stand on your shoulder. If you want to escape from prison, believe me... it will chop off your head with a wind blade within a second."

"This..." LeBlanc felt the power of this blue bird incarnation. This was obviously the prison guard version of the Blue Bird incarnation specially customized by Levi in ​​order to keep an eye on her.

But why would he do this?

"Because I feel that you are still living a good life here." Levi said: "How much effort it takes to step on a sewing machine, but what does it mean to you, the archmage?"

"Without the intensity of work, how can you personally understand the suffering that the working people have silently endured for countless years during the transformation, so that you can truly repent from the bottom of your heart?"

LeBlanc: "..."

She suddenly had a bad feeling.

Then, she just heard Levi ask her; "LeBlanc, how many clones can you create at most?"

LeBlanc hesitated for a moment, and finally answered honestly: "It's hard to say. If it's the kind of low-level clone that has no fighting ability at all, I can make at least tens of thousands of them."

"Tens of thousands?" Levi frowned.

"What's wrong?" LeBlanc suddenly had a bad feeling.

"It's not that much." Levi sighed to himself.

Then he looked out the window and saw the open space in the playground of the War Criminals Management Center.

A row of alchemy trucks had just stopped in the open space, unloading boxes of goods into the open space.

LeBlanc initially thought it was the prison getting supplies. But now it seems not.

"Then, what's in that box?" LeBlanc asked concerned.

"500 sewing machines." Levi replied: "I originally planned to open a garment processing factory in the management office and let you work there."

"We?" LeBlanc captured this word keenly.

"Yes." Levi explained: "You and your clones."

"Boss, manager, sales, finance, security, needleworker...probably more than 500 jobs, all by yourself."

LeBlanc: "..."

"You, you..." Treating one person as more than five hundred people made Leblanc angry.

"You are squeezing my residual value!" she accused angrily.

"What else?" Li Wei said calmly: "If you don't come here to be exploited, do you still want to come here to enjoy the blessings?"

LeBlanc was speechless.

Levi, on the other hand, said to himself with a bit of a headache: "I thought you could create hundreds of clones at most, but I didn't expect you could create tens of thousands in one breath."

Although this kind of low-level clone that does not need to consume too much magic power has little combat effectiveness, it is productive. It is no problem for them to step on the sewing machine, sweep the streets, and do some relatively simple tasks.

"It seems that more than 500 jobs are not your limit at all. This small garment factory cannot have the effect of improving your work intensity at all..."

Levi looked at LeBlanc carefully with the same look he used to look at advanced employees.

This look made LeBlanc go crazy.

"What a pity." Levi sighed with a headache: "Tens of thousands of clones... too many people."

"If you are asked to do the job that those people do, I'm afraid Zaun's job market will be affected."

"???" A drop of cold sweat broke out on LeBlanc's forehead.

What is "people's work" when it comes to riding horses?

Do you still want me to do work that is "not done by humans"?

The mysterious and elegant Miss Enchantress couldn't help but curse the Zu'an dialect she had just learned in her heart.

"Let's do this..." Levi thought for a while and said, "First, divide out 3,000 clones and go to the ditch area to clean up the toxic soil."

"Toxic soil?" LeBlanc's face darkened.

For more than two hundred years, Zaun has been recklessly discharging alchemical sewage and various solid toxic wastes into the ditch area.

Although these toxic wastes had been swept away by Janna's divine power, they were sent to the landfill built by the Wind Leader outside Zaun City for proper disposal. But this entire land that is seriously contaminated by highly toxic substances cannot be cleaned up in a short time.

And how toxic is this land?

It's so poisonous that ordinary people who don't wear protective clothing will be poisoned and die immediately if they walk over.

Therefore, the work of cleaning up toxic soil has never been done by the Zaans, but by mass-produced steam robots.

"You want me to do the robot's job?!" LeBlanc questioned angrily.

Levi smiled: "Do you know why the Noxian nobles and landowners don't like to use tractors imported from Zaun, but prefer to use serfs?"

"Why?" LeBlanc asked subconsciously.

"Because under your rule." Li Wei restrained his smile: "Human lives are cheaper than machines."

LeBlanc: "..."

"Go to work. There are still 2000 years left, I hope you understand."

"..." LeBlanc was silent for a long time, and finally nodded slowly: "Yes."

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