LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 468 Sejuani’s shock

Following Sejuani's order, the barbarian warriors who had been preparing for a long time roared and poured down from the top of the hillside like a flood.

At the forefront were the Mammoth Riders of Winter's Claw and the Juvask Wild Boar Riders. The charge of these behemoths is like a giant wave of 100 meters slowly coming from the sea, causing the sky and the earth to change color, the earth to tremble, and making people unable to escape.

In front of them, the walls of Rakstak were like a thin layer of paper. The city also seemed to have become an isolated island in the tsunami, with dilapidated small buildings crumbling in the storm.

"Victory belongs to Winter's Claws!" The soldiers have shouted the victory slogan.

Sejuani has also recalled the beautiful picture of herself sitting on the throne of Rakstark, replacing Ashe as the King of Ice.

This is not a fantasy, this is all happening before your eyes!

She'll be able to...

"Huh--" Just as Sejuani's heart was surging, a gust of wind suddenly came from the gray sky with flying frost and snow.

The sound of the wind was strange. It didn't sound like natural air convection.

On the contrary, it's a bit like... a huge object falling from the sky at high speed, the sound of the roaring sound when it hits the rolling air waves.

"What?" The soldiers of Winter's Claw were slightly startled, and then instinctively looked above their heads.

The giant mammoths and Juvask wild boars that rushed forward screamed and stopped their front hooves, as if they had sensed some terrifying predators.

This mighty decisive charge came to an abrupt halt.

Then, everyone saw:

"Boom——" A huge black shadow was projected in the sky.

It broke away the heavy dark clouds in an instant and hit the ground like a meteor.

"Quick! Back off!" Seeing this terrifying scene, the soldiers of Winter's Claw retreated in panic.

But they soon discovered that their panic was unnecessary.

The white stone giant that fell from the sky did not hit their heads mercilessly. Instead, it spread its wings to slow down at the last moment before landing, and then accurately landed outside the city gate of Rakstak, blocking their military formation. Before.

"This..." Sejuani was slightly startled.

What kind of god is this? Are they from Avarosa?


The appearance of this "big stone man" is like a carefully carved stone statue, which makes it obvious that it is a man-made product.

And the sculpture style of its body clearly comes from Demacia in the south.

Sejuani had snatched Demacia before, and she knew what Demacia's statues looked like.

"So...this is a Demacian war weapon?" Sejuani was confused.

She had never heard of such a powerful war weapon in Germany before, and it was a weapon that was obviously powered by magic.

She really couldn't imagine how Demacians could appear in the northern ice fields.

Even if this rotten place was given to Demacia for free, I'm afraid they wouldn't be willing to take it, right?

Sejuani was puzzled when she saw another sound of breaking through the sky following the appearance of the "big stone man".

As the snow and wind danced wildly, there were many more human figures falling in the wind from the gaps in the clouds that the giant had knocked open.

There were Demacians in armor and holding staffs.

There are also topless Iceborn warriors holding swords.

And those at the forefront are:

"Ashe?!" Sejuani shrank.

She instantly recognized her former best friend and now her archenemy.

Ash is back. With the help of Tryndamere, she returned from the wind and brought back an extremely powerful army.

"Avarosa!" Ashe waved her Perfect Ice Bow and shouted to the city of Laxtaq: "Your War Mother is back!"

"War Mother Ai Xi! It's War Mother Ai Xi!" The panic-stricken city suddenly calmed down. The defenders, who had originally been desperate to surrender, now regained their morale.

"What the hell is going on!" Sejuani's face became extremely gloomy.

Why did Ashe get involved with Demacians?

Isn't it just to deal with Demacia that she took away her main force and led her army south? Why did Demacia and her become like a family in the blink of an eye?

Sejuani couldn't figure it out, but she didn't have time to think about it.

Facing Ashe's magical weapons coming from the sky, she must think about a question as soon as possible:

"What should we do now?" Looking at the figures that were still flying in the sky, Sejuani could not help but feel uneasy.

The giant that was tens of meters tall made her even more afraid.

Want to retreat?

But she had already reached Rakstark and was only one step away from the throne. She was really unwilling.

And the enemy is close at hand. At this time, it is not a wise move to retreat in a hurry and leave your back to the enemy.

Sejuani was struggling;

Ashe and Tryndamere, as well as Lux, Sona and others who rushed to the scene, were also preparing to organize words to persuade Sejuani to switch sides and surrender with courtesy;

But the appearance of a person instantly broke this brief and delicate peace.

"Hahahaha... Giant! Are you the opponent who can kill me?"

A bearded barbarian suddenly emerged from the Winter's Claw formation.

When the other barbarian warriors were intimidated by Galio's heroic appearance and did not dare to act rashly, he fearlessly waved a pair of short axes that were not even enough to trim Galio's pedicures, and charged forward with gleaming eyes.

"Act! The power of Lockefa is approaching!"

"Hahahaha..." His laughter echoed on the snow. He was as excited as Tryndamere running to the canteen after get off work, so happy and excited.

"Olav! Wait...Oh, forget it." Sejuani sighed helplessly.

The silly big man who rushed up alone was her right-hand man, the berserker Olaf from the Rockefah Peninsula.

Lokfar is a coastal peninsula located in the most wild region of the Freljord.

In the eyes of Demacians, the Freljordians are barbarians.

But in the eyes of the Freljord, the warriors of Lokfar are the true barbarians.

They are barbarians among barbarians, brave among braves, and Olaf is the craziest and bravest among these Lokfa warriors.

Olaf once had his fortune told by a tribal shaman. The shaman said that he would live a long life and have a peaceful life.

This was an intolerable outcome for the warriors of Locke Law.

So Olaf began to constantly challenge powerful enemies and "seek death", hoping to break the prophecy and die gloriously on the battlefield.

In his fanatical pursuit of battle, he happened to have a "compatible affinity" with Sejuani, so he joined the Winter's Claw by chance.

And for a person who just wants to die, there are no rules in this world that can restrain him.

Sejuani couldn't restrain the berserker either.

She could only allow Olaf to charge feverishly towards the seemingly invincible giant.

"Okay." Sejuani turned her attention to the battlefield: "Let this guy who is not afraid of death have a try on the quality of the stone man!"

As her thoughts changed, Olaf had already rushed to Galio with a roar.

Well... saying "in front of" might not be accurate. To be precise, Olaf rushed in front of Galio's toes.

"Eat my axe!" He waved both axes, jumped up, and then struck hard...

Slashed Galio's knee.

Sejuani: "..."

The scene was silent except for Olaf, who was shouting excitedly.

"I'll chop! I'll chop again!" He slid down from the air and gave Galio another brutal pedicure package.

"Hiss—" Galio finally felt the pain.

"That's enough, little one!" He leaned down a little angrily and slapped Olaf into the snow.

Olaf was like a monkey suppressed by the Five-Finger Mountain. He disappeared under the unstoppable giant hand in an instant and became completely silent.

"This..." The Winter's Claw warriors looked increasingly nervous. The atmosphere at the scene also became more and more delicate.

But, at this moment:

"Get up - start -!" Olaf's roar sounded loudly under the crushing force of the giant hand.

The muscles all over his body swelled, blood surged, and even his skin turned a burning red. This heat was even strong enough to penetrate outside his body and melt the thick snow around him.

Immediately afterwards, a huge force poured out from Olaf's "small" body - he actually struggled to use a brute force to resist the suppression of Galio's giant arm.

"I'll chop! I'll chop again!" Olaf slashed Galio's hand with an axe, then roared and jumped up, jumped into the air and slashed Galio's arm.

Galio had to wave his arms hastily to throw the crazy barbarian away.

"There is hope!" Sejuani suddenly realized: "This giant is not invincible! It can be defeated!"

Icelanders are not afraid of large prey. As long as they could chop it, they would dare to attack even the biggest monster.

But now, Ai Xi has brought her German friends and made their dumplings faintly from the air.

If you run away directly, you will only be bitten and chased. Even if she wanted to retreat, she had to hurt the enemy first.

So Sejuani gave the order without hesitation: "Kill! Crush them!"

"Yes!" The warriors of Winter's Claw were also inspired by Olaf's heroic performance at this moment.

They were no longer afraid, but bravely charged towards Galio.

"Steelmane, come on!" Sejuani took the lead and rushed to the front bravely.

"Ultimate Ice Prison!" She concentrated her powerful ice power on the lasso and threw it forward with all her strength.

At the same time, more Iceborn mages released their magic, throwing countless ice arrows and ice spears exuding biting cold air at Galio, Lux and others flying in the air.

This was originally Winter's Claw's trump card.

Sejuani and her frost bloodlines can release powerful ice magic at the same time, shrouding large areas of enemies in a prison-like frost storm.

Sejuani was confident that this move could seal the giant's movements, and combined with the attacks of Olaf and other tribal warriors, it could destroy this war machine from Demacia.


"Just in time!" Lux, who was worrying about how to suppress the Winter's Claw as soon as possible, couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

Without her command, Galio rushed forward as soon as he saw the overwhelming frost magic.

He unfolded his pair of magnificent wings, blocking all magic attacks for Lux and others in the sky.

The ice lasso thrown by Sejuani was also blocked by Galio with his body without fear.

The powerful power of Perfect Ice bloomed in him. Countless ice spears emitting sharp cold air stabbed his body without reservation.

Galio was instantly caught in a freezing frost storm, covered from head to toe with a thick layer of perfect ice.

The stone statue turned into an ice wither, stiffly frozen between the infinite magic power of perfect ice.

"Okay!" Sejuani couldn't help cheering.

However...the next second, her smile froze at the corner of her mouth.

Because she was shocked to find that the tall stone giant in front of her seemed to be...absorbing Zhen Bing?

"Can it absorb the perfect ice?" Sejuani looked at Galio in disbelief, looking at the quick melting of the perfect ice on his body.

The unmelting Zhenbing actually melted on this stone man.

Not only did it melt, but it was also absorbed into his body, gradually disappearing into nothingness.

"Damn... what kind of monster is this!" Sejuani hadn't realized what a wrong decision she had just made.

If she called a group of ice men who were not afraid of death and followed Olaf to give Galio a "pedicure", Galio might have a huge headache.

But Sejuani launched a massive magical offensive.

This is not an attack on Galio at all, but a "charge" for him.

Galio usually relies on German mages such as Lux, Sona, and Silas to provide him with energy and magic.

But this time Lux and others also went to the battlefield. They also need to retain their combat power, so they cannot fully provide energy for this big guy.

In order to rescue Laxtak in time, Galio flew all the way from the German border to the center of the ice sheet.

To make this big guy fly and fly so far, it consumes a lot of magic power.

The extremely cold weather in the ice sheet will seriously affect the battery life of "electric vehicles".

Therefore, Galio consumed a lot of magic power on the road. After arriving, he was in a weak state of "low battery" and was unable to exert his full power in the battle.

It's better now, with Sejuani and the others' healthy magic...

"I'm full." Galio patted his belly with satisfaction, absorbing the last ray of coldness lingering around him.

The deadly frost storm just disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

Instead, there was a powerful and suffocating magical wave emanating from Galio's physical energy.

The ice-born mages who had just used their full output against Galio were all dumbfounded at this moment.

The tribe warriors who were charging toward Galio with enthusiasm stopped again in panic.

Only Olaf was still swinging his ax foolishly and rushing forward.

But this time, he couldn't even get close to Galio's body.

"War Wind!" Galio raised his huge wings that covered the sky and blew out a fierce magical storm forward.

Olaf's figure was still leaping in the air when he was swept back by the overwhelming storm.

The other tribe warriors panicked and fled, but the tsunami-like high-pressure air wave could not be avoided by human power at all.

They were soon engulfed by the storm like Olaf, and were carried further away by the tornadoes that followed one after another.

With just one move, the Winter Claw army was pushed back several hundred meters.

No one can stand at Galio's feet anymore. A large open space was cleared in front of him, and even the snow on the ground was swept away by the strong wind, leaving only an empty piece of frozen soil.

"This..." The big boar under Sejuani's crotch was trembling slightly. This is the first time this ferocious beast has shown any uneasiness.

She also held the reins in her hands tightly and looked at everything in front of her with a solemn expression.

"This monster is so powerful?!" Sejuani finally realized how powerful the enemy was.

"Warmother Sejuani, can you quietly listen to us now?" Her fear and hesitation gave Lux a chance to speak before going into battle.

And Lux's words, which were like a declaration of victory, made Sejuani even more nervous.

"what do I do?"

I'm afraid I won't be able to defeat him. But it's not that easy to escape from a group of flying enemies.

The best outcome would be for her to risk her life in a fight, and then risk her life to cripple the Winter's Claw in a single battle, leading a group of defeated soldiers to flee into the ice field in embarrassment.

And in this way, her years of hard work and accumulation were completely destroyed.

The Winter's Claw will once again be reduced to a third-rate tribe. Her grand ambitions will also be shattered from now on.

There are countless children in her tribe who will starve to death.

"Damn it!" Sejuani tightened her grip on the reins.

A few minutes ago, she led her athletes across the ice field. Wherever our tribe and our troops go, the enemy is invincible and they can be said to have all the time.

That state of vitality and everything happening is still before our eyes at this moment. But after just a few minutes...

"Did this place suddenly become my burial place?" The more Sejuani thought about it, the more desperate she became.

She was defeated, her defeat was unexpected and inexplicable, but it was so cruel and real.

She has no hope of making a comeback...

"Wait." Sejuani couldn't help but turn around and look at Udyr, the most powerful beast spirit walker in history.

Ordinary beast spirit walkers can only control the power of one beast spirit, but Udyr can communicate with all beast spirits at the same time, including even many gods of the Freljord.

In previous battles, she had never seen Udyr show his full strength.

Therefore, she couldn't help but place her last hope on this powerful beast spirit walker.

"Udyr, help me!" Sejuani said: "Help me lead everyone and fight out of here together!"

"Um..." Udyr's expression was a little subtle.

"What's wrong?" Sejuani frowned slightly.

And only then did she realize belatedly... In the battle just now, Udyr seemed to have been idle and paddling.

Normally, Udyr would have been the first to rush forward. In order to show his love to her, this "old father" had always worked very hard to express himself.

"What, are you scared this time? Or are you unwilling to help me?" Sejuani asked angrily: "Udyr, are the things you said to me before all false?"

"No, child. Of course I am willing to help you." Udyr looked at his "daughter" helplessly: "It's just that you overestimated my ability. I'm not as powerful as you think."

"And..." His tone became more subtle: "This time..."

"What happened this time?" Sejuani was about to ask.

The blond girl flying in the sky and the blue-haired girl with twin tails beside her suddenly shouted in surprise: "Comrade Udyr, is it you?!"

"..." Udyr glanced at Sejuani with a complicated expression, then turned around and replied: "It's me. Comrade Lux, Comrade Sona, long time no see."

"..." There was silence for a while.

The atmosphere suddenly became more subtle.

Sejuani: "???"

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