LOL: The days of cultivating immortality in Rune Continent

Chapter 212: War is about to begin, Runeland's counterattack

"Call someone? Where to call?"

Jax was confused as Rowan took him flying.

He couldn't quite understand why Rowan wanted to join the war in the north. In Jax's opinion, the fighting power there was completely beyond his own. Jax was not a person who was too arrogant. He could sense how many strong people there were now.

Since it had nothing to do with the void, Jax thought it was not dangerous to participate in this war.

But. Rowan was obviously determined to join this war, which made Jax very confused.


Rowan said.

"Zaun? Can there be strong people in Zaun? I've been there several times, but they are all ordinary people." Jax said, his eyes suddenly condensed, and his thick fingers clenched into fists. He looked at Rowan who was flying with him in front of him with surprise, and said in surprise: "Wait, Rowan, the person you are looking for is not Caen-Alem? The wind elf of Shurima, the guardian of ancient times?"

"She is no longer called that name now. She has no relationship with Shurima. Now she is the guardian of Zaun, Zaun's Janna."

Rowan replied.

Flying out of the air wave on the sea, Rowan rushed to Zaun at full speed.

But Jax's face was bright and dark. From the gap in the helmet, his cheeks were bulging, and it seemed that he might be gritting his teeth.

More than ten minutes later, Rowan flew over the port of Zaun.

When he just arrived, a beautiful blue bird was standing on the cliff, staring at this side quietly.

"Janna!" Rowan called out.

Jax looked over and saw the blue bird spread its wings and flew towards Rowan.

"I need your help with something. It will be very dangerous. You should have sensed the situation in Freljord."

"Do you want me to go with you?" Janna asked.

The gentle voice made Jax turn his head to look at Janna.

"If possible, I need you to help me deal with a Protoss." Rowan took a deep breath and said.

"She can't die. If she dies at the hands of the Protoss, we will be completely out of control." Rowan said seriously.

Janna was confused after hearing this, because in her memory, she didn't remember any connection between Rowan and the group of demigods in Freljord. As the auspicious god of ancient Shurima, Janna certainly knew about the past.

The powerful team of Ascendants in ancient Shurima almost dominated Runeland. With hundreds of Ascendants, there was no place in Runeland that could cope with it, except Freljord.

At that time, even the Targon Peak was snatched by Ancient Shurima, and the master who once gave him power was killed. This was of course because the heavens could not appear in Runeland at will, but Freljord was the only place that Shurima failed to conquer.

The harsh environment, powerful primitive beast spirits, the first three demigods born at the beginning of Runeland, and those powerful descendants of ice, this was the only place that ancient Shurima failed to conquer.

As the god that the two cities and coastal areas now believe in, Janna's current strength has long surpassed the past, and therefore, she clearly sensed who the breath in Freljord belonged to.

The evil but mysterious frost witch, the woman who was older than Janna

But when did Rowan meet her?

She didn't remember Rowan having been to Freljord.

"Janna, I don't have time to explain to you." Rowan looked at Janna seriously.

Janna did not hesitate, but nodded. Then, she turned into a human form, looked at Jax, and said with a smile: "Saijax, long time no see."

Jax paused at first, pinched his clothes with his fingers, and seemed a little nervous. Then, he loosened his hand, looked at Janna, and whispered: "Can-Alem, don't you hate me?"

Janna shook her head and said with a smile: "Hate you? Why?"

"What happened back then had nothing to do with you, Saijax. That was the order of the King of Shurima, and didn't you also secretly protect my shrine? On the contrary, I have to thank you."

"Perhaps it is because you protected those shrines that I can persist until now?"

Jax smiled, nodded and said: "If that's the case, then I feel very honored, Cane, no, Janna."

"You are a god who protects humans. You are different from those ascenders. I am very happy to dedicate my faith to you, the god of wind." Jax leaned forward slightly and said with emotion.

In ancient Shurima, the word "Janna-Arem" means "Guardian".

This name was not given by the king, but by the devout believers who had been helped by Janna. More and more people believed in this name, and Janna became extremely powerful, but the emperor of Shurima was not happy.

Because Janna did not completely belong to Shurima, in the eyes of the emperor, Janna was a wild god, so an activity against "false idols" was launched. The emperor ordered a strict ban on believing in Janna and sent ascenders to destroy Janna's shrine.

Janna did not resist this. At that time, she was not unable to defeat the ascenders. Although there were many ascenders, Janna could also resist and show her strength to Shurima. However, in order to avoid the fight with the ascenders from hurting humans, Janna chose to bear it silently.

If a spirit of faith loses faith, it will slowly dissipate.

Therefore, Janna's choice at that time was equivalent to suicide.

And this is why Jax respects Janna. For the sake of mankind, she is willing to give up her life. Janna is a true god. Therefore, Jax privately protects several shrines of Janna, so that Janna can still have believers and absorb the power of faith.

And now, looking at Janna, whose strength is unclear, Jax feels happy, and he is willing to dedicate his power of faith to Janna.

"But I dare not have a believer like you~ We are friends, Sai Jax." Janna shook her head at Jax, unwilling to accept Jax's power, and she raised her hand, and saw the breeze formed a bridge, and the bridge went through the northern part of Runeland, and Janna continued: "Let's go, Rowan, I will go with you."

"Although I don't like witches, there is one thing you said is right, no matter what, witches are also people of Runeland, when will it be the turn of the heaven to take care of our Runeland's affairs?"

Janna's face showed a serious and solemn look, she stretched her arm forward, and her slender white fingers lightly touched the air, and the bridge began to move.

Rowan and Jax also boarded the wind bridge. The moment they boarded, Rowan looked at Janna in silence.

What is this.

The self-service elevator at the airport?

And this speed is much faster than Rowan's flying speed!

At an extremely fast speed, Rowan and Janna Jax set off towards the north.


Twenty minutes ago,


As soon as Rowan left, Lux raised her staff and released a huge amount of light magic into the air. The magnificent and thick light column pierced the clouds, forcing Demacia in the daytime to be covered with a layer of white gauze.

And Lux ​​also successfully established contact with Galio.

So, the people in Demacia and the War Academy saw this scene-

The thick light column flashed from time to time, occasionally twisted, expanded, and then flashed again.

Just like a scout waving a flag on the battlefield, this should be some kind of code for Lux and Galio to communicate?

In short, after it was over, Lux happily reached out and swept her golden hair, put away her staff, and said loudly: "It's done, Galio has agreed to go to Rowan, but he needs some time."

"Why?" Kaisa asked beside her.

Lux hesitated, and seemed to be unconvinced: "He said he wanted to say goodbye to his friends?"

"Galio can recognize friends? God, I don't look down on Galio, because Galio is a very upright gargoyle. He is just, friendly, brave, and peace-loving. If you understand Galio's inner self, then everyone will like Galio, but the problem is that Galio's appearance has cut off the possibility of him making friends, right?"

Lux said to Kaisa.

Yes, Lux thinks so!

So, who is the person who is friends with Galio?


Deep in the desert, a nearly 20-meter-high thick white statue suddenly moved. The huge finger tapped the forehead, and a trace of embarrassment appeared on the silly face. He looked at the man resting in the sand in front of him and said loudly:

"Little man, I can't play with you anymore. Lux asked me to help Rowan and said she was going to fight. My friends need me, so I have to go."

"Is it not okay? I really need you here, Galio." Under Galio's feet, the man raised his head, revealing a purple bald head and a long beard. His eyes were full of wisdom. He said in a deep voice: "She can replenish your energy, and so can I."

"You're right, your energy is more sufficient than Lux's, but that's not the problem." Galio shook his head at the man. Just this small action made the surrounding sand and stones move, and Galio also stood up, one hand on his waist, and the other hand began to pat his chest hard, making a terrifying sound.

"If a friend needs help, then if you don't go, then you're not Galio."

"Galio is a righteous partner and a protector of friends!" Galio said loudly in a muffled voice.

"." The bald man was stunned, then smiled, nodded and said: "Yes, if a friend needs help, you should help him. I was overwhelmed by the responsibility in front of me. You are right."

"So Galio, you are going to the north and participate in the war, right?" The man asked Galio.

"Are you going too? Little man, if you go, we will definitely win! You are so strong!" Galio asked excitedly after hearing what the other party said.

The bald man shook his head bitterly and said in a deep voice: "This battle does threaten the Rune Land, but I have a more important task. Galio, since you can't accompany me, I have to return to Demacia as soon as possible to send the rune fragment we collected before to where it should be sent."

"This is my mission." The bald man's eyes gradually became firm and he said in a deep voice.

"That's right. I went to help my friends fight, and you are protecting the world. Your mission is indeed very important." Galio nodded, then he raised his hand, made a strong movement, and laughed loudly. : "Then, little man, when I finish the fight, I will come back to you. I will also climb the snow-capped mountains with you, go to the Castle of the Undead, and go into the deep sea with you."

"Okay." The bald man smiled and nodded in agreement.

But then, he said loudly: "But can you stop calling me a little man?"

"Why? You are so much younger than me!"

"Alas" the bald man became helpless and said in a deep voice, "Have you ever thought about the possibility that maybe I am actually older than you?"

"Gario has lived for eight hundred years!" Galio said confidently.

The bald man laughed loudly and said loudly: "But I have grown up before Demacia was founded!"


"You've never said anything like this to Galio."

"Didn't you ask yourself that?" The bald man reached out and patted Galio's feet, raised his head and looked at Galio, and said with a smile.

He was bare-chested, his blue skin covered with arcane runes tattooed on his back, and he was carrying a huge scroll behind his back.

With Galio accompanying him along the way, many things that he once needed to explain no longer required explanation. Moreover, because of Galio's ability to ban magic, it became easier for him to collect rune fragments.

This world has become broken. The Rune War has destroyed many places, and the spilled rune energy has spawned many monsters. What he needs to do is to repair these broken places and run around the world. , day after day, doing the same thing.

Because of this, he has few friends and occasionally feels lonely.

The appearance of Galio made him feel a rare sense of relief and helped him dispel his loneliness.

But as Galio said, if his friend is in trouble, can he still stop Galio from helping his friend and force Galio to continue to follow him?

Of course that's not possible.

"Then, little man, I'm leaving now. When I finish the fight, you tell me where you are. I will come to you then. Our adventure is not over yet." Galio stretched his wings. Get ready to soar.

And underneath, the bald man nodded.


As the ground trembled, Galio rushed straight into the sky, and a pair of wings covered the sky.

In Galio's shadow, the man waved his hands toward the sky and said loudly:

"Gario, don't call me a little man again. My name is Ryze, Ryze."

Galio laughed loudly in the air, turned into a stream of light and flew towards Freljord, leaving a sentence behind.

"I know, Riz!"

Looking at Galio leaving, Ryze no longer stopped.

He patted the gravel on his body and put on his veil and hat. Without Galio's help to block the sun, he could only escape the heat by himself.

Heading towards his destination, Ryze left footprints on the sand.

[Everyone has something they should do, and he is the same, and he cannot stay. 】

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