Two days later——

The noble manor of Demacia is in a manor whose entrance is guarded by a female knight wearing fine equipment and wearing a single ponytail.

Rowan is lying on the bed at the moment. The life of a noble is luxurious, and Rowan can really feel it now.

Clothes come to hand, food comes to open mouth, no wonder there are so many people who want to be nobles

Putting aside distracting thoughts, Rowan clicked on this month's friend gift package after washing his hands.

This is the only channel for him to become stronger. Once a month, he must pay attention to it!

[You clicked on the friend gift package.]

[The current friend level is 2, you have received a gift pack x5]

[You have received a gift bag from Dojie (three stars), you have received a gift bag from Galen Crownguard (three stars), you have received a gift bag from Laxana Crownguard (four stars), you have received it]

[You opened Laxana Crownguard’s gift bag]

[You have gained the magical aura (2)]

[You opened Duojie’s gift bag]

[You have obtained investigation (3)]

【You took it apart.】

It was another month of harvest level. Luo Wen looked at the skills he had acquired with satisfaction. It was not far from the time to use the Heaven and Earth Furnace. Luo Wen had even secretly started to combine the skills for smelting.

For example, physique and agility are combined together, and swordsmanship and magic mastery are combined together.

Hey hey hey.

Lying on the five-meter-long bed, Rowan looked at the ceiling, already thinking about how strong he would be by then, and how handsome he would be after combining his skills.

For example, if the combination of swordsmanship and magic mastery is combined, will magic swordsmanship be born? You must know that Galen's weapon is a magic weapon. As a Demacian, he keeps shouting about banning magic, but he uses magic to provide great health!

Shame on Garen Crownguard!

Another thing is that Xin Zhao's super-level skills also opened up a new world for Rowan. Will there be new levels above super-level?

There must be a guy like this, and Rowan has already met one - LeBlanc.

Who would believe an old woman who can live for thousands of years if she says she is not a supernatural being?

Not to mention the three demigods of the Freljord.

I just don’t know if Lux can live for a thousand years compared to her magic talent. Rowan thinks that Lux will definitely be as good as LeBlanc, but the question is, is the secret of LeBlanc’s life of a thousand years because of magic?

Rowan didn't know this.

Opening the friend status bar, Rowan began to look at the current activities of his friends.

Rowan plans to cultivate this habit now so that he can love each other better with his friends!

Going down the row one by one, the one in the first row is still Dad Kurtus, but further down, the second one is no longer Aunt Lina, but Lux.

[Your friend Galen Crownguard encountered a powerful enemy, gained insights, and greatly increased his strength]

[Your friend Zeyi Mao encountered a strong enemy, gained a little, and his strength increased]

[Your friend Quinn is troubled by Valor’s picky eating and wants to learn barbecue skills]

[Your friend Lux ​​is pulling her hair and studying etiquette]

[Your friend Kashina defeated the enemy in the competition and obtained the knight's seat]

[Your friend Sona explores the soul and increases her magic power]

【Your friend.】

Rowan looked carefully, and after a moment he touched his chin and started thinking.

"Hua Luo is a picky eater. Isn't it my fault?"

When Valor was leading the way for Rowan, in order to please this extinct falcon that he had plucked, Rowan made special barbecue for it to eat. It seems that it is for this reason that now it will not eat the food from Quinn. of food.

However, it is wrong to put this kind of thing in the status bar of friends. It should be said that this kind of thing should be put in the status bar, because it seems to be a small thing, but to Quinn, Valoro is not It is a pet, but her partner. If the partner is picky about food and refuses to eat, then of course Quinn will put it first. Therefore, in Rowan's opinion, this is an interesting little thing, but in Quinn's opinion, this is indeed Something big that makes Quinn worried and anxious.

Getting up from the bed, Rowan got dressed.

Putting on clothes made of linen that are convenient for movement, Rowan still prefers these clothes to white luxurious fabrics, because the daily clothes of Demacian nobles are like sacrifices. Although the fabrics are soft, Rowan Dislike very much.

It is not convenient for movement, unlike the clothes Aunt Linna made for herself. Although it is a bit rough, it is very convenient for movement.

In the past two days, Lux was just like she said. Due to the assessment of the Illuminator Order, she could not come to play with Rowan in a short time. This was also the reason why she was able to accompany Rowan for half a day that day, because she promised her aunt, She will definitely be admitted to the Order of the Illuminator.

Otherwise, she would have to go back home and return to Mithril City to become the eldest lady of her family.

Back to Mithral City?

Heh, after seeing the prosperity of Xiongdu, how could Lux ​​be willing to go back to that place? Because of this, she decisively chose to stay up late and study hard.

And Rowan is going out today because he promised Mrs. Lestara to accompany Sona to the duel field to watch the duel.

Kashina became a knight and joined the Order of the Illuminator, so the diplomacy of the Bouvier family was left to Sona.

After finishing the arrangement, Rowan arrived at the gate of Bouvier's manor and met Sona today.

Wearing a light blue dress, her thick and smooth blue hair was parted and tied up. It was the Qin girl's double ponytail hairstyle that Luo Wen was very familiar with.

"Let's go."

Rowan stretched out his hand, and Sona also touched her fingers on Rowan's palm, and then led her into the carriage.

In the afternoon, Rowan accompanied Sona into the noble private room in the duel venue.

Standing in a corner, Rowan watched the knights duel in the audience, yawning a little bored.

The strength of these knights is actually not bad, but for the current Rowan, they are really not very good. Let's put it this way, Doria can easily win them.

Because of this, Rowan felt a little bored.

And Sona was writing on the cardboard with a pen. While talking to several noble ladies, their eyes would often be cast on Rowan, their eyes full of curiosity.

Until, the scene suddenly became panicked.

The first place that started to panic was the corner of the duel field. From that direction, the turmoil was like the waves starting to roll, and Rowan was the first to arrive in front of Sona.

The door to the private room was pushed open, and the person in charge of the duel field said loudly: "Everyone, a heretic suddenly appeared. I'm sorry to disturb everyone's viewing of the duel, but please leave through the noble passage. We have sent guards."

"Heresy?" A noble lady stood up.

"Yes, the demon hunters are already on their way. In order to prevent the heretics' abilities from harming you, please cooperate with us." The person in charge continued.

"Okay, okay, it's really disappointing. I also want to see Miss Laurent's duel." The noble lady put away her fan.

She seemed to be the center of the crowd. After she agreed, several other noble ladies also stood up and cooperated with the person in charge.

Only Sona looked at Rowan.

Rowan moved his eyes.


What is heresy?

Heretics are magicians.

Rowan picked up Sona and took her out of the venue. After seeing Lyon beside the carriage, Rowan handed Sona over to Lyon, who was responsible for taking Sona back to Bouvier Manor.

In response to Leon's inquiry and Sona's eyes, Rowan just said: "I'll go take a look."

"Be safe." Leon didn't ask any more questions.

And Sona also stretched out her hand to sign something, but unfortunately, Rowan couldn't understand Sona's sign language.

After parting ways with Sona, Rowan also walked towards the main entrance of the duel ground.

Bypassing the guards and the crowd, Rowan got into the duel field, and then he saw a group of fully armed knights, nervously facing a little boy.

Beside the little boy, a man with a beard was looking at him tremblingly.

"No, I am not!"

"I, I'm not a heretic!"

Facing the man's eyes, the little boy screamed frantically. He stretched out his hand towards the man, and then, the voices of soldiers rang out from all around.

"Hey! Leave him quickly! He is no longer your son, he is a heretic!"

"Damn it, where are the Demon Searchers? Why haven't they arrived yet?"

"They're already on their way!"

"Come here quickly, don't get close to him!"

The bearded man seemed to be struggling. After a while, he squatted down, stretched out his hand, hugged the little boy, and said, "My child, please surrender, we will not resist."

"Dad?" The boy, who just looked happy, raised his head and looked at his father in horror.

"Surrender yourself!" The man lowered his head and said seriously.

"Huh, it looks like you haven't lost control yet."

"Don't irritate him."

Luo Wen watched this scene quietly.

Rowan also used Tiantian to observe the little boy. He was indeed a mage, but his magic level was only level 1 and he had no luck.

Level 1 magic, if it is not out of control, will not cause damage or impact, and even if it is out of control, the knights on the scene can stop him.

Moreover, he is only nine years old.

A few minutes later, the demon hunters arrived and they took out a pair of shackles, white silver shackles with mysterious secrets on them.

Seeing that they were about to shackle the boy, Rowan took a deep breath and walked over.

"He has surrendered. There is no need to shackle him, right?"

"Who are you?" The woman holding the shackles looked at Rowan and said with a frown.

"Rowan, Rowan of House Bouvier."

"Ah, Bouvier, I know you. You and your master are strong supporters of the Illuminator Order. I know, so what?" The woman shrugged and ignored Rowan's words.

The boy's father was also nearby and asked: "What will happen to him?"

A demon searcher answered him: "Please get out of the way. He is no longer your son. He is a heretic. But I can also answer your question. In the best case, he will be imprisoned. In the worst case, That is, his magic has huge lethality. In that case, facing him will be exile. "

"Exiled? He's only nine years old!"

"So what? He is a heretic!" The woman who had spoken to Rowan earlier scolded the boy's father.

Then, she looked at Luo Wen and raised her eyebrows: "Sir Luo Wen, would you like to make it easier for the demon searchers to do something, or do you want to stop us?"


Rowan smiled, took a step back, raised his hands: "No, you do your thing."

"Thank you, everyone is happy with the choice." She also smiled.

Then, as if catching a prisoner, the demon searchers caught the little boy and stuffed him into the carriage.

Rowan watched this scene silently from behind.

He is only nine years old.

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