Side Quests and Reviews

“Students from Group A, come here. I didn’t review the game for you yesterday. It was our coaching staff’s problem. It was not ready yet.” Early the next morning, Vikey came to the training room with his record book. It was Group A, but his eyes were always on Liu Rui.

“Yes, coach!”

Liu Rui was the first to stand up. When he walked to the door, Vikey patted him on the shoulder indiscriminately: “I saw that your rank has been divided. You have reached drill one a day. You did a good job.”

“Luck is better, the teammates I met are not outrageous, hehehe…”

Liu Rui smiled embarrassedlyLaughing, he got out from the door; when he came to the meeting room dedicated to review, he found that someone was already waiting here.

It was a gentle young man in a suit and a pair of thick glasses, and his eyes lit up the moment he saw Liu Rui: “Hello, my name is Huang Dingxiao, and I am the coach specially hired by the head of the youth training camp. ”

When he heard the words “specially hired coach”, Liu Xiaofei who happened to come in was a little dazed.

When did I specially hire you?

Didn’t you run over to point fingers by yourself?

Huang Dingxiao was too lazy to care what he thought, and directly took the role of coach, stood up and greeted Liu Rui and the four members of Group A: “Come and sit down, our coaching staff wants to find fault with you…cough, in order to study you more carefully The part that needs to be improved was prepared for most of the day yesterday.”

The other four sat down immediately, with obedient faces written all over their faces.

When Liu Rui took his seat, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Huang Dingxiao in surprise.

Huang Dingxiao asked curiously: “What’s the matter? Why do you look at me like that?”

He thought it was something dirty on his clothes, but when he lowered his head to look for it, he didn’t find it.

“No, nothing…”

Liu Rui quickly lowered his head to prevent him from noticing something strange, and the system interface flashed in his pupils.

Just now, the system took the initiative to release a task: “Submission 01: Obtain coach Huang Dingxiao’s approval, complete progress 0/3, and reward reusable stamina potion after completing the task.”

Who is this guy? His approval is worth a prop!

In the memory of his predecessor, since he obtained the system, he has only done daily tasks. With his unremitting efforts every day, he managed to pile up the attribute points to the level where the master is slightly stronger, but the king is not full.

This is the first time the system has released prop missions!

Liu Rui couldn’t hold back just now, so he looked up at Huang Dingxiao.

“Okay, everyone, be quiet, we will start the review now.”

Huang Dingxiao didn’t doubt that he was there. He clicked on the screen to play the video of yesterday’s Group A and B match, and tuned to the time point of Liu Rui’s first solo kill. He said curiously: “I want to know that the Q skill of Daomei was interrupted by your reaction. ?”

Liu Rui hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, “Yes.”

Huang Dingxiao gasped again and said, “Then during the second wave of solo kills, how about using QW to interrupt the sharp blade attack in mid-air?”

Liu Rui blinked: “It also depends on…reaction!”

In fact, these two waves can be operated, on the one hand, because he has seen it with magic eyes, and he has been psychologically prepared; Comparable to the top professional players.

But he can’t be so stupid as to expose the system, so he just pushes it all to the reaction. Anyway, this thing is so mysterious that no one can explain it clearly.


Huang Dingxiao couldn’t help admiring. His original intention was to determine whether the two waves were due to luck. He didn’t expect Liu Rui to say for sure that it was strength.

There’s nothing wrong with it. In the professional arena, reaction speed is also a part of strength.

Side task 01: “Get the approval of coach Huang Dingxiao, the completion progress: 1/3, and reward reusable stamina potion after completing the task.”


Just bragging, you have completed one-third of this mission?

No, it’s not that simple!

Liu Rui rubbed his chin. This one-third of the tasks were completed after he admitted that he “reacted too well”. Summarizing the question, can it be classified as a recognition of strength?

If he reasoned like this, he still needs Huang Dingxiao’s approval of other aspects in order to complete the side missions.

“But your operation is still too risky. Look here, wouldn’t it be more stable if you use flash to avoid his level A?”

Liu Rui came back to his senses, and nodded obediently: “You’re right. At that time, I wanted to save a flash. I was too greedy.”

What Huang Dingxiao was talking about was when the first wave of sword girls flashed and chased them down. At that time, if he flashed at the same time, it would be more stable to use it to open the distance.

But that’s for ordinary people! For Liu Rui, who has the foresight of the magic eye and arranges the opponent with the magic eye, this kind of killing does not even cause any disturbance in his heart.

This is a solo kill that has been doomed for a long time. Even if it is called stable and stable, it is not an exaggeration.

It’s a pity that others don’t know.

Liu Rui smacked his lips, feeling rather regretful.

Huang Dingxiao shook his head: “You don’t need to apologize, as far as the result is concerned, you were right; if you hadn’t saved this flash, you wouldn’t have had that wave of thunder coming in later, and won five kills.”

“But you have to understand that if you want to play in the LPL, what our coaching staff looks at is never a player’s upper limit, but his lower limit.”

“Steady victory is the goal pursued by all teams now.”

After finishing speaking, the other four people in group A immediately looked at Liu Rui with envy.

There’s no way not to be envious! This coach Huang Dingxiao’s words were inconspicuous, and he almost said: I will take you to play LPL, you should prepare yourself mentally.

Moreover, the four of them have been sitting here for almost half an hour, but the replay has not even mentioned their hero names.

how? Tool people don’t deserve to have a name?

Without the four of us, can this one be opened?

After half an hour of Huang Dingxiao’s targeted review, Liu Yifei finally couldn’t stand it any longer, and reminded: “Old Huang, I’ve talked enough about getting on the road, let’s talk about other ways.”

“Another way?”

Huang Dingxiao was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously said: “Isn’t it just a matter of lying down?”

“Cough cough cough cough…”

Liu Yibo, Li Heng andSeveral teaching assistants present coughed violently at the same time.

Although this is the case, it would be a bit hurtful to say it!

Seeing the faces of the four young people in Group A turning black, Vikey stood up and smoothed things over: “Coach Huang, are you tired after talking for so long? I’ll review the game for everyone next.”

“I do not……”

Huang Dingxiao wanted to say something else, but Liu Yifei, who was waiting for his opportunity behind him, covered his mouth and dragged him straight to the door.

If you keep talking, people will say that our youth training camp is biased!

Another half an hour later, when the four members of Group A walked out of the conference room, everyone’s face was a bit disappointed.

Is this the replay? Except for Big Brother, the average explanation time for each person is seven and a half minutes?

Lissandra got a suggestion to communicate more with his teammates.

The bot lane duo received a criticism and asked them to practice more ranks to improve their reaction speed.

As for the jungler… Vikey thought about it for a long time and didn’t know what to say. After all, this guy had no sense of presence throughout the game.

So in the end he just said: Play well, keep this feeling.

Pockmarked face was in a daze at the time, what kind of feeling did he keep? Do you feel like your thighs are being hugged? He couldn’t grasp this feeling!

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