: Birth of First Blood

Third hand, lock Galio?

Dandi frowned. Then IG’s choice should be Silas going up, Galio going in the middle, radiating wild areas and side lanes.

In the follow-up, RNG chose to continue targeting the bottom lane, and Ban dropped Delevingne and gems.

And IG also chose to target the bottom lane, banning Uzi’s VN and Xiaoming’s bull head.

In the fourth round, IG took Kai’Sa to replace Ban and continue to block Uzi’s hero pool.

RNG selected the lineup of Lucian + Bron, and they will fight for the jungle in the second half.

IG thought for a long time, and finally made an extremely unexpected choice.

They locked on Zoe.

He actually moved Galio to the auxiliary position!

Wang Duoduo took a deep breath and said, “IG’s last move directly changed to the upper middle field trident system they are most familiar with. This move is quite clever.”

It has to be said that in order to keep Rookie from being restricted, IG made a lot of traps and abruptly hid its trump card until the end.

In this round, they chose to hand over the weight of their victory to Top Lane and Double C.

After thinking about this, Wang Duoduo inevitably felt a little anxious in his heart, but he still chose to calm down his emotions and said calmly:

“Okay, after the lineups of both sides are selected, let’s enter Summoner’s Canyon together with the players.”

Now, they can only choose players who believe in RNG.

Immediately, the lineups of both sides appeared on the big screen.

Blue RNG: Heart of Rage, Prince of Demacia, Wandering Mage, Paladin, Heart of Freljord.

The red square IG: Liberator, Debang Supervisor, Twilight Protoss, Daughter of the Void, Colossus of Justice.

The two sides were very cautious at the first level. IG was wary of Braum’s team fighting ability, and directly invested two visions in the bottom channel, blocking RNG’s attack route.

So far, the two sides started normally. Karsa chose to start the normal start from the red buff in the bottom lane to the top lane, while IG decided to let the bottom lane go online early, and let Zhao Xin drive from solo on the top lane and go down to the wild.

The game time is 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

Liu Rui narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in his heart: talent Xu Rulin, activate; skill Ziwei Doushu, activate!

Lock on the target, Boss Debon!

In an instant, the figure of Xin Zhao in the lower river to clear the field appeared in his heart.

Liu Rui quickly suggested: “Brother Ka, you can go to the road after brushing. I saw before that the opposite view is opposite the grass in the river. You can go up from the vanguard.”

“Are you sure?”

Karsa was cleaning up the magic marsh frogs at this time. He glanced at Theshy who was pushing the line on the road, and felt that there was indeed a good chance, so he asked casually.

Liu Rui quickly patted his chest to reassure: “Of course, you just come, and someone will be killed!”

Hearing what he said, Karsa immediately controlled the prince’s double buff and toad eating. After reaching the third level, he walked directly towards the river.

As Liu Rui said, he went up the wall from the vanguard of the canyon, made a big circle and came behind Silas.

Once, twice…

After silently counting two draws, Liu Rui counted the lapse of six seconds, and shouted violently: “Come on, come on, this position can be captured!”

At this moment, the prince walked out from the bushes and winding wire behind him, and Kenan also set off at the same time, walking A for a while, preparing for the passive refresh.

Theshy’s keen intuition instantly told him that a dangerous aura was approaching.

When he realized that the opponent’s jungler was about to attack, he immediately chose to walk backwards.

But it’s useless!

E, Lei Kai!

Kenan instantly turned into a lightning chaser, and under the acceleration effect of 40%, quickly crossed the battlefield and rushed towards Silas.

At this time, the prince also happened to circle the rear line, and was clearly seen by the soldiers on the line.

Theshy could only choose to retreat downwards, trying to avoid this wave of Gank.

But Kenan behind him, with the help of the acceleration of his E skill, was getting closer and closer to him.

I saw Silas used the W skill to attack Kenan, and hit the blood recovery effect first, and also added a flat A.

He was waiting for a chance to escape.

The prince slowly walked to the back, and suddenly paused.

Theshy reacted immediately and handed over an E skill to pull away from the river.

But the scene he was looking forward to: the scene where the prince gave EQ and was avoided by him did notAppear.

The prince didn’t move at all, and continued to chase him on foot.

Theshy instantly realized that he was deceived by Karsa’s fake moves!

To make matters worse, Kenan was already stuck passive at this time, and threw out a level A with a lightning mark, and then threw out a Q skill, hitting Silas with blind vision.

The three layers of lightning marks gathered together, immediately triggered a paralyzing effect, knocking Silas in place.

“Punch him, plug him!”

Liu Rui quickly marked the invisible part of the grass. In his impression, the shuriken disappeared there.

Karsa pressed EQ, and the prince reacted instantly, and flew out towards the position marked by Liu Rui.

“Destroy the enemy army!”

A flag and a long spear; Jarvan IV is like a giant dragon that penetrates the crowd. While dealing EQ damage, he also uses terrifying power to provoke Silas high.

At this moment, Theshy’s eyes narrowed slightly, and his heart suddenly became murderous.

I can’t escape.

Changing one is earning money!

So, he locked his target on Kenan with 2/3 HP.

E, kidnapping!

Q, chain whip!

Theshy’s movements were quick. At the same time as the second E skill chain shot, he used the Q skill to hit Kenan’s feet.

The chain attack, coupled with the surging energy ball erupting under Kenan’s feet, instantly reduced his blood volume to 1/3.

Coupled with the flat A attached to this passive damage, Kenan’s blood volume was instantly reduced to 1/4.

But at this moment, the prince moved.

The spear in his hand slammed down like a stick, and there was a very crisp “pop” sound in an instant.

An extremely strange scene suddenly appeared on the field.

Escape once, chase twice!

Kenan threw darts while walking, Silas chased and brandished chains, and the prince brandished spears while walking.

After being baptized with darts and pierced with a spear, Silas finally fell helplessly and turned into a corpse on the ground.

At this moment, Wang Duoduo’s voice was high-pitched: “Karsa successfully Gank’d to Theshy by using a back that escaped his vision, and completed a wave of kills targeting the top lane!”

“But in the middle, what’s going on in the middle, the middle seems to be fighting!”

At this moment, his eyes were fixed on the small map, and he suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a battle in the middle.

The director immediately took all the shots, just as Wang Duoduo said, something happened on the road, but something happened in the middle road.

The accident caused by IG Nakano!

Rookie’s Zoe pushed the line of troops under the tower, and an E skill bubble passed through the defense tower unexpectedly and landed on Ryze.

Zoe walked backwards at the first time, pulled out the range of the defense tower, and pulled back with a flying star. After the moving position got stuck and dropped the attack distance of the defense tower, a flash suddenly exploded, causing the flying star in his hand to smash towards Ryze go!

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