One after another

Xiao Ming’s reaction was extremely fast, causing Braum to raise the solid ice shield in due course.

Although he was cocooned and fixed in place by the spider’s E skill, the strong shield stood in front of everyone in PVB like a moat.

Kai’Sa’s output, Spider’s output, and even Pike, there is no wayBreaks through the shield in a short time, really hurting Braum behind the ice shield.

But everyone in PVB still chose to chase forward. They were waiting for the moment when Braum put down his shield.

And RNG is also fighting and retreating, and they are also waiting, waiting for the moment when Rexai arrives.

“Is PVB still going after it, but we can see that Rexai has already rushed over, and RNG has a chance to fight back in this wave.”

The baby’s voice was high, as if expecting something, and said in a deep voice: “Bron W was pulled away by Verus, PVB chose to continue chasing this wave, but Rexai is here!”

“A Q from a long distance hit the spider and Kai’Sa, and Rek’Sai got bigger!”

On the screen, Rek’sai’s eyes revealed a fierce light, he roared and groaned, and a pair of dark green pupils stared directly at Alice.

At this moment, Karsa activated Rek’Sai’s ultimate move.

R, void dash!


Rexai roared and dived into the ground like diving, leaving only ripples, other than that, there was no sound, no waves.

But no matter who it is, they can feel the killing intent hidden under the calm surface.


With a soft sound, Rexai’s terrifying sharp claws seemed to protrude from the void, and directly grabbed the spider in front of him.

How could the bloody spider resist the cross cutting of the sharp claws, and died in an instant.

This head fell into Karsa’s hands almost without difficulty.

All of a sudden, the morale of everyone in RNG was greatly boosted.

“Fight, fight, AD first!”

“I can follow, I can follow!”

Xiao Ming’s voice suddenly became high, and at the same time as he spoke, he handed over a flash.

Q, Winter’s Bite!

Braum rushed to Kai’Sa’s face with the help of his flashing displacement, and without hesitation he shot an ice fist, which hit Kai’Sa directly.

And Rexai, who used his ult to charge nearby, quickly reset his attack with the trick of leveling A+Q, and quickly made two passive attacks.

When Rek’Sai’s claws fell again, playing Braum’s passive, Kai’Sa was immediately stunned in place.

In this wave, Bigkoro’s heart was full of despair.

In the previous wave of 5V5 under the tower, he handed over the damage and control of the flash to avoid RNG.

Just now, he used his ult to rush in and chase Syndra.

At this moment, he no longer had any skills on his body, and could only watch helplessly as Rexai and Verus who rushed over dealt him crazy damage.

“Double kill!”

Even before Braum’s passive stun effect ended, Karsa got Kai’sa’s head. Together with the previous spider, the harvest was quite large.

In this wave of team battles, RNG replaced the heads of the jungler and AD in succession at the cost of Syndra’s death, and PVB only assisted Pike to escape.

At this moment, the RNG people who were a little bit depressed suddenly gained confidence.

They are invincible, a strong team that has visited the world stage several times, as long as they are given a chance to regain their disadvantage, they will definitely have a chance to comeback!

“Very good!”

Wang Duoduo, who was staring at the screen, also expressed the audience’s aspirations at this time: “In this wave, RNG fought back very decisively. One wave for one for three, it can be said that part of the disadvantage has been smoothed out.”

“As long as they find some opportunities in the future, PVB will definitely not be their opponent with the late-stage ability of the RNG lineup and the hard power of the players!”

After a wave of chaotic battles in the wild, the RNG who made a comeback even knocked down a tower in the bottom lane.

At this moment, the headcount ratio of the two sides is 10 to 7, and PVB seems to be ahead, but in the actual economic panel, it is RNG that leads the economy by nearly 1,000.

After all, almost every top team in the LPL has the ability to both fight and operate. How can PVB compare?

The game time is 19 minutes and 26 seconds.

The two sides scored three kills through a small-scale team battle, and RNG took the lead and won two, still maintaining a small-scale economic lead.

Uzi counted the amount of gold coins on his body, and then tapped Xiao Ming: “Accompany me to eat the Bozhong route, which is almost a little money for mercury.”

Xiao Ming nodded quickly: “Yes.”

At this moment, Liu Rui was clearing the soldiers on the road, and when he saw this, he quickly stopped him and said, “Don’t wait, the other side may be squatting!”

But his reminder was still too late.

I saw Pike cruising forward in the shadow, while Zoe used the R skill to rush forward, throwing out the hypnotic bubble in his hand instantly.

Pike’s Q and Zoe’s E skills were shot almost at the same time, which caused Braum to be hooked back into the crowd, and Verus was hit by the hypnotic bubble as soon as he was in front of him.

It’s over!

Uzi sighed in his heart. After hesitating for a moment, he didn’t choose to hand over the flash. At this distance, as long as he fell asleep, he would not be able to escape. Even if he handed over the flash, he would probably die.

Sure enough, everyone from PVB swarmed up and took advantage of this beautiful move to kill Verus and Bron.

After PVB killed two people first, they directly chose five people to advance in a group, approaching the second tower in the middle of RNG.

“Operate, hit the opponent’s blood volume, and don’t let them go to the high ground.”

Liu Rui took a deep breath, and instead of blaming his teammates, he directly commanded them to try to operate.

No wonder, it’s because Uzi and Xiao Ming don’t have constant insight into the opposite position like him.

Counter-attack means that there is room for manipulation, and this wave must lower the status of PVB, otherwise, the high ground is also in danger of falling.

After finishing speaking, Silas in his hand used the E skill to rush forward for a short distance.The chain struck horizontally, immediately lowering some of Pike’s blood volume.

“I can operate it.”

With confidence in Xiaohu’s voice, he controlled Syndra to press forward, but was disabled by Zoe’s Q+R long-distance flying star, and was then given an E skill.

“Push it!”

At the same time as Liu Rui spoke, Xiaohu also instinctively launched an EQ combo, and pressed the purification on his body to remove the sleep state on his body.

Fortunately, the angle of the push ball was quite perfect, and the three of PVB were stunned, and then they found space to retreat.

But how could PVB let go of the fat in front of it?

Pike used the E skill to charge forward, and jumped high at this moment. The blade in his hand immediately cast two shadows under Syndra’s feet.

R, the spring of hatred!

As long as this strike is done, he can win an additional economy of 300 gold coins for the team.

But Xiaohu’s reaction was also quick, and he dodged the fatal blow by flashing backwards.

“Okay, I’ll kill the spider!”

Karsa gave a compliment, and the Lexai in his hand immediately released an energy shock wave, hitting the knocked-out Alice.

Then he pressed the R key, using the damage from the ultimate move, he beheaded the bloody spider.

Later, he broke into the crowd and wanted to export Zoe again, but in the end he fell on the cold ground under the concentrated fire of the PVB crowd.

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