LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 117 Destinies intertwined in Chicago!

On the 12th, all major teams were familiar with the competition venue in advance under the arrangement of Riot Games.

The interior of the theater was transformed and decorated in the colors of the alliance.

On the night of the 13th, Snake’s players and LPL officials all ate in the hotel cafeteria.

During this period, several commentators including Miller and Wawa also joined Snake.

They also came to cheer us up.

On October 14th,

The first BO5 of the quarter-finals today was played by ROX and TSM in the top half.

The eldest brother who shouted out, "Everyone here is rubbish" sat tremblingly in the top eight seats. He longed for and missed this place very much.

The Chicago audience was also very impressive and did not hesitate in their cheers at all.

With the hope of the North American audience, the shouts of "TSM" resounded over the Chicago Theater. The TSM players enjoyed this moment very much.

It's a pity that on today's stage, they are destined to be just supporting roles

In TSM's game against the Tigers, the worst hit was the top and jungle positions of Svenskeren and Hauntzer.

Hauntzer failed in the battle on the top lane and collapsed in the early exchanges. He was defeated by Smeb's Kennen and barely gained experience.

As for Svenskeren's Spider, he was single-killed by the little peanut who was not a "little brusher" in the jungle in the early stage, and Olaf took off directly.

Following Olaf, Hauntzer's Gnar also gave away a kill.

This game did not last 30 minutes, and ROX bulldozed TSM Highlands.

In the following two games, although TSM's players had brief highlights, they did not win any of them.

3-0, Big Brother defeated Chicago, ROX advanced to the S6 semifinals!

October 15th.

SKT vs. H2K.

Ryu embarked on his own road of revenge. When the first Skt was on the blue side, Wolf deliberately showed his hand on the fifth floor, causing the summoners on the scene to let out a burst of excited shouts.

Perhaps because of his encounter with Faker, Ryu showed intensity and concentration that he did not have in the group stage.

Although his Enchantress did not kill Faker alone, it still caused a lot of trouble for SKT.

However, there is always a gap between H2K's overall strength and SKT.

Bang's EZ and Jhin all performed at a high level. In this world championship, Bang was called the second "cold machine", second only to The King.

SKT led 2-0. In the third game, the big devil brought out Ryze and got luxurious data of 8-1-6, helping SKT secure the victory.

3-0, Yue Lun failed in revenge, SKT advanced to the semi-finals!

October 16th.

SSG vs. ANX.

The wild card miracle has come to an end. After losing two games in a row, ANX shouted "Ula" and assisted "E-Sports Scarlett" to take out the Fire Man. Although this game was a remarkable one, both sides The fierce battle lasted for 41 minutes, but SSG took advantage of the military line, gathered the Double Dragon Club, and took them away in one wave.

3-0, Madison Square Garden did not wait for a wild card, SSG entered the semi-finals!

"too strong!"

"It's all 3-0. The troika is so suffocating. It's really hard to see any surprises."

"Snake should have a chance to reach the semi-finals, but for one thing, there is little chance of winning."

"Come on for Snake tomorrow."


After the Samsung game, various analyzes in domestic post bars and forums suggested that the trophy would be awarded directly to the LCK.

Han Zai people have already begun to select who is Fmvp, and even because of this topic, Han Zai people argued endlessly and got into a big fight.

In South Korea, the stick players are very satisfied with the LCK's performance in North America. They have loudly declared on many forums that S6 is the continuation of the LCK dynasty.

Those fans who were preparing to send blades and dead rats also put away their props. All 3-0. Is there any better result than this?

As for Snake and C9 at the back, the proud stickmen really don't care.

Most stickmen believe that SSG can send another team home in New York and then chase the championship with one of ROX and SKT.

"I have been following ROX for a long time. They are the best team. Let's win the championship, Smecta!"

"Faker will finally win the trophy. This year's MSi champion plus the finals champion will be perfect. Only then can the strength of the LCK be reflected."

"I am a fan of Dade, and SSG will regain its glory this year!"

The trends in Korean forums are very consistent.

As for whether the S6 champion will be from another division, not many people consider it. If someone accidentally says it, they will be criticized by a lot of people, and they will also be expelled from the country in the comment area.

If LCK doesn't win the championship, Smecta won't exist.

That's a troika!

On October 17th, Snake and his team came to the Chicago Theater early, all dressed up.

Today is the final game of the quarter-finals.

Even before the game started, the scene was already very lively. Riot officials did not take a break before the game and launched a series of activities.

The venue, which can accommodate 10,000 people, is hard to get a ticket today!

According to information revealed by Riot Games, after the on-site tickets were officially issued, all backstage tickets were sold out in less than half an hour.

Compared to San Francisco, attendance at the Chicago venue was not much larger.

However, the audience who came to Chicago this time really came from all over the world.

The enthusiasm of the group stage and elimination is obviously different.

The Chicago Theater brings together the top eight global e-sports players, as well as league e-sports fans from all over the world.

As the sky gets darker, the lights in the theater become more brilliant!

When all the lights in the venue dimmed, a metallic voice boomed:

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Chicago Theater!"

"The final battle of the S6 quarter-finals will begin soon. Let us welcome the two teams entering the competition!"

After the introduction from C9, the host read out everyone's IDs in Snake in a high-pitched voice.

"TOP: Flandre."


"Mid: The~King~~!!"


"SUP: Jiezou."

Every time someone is mentioned, the lights above the stage will shine down.

When the host read Li Hao's ID, the audience clearly burst into cheers.

Because of his performance in the group stage, not only players in Chicago, but also many summoners around the world are familiar with the ID 'TheKing'. Moreover, Li Hao's post-game interview in San Francisco also attracted a lot of fans.

He glanced at the scene and saw that in addition to the local international students holding Snake's tokens of support, there were also some foreign ladies and old black men holding signs with his ID written on them.

After the introduction, the contestants took their seats.

Soon, the game began.

Over at the LPL commentary booth, here today are Changmao, Zeyuan and Duoduo.

"The first game of BO5, Snake on the blue side, C9 on the red side."

"The BP on both sides has officially begun!"

Snake takes down: Rambo, Clockwork and Leopard.

C9 eliminated: Zyra, Excavator and Kennen.

"Oh, C9 changed their tactics in the first game. They released all The King heroes without banning any of them!"

"This is also a strategy. The King used 6 different heroes in the 6 games of the group stage. It is currently the only one recognized in this S6 hero pool!"

Zeyuan said with a smile: "I can't finish all three trigger positions, so I might as well let them go. C9 is quite free and easy."

Changmao joked: "I just saw Coach C9 flipping through notes continuously. This can't be the Death Note from lemonnation."


While the commentators were talking, heroes from both sides were also choosing quickly.

Blue side Snake lineup: Gnar, Gragas, Syndra, Jhin, Nami.

Red side C9 lineup: Poppy, Spider, Victor, Policewoman, Bud.

Chris walked to the center of the stage and shook hands with Reapered, the coach of C9.

This Reapered is also an ancient god.

In November 2011, he founded the MiG Blaze club with Madlife and Ambition, served as the upper unit and conductor, and won the first OGN championship.

After that, he moved to Azubu and SKT, and became the JAG mid laner in July 2013. After that, he retired and became a game commentator.

In the spring of 2015, this person came to EDG and joined Abramovich's coaching team. It was not until June this year that Reapered came to C9. He was able to break out of the North American division. This person has a lot of credit.

In today's first BO5 game, Reapered also made a bold attempt to release all The King's heroes, and then targeted Snake's other points.

Once the tactics are successful, C9's next tactics will be more flexible.

When the opponent picked Syndra, no one in C9 was surprised.

In fact, they felt that their tactics worked because C9 had no intention of banning Syndra.

After a short loading period, the game officially begins.

Before the hero even stepped out of the spring, cheers from the audience could be heard.

When going out, Li Hao chooses Dolan Ring and two reds, and his summoner skills are flash and sprint.

The audience can see that the mid laners on both sides are exactly the same.

In this game, Snake did not stand in a row along the river to defend as usual, but went directly to the lower half of the team.

Although C9 is not as strong as the LCK on paper, this is the quarter-finals. Snake has been studying a lot about C9 these days.

On the opposite side, ADSneaky and his assistant Smoothie had a little habit, which was noticed by Snake.

This is thanks to WE, who used this tactic against Snake during the bubble match.

The five Snakes quickly bought the equipment, then went around from their red buff jungle area to their triangle grass, and then entered the grass in the lower river without stopping at any time.

From God's perspective, C9 obviously didn't notice the danger.

"Snake has changed his tactics. This is a tactic they have never used before!"

"The policewoman and Bud were walking together, and Sneaky and Smoothie didn't even know! They're coming!"

On the big screen, the policewoman and Bud swayed towards the blue Buff for a moment, and then walked into the river.

Sneaky has already buttoned the jewelry eye and is ready to insert it in front of the blue triangle grass.

Of course he wouldn't be stupid enough to stick his face in the grass.

Snake studied C9, and of course C9 also studied Snake. This snake team, except for removing wards when playing AHQ, rarely caused trouble at level 1.

However, according to information obtained by Reapered from the LPL division, Snake has repeatedly appeared in situations where the duo invaded and harassed the opposing duo at level 1.

C9's ward defense is to prevent the opponent's move.

C9 top laner Impact, who was once SKT's top laner, began to pin question marks in the first half, but he didn't see Gnar.



Jensen in the middle also pinned the signal, and Snake disappeared!

The C9 bot lane duo felt nervous. Sneaky inserted the jewelry eye and hurriedly slipped back.

However, the warning came too late!


"Control! Control!"

"Nami goes first, Nami goes first!"


In the voice of Snake's team, there is a series of urgent command sounds!

Before the policewoman and Bud could turn around, Snake's first wave of damage hit them directly!

Before the five people showed up in the grass, Nami's blisters were the first to come out.

Both men were arrested without any visibility.

Gnar's Q skill flew over, and then he launched a basic attack towards the policewoman A.

Cuihua directly learned her E, knocked them unconscious again, and used two basic attacks on the policewoman to hit Thunder.

Jin Huacai immobilized the policewoman, and Sindra's AQ policewoman received the first blood.

Sneaky was unable to move from beginning to end and died directly next to the dragon pit.

Bard, who was still on health, turned around and made a Q, stunning Gnar and the barrel. However, he was slowed down by Gnar and was grabbed by Snake, leaving him with no way out.

Jhin A fired his fourth shot and passively took the head with a whisper.

Backstage at Snake, Zuo Wu and Chris excitedly raised their arms in celebration!

This is the quarter-finals!


"Sindra returns to the city and makes a killing ring directly!"

"This wave of C9 didn't expect it at all. I feel that Snake is just like C9 back then. They also have a Death Note. This level 1 idea was completely designed long ago. They knew that the two C9 people were going to ward."

At 1 minute and 40 seconds, the soldier in the middle came online.

Li Hao arrived on time after returning to the city. Victor learned the Q skill at level one, and Syndra also learned the Q skill.

Taking advantage of Victor's A knife, Li Hao controlled Syndra to directly hit the dark magic ball.

Jensen fell down a small square of health and raised his hand to counterattack.

However, Syndra's skills can be released while moving. Victor Q's range is longer than that of basic attack, but it is only 600 yards.

Syndra's 800-yard dark sphere has no problem bullying the opponent before he has a death ray.

After releasing the skill, immediately pull it back.

Jensen couldn't lift his hand that wanted to release the siphon energy.

Farke, my A can’t come out!

Syndra's Q comes every four seconds. On the middle line, I saw this scene.

Syndra twisted back and forth, and Viktor twisted back and forth, the two mid laners pulling at each other, trying to suddenly bring the other into their skill range.

Li Hao's Q changed for the better and he predicted that Victor would turn around and hit Jensen again.

This person was indeed difficult to deal with, and Jensen frowned.

This was his second time playing in the World Championship, and Jensen told himself to calm down, especially since this Syndra already had a kill.

Next, in addition to relying on his own movement to avoid Q, Jensen also knew that the opponent would use the interval between his last hits to consume them, so he also took the opportunity to use siphon energy Q to residual health minions, and at the same time formed a shield to offset some of Sind's last hits. Pull damage.

Jensen has something, but Li Hao is not a stick.

Victor's first-level Q has a CD of eight seconds, twice that of Syndra. When he saw Jensen release his Q, he immediately pressed forward.

Victor's hand length is 525 yards, and the Dark Head's hand length is 550 yards.

The two sides exchanged basic attacks, and Syndra pursued A for the second time.

At this time, he controlled Syndra to retreat. Jensen didn't want to be fooled, so he turned around and chased A.

The dark magic ball turned well again, catching Jensen's stiffness when attacking and releasing it, and a bolt of thunder suddenly crashed down!

Jensen's bloodline suddenly became unhealthy after suffering from depression, so he quickly took medicine.

At 2 minutes and 10 seconds, the second wave of soldiers in the middle came online.

On Snake's side, the green flowers with a red bloom of 2 are already in place in the grass in the lower half.

Li Hao tried to Q Victor at 2 minutes and 12 seconds, but Jensen moved to avoid it.

Syndra moved her body closer to the upper half of the river, which allowed Jensen to slowly move his steps and position accordingly.

At 2 minutes and 16 seconds, Syndra, who controlled the line, got to 2 first, and Li Hao learned the E skill in seconds.

The dark orb's residence time is 6 seconds. The orb placed in advance at 2 minutes and 12 seconds is still there, targeting Victor's position.

——The weak retreat (E)!

This was very sudden. Jensen immediately judged that the blood volume was not flashing at all, and Victor was pushed unconscious for 1.5 seconds!

The wine barrel that waited for nearly 10 seconds immediately popped up. He was much more decisive than Jensen!

E flash!

Barrel's E flashed QA to hit thunder, and Syndra flat A smashed down the converted Q skill.

Because of being consumed in the previous wave, Jensen's health volume was already unhealthy.

Under the combined attack of Snake, the middle and wild duo, he was instantly beaten to blood!


"Wow, it's so damaging! Jensen is going to be in trouble this time!"

After waking up from dizziness, Jensen's reaction was by no means slow.

Before Syndra wanted A to launch a fatal basic attack, he threw Siphon Energy (Q) at Li Hao.

Instantly, Victor gains a shield that absorbs damage equal to 8% of his total mana.

Even if Syndra A makes this move, he will never die.

And at the moment when Q came out, Jensen pressed his flash and sprinted.

However, Li Hao's reaction was also extremely fast.

When he saw Victor coming out with Q, he immediately canceled his basic attack. At the same time, he flashed and sprinted near the edge of the defense tower to chase into the red defense tower.

Once, twice.

Just as the second lightning flash from the defense tower was about to come out, the shield on Victor's body that lasted for 2.5 seconds disappeared.

Jensen gritted his teeth, turned around and hit his Q skill for extra damage, trying to exchange.

However, Li Hao still had more than 100 drops of blood left, leaving Jensen behind.

Syndra drew A and took away Victor's head.

2 heads, the killing ring also stacks two layers!

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