LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 426 The allure of the league’s number one!

After the RNG bomb was thrown, not only the league circle was shocked, but even the players in the RNG club were stunned.

This time, the uniform staff did not inform the team players in advance of their actions.

Before the news on the official homepage was updated, General Hu and others even thought that the water test quotation information was fake.

It can be seen that RNG has been secretly planning a winter window transfer.

Although Li Hao is troubled by injuries, their RNG team is not like Snake. Let alone fantasy things like three consecutive dynasties, they don't even see the shadow of a championship.

Therefore, from the master of Yujian Sect to the management team below, none of them can resist the temptation of the number one man in the alliance.

Of course, management is not fools.

Before the quotation action was launched, they had already made certain estimates.

Li Hao has the greatest attention in the league, there is no doubt about it.

Even if the sequelae of injuries that are predicted to occur with a high probability do occur, with this kind of influence and blessing, the team can attract the attention of many people, and the intangible value is very great.

Snake is not a fool. Of course, the Snake team can also make predictions that RNG can do.

Snake, who has priority to renew the contract, can match the contract at any time.

Therefore, it is impossible for other teams to take advantage of others.

RNG's two-year, 100 million contract is just a preliminary trial.

All teams that dare to leave must understand that this is destined to be a huge gamble!

Everyone understands this truth, so in the first few days of the transfer period, many people are waiting and watching.

RNG taking action now is tantamount to muddying up the winter window in advance.

With this method, they will be pushed to the forefront, subject to some doubts, and their subsequent operations will be targeted early.

But it can let everyone see their desire to be the number one player in the league, and it can also leave a deep impression on Li Hao's heart. This is the purpose of RN G, to constantly express goodwill to Li Hao.

BJ, Fuxing Road, HD District, inside the RNG base.

Malaxiangguo and Uzi stared wide-eyed and kept refreshing the information on their phones.

"Damn it, brother, let's do it for real this time!"

The puppy yelled, his voice inevitably a little excited:

"Damon Quan didn't reveal anything at all. Why is he doing such a good job keeping it secret?"

"Yes, we had dinner together yesterday, and this guy didn't remind me at all. No wonder he can be the manager." Concubine Gou agreed with a smile.

Teacher Guo said with great anticipation: "The club is awesome! Once Brother Hao comes, it won't take off! Did you see what those people below the homepage said?"

"Everyone says that S9RNG will change from a sword finger to a hundred-step flying sword. It's too shameful."

"Huzi, are you happy?"

General Tiger smiled bitterly and said, "I'm so happy that I'm so happy that I'm so happy."

Xiaohu glanced sideways at Mr. Guo.

Two days ago, you called me General Tiger. Now that you heard that man was coming, you called me Hu Zi. In two days, should we shout "Tiger management pours water"?

During the Asian Games in Jakarta, Teacher Guo flirted with that man. It was indeed not an illusion.

Isn’t it time to show off now?

"Huzi, don't be so sad. If Brother Hao comes over, just watch and study hard. You will definitely benefit a lot."

Xiaohu shook his head:

"I'm not frowning, I'm just confused."

"If Brother Hao plays mid lane, where should I play?"

Rang Di laughed and said: "When you realize it one day, you will kick down the water dispenser, and then you can take over the banner of the middle lane."

The implication is that you manage the water dispenser.

The Great Tiger God glared at him, and suddenly his eyes lit up:


"I'll hit the road, and you'll manage the water cooler."

"According to Brother Hao's style, all three paths need to be strong. Your equality treaty is obviously inappropriate."

"No, can you hit it?"

The tiger god's body was shocked: "Why can't I hit it? Can't my top laner Syndra do it? It just complements Brother Hao's AD assassin, so that the damage of AD and AP will not be unbalanced. It is a perfect match. "

For a moment, Rang Di couldn't hold himself any longer.

Gan, what the Great Tiger God said makes sense.

However, it was still too early for them to discuss it.

In the RNG base, Xiao Ming, the dog concubine who has been paying attention to the transfer information, screamed strangely:


"EDG actually took action too!"

"Don't they have Scout? They have to compete with us for Brother Hao. They have injuries, so they don't even think about it?"

Rang Di looked at the information and murmured in shock: "Scout can also be played, which just complements Brother Hao."

"EDG is crazy! So much money!"


There is another big wave in the alliance world!

LPL esports reporter Ah Hai reports:

"The EDG club has been waiting for this winter window transfer because we know that The King's contract is about to expire. No matter what happens this offseason, no matter what the chance is, EDG will participate in the competition for The King. We have Recruiting coach Heart, who is also a coach who can match The King, will make the work of the S9 season smoother."

"EDG quoted a salary of 77 million in the first year, and combined with the terms of the agreement, if an agreement is reached, the salary in the second year will reach 80 million."

"We hope to sign a two-year contract with The King."


EDG’s official website also quickly updated an update.

They didn't play imaginary, they directly raised the offer just like RNG.

This is equivalent to adding fuel to the fire, making Snake's situation more embarrassing.

After the RNG fans had a carnival, 61e, who were jealous at first, also fell into a carnival.

Although Guodian increased the agreement in the second year, it also promised a higher salary.

Moreover, 77 million in the first year is actually more than RNG!

No matter how you look at it, Guodian is more sincere.

"Bad review, it's not 77.77 million! Let me say a word for Qi Jiang, Brother Wolfberry came to EDG, and I, the ancestor of Saiwen, made up for the 770,000!"

"Hahaha, it's great, another big melon! I want to see how many more melons there are today."

"Brothers, have you noticed? Before Brother Gouqi got injured, everyone was saying that he would be completely disabled next season due to sequelae. As a result, when the transfer period comes, whoever screamed the most fiercely at the time will be hated the most now."

Old 61e was moved to tears: "I really hope Brother Hao can come over. I have recently studied "Ritian Xue" and I am more and more convinced that Brother Hao can create miracles again. Qi Jiang has reached the end of his career. He wants to realize his dream. Apart from Brother Hao, there is no other possibility. Only this thigh is the thickest in the league."

"Besides, Qijiang and Brother Hao are also very compatible. One is a foster father and the other is a father. Don't do anything fancy, and the error rate can be reduced."

"Please, Brother Hao, please come quickly!"

Penguin Esports Room "7".

In the live broadcast room, a young man with a pot head is sitting in front of the camera.

It can be seen that in the barrage at this time, people are overwhelmingly asking about the transfer information just now.

At this time, the corners of the factory director's mouth in front of the camera were slightly raised. He looked at the questions and answered:

"Really, of course it's true."

"Worried about injuries?"

"I will definitely worry about this, but I can't worry about that much now."

The factory director said bluntly: "Actually, we wanted to recruit Li Hao last year, but Snake didn't give him any chance. Now that there is some movement, poaching is a must."

"You ask me if I'm looking forward to Li Hao's arrival?"


The factory director vowed: "If it's Li Hao, I can barely accept a wave of F6 from time to time."

"Just kidding, but seriously, Li Hao and I were teammates in WE, and then played together in EDG. If we could play together again at this time, it would definitely feel like a dream come true."


The audience in the live broadcast room heard it clearly, and many old fans were filled with emotion.

On the topic of recruiting Li Hao, the factory director basically said nothing flirty.

It can be seen that he attaches great importance to this matter, is very concerned about it, and is looking forward to it very much.

Many people made fun of it.

If Brother Wolfberry really comes to EDG, if a miracle occurs and the injury does not have much impact, then the ancestor of Seven will do some research and I am afraid he will decide to go to MSI.

In the barrage, in addition to the string of numbers, there are also blessings from old fans such as "Msi is certain", "Ten thousand economy is certain", "The top eight are certain" and other blessings.

However, it is not a simple matter to recruit the league's number one player in the transfer market.

What surprised many people is that WE, which has always given people the illusion of being "very poor", also took action.

Yu Sanjia, one or more.

The 60e were moved to tears and wished they could hug the new coach Gao Xuecheng and kiss him fiercely.

Esports reporter Zi Ye reported:

"WE offers 81 million! We are ready to sign a one-year contract with The King. At the same time, WE will provide The King with a generous career guarantee."


WE raised the price again and gave a crazy number of 81 million!

The largest contract in the league, and currently there is no contract with a higher annual salary than this.

Many professional players were speechless after watching it.

Comparing my own salary, I can't even compare it to a fraction of the other person's. The gap is really too big.

And, that’s despite injuries.

If it can be confirmed that Li Hao is healthy, the contract will be worth at least hundreds of millions.

While most professional players are envious, they are also convinced inside.

In the perception of many professional players, Li Hao at this time is indeed not on the same dimension as them.

Li Hao's achievements will be difficult to find second even in the future.

WE can be considered as having good intentions. They originally set a price of 80 million, but finally increased it by 1 million, just for a metaphor.

After experiencing the difficulties of 19981, WE wants to welcome back the cornerstone of its dynasty!

In fact, the WE uniform team has been planning a wave. Once Li Hao is officially recruited back, they will immediately publish a long and touching announcement.

"Six years have passed, and the wanderer returns home."

WE would like to express deeply how much we miss Li Hao and our regret for the past.

In other words, it is a complaint.

Think about the poor record last season. If no one comes to save it, WE will probably continue to be in bad shape.

This is one of the reasons why they bite the bullet and offer sky-high prices.

Like most teams in the LPL, no matter it is Yusanjia or anyone else, except for Snake and those teams with no money, everyone else has reasons to take a gamble.

So, in the next few days, the alliance was completely lively!

On November 24, the two major e-commerce companies took action one after another.

JDG and SNG successively quoted 85 million for one year and 110 million for two years. Each of them is a top-notch contract!

TOP is also a tough guy. This guy originally spent 90 million to bid for an LPL spot. Now that he has such a good opportunity, he will certainly not miss it.

In their view, Li Hao is obviously an absolute label for the team and can instantly raise the fame they need.

On the morning of November 25, TOP dropped a bomb.

They invested 200 million in an attempt to sign a three-year contract with Li Hao.

This is so crazy, because three years later, Li Hao is almost running for the third year!

A thirty-year-old man competing in a professional e-sports league?

Next, VG, BLG, and LGD all offered big contracts one by one.

No matter whether Li Hao can be recruited or not, let's get this wave of popularity first.

Then, there was no movement and IG also took action.

Chicken Allah is already good enough, but it does not hinder IG's pursuit of Li Hao.

Su Xiaoluo announced that IG paid 150 million yuan and planned to renew his contract with Li Hao for two years.

Many people who work in the league are shocked. IG is now in the limelight, and the team's configuration is almost full. It is an existence that can challenge the peak Snake.

If TheKing joins a team like this, if he really recovers from his injury, will the league be doomed?

The shy guy on the road is very powerful, and then there is an even more powerful one, paired with an AD that can carry towers, and it takes off immediately!

Moreover, IG's 150 million is not only full of respect, but also does not have many attachment conditions. It can be said to be the most reliable of all quotations.

Combined with the appearance of IG's team, the possibility of Li Hao joining it is very high.

IG fans even thought of the coexistence plan of Rookie and Li Hao. King Ning, who didn't fit well with Li Hao, just sat on the bench and Broiler went to the jungle.

Train him well. With Rookie's level, wouldn't his adoptive father know how to raise him?

In the S8 season, Rookie was the second player behind Li Hao and could be called the king of the league.

What a wonderful thing it would be if the kings and kings became a midfielder combination.

The IG club also uploaded a short video in which Principal Wang smiled and expressed his appreciation for Li Hao.

The big moves in the past few days not only satiated the audience, but also shocked outsiders.

The first few hot searches have gradually become:

# TheKing #

# The craziest winter window in 2018 #

# League E-Sports’ No. 1 Salary #

Some passers-by don’t even know what League of Legends is, but that doesn’t stop them from recognizing how much money it costs.

What kind of person can be robbed by dozens of clubs and even have a salary of hundreds of millions? !

After some understanding, when they learned that Li Hao was still injured at this time, many passers-by were stunned and wondered if they had seen it wrong.

Then, they got to know Li Hao in depth.

Three consecutive S championships, three consecutive S competition Fmvp, 2017 MSi champion, 2018 MSi champion, 2016, 2017 MVP

There is a long list of titles, and it would take quite a long time just to recite the honors received.

All of a sudden, the comment section was filled with all kinds of comments.

"It's amazing. Many national football teams are drooling after seeing these big contracts."

"Salary is secondary. This guy called The King is really good. What I can't figure out is why there are so many people rushing to get it even though he is injured. It doesn't make sense even if he thinks about it. Is it an advertisement on purpose?"

Some league fans said:

"Contract health care is nothing at all. People who don't understand the league will never understand the value of Brother Hao. If he leaves the game, it will be a loss for the entire e-sports field!"


Just as people were immersed in the atmosphere of shock, teams outside the LPL division also began to throw out their super bombs!

PS: Good night book friends. Will be updated on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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