LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 464 Suck 200CC in one breath

At the Vietnam National Convention Center, spectators walking together can be seen everywhere in the venue. It is extremely noisy and full of atmosphere. It is hard to imagine how cold it is during the league.

The Vietnam League is actually played in Ho Chi Minh City. The local venues were built only a year or two ago. In some previous games, even the more than 200 seats were usually empty.

Vietnamese audiences don’t have much offline e-sports watching culture, and most of them are still used to watching games in front of computers.

However, this time MSI is so star-studded that not only Vietnamese e-sports enthusiasts can't sit still, but also fans from all over the world. This is the grand occasion at the Vietnam National Convention Center.

After the brief opening ceremony of the group stage, SKT and G2 were selected from the three teams that arrived in Hanoi in advance as the forerunners of the opening game.

SKT once enjoyed a moment of glory, and now it is on the road to revival.

G2 is the new king of Europe, the leader of the new LEC, and the most powerful wave in the rise of European power.

The two teams collided first, which made spectators from all major competition areas look forward to it.

In the SKT player table, Kkoma and Zefa, a coach and an assistant, all appeared behind the players.

Many people know about Zefa. He was the AD of S4Najin Baidun. He was already 27 years old at that time. Later, he had to leave the game due to anti-cancer treatment. After his condition improved, S6 served as the coach of KDM, and S7 served as the coach of Afs. He is a very persevering werewolf.

SKT introduced it to increase team ideological building and change the decadent atmosphere in the team.

If any team has an ideological problem, it will be much bigger than an operational problem.

Judging from the expressions of Dun Ma and Coach Zefa, they take the first game very seriously.

Including the SKT players, everyone had tense expressions.

On G2's side, coach Grabbz with short hair was stroking his beard, leaning on the hat king's gaming chair, turning his head to talk and laugh with Ah P on the side.

The whole G2 has a very relaxed attitude.

After the equipment is debugged, the referee announces the start of the game.

Both sides enter the BP stage.

At this time, everyone in TSM was staying in the temporary backstage.

As the BP continued, let alone Li Hao, the stupid chickens and Kabo on the side could see the flaws in both lineups.

The lineup chosen by SKT is completely different from their TSM style.

On the contrary, G2's style is more similar to theirs.

After fighting all spring, everyone is very sensitive.

"EZ Gablon, Teddy and Mata are still using this trick."

Hearing Kabo's murmur, Benji nodded and said:

"Is this the style of Sang Hyuk and the others in the spring split? They still treat MSI as if they are playing in the LCK league."

He was a little confused:

"I don't know what Kuama and Zefa are thinking. This is version 9.8."

"Brother, what do you think of the chances of winning this game?"

When Kabo asked, Jin Xiangxiu also showed curiosity.

Li Hao sat on the bench and analyzed calmly: "It's normal. SKT must be aware of the version changes."

"However, they have achieved great success in Griffin. Now they must continue to digest the results of that time. The system that has been played for such a long time cannot be changed on the spur of the moment."

"The idea of ​​letting faker develop freely in the middle, Clid only counter-crouching but not taking the initiative to attack, and using the low-end development to improve mid-term operations and POKE ability, really works wonders when facing GRF."


"I've watched a lot of LEC league reviews, and G2 will be much harder to play than SKT expected."

"These people have a lot of European romantic behavior, but the entire G2 is quite capable."

When Jin Sangxiu saw the smile on Li Hao's face, he knew that he was not optimistic about SKT.

"Brother, do you think they are trying to make mistakes by buckling horses?"


After hearing Li Hao's answer, they focused their energy on the game that had already started.

As the game between SKT and G2 officially started, many viewers slowly showed their surprised eyes.

G2, who had a strong lineup in the early stage, attacked SKT in various ways!

SKT has been in a tired defensive posture when facing G2.

During the game, G2 also developed a delicate side of vision layout. Every time Yankos's spiders invaded, they would occupy SKT's vision.

Coupled with Mykix's vision and cooperation, SKT gradually began to play games in the dark.

G2 rolled the snowball, and Ah P's development was terrifying. In 23 minutes, he collected the three major items of Endless, Blue Sword, and Artillery. This developed Xia can blast SKT's iron barrel array.

At 26 minutes and 33 seconds of the game, G2 took the Baron Buff and flattened SKT in one wave.

Looking at the entire game, the performance of the two teams was completely opposite to the impression in the mind.

G2 looked very relaxed, and SKT didn't show much resistance.

Backstage at TSM, everyone looked at Li Hao with admiration.

This game interpretation ability is really amazing!

As TSM's coach, Kim Sang-soo feels like he has some hair on his back.

Only at this time could he more intuitively feel the seemingly insurmountable gap between himself and Shi Yizhong.

Everyone's understanding and perspective of the game are really different.

Similarly, seeing SKT lose so miserably, Benji, Kaguo and Jin Xiangxiu all felt like things were changing and times had changed.

The era when LCK once dominated the league is finally hard to see.

Although SKT has some elements of trial and error in this game, even if they change their lineup, they may not be able to beat G2.

It is incomparable to the dominance it had long ago.

The three of them were in a daze when they heard Li Hao say again:

"SKT's tactics really can't keep up with the version. If they use this lineup against IG later, it's likely to result in an even bigger defeat."

"Today, they do not have the ability to deviate from the version."


A bigger fiasco? !

SKT is the LCK spring champion after all. It was miserable enough to lose to G2 in 26 minutes, but what could be worse than this?

They didn't bother to talk more, simply review the game, and plan the game tactics. The on-site staff came over to remind them that it was time to play.

After seeing TSM players walking out of the player tunnel, huge cheers erupted!

Especially when Li Hao appeared immediately after Pilsen, the venue at the Vietnam National Convention Center was filled with joy!

The on-site director was very powerful and provided continuous close-ups of the camera.

On the big screen, Li Hao's figure appeared for a long time.

The first person in the league!

This is the first person in the league!

Many spectators waved and shouted, attracting Li Hao's attention.

Strictly speaking, this was Li Hao's first meeting with fans in Vietnam, causing TSM to be almost worshiped while walking through the crowd.

Some spectators even crowded on the stairs to catch a glimpse of their idol.

Snake's past glory, coupled with his magical performance in the previous seasons, has accumulated a lot of popularity for Li Hao.

His superb performance in the LCS this season has made the uninformed Vietnamese audience regard him as a god.

The protagonist role that originally belonged to the local PVB has been snatched away by TSM.

Bilson and Black liked this atmosphere very much. They quickly blended in and greeted the fans at the scene.

Led by some European and American fans, the demonic shout of "TSM" rang out again.

This kind of momentum really made the Flash Wolf who came with him feel the pressure.

Because it was only a group match, although the audience was very enthusiastic, the officials could not make exceptions to waste time.

After a brief introduction, they were admitted to the competition.

After the equipment debugging is completed, both parties enter the BP interface.

In the first game against Flash Wolves, TSM was on the blue side.

This time, they drafted a lineup of Kennen, Excavator, Syndra, and Lucian Gablon.

On the Flash Wolf side, they took out Jace, Centaur, Ryze, Kai'Sa and Galio.

In terms of pre-match predictions, the probability of TSM winning the game is as high as 91%!

If it were not affected by the track record of the LCS division, the support rate would be higher.

During the play-in round, the performance of TSM and FW was obvious to all. FW's probability of defeating TSM was very low. After all, they were unstable, and their offline performance was so low that they couldn't even defeat the CIS teams that gave them a chance.

The Lightning Wolves mid laner Rather is a Korean aid who started his career in Griffin.

Rather's first opponent in his career was Faker. In Griffin's three games with T1, Rather played Xerath twice and lost them all.

Therefore, Rather, who looks honest on the outside, is actually quite artistic.

This young Korean player in the 2017 season is about to face the No. 1 player in the league, and almost no one is optimistic about him.

Before the game, Rather was full of energy and wanted to take this opportunity to make a name for himself.

He was not afraid of Li Hao, but looked forward to it.

For him, this may be the best opportunity in his career to showcase himself.

If you can catch it, you will definitely be offered an olive branch by the big team!

Similarly, those Haohei in South Korea will regard him as their idol, and his status in the competition will rise.

The ideal is plump, the reality is skinny.

After the two sides officially started fighting, Rather finally realized how terrifying the suppression was when Shi Yizhong selected a strong mid laner.

At just level 2, Ryze was exhausted by Syndra and was forced to take drugs outside the experience zone.

The old viewers looked as if this was indeed the case.

Rather, choose Ryze and dare to challenge The King in the early stage. Isn’t this just drinking fake wine?

According to this familiar rhythm, the next step should be an explosion in the middle, followed by the nepotism effect, and the Flash Wolves will collapse in all three directions.


Something unexpected happened.

Firstblood was obtained by the copy ninja Halabi!

The cunning Halabi lures the enemy deep, and Bihuang falls into his trap. He catches the Korean B-type Bugi at level 2, and learns how to be a hot man in reverse, teaching Bihuang how to behave.

Kennen was killed in this wave, and the kill was given to Jayce, causing TSM to have a chaotic rhythm on the road.

Rather, in the middle, saw that Halabi was going to be a father. He was not stupid and immediately started pretending to be a grandson.

After being beaten by Li Hao again at level 3, he didn't take any lines and retreated directly to the 2nd tower to go home with his remaining health.

What shocked the audiences in all major competition areas was that Rather, this person was really a wolf killer.

Ryze couldn't make any equipment when he returned home, so Rather turned into a financial expert and bought five bottles of medicine and a real eye.

Everyone understood that as long as the scroll behind Rather was opened, it would definitely read "Resistance to Stress".

If it doesn’t develop, we’ll have to rely on the line!

I have to say, this trick is really useful even though it costs you a thousand.

The stupid chicken wandered to the middle a few times, and the young Rather transformed into the son of the tower and maintained his condition very well. Coupled with the early ward, there was no chance to catch him.

Although Syndra is snowballing, it's not nearly as fast as killing people.

After being killed in battle once, King Bi had seen through Halabi's sinister intentions and was always vigilant.

But starting from this wave of deaths, Flash Wolves targeted the top lane.

After FW assisted Little C to update his status at home, he suddenly wandered up the road.

The cloth chicken is also in place.

The three Lightning Wolves caught him and killed Kenan again at 5 minutes and 42 seconds!

Jace, who got the second head, made Li Hao feel the pressure and began to communicate frequently with Benji.

At 5 minutes and 53 seconds, Li Hao stood far away from Ryze, pretending to go to the river to insert a wards, so that Rather could dispel a certain amount of vigilance.

When Ryze stood forward to gain experience, he followed Li Hao's command and waited for the stupid chicken on the F6 side to dig a tunnel and take action, followed by a flash top to hit him.

Li Hao followed and dodged, launching the dark orb at the extreme distance of E, and stunningly knocked out Ryze at the edge of the orb's AOE!

The moment W uses telekinesis to grab the ball and throw it at it, the ultimate move comes directly to him!

This wave of damage was full of damage and killed Ryze.

The head-to-head ratio became 1:2.

There was a commotion at the scene.

This wave of midfielder coordination is extremely extreme. If you make any mistakes, Ryze will have a chance to escape.

Although TSM used two flashes, Ryze's TP did not turn around, and there was another wave of soldiers. No matter how much Rather blamed himself on the players' bench, his rhythm exploded.

This also fills up part of Kennen's disadvantage on the top lane.

Li Hao got the second layer of tapioca, coupled with the advantage in last-hitting, his development caught up with Halabi.

However, based on the lineups of both sides, TSM will definitely suffer in the later stages.

In this game, TSM had a strong lineup in the bottom lane, but it did not gain an advantage in the early stage.

Li Hao took a look at Betty's last hit and saw that it was not much behind his senior brother.

This is Kasha.

He was slightly puzzled that when it came to the World Championship, his teammates were not in the right state.

Backstage at TSM, the uniform staff was also a little anxious.

In the first game, I don’t want to lose to the Lightning Wolf.

The game was stalemate for more than five minutes. During this period, the bottom lane auxiliary exchanged a head. Benji came to the top lane to support and killed the Buji who crossed the tower for gank, but Halabi got Kennen's head again.

In the middle, Rather was crushed by Li Hao for last-minute hits and experience.

But this person is more stable in this game than the Marquis back then.

All he has to do is not die.

With one-handed strategy, he was able to avoid dangerous experiences and deny Li Hao the opportunity to kill.

Coupled with Nosuke's coordinated eye positioning, Ryze ran away as soon as he saw the stupid chicken invading and judged that he couldn't escape.

This made many Haohei and Lycium black people watching the game laugh.

At 12 minutes and 3 seconds, a team battle broke out between the two sides because of Canyon Pioneer.

In this wave, there was a 5v5 fight near the Dalong Pit.

Jayce's Poke made TSM suffer before the duel. Neither Braum nor Digger had full health.

One of the shells hit Sindra's waist!

Harabi's cry of regret could be heard in the voice of the Lightning Wolf team.

When Bilson saw that Jace had just released his skills, he seized the opportunity and rushed into the crowd of electric wolves with lightning to activate his ultimate move.

This wave of team battles started beautifully, but TSM was out of touch and others couldn't keep up at the first time.

TSM did not let FW reduce its personnel, but Kennen was eliminated.

There's no way to fight!

Li Hao made a judgment and immediately sent out a retreat signal, preparing to release the vanguard.

Unexpectedly, FW got involved!

Rather, who had been shrinking, launched his ultimate move forward, and Harabi and his team got into the car to pursue him!

Li Hao's eyesight brightened.

Halabi hitched a ride over and was about to kill Syndra.

Bu Ji even got ahead of Halabi and took the lead!

Korean troops, charge with destruction, come over!


With a big move, he rushed towards Syndra.

On the big screen, Li Hao flashed to avoid the enemy's ultimate move and hid in the grass, causing the enemy to lose sight.

The energy poured out, hitting the humans and horses.

Following the E skill, he exited the black balls all over the ground. Not only did he stun the people, but also Jace from Sky Leap, Kai'Sa and Ryze who came along were all stunned!

This wave of goddesses scattering flowers caused the scene to boil in an instant.

The stupid chicken got rid of Galio, turned around and dug a tunnel, and hit him with a top jump!

Braun is strong, the senior brother shoots wildly!

When Li Hao's QW was thrown into the FW crowd, Lightning Wolf's double C was instantly killed!



Backstage at TSM, Maggiola, Kim Sang-soo and others shouted excitedly.

The mad Halabi was still in a state of residual health and wanted to replace Syndra.

The men and horses were also in pursuit.

Li Hao was disabled and retreated. When Jace fired the next fatal shell, he pressed the stopwatch to the limit.

Ding! !

There was a crisp sound, and TSM's support arrived.

Stupid Black was guarding the side. Li Hao, who was still in health, pressed a Q skill, which exploded with magic damage and killed Harabi.

The men and horses died under the gun of the senior brother.

Galio forcibly replaced Braum, and was killed by the excavator again.

With Li Hao's magical initiative, TSM won this team battle!

Syndra got three kills, then got the Rift Herald, and then finished the middle tower and the first tower, completely taking off!

From this wave, the game officially entered TSM's rhythm.

Syndra took over the game and killed Jayce first in the team battle at 19 minutes and 46 seconds.

The disappearing blood bar technique reappears in Southeast Asia!

TSM immediately lured the enemy into the dragon pit, and others came to stop them.

In this wave, TSM played 2 for 4 again, and even Kennen, who was very poorly developed, caught up.

At 24 minutes and 45 seconds, TSM got the Baron with the advantage of vision.

At 28 minutes and 30 seconds, the upper and middle high ground of the Flash Wolves was broken.

Under the huge pressure of troops, Flash Wolves lost the game with unwillingness.

In the TSM player seat, Li Hao breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the crystal shattered across from him.

This game is much more tiring than playing in the LCS league.

At the top singles table, Bihuang also breathed a sigh of relief and then showed a smile that said, "It's great to have a father."

Kenan, who was in the audience on 1/7/7, was really eye-catching.

At this time, Bihuang didn't know that he already had a series of new titles in the LPL barrage and comment area.

——Dracula King Bee.

Isn’t this just a mouthful of 200CC? !

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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