LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 56 Quality Inspector: Brewing Rune Power

Snake only had one game in the entire fifth week.

The sixth week of the game is scheduled for Saturday, July 9, with a considerable buffer time.

During this period, Li Hao did not relax at all.

In addition to completing the training tasks within the team, the rest of the time is spent on

Rank, Rank, crazy Rank!

The front office staff and teammates are already used to it.

Everyone knows that Brother Hao is so crazy, it is actually a unique way of maintaining the feel.

In addition to lamenting Brother Hao's hard work, everyone in the club admires him.

Brother Hao, you are not an ordinary person!

The road to No. 1 in the national server is not easy. If you rank too much, you will encounter all kinds of monsters and monsters.

The actor and the idiot who bought the account did not meet the segmentation, and crashed into a teammate of a professional team.

Under such circumstances, no matter how much experience Li Hao has, it will be greatly reduced.

After several waves of heavy losses, the efficiency of earning points was not as high as before. If it weren't for completing tasks to become the first in the national server, Li Hao would have changed his own size to earn points.

June 28th.

The national server is updated to version 6.13. Recently, the usage rate of teleportation has been very high. The dog designers have made a wave of balance, increasing the teleportation guidance time from 3.5 seconds to 4.5 seconds, and fixed the teleportation position at a strategic point close to their base. .

EDG has won 8 consecutive victories so far in the Summer Split and has never lost a round of BO3.

Aguang, who moved to the top lane, played several sword girls, and they all played relatively strongly.

In addition, other top laners have been playing Dao Mei recently, because Gnar has risen again. In the current version, many players like to use Dao Mei to play Gnar.


The dog designers can’t stand it anymore.

This knife girl is too strong, let’s sharpen it again!

Irelia's ultimate skill was cut, and the CD at level 1 was reduced from 70 seconds to 110 seconds.


A large group of swordsmen players are on their way to kill the designer with their swords.

Heroes such as Kindred, Vampire, and Lulu have also been adjusted to varying degrees.

The experience changes are also relatively large. The hero who is now dead can absorb the experience of the death of nearby heroes within 10 seconds.

For example, by swapping tower kills, the unlucky guy who dies first can also gain the experience of the latter.

Time flies to July 9th.

That night, Snake fought with IM.

This was the Snakes' fourth game in a different group match. IM defeated PDD's YM in the spring, and performed at a dark horse level despite not being favored by the audience.

In the current Group B, apart from RNG and WE, IM dominates.

This also made the audience realize that IM's defeat of YM in the spring LSPL finals was not an accident at all. They really have the strength.

The top laner is the ancient-style handsome Aj, the jungler Avodiless, the mid laner Athena, and the duo is Golden Horn plus Road.

Li Hao is very familiar with Jinjiao. After all, he is an AD quality inspector.

This player's last strike and average economy are not outstanding, and he is basically stuck at the average AD level in the league.

However, with a lower average economy, he can deliver effective teamfight damage second only to MSI (Mystic Smlz Uzi).

What you eat is grass and what you get is milk.

No matter what the development situation is, it can deal damage that is satisfactory to the team.

The title of gold medal AD quality inspector is worthy of its name.

In the first game of BO3 between Snake and IM, Brother Crystal showed his power.

Li Hao caught Shan Yanque in several waves and helped Gangzi's mouse grow up. IM was shot in the scalp by a mouse in the team battle.

In the first game, Snake easily won the game in just 26 minutes.

In the second BO3 game, Snake still had an advantage at the beginning, and the head ratio on the field once reached 9-3.

Just when the audience thought Snake was going to win easily, IM broke out.

This team is very good at comebacks. They used the clearing ability of Victor and the male gun, coupled with AJ's Ekko's several escapes to delay time, and forced the game to the 46th minute.

Due to a mistake in positioning, the dragon group was hit by Athena's Victor with an explosive AOE. Gangzi, who had killed everyone in the last game, was caught with a set of instant kills.

Although Li Hao's Syndra also lost Victor in seconds, the team battle was defeated and he himself was drowned in the crowd.

Because the resurrection time is too long, IM does not fight the baron at all and ends the game in one wave.

IM pulled one back and the two sides tied 1-1.

In the third round of BO3, Li Hao lost the thermos cup buff and chose Ice Girl again.

The bladder battle between the two teams was not over, and the deciding game was played again in the 45th minute, with the score reaching 21-18, full of gunpowder.

At 45 minutes and 23 seconds, Li Hao took advantage of his own field of vision to decisively command the ancient dragon.

Because Brother Holy Gun cleared the line in front of the highland tower in the middle, IM didn't notice it for the first time.

By the time it was discovered, it was already too late to rush there.

IM breaks the boat and opens up the baron.

This wave of decision-making mistakes caught everyone in Snake after defeating the ancient dragon.

Snake took down a total of four elemental dragons in this game. According to the current buff calculation of the ancient dragon, it will cause 45*4 burning damage every 3 seconds. The opponent cannot withstand this damage at all.

Before the IM dragon was defeated, Snake came rushing in with the help of Wheel Mom's ultimate move.

A wave of 1 for 4, IM's top laner Aj was the only one to escape.

Snake went directly to the road to advance, Aj defended desperately, but was directly drowned in Snake's crowd.

2-1, Snake wins another victory!

After the game, in the barrage on the LPL TV station, many people were making fun of IM's bladder tactics, which were so fierce that they almost dragged Snake into the water.

Brother Wolfberry drank so much water before the game, IM grasped the key point and attacked the weak point of Brother Wolfberry's lower plate.

This method really works!

It can be found that Brother Wolfberry is obviously not as powerful as the previous games.

Some people said that Brother Wolfberry looked serious after being beaten, maybe because he was holding back his urine.

If IM hadn't fought the Baron just now and held on for 120 seconds, maybe he would have had a chance until the end.

Unfortunately, victory still belongs to Snake.

BO3, six consecutive wins!

Snake backstage.

"Brother Hao, are everything they said true?"

Flandre looked curious.

"What's real or fake?"

"Said you were holding in your pee"

Li Hao rolled his eyes at him, "You believe this, I just drink a little water."

Then, he said solemnly: "Besides, even if it's a bladder fight, I believe that AJ's group will lose in the end."

"Brother Hao, I believe you can withstand it, but I'm afraid Gangzi can't. I almost thought he fell into the bathroom just now."

"Flando, what are you talking about, you bitch!"


There was a burst of laughter from the backstage, and the nervousness after three games was relieved a lot.

Snake still only has one game this week.

July 14th.

Riot has once again updated a new version.

This time around, aside from a slew of pool party skins, the biggest change is Ryze.

Before version 6.14, Ryze was a popular hero in both the current LPL and LCK regions.

Ever since the S5 Demon King showed the terror of Ryze, the bald man carrying a scroll has been active until now.

This time, the wandering mechanism has been greatly changed, and the ultimate move has been changed to a winding jump, becoming a team support skill.

Many players were looking forward to it at first, but once they tried

“The designer is crazy!!”

"Haha, this hero is completely useless."

"No one can save Wandering, he has been thrown into the sewer by the dog's design!"

There are many similar remarks.

In the first few rounds of the seventh week of LPL, the pick rate of Wandering Mage suddenly dropped.

Li Hao looked at the wandering mage turning into this familiar look, and he smiled secretly in his heart.

Maybe many players don't know it now.

When they were planning to abandon this big bald man, the man in the LCK was probably studying his own rune power all night long.

This time the power of the runes also allowed him to shock S6 again.

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