LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 611 Time Machine and Captain Waste Brick

At the end of the game, Li Hao came to the WE player table.

Morgan, Sadness, Teacher Ma, Old Dream, and Missing, these WE newcomers rarely interact with him.

Although the newcomers suffered two disastrous losses, they have great respect for the legends of the league.

Some people call him Senior, and some people call him Brother Hao.

The young players of other teams were almost the same after the game, but today at the Radio and Television Grand Theater, Li Hao had a different feeling.

In version 10.3, Desert Emperor has increased its basic mana amount by 42 points, and also increased the width of the ultimate move of a sand soldier.

However, Li Hao chose Azir in both games not because he was strengthened, but because, as the commentators and viewers guessed, he was satisfying some of his own plots.

After all, WE was the starting point of his career, just like his first love. Although this first love was scumbag, it left a deep impression.

Of course, compared to the WE team, what moved Li Hao more was the fans of WE.

At this moment, the Radio and Television Theater was still filled with cheers, and MVP and his ID were mixed in the shouts.

During the game, he was wearing headphones and could hear what was going on outside, which showed how lively the atmosphere was.

Two games of Azir were his gift to the audience.

In this way, he responds to those 60Es who are still waiting for him.

"Why, are you moved?" the factory director joked.

To the factory director's surprise, Li Hao said "hmm" and admitted it generously.

"The older you get, the easier it is to be emotionally attached to the scene."

"Haha, I believe you are the only one who has ghosts."

"Why don't you give someone a head? A shaved head doesn't look good."

"You do not understand."

Li Hao looked at the packed auditorium: "The 60Es here should want to see the most perfect side of me."

"What about you, don't you feel anything at all?"

"How do you feel about WE?"


As the factory director walked towards the center of the stage, he shrank his head and said to Li Hao: "People have changed and they don't feel anything anymore."

"Ruofeng is already sitting in the commentary box. The only old teammates from before are you and me."

"Don't tell me, it's really unexpected for us to appear together in WE's home game."


After thanking the audience, Snake and the others returned to the backstage, and the host Sister Tuozi left the factory director and Li Hao behind.

Xi'an home court has two special guests.

Sister Tuozi first interviewed ancestor Saiwen:

"Director, how do you feel about returning to WE's home court to play games?"

Jarhead first said seriously:

"I think of a lot, such as what happened in WE in the past. A group of our old teammates competed in IPL5 together. Many years have passed, and now I am back to play in WE."

"It's amazing. It feels like everything is unpredictable."

Sister Tuozi: "There are fans shouting your ID at the scene, and many of them are holding WE support items. Is there anything the factory director wants to say to them?"

"really thankful."

Jarhead smiled: "I hope the voice calling my ID will be louder next time."


"Director, you are too much."

The hunchback sister was laughed at. She threw aside the factory director who was making such coquettish remarks. When she looked at Li Hao, hunchback sister's eyes became brighter and there was more smile on her face.

This very different scene was immediately captured and preserved by enthusiastic netizens.

Just like when the devil is doing activities, he shakes hands with female fans and remains expressionless, while facing male fans he is cordial and easy-going.

Sister Hunchback is quite real.

Even her tone of voice became 'ladylike' unconsciously.

"Brother Hao."

Before the interview, Sister Tuozi called out politely.

The factory director stared at Sister Hunchback and narrowed his eyes slightly.

GDX, can the sound be a little tighter? It's too obvious for you.

Your number is gone!

Li Hao gestured to her to ask.

"Brother Hao, everyone has started a discussion about you using the hero Desert Emperor. Because you are back at WE's home court, do you choose Azir?"

"That was a total coincidence."

"I just thought the lineup was right and the version was right, so I put it to use."

"One use for two games?"


Sister Hunchback laughed, as if she had seen through the truth.

Therefore, Brother Hao is sometimes a little tsundere.

He obviously cares about it in his heart, but he refuses to admit it.

WE, WE, who told you to be a heartless person?

Sister Hunchback asked again:

"Today is February 16th. Brother Hao, your records from the two games are exactly this number when you put them together. Everyone is saying that you controlled the head count and the data, and used your records to keep this date correspondence. It means that he has returned to WE."

"Brother Hao, did you control this performance intentionally, or did you do it accidentally?"

Li Hao shook his head: "It was accidental."

"Professional e-sports people must know how incredible it is to control the record in the professional arena. Everyone is trying their best. No one will cooperate with you. If you want to perfectly control the game and get an MVP-level record, grasp it. There are so many details, it’s absolutely impossible.”

Li Hao said firmly: "No one on this planet can do it."


"Don't be kept in the dark, Brother Hao is bragging about himself."

"Thank you, Mongolian, I really don't know if you don't tell me."

"WE, look, how much it hurts my brother Hao, waste brick? I'll slap you in the face with a brick."

Some water friends also said:

"I agree with what Brother Wolfberry said. If I were opposite him, there would be no way he would only get 8 kills. If he got less than 20, I would be considered abnormal."

Both the audience at the Radio and Television Grand Theater and Sister Tuozi knew that he was talking nonsense. Sister Tuozi was still dedicated. She no longer feinted and asked openly:

"Brother Hao, you came from WE youth training, and now you have returned to the starting point of your career. Is there anything you want to say?"

Li Hao thought for two seconds. He held the microphone and did not answer immediately. The main reason was that the sound at the scene was too loud.

The old WE people have taken control of the Grand Theater scene, and their voices drowned out the interview desk.

When he raised the microphone, the chatter stopped temporarily.

"I'm very grateful to WE. They introduced me to professional e-sports, and that's how I achieved what I have now."

"If they refused when I entered the youth training, I should be killing pigs in Jinling now."

"Director, please stop shaking, I'm not killing you." He tilted his head and suddenly said to the young man with the pot head.


This time, the audience was amused again and the originally depressing atmosphere was relieved.

"So I hope WE will be better in the future, and I will continue to communicate and compete together in the future."

"At the same time, I would like to sincerely thank the fans who have always supported me."


There was thunderous applause and Li Hao thanked them.

From the beginning to the end, Li Hao never mentioned the "waste brick" remarks from back then, nor did he add insult to injury at this moment that could slap WE in the face. He only wishes and thanks.

The grudges and grudges have disappeared in the applause and cheers of 60e, and in Li Hao's bow of thanks.

Backstage at WE, Manager Li Renguan felt lost, and he slapped the table depressedly.

The regret value has been maxed out, reaching the level of 'alarm' or 'alarm'.

This time Li Hao was a guest in Xi'an, which greatly touched WE.

Especially seeing his current glory and seeing how weak this young WE is in front of him, I feel even more sad.

If I had Li Hao in WE, why would I be like this!

It hurts more than Boss Cao losing Guo Jia.

"Team Wind, what are you looking for?"

In the studio, the doll asked Big Nose.

Our Wind Team left a famous saying for this season with a very serious expression.

"I'm looking for a time machine."

"Huh? Haha!" Miller opened his mouth and laughed.

"Time machine? What do you want to do?"

Big Nose said: "Why, of course we are setting the timeline to before Brother Hao leaves WE."

“The Wind Team is the Wind Team.”

"Yes, you know how to make up for regrets."

“The Wind Team really has WE’s best interests in mind.”

"Actually, he wants to become a champion."

"The layout is bigger, the Wind Team can at least form a dynasty."

The Haier brothers sang the double act, and Big Nose looked at these two bitches with a speechless expression. Why do you deserve a beating so much?

What Big Nose didn't know was that because of his words, a spoof picture went viral in the league's forums and forums.

The background behind Ruofeng is WE. He is being manipulated by Father Time and is turning on the time machine.

Captain America WE version of "Captain Brick".

Codename 001, the Wind Team’s plan to save WE.

Old 60E was so amused that he used this picture as his avatar.

There are even people updating novels in the WE bar.

"I Became Ruofeng of the Alliance"

"I am Ruofeng, and I returned to S2 because of the time machine. In the weird eyes of my teammates, I stood up and rushed out of the training room."

"Give me the youth training list quickly!"

"I picked up the youth training list and saw the ID. I smiled. The dynasty is stable."

"First there is Brother Hao, then there is the sky, and there is the sun, the sun, the earth, and the gods. Who can stop me now?"

"Brother Hao, who is in his golden age, is so prosperous!"

"Just when I was excited, the operations officer who sold the man said to me with a smile."

"This young man named TheKing was just sold to the Royal Family by me. Hahaha, they spent 300,000 yuan to buy a youth training camp. It's crazy. It made me laugh. I made a lot of money today. Let's have a barbecue tonight."


"I picked up the transaction information and learned from the damn operator that it was the royal family's crazy puppy who wanted Brother Hao desperately."

"My name is Ruofeng. I'm getting a lot of panic now. It turns out I'm double-dressed."

"The young crazy puppy shamelessly teamed up with Brother Hao who was in his prime. He is a scum among the time travellers. He is so young and doesn't want to work hard. He starts hugging you so early. It's too disdainful!"

"My name is Ruofeng, a failed time traveler. When I think of Brother Hao in his golden heyday, I have nightmares all night long. So, I found the time machine and escaped from that era again."


This novel became very popular in the WE forum, and many people suggested that he publish a book.

However, it’s too sad that WE can’t be saved even if we travel through time.

"This person is not 60E!"

Old WE recognized his identity: "I saw him at Yujianmen."

"It turns out they are from Yujianmen. There are so many 60E people, so they can't publish a book!"

"Is there any book about Brother Hao leading WE to win the championship? I'll order them all!"


The WE bar is very lively. Li Hao came to the 60E home court this time and brought out many old fans who were originally diving.

The content of Hao in Tieba was very high, which triggered heated discussions.

Of course, the story about the Wind Team’s time machine saving WE was also played up.

Not surprisingly, he was quickly turned into a meme by enthusiastic fans and flooded many league communication groups.

Next, the funny characters began to derive. Father Time Big Nose and Time Assassin Jarhead both entered the Alliance universe across time. They wanted to save Cybertron. Oh, and save their respective teams.

I have to say that the majority of netizens are really good at playing.

Aside from the exciting stories between Shi Yizhong, WE and 60e, many people have focused on the results of those two games.

What to say

Brother Hao's Czar has two records, one is 8/0/1, and the other is also 8/0/1.

Not to mention the super sentiment created by Shi Yizhong on February 16th, which moved many 60E players. Professional e-sports people are analyzing, how does Shi Yizhong control the super performance?

WE's current record is ranked in the middle and lower reaches of the LPL, and its status is not good.

But they are a professional team and they won’t play tricks on you.

It is simply nonsense to be able to control the super-god data and tightly block the corresponding date.

But the fact is that Shi Yizhong did it!

On February 17th, Snake and his party were visiting the ancient city.

Big Nose also came over as a guide and talked about the past with Factory Director Li Hao.

They enjoyed this time quite a lot.

However, the analysts of each major team are as busy as dogs.

Review, review, review again!

In the JDG base in Kyoto, analyst Vusso's hair had a devil's horn sticking up, his face was covered with a thick layer of oil, and he was staring at the screen.

"Have you discovered anything?" Manager Shao, who was very concerned about this matter, asked.

Vusso scratched his head again: "No."

"Except for the last wave of the second game, there is almost no trace of deliberate control. It is very natural."

"It's like, that's what his record is."

"But we all know that The King deliberately created this record."

"How scary!"

"Boss Shao, it's really scary!"

Vusso met Manager Shao's gaze and said with trembling lips: "I have studied the data for so long, and I have never seen anything so scary. It's like watching a horror movie."

“The less trace there is, the more it explains.”

"The King's mastery of the game has reached a level beyond my comprehension."

"If he came to be an analyst, many people in our industry, including me, might lose their jobs."


Vusso wanted to say something, but held it back.

Manager Shao frowned: "Anything else? Just say it."


"I suspect that The King is an alien."

"Don't laugh, I'm serious. No one on earth can do what he does."


There are many analysts like Vusso out there.

Shi Yizhong brought a romance to the 60Es at home in Xi'an, but brought a disaster to the uniforms of the major teams.

They looked at the spring split record list with concern.

Snake won 10 consecutive victories after defeating WE!

Everyone is a little uncomfortable with it.

S6, S7, S8, the three seasons of the Snake dynasty, they did not have such a dominant performance during the spring regular season.

Li Hao was away in the spring of S6 and injured in S7 and S8.

This year, the major teams in the LPL have made up for their regrets.

February 18, 2020, the second day of the fourth week of the Spring Split.

Snake returned to the Magic City and faced off against V5 at seven o'clock in the evening.

One is the leader who is feared by everyone, and the other is the tail-end who is bullied by everyone.

The huge gap made both games one-sided.

Snake easily defeated V5 2-0 and won the 12th consecutive victory in the spring split!

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

Yuweng is an old basketball author, and the quality is guaranteed. Interested book friends can take a look at his new book, which already has 220,000 words!

The following is a partial introduction:

"Mike Brown, five games, get out of class is over!"

"Bickstaff, five games, get out of class is over!"

"D'Antoni, 10 losses in the last 12 games, dismissed!"

The Lakers changed four head coaches in half a season.

They all said that I would be dismissed from get out of class after the next game.

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