LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 655 The topic circle exploded!

The drama of the two emperors enthroning the throne on the first day swept through all the major masturbation forums that night.

The benevolent emperor and the sugar emperor are both against the sky, and ten thousand behind are like gods.

"Brother Sun, do you think Enhuang Tanghuang has had a big impact on them after they helped Brother Hao break the record?"

During the DYS live broadcast in the evening, General Sturgeon asked Baldy.

"It must have a big impact. News about them is everywhere."

"Certainly there's another person who's been greatly affected."


The bald man smiled: "Sindra!"

"The reputation of the Great Head of State has been severely damaged by these two people. Many Syndras were beaten to death by Brother Hao before, but not this time. The ceiling was broken by them."

"In the Dark Head Bar, Candy and Nisqy have been tied to the pillar of shame."

Sika also knew about this. When they chatted, they soon burst into exaggerated laughter.

What is the label of the Dark Führer Bar?

——Energy belongs to those who can use it.

Li Hao was once hailed by his friends in the bar as the most outstanding controller of dark energy because he used Syndra to score five kills in the World Championship.

How lively and brilliant the bar was at that time!

But now, there are two S-class traitors, Emperor Enhuang and Emperor Sugar.

Despite the great pressure faced by Li Hao, the true fans of the Grand Head of State still cannot forgive the crimes committed by the two emperors.

The angry bar owner posted several posts in a row, trying to get rid of Emperor Sugar and Emperor En!

In the live broadcast room, Sika had a mean smile on her face:

"Brother Hao's MSI record should be unsurpassable."

General Sturgeon gave him a strange look: "Isn't this inevitable?"

"Vincent's abusing food and cutting down the economic speed appeared in the World Championship, and he appeared continuously. Except for the non-human Brother Hao, it is impossible for others."

"If anyone can do it, I'll stand on my head and imitate him."

The bald man nodded: "I agree with half of your views."

"I have emphasized many times before that Brother Hao is a very strange person. Once he finds the feeling, neither ordinary viewers nor professional e-sports people can predict how far he can achieve in a game."

"In the two games on the first day of MSI this time, we were proven that our imagination was not enough. Is that okay?"

"No problem, Brother Sun will continue the analysis."

"Others can't break Brother Hao's record, but it doesn't mean that this record is the ceiling, because he can break it himself."


General Sturgeon was surprised: "Okay, my mind is open!"

"Snake will play KBM for the first time tomorrow!"

"Brazilians come here to chase their idols. Tutsz is a big fan of Brother Hao. It makes sense for him to stand up!"

"Moreover, when it comes to overall strength, KBM is the worst. It can barely survive with the help of Ueno Xiaodai. These two Xiaodai can't bring it up when encountering Snake. C9 and TLN took the first step. I think KBM's second There is a high probability that we can keep up. When Snake plays KBM, a large number of team economic leads are inevitable. Once Tutsz explodes in the lane, the Snake team will take care of it and the record will be set again in the third game!"

"Could it be that Brother Hao is going to have an economic lead of over 10,000 in three consecutive games!"

"Oh my God, we are so bold now. We dare to say such exaggerated predictions. If we put it in front of our eyes, we will be scolded as brainless cloud gamers. Now we are actually very happy. Brother Hao unknowingly misunderstood our understanding of the alliance. Everything has changed."

They chatted animatedly, constantly analyzing the possibility of setting another record.

Suddenly, they found that many water friends were sending barrage reminders.

"Shuiyou said, it's not three consecutive games with a gold lead of over 10,000, but four."

"Four games?"

"Behind us is G2!"



Two crisp sounds were heard as Bald Man and Sika slapped their hands on the table. They acted in unison without any discussion. It was entirely out of their own hearts that they came up with an idea.

"Background Mountain Team! How could we forget G2!"

"Yes, when Brother Hao hits G2, his power will be super doubled."

"And the middle laner is now Ah P, not the Cap King!"

"Hahaha, everyone knows Ah P. If you don't make big news, wouldn't your visit to Msi be in vain?"

"Emperor P is trustworthy, brothers. I boldly predict that the number of matchups in four consecutive games will exceed 10,000!"

At this time, another friend posted a barrage.

"Why can't we just sweep MSI against Wan in five consecutive games?"

Seeing these contents, General Sturgeon, who usually talks less when commentating on games, said directly before Sika and Baldy:

"Continuous inability is impossible."

"It's very difficult to play G2, and T1 is behind."

"I fully believe that Snake has the ability to defeat T1, but it is really impossible to lead Faker by 10,000 gold."

"I have read the information on the Inven and LCK forums, and they all say that Faker now has no Eunjing and has taken his mind back. He is truly intact. His performance in the playoffs seems to confirm the opinions of netizens. judge."

"Perhaps Brother Hao can lead Faker by 10,000 gold in a certain violent game, but this time MSI, the fifth consecutive game, is the perfect devil. These constraints are too many."

Sika and Bald Man did not speak, but nodded aside, obviously recognizing General Sturgeon's judgment.

However, the enthusiastic Hao fans in the barrage did not give up.

Someone retorted:

[You admitted your lack of imagination before, but now you dare to make a decision? The Big Devil will be like that this season. His reputation is greater than his strength. To be honest, he is really incomparable with Brother Hao. Even if he is beaten by Brother Hao by 10,000 yuan, it is not a strange thing. Faker is really old and is no longer at his peak. And Brother Hao is an immortal, the absolute pinnacle. This time, I still support Brother Hao. 】

Others said:

[I don’t believe that Brother Hao can do it, but I have carefully reflected on those thoughts and feel that they are ordinary people’s thinking. It is not possible for Brother Hao’s ordinary people’s thinking. Gods cannot be speculated with common sense. Therefore, I also believe that Brother Hao can do it. Beat Msi crazy this time! It can hit the entire alliance world until the volcano erupts! 】

There are more and more similar speeches.

General Sturgeon couldn't stop him, so Sika stood up and said, "Of course we support Brother Hao! Brother Hao is also our absolute idol, right?"

"But sometimes, ideals are ideals, rationality is rationality, and professionalism is still needed."

"Let's make a bet."

"If it's like you said, Brother Hao can really do it, we can stand on our heads to wash our hair."

General Sturgeon said: "I have no objection."

The bald man touched his chin and said to the camera: "Then it's a bet, let's see who is more professional."

"The water friends win, Sika and the children wash their hair upside down. We try to contact an inverted hair washing machine and start the washing live."

"If we win, there will be no punishment. We just ask everyone to have more respect for our professionalism."

There were a bunch of barrages saying "Okay" and "The contract is made, and those who break their promises shall be punished by rocks" and the like.

"Brother Sun, why did you take it out?"

General Sturgeon mocked: "Are you scared?"

The bald man pointed at his forehead: "I'll forget it. My hair is almost gone. I'll wash it upside down and go straight to buying wigs online. You two have the same hair. After all, brothers work together, and two people are equal to three people."

The audience laughed, they were indeed good brothers.

MSI only played for one day, and all kinds of comments heated up the major forums, and she kept getting out of the circle.

E-sports enthusiasts are saying: If you have any love for e-sports, then please don’t miss this Snake game no matter what.

News about Li Hao has become a hot search topic one after another.

Not only in China, but also abroad.

European forums, North American forums, Lck forums, and many small league divisions. Anyone who is interested in the game can join the discussion one by one.

In the operations department of Riot headquarters, all the senior executives were smiling.

Msi’s popularity far exceeds expectations!

The number one person in e-sports is really capable of causing trouble!

This time, not only people inside the circle, but also people outside the circle felt the movement.

The oldest player in the league, he dominates the e-sports world and sets new records continuously!

It seems like every night is turning into a record night!

Many e-sports fans threw firewood into this fiery place, burning up huge flames that illuminated half of the sky.

More and more non-esports media are beginning to report on it, and some TV stations have appeared.

Domestically, some morning news stations even publish anecdotes about Msi and are proud of the achievements of Chinese players.

In the Brazilian CBLOL competition area, e-sports fans spontaneously took to the streets and held a celebration parade.

An e-sports team from Brazil will finally meet the man who once impressed all Brazilian e-sports at the Olympic Stadium at the MSI World Championship.

No matter what posture KBM will use to lose, it doesn't matter.

Being able to meet him is an epic moment in the history of Brazilian e-sports, enough to be remembered.

This may be the closest the Brazilian CBlol division has come to the e-sports ceiling.

This exchange will have a profound impact on Samba Esports.

In a country full of competitive culture, the sudden explosion of love for e-sports among the Samba people is unimaginable. The league’s regional manager in Brazil has made it clear that CBLOL is a hot spot for e-sports. After the MSI in 2017, here League e-sports began to grow wildly.

The fastest growing and most cohesive company is the Brazilian Haofen Group.

This is the biggest reason why KBM is being praised crazily now.

Being able to watch a game between the CBLOL team and Shi Yizhong is almost the happiest thing they can imagine.

When some fan celebrations of Samba eSports were moved to China, even those who did not understand eSports were full of praise after reading the relevant translated remarks.

Because a large number of foreigners are frantically chasing the footsteps of a Chinese.

Even if they don't understand e-sports and don't know which hero's skills are, they will still feel proud, awesome and outrageous.

There are so many foreign fans!

At night in Kyoto, a man named Wang Banbi kept refreshing his cell phone.

The dazzling and familiar ID appears at the top of the hot search again.

Such frequency!

How can it be!

When his own hot search failed to reach the top and then disappeared, his opponent who had already successfully reached the top changed several lines and tried to reach the top again.

Isn't this a slap in the face?

The first person in e-sports

Tsk, tsk, this guy is so scary.

On this night, Wang Banbi was emotionally agitated, and even the actress's broad mind could not calm his mood.

It's very simple. There are many Hao fans in foreign countries, but even more in China!

The intensity of the gathering of these true fans cannot be compared to the popularity of little Karami. Brothers, just accept it if you feel wronged. It's not the first time anyway.

After a night of deliberation, on MSI's second match day, public opinion from the outside world increased instead of decreasing.

In the eyes of major teams, Li Hao's two extremely efficient games are their super research material.

The new round of "Sunday Learning" has triggered a trend of thought in all major teams, and it can be called the "New Hao Learning Movement."

The topic "Efficiency Theory Ten Thousand" has been put on the table of data engineers.

Teams such as JDG, for example, try to let those with special traits transition to Ritian Xue using their current meditation practices.

Therefore, the current style of the Alliance World has a cyberspace + science fiction + fantasy flavor.

The usual eye position training, skill range control training, damage calculation training, etc. have become basic topics, just like mathematics for junior high school students.

Among today's professional players, which one can get far by just relying on the same old routine?

If you go to a professional team for an interview and just say that you can do the same thing, the uniform staff will look at you casually and not take it seriously.

If you said during the trial, I can meditate and have a deep study of Haoxue. The uniform staff will definitely smile and be enthusiastic about you, asking about your age and resume.

this is the truth.

This is the era of e-sports under the influence of the first person in e-sports!

Of course, fans are far less enthusiastic about the new trend of thought than they are about "Ten Thousand Ahead".

Especially after DYS and other anchors discussed the topic one after another.

There are divergent opinions on the forum now, and internal disputes can arise among fellow Hao fans.

"Is scoring twice the limit?" 》

"Is a Hat Trick Impossible?" 》

"Can Ah P stand up?" 》

"Forever Losing My Love, the Perfect Demon King, the Impossible among Impossibles?" 》

"Which galaxy did Brother Hao's combat effectiveness belong to when he was young?" 》

When we had lunch, there were still more than three hours before the start of the second day's competition.

Colonel Guan was working overtime in front of the camera, chatting with the audience while eating.

No way, there are too many people @him at the bottom of the homepage.

As one of the most popular commentators at the moment, the colonel must give the necessary response.

"Brothers, I know what you are talking about."

"Many commentators from the LPL gathered together to discuss today. Wang Duoduo remembers that Mr. Wawa and the others are here, as well as guests from the LPL, including former professional players and e-sports managers."

"Our views are basically the same."

Colonel Guan took a mouthful of rice and faced the camera again: "I absolutely support Brother Hao, 10,000 support!"

"So don't put too much pressure on Brother Hao."

"It doesn't matter how much money you win. The most important thing is for Brother Hao to stay healthy. I'm really afraid that his body won't be able to bear it."

"You work too hard and get hurt easily!"

"Brother Hao is an absolute legend. Every minute and second he continues to stay on the court is a record."

"He is a treasure in the entire e-sports field. If he gets injured while trying to compete for some records, I cannot accept it."

The vast majority of people agree with these words about controlling dogs.

However, after he took a few mouthfuls of food, someone still asked him if he wanted an attitude from the colonel.

Zeyuan put on a serious face and said professionally:

"KBM is possible."

"As for G2, because it's Brother Hao, I can still believe it without thinking."

"But we will play T1 tomorrow."

Zeyuan shook his head and said: "I think it's impossible. This is a very rational point of view."

He took a look at the barrage and found that there were still many people who were 'stubborn'.

Such stubbornness made the senior colonel laugh angrily.

He said:

"If Brother Hao can break the record you mentioned tomorrow, I won't stand on my head to wash my hair, I'll just shave it off."

May 11, 2020.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the second day of MSI's game started on time.

The first round is a battle between T1 and G2.

Perhaps because of yesterday’s rollover, G2 was extra serious today.

The competition between Europe and the United States has become a thing of the past. Now that G2 is serious, it will be difficult for T1 to win for a while.

The two sides played many exciting rounds, each player had their own performance. The battle lasted until 37 minutes, and T1 successfully got the ancient dragon, destroying G2 in a big battle!

After the big battle, many fans calmed down.

G2 and T1 are really different from the remaining three teams.

Their strength is distinct.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the cheers at the Olympic Sports Center erupted like a volcano.

The commentators then increased their volume.


The Samba Army succeeded in pursuing its dream, the flowers bloomed in May, like the spring of dreams, they met Shi Yizhong!

PS: Good night book friends, please update on time before 23:59 tomorrow night.

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