"Wait a minute! Although theshy didn't drop Xiaotian in seconds, he hammered Xiaotian to Kamen. Without saying a word, Kamen dropped Chiana in one e second! This wave of theshy hammered Kiana out on purpose. It's a cooperation! "

Miller quickly explained: "theshy knows that he can't survive, but Kamen deliberately pinches w to help theshy block Titan's deadly Q. And it's w's shield that makes theshy explode! "

"And the wave of theshy has calculated everything perfectly. He knows when he can last and what he can do in this period of time, so he can calculate every skill and every general attack exactly."

"After turning on W, theshy just a, then E. Only in this way can you hammer Chiana to Kamen before you are killed! Only in this way, can theshy hit the highest damage before the second

"The Ueno Gemini of Ig is their most powerful weapon. Since the start of s race, the new Gemini of Ig has brought us many surprises. This time, they still didn't let us down. They played the best match in the limit state

The doll continued to shout: "but although Xiaotian is beaten by seconds, this wave of Ig can beat FPX! Doinb's skill cools down now. As soon as w shield is opened, Titan seems to have another life. I feel Ig still can't beat him! "

At this time, the situation on the field has changed from 4v4 to 2v2. Donb's Titan was not in a good state originally, but because his skills cooled well, his shield light looks very thick as soon as his w is opened.

As for Liu Qingsong's hammer stone, he is in good condition now, and the second wave of skills has been completed. And Baolan, who is opposite to him, just ate the forerunner of doinb. Although he has great skills, his development is too poor, so he can't resist too much damage.

What's more, he later helped rookie block the Q of hammer stone, and then he had another thump, so his current state is very disabled. As for Xiao Ge, his current state is just in line with the rules, and he doesn't have much advantage.

But on the whole, FPX is more effective. Because Baolan's big move is over. With Baolan's development, he really doesn't have much fighting power without big move.

At this time, Baolan's blood was less than one third, while Liu Qingsong's hammer stone had more than half of its blood. Although the two auxiliary fights are only a round system in which we fight each other, if we continue to fight, Liu Qingsong will surely win.

After half a day with Baolan chicken, Liu Qingsong finally came to the end of the fight. As soon as the Q key is knocked, the soul chasing chain in hammer stone's hand immediately starts to shake up. This is the starting form of Q skill [death judgment]!

But after this Q shot, the soul chasing chain with the atmosphere of the nether world did not appear in front of Baolan, but in front of Xiaoge! This is the classic operation of hammer stone, eyes at others, but Q skill is aimed at another person.

This kind of trick is not a particularly difficult move, but it can play a crucial role in the critical moment, and can often catch the opponent's key person by surprise.

At this time, the fight between Xiaoge and doinb has reached a critical stage. Titan w provides him with a shield, but blind monk also has W. Although the thickness of blind monk w's shield can't be compared with Titan's, blind monk w's victory has the effect of sucking blood.

Blind monk w's blood sucking effect is not very strong. When fighting wild monsters, the blind monk can suck blood because the attack power of wild monsters is low. This is also the reason why blind monk W is strong in fighting wild monsters, because he can fight wild without injury.

But when you fight with a hero, because the hero's attack power is higher, the output damage of a hero is generally greater than that of a blind monk's blood sucking. In this way, the blood sucking effect of blind monk W is somewhat weak.

But the problem is that this FPX's Zhongdan is Titan, and the damage of Titan is not as explosive as that of conventional Zhongdan. So Xiao Ge against him, although his state is not very good, but rely on W can compete with him.

But if Liu Qingsong's Q catches Xiao Ge, the result will be different. And Liu Qingsong this very insidious a Q look direction is really facing Xiao Ge and go, eye looking is about to hit!

No matter how high the level of people know hammer stone refers to the East and west of this move, we should be able to reasonably expect Liu Qingsong's hand. But when Liu Qingsong's skills were sold and the chain of soul taking was put on Xiao Ge, most people were shocked.

Because at this time, there is almost no blood in Baolan, if Liu Qingsong's Q is in Baolan, then Baolan is almost gone. But Liu Qingsong didn't chase this head, instead, he used Q to target Xiao Ge.

Whether you think FPX really attaches importance to Xiao Ge or has a different hatred for Xiao Ge, anyway, Liu Qingsong's decision is beyond many people's expectation and is about to achieve unexpected results.

But Xiao Ge, who is competing with doinb, is about to eat hook, but without warning, she has a wave of walking. This one move, let Xiao Ge perfectly avoid Liu Qingsong this deliberate one q!"Play with me, don't you think you're still young, loose!" Xiao Ge sneered across the air, and then yelled to Baolan, "have you got enough skills! I can't hold it any longer! "

The group battle has been going on for such a long time, and the skills of others have cooled down again. There's no reason why Baolan's skills didn't cool down well. Xiao Ge waited for a long time, waiting for Baolan to help him share the pressure, but now Xiao Ge can't stand it.

"Coming, coming, just right!" The voice of Baolan has just dropped, and the skill series has been launched. Under the control of Baolan, the Tauren Chieftain, who has not much blood, bravely rushes towards doinb's Titan.

"Nothing can drive me back!"

As the most solid backing in varland, Tauren chief always gives people a very down-to-earth feeling. Even if Baolan's performance is not very good, the situation will be tilted once again when he releases his w-q second company.

"Nice, I'm full. What a second company! You're the second company. If you win, you're the MVP. If anyone doesn't give you the MVP, I'm the first one to disagree! [trample] drive it for me, trample them to death

Trample: the Tauren Chieftain tramples on the ground, ignores the unit collision volume, and deals magic damage to nearby enemies for 5 seconds. Each trample will provide a trample effect for tauren chief when it damages at least one enemy hero.

In 5 levels of trample effect, Tauren chief will strengthen his general attack on enemy heroes to deal extra magic damage and stun effect for one second!

At this time, Baolan starts e skill, and the Tauren chief immediately enters the mad cow state. It seems that everything around him will be crushed to pieces by him. But doinb and Liu Qingsong are not counsellors at all. In the blink of an eye, they turn into bullfighters, and the operation turns Baolan seconds directly!

However, Xiao Ge had no disappointment and chagrin at all, because although Baolan was killed, doinb and Liu Qingsong needed to be buried with him!

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