At this moment, although the situation does not give Liu Qingsong too much time to think, it does not take a top professional player too long to judge. What's more, the situation at this time for him is not complicated at all, it is very clear and thorough.

Rookie and theshy are leaning towards this side. They don't want to fight, they just want to cover Xiao GE's retreat. And Baolan's Niutou has been the first to arrive, and with Baolan's help, Xiao GE has almost succeeded in escaping now.

Now the only thing that can stop Xiao Ge and Bao Lan from escaping is Liu Qingsong's hammer stone. As long as he's in the Q, Xiaotian's Chiana can keep up with the big move and play control. Therefore, his q is absolutely necessary.

As for the goal, there is no doubt that it is Xiao Ge. Not only because Xiao GE's hatred is more valuable, but also because Xiao GE's head is more valuable. It's because there's a flash on Baolan. Q Baolan is easy to hide.

It took only 0.001 seconds for Liu Qingsong to judge all this. So his enchanting chain goes straight to Xiaoge, and it's Xiaoge slowed down by verus e skill

At the moment of leaving the hook, Liu Qingsong really thought about Xiao GE's escape from his Q. It is true that the e of verus has helped a lot, but considering that the man in front of him is Xiao Ge, Liu Qingsong still has no bottom in his heart.

But no matter how bottomless, when he pressed the Q key, hammer stone's enchanting chain with dark green breath had already swung around for two times, and then quickly shot at the blind monk who was dragging his heavy feet to his own wild area.

Liu Qingsong this Q with a little bit of anticipation, Xiao Ge is eager to escape, so Liu Qingsong slightly blocked the corner of the wall in front of Xiao Ge. As long as Xiao Ge goes one step further in accordance with the original trajectory, he will be in the hook.

"The best way to move is not to move! Little K, you said it yourself. You don't cheat your brother, do you... "

Liu Qingsong's mouth is full of words. In his mind, he will think of Xiao GE's boasting in the base before. In his heart, he is more optimistic. But then he saw that when Xiao GE's blind monk came to the corner of the wall, he suddenly twisted his butt and hid his Q

"The second Olympic Games..."

As a result, Liu Qingsong couldn't help smashing the keyboard. His anger surged in his chest. He just wanted to rush to the other side of the stage and beat Xiao Ge. But he couldn't do it, and he couldn't beat Xiao Ge, so he could only spit out fragrance to vent his anger.

But at this moment, Liu Qingsong was really angry. At this time, none of the wonderful words that used to come from his mouth collapsed. In the end, we can only return to the original simplicity and give a simple and crude curse with broken sound.

On the commentary stage, the doll almost went crazy: "wow Hide! Kamen still hides Liu Qingsong's Q in this state! My God, do you want to play games like this! It's killing people, killing people... "

Miller continued: "if this makes Kamen run away, the mentality is really unbearable! But now Liu Qingsong's Q has been hidden, and Qiana was kicked a little far by Kamen just now. Now no one can keep people! "

"But Xiaotian doesn't seem to want to give up like this, and he's still on his tail No, Xiaotian has to wait for the skill CD, and then use the skill displacement to break into the past and recruit people! The battle is not over, FPX can not give up pursuit so easily! "

When FPX just played Bruce Lee, it was really unexpected that Xiao Ge could win Bruce Lee in such extreme circumstances. And Xiao Ge breaks through Liu Qingsong's block, and when doinb enters the Dragon pit in successful Q, Bruce Lee just doesn't have much blood left.

At that time, the idea of FPX was to kill Bruce Lee with damage regardless of everything. As for the burden of controlling Xiao Ge, it was handed over to doinb. So Xiaotian didn't grudge their skills at all, and they beat out all their injuries in a short time.

But even so, Xiaolong is snatched by Xiaoge after all. Besides, Xiaotian had beaten out all his skills for the sake of Xiaolong. At this time, his skills are in CD state. In particular, w's CD status makes it impossible for Xiaotian to switch element cooling skills.

Originally in the river, he can pick up the water element, and then use the water element Q to control. The most important thing is that w [square and circle molding command] can generate a period of displacement, and after the element is replaced, e skill [tianzongzhiyong] can also generate a period of displacement.

The displacement of these two skills, plus the displacement of flash, is absolutely enough for Xiaotian to catch up with Xiaoge. After catching up, he only needs a big move to control Xiao Ge. In that case, Xiao Ge must be left behind.

Of course, everything didn't need to be so complicated. Because doinb's big move has already targeted Xiaoge, under normal circumstances, Xiaoge should be enlarged in front of their eyes. But who knows, Xiao Ge kicked away the person in front of him, and then opened the distance with flash.

This flash makes FPX very uncomfortable. Not only let doinb's Q fail, but also let him be in a position where his opponent can't touch him in a short time, and his teammates will soon be able to support him, or that is a position where he can almost escape.Now, all the traps set by FPX for Xiao Ge have been solved by Xiao Ge one by one. But FPX really can't accept that Xiao Ge finished the Dragon snatching in this situation, and finally the man ran away, so they are desperate to keep Xiao Ge.

And now the only hope is Xiaotian, listen to teammates scolding greetings, Xiaotian mouth does not say, in the heart is also a pressure of anger. He looks at his skills while chasing, and then observes Xiao GE's position, and calculates the angle of successive moves and big moves.

The last time Xiao GE's Chiana used the fast cooling of W, and then constantly used the grass element Q to disgust Xiaotian. When they were there, FPX people complained more than once about why Chiana's w had such a fast cooling time, and even scolded that the designer should change the CD of this skill.

But now it's Xiaotian's turn to rely on Chiana's w to pursue Xiao Ge. He can't help but feel why the cooling time of Chiana's W is so slow. He even feels that every second of his countdown is much slower than the normal speed.

"Oh, how can my skill cool down so slowly The mentality is going to explode! " Xiaotian, who doesn't like to talk when playing games, can't help complaining: "hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, OK! Zhenima... "

Xiaotian is really in a hurry at this time. The last time they were knocked down by Xiao GE's Qiana, he took out Qiana. This kind of hero choice, actually needs to bear the very big risk and the psychological pressure.

In fact, Xiaotian wants to use the same hero to smash Ig once, so as to improve the morale of the team. After all, in the series of bo5, morale is very important, not to mention Xiaotian's confidence in his Chiana.

And then, if Xiaotian chooses qiyana, but Xiao Ge knocks him down, it's not just a matter of mentality and morale, but BP in the follow-up competition, and they will also fall into a huge disadvantage.

But the good news is that time is quickly lost in Xiaotian's cursing. The short but long time is less than two seconds, and Xiaotian's skills are finally cooled down. Xiao Ge is still in the stage of being killed.

"Follow, follow! I can keep them, this wave can kill them

Xiaotianbian said while using w to jump forward to pick up a water element, element replacement, Q and e skills reset. But just when Xiaotian was ready to move on with the reset e skill, a cold voice with authority suddenly sounded in his ear: "step down!"

Then Xiao Tian was stunned in the same place

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