"I don't think we need to be too negative, this wave is actually OK! We have a good fight and we still have a chance to win. Their lineup is not as strong as ours in the later stage. We just need to drag the game back and we can win! "

In the voice of FPX team, the voice of doinb is the only one in a short time. At this time, he said in the chat box with Ig everyone's skills: "we are playing the final for the first time. We just need to have a good attitude and play well without regret! And we can win! "

The reason why doinb has such a high value is that he has the ability to improve the strength level of a team in a short time, and his own system is naturally the main reason. In addition, some of his other personal characteristics are also one of the reasons.

His command, he habitually records the CD time of all people's skills, which can be said to be a bonus skill of buy one get one free. These small details may not be what can really improve the value of consideration, but in the professional arena is an effective help to win.

In addition to these, doinb is also an atmosphere regulator in the team. When he was still in FPX, Xiao Ge found that doinb's energy was as strong as ADHD. His energy can even sustain him 24 hours a day.

A little neurotic character, exuberant energy, coupled with an optimistic attitude, created doinb that inferior bureau can keep BB play. Under his constant BB, it's really hard for his teammates to keep depressed.

Just now, after Xiao Ge grabbed Bruce Lee and ran away smoothly, FPX taxi's anger has really dropped to the freezing point. Even if they had a full adjustment of mentality before the game, and everyone was very optimistic, but after they were shown continuously, their mentality was difficult to resist.

The main reason is that they are always shown on their faces by Xiao Ge. No matter how good the mood is, it's always irritating to be shown by others. And now the shadow of failure has turned into pressure, slowly beginning to affect FPX.

When they lose the first set, they can still see it as a bad start. But if they are beaten 2-0, the experience of being swept 3-0 in the summer finals will form a strong hint in their hearts, and gradually kill FPX's morale.

"In fact, this wave of robbed Bruce Lee is just fine. A single fire dragon has little influence and can almost be regarded as non-existent. So we don't have to be depressed because we're not losing money at all. "

Maybe he was annoyed by doinb to BB, and Xiaotian also began to do his teammate's ideological work at this time: "at the beginning, we just wanted to get the next blood tower, then take Bruce Lee, and then push the middle tower, but this is the perfect rhythm, Ig is unlikely to give us this kind of rhythm."

"Now in this situation, we are equal to taking the head of Ez and the next blood tower to replace a dragon. In fact, we are not too poor in this business, but we are not as profitable as expected."

"Since the game doesn't lose too much in essence, it's just that our mentality is a little uncomfortable by little K. Now, as long as we adjust our mentality, don't we have no disadvantages? Since there is no disadvantage, why negative energy? "

Liu Qingsong raised his eyebrows, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "I'll go, I understand! This wave of us made a blood tower and killed EZ once, but only got a fire dragon on the opposite side. But it's useless to have a fire dragon alone, so we're just making money! "

Gimgoon also said, "asibal, that's it! We don't lose at all, we make money! Next, play well, we can win. In the later stage, they can't beat us. Fuck them, Asiba

Seeing his teammates cheered up one by one, Lin Weixiang also came to the spirit: "it's OK, they're done! I'm very fat now. EZ is my younger brother in front of me. I'm even more invincible in the later stage. I can't lose because I'm protected. "

"Yes, we can win!" Doinb didn't expect that his teammates would make a 180 degree turn in the blink of an eye. He was a little stunned and followed the music: "but although we can win, we have to find some rhythm, Xiaotian!"

"Little K didn't flash. Can we find a way to catch him? After catching him, it's easy for us. There is also Niutou. Niutou has no big move and EZ doesn't flash. It's easy for them to get off the road. Can they get off the road? "

Xiao Tian pinched his nose, and his face became more serious: "if you can catch it, you can catch it! Next, let me know the rhythm. I can't be suppressed by K all the time, otherwise we can't win today, but we have to win today! "

Xiaotian seldom plays neutral flag in the competition, but it doesn't mean that he is not confident and afraid of being beaten in the face after setting up the flag. In fact, his winning heart is no worse than anyone else, and his self-confidence is also first-class.

We all know that Xiaotian, like Ning, is also a person brought out by PDD. Anyway, Ning has got the MVP of the s-game, and Xiaotian has led the team into the s-game. Xiaoming, the assistant of RNG, is also brought out by PDD.

As a retired legendary old player, he has brought out so many outstanding players after retirement. It's really a good story. And through these players, we can see that PDD is still very insightful in exploring talents.As the "Godfather" of these excellent players, PDD once commented on Xiaotian and Ning during the live broadcast. According to PDD, Xiaotian and Ning are both highly confident players, and that kind of confidence has reached a level that people want to fight them.

S8's Ning is so likable, radical style, online operation, rhythm, such as mercury, out of control. Until he got the MVP, this supreme honor had a more negative impact on him.

Honor plus body, coupled with the pursuit of countless people, all of a sudden let Ning lost his way. And his self-confidence, under the influence of these factors, quickly changed from self-confidence to arrogance, that is to say, expansion.

According to PDD, Ning's self-confidence is that of publicity, while Xiaotian's self-confidence is just the opposite of his, which is a kind of introverted self-confidence. Xiaotian never said a lot on the field, and rarely yelled in the team voice.

He is used to speaking with his own operation. He has a strong heart. And such a character, to a large extent, will let him avoid the old road of Ning, he is unlikely to evolve into an inflated arrogant player.

In this case, FPX has almost reached the edge of the cliff. If they lose this game, they will be 2-0 behind Ig. If they want to win the championship, they need to make two chasing three and win Ig three games in a row.

In the spring finals, FPX also won three games in a row after 2-0 to finish the second pursuit and third victory. However, at that time, let two chase three, is based on Xiao Ge on the basis of playing, but now Xiao Ge is not in the team, but has become their opponent.

No matter how good FPX's mentality is and how confident the team members are, they dare not think that they can finish the match against Ig on the stage of S-Match final and let the two catch up with the three. So what they can do is to win this game as much as possible and not let them say that they can't go back early.

However, after being trampled on the face to complete a big show, the team urgently needs a person to stand up and improve morale. But take FPX this lineup as an example, at this stage it seems that only Xiaotian can bear this burden.

Although Xiaotian has a good relationship with Xiaoge in private, Xiaotian always wants to compete with Xiaoge in the competition. His past failure makes him eager to beat Xiao Ge in the final stage.

Since the needs of the current team and personal vision highly coincide, Xiaotian can only make his self-confidence more unrestrained, and then he has to do something!

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