"Well, audience friends, welcome back to the scene! Next, we're going to have the second BO3 tonight, which is also the double g war, VG team vs Ig team! "

"Yes! This game Let's not talk about more. Audience friends, what are you looking forward to most in this competition

“Kamen!!!!” With Miller's cry, the whole scene immediately rang out like a storm of Shouts.

"Ha ha..." Baby said with a smile: "it seems that everyone is very excited!"

Miller looked at the doll expectantly: "aren't you excited? I'm excited anyway! Because the Ig official blog has been officially confirmed before the game, this game, let us miss Kamen for more than two months, to officially appear

"Gee, as a veteran player of the League of heroes and an official commentator of LPL, if I don't expect Kamen to appear, I'm still human!"

Baby said with a smile: "think about it carefully. When Kamen decided to transfer to Ig in the off-season, according to the online version, it directly triggered a big earthquake in the whole continent of varland!"

"But when the summoners all over the world are looking forward to Kamen's fight on behalf of Ig, and want to see how terrible such Ig will be, heaven is not beautiful! Kamen couldn't make it because of the contract

Miller nodded: "yes, it seems that there is some power to stop Kamen and Ig from appearing together. Is it because they are afraid that their combination will be too strong and affect the balance of the League of heroes world?"

"Well, it seems that you really have a point in saying that!" Baby a face suddenly understand of should and way.

Since Xiao GE's debut, the golden combination of Wawa and Miller has been regarded by netizens as the No.1 commentator. In this regard, the doll Miller wild did not deny the meaning, because they are really k-blowing.

But in fact, they didn't cook Xiaoge because they were commentators. They really enjoyed Xiaoge.

In private, they have also added Xiao GE's wechat. Usually when Xiao Ge is live, they will go to the live room to interact and give gifts.

Therefore, they are all looking forward to Xiao GE's debut, no matter for the expectation of high-level professional players or for the relationship between them.

After a little livening up the atmosphere, doll continued: "we all know that since the start of the summer games, Ig's state is really bad, and all kinds of comments about their team are emerging one after another on the Internet."

"Including the major personnel changes in Ig last night, it seems to explain some problems from the side. But today we won't talk about that. OK, let's talk about the game

"That's right, we'll just talk about the game today!" Miller said: "as the first match between Kamen and Ig, we don't have to say what we expect."

"We know that the official blog of Ig said yesterday that ningwang will not return for the time being. So Ig's lineup today will be their complete lineup this season

"After the summer games is the most important S9 global finals, considering the current Ig record, the adjustment time left for them is really not much."

Doll then said: "yes, our summer games are now less than half, and Ig's current record, needless to say, must be very unsatisfactory. So they have to win as much as possible in the rest of the race

"Because the next round of competition will affect their final ranking, and even determine whether they can participate in S9 or not!"

Miller continued to analyze: "it's like this! Now in the face of the pressure from both performance and form, Ig's situation is really difficult. Not to mention that they have to run in well now. After all, it's the first official game they've played together

"But I don't think it's very difficult for Ig to win this game. It doesn't mean to look down on VG, but there is a clear gap between the two sides. "

"In a word, whether Kamen can continue his magic, and whether he is the Savior who leads Ig out of trouble, let's wait and see!"

"Now the BP of both sides has started, let's give the camera to the front scene!"

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