At this time, Ig's five heroes have been determined, but it is still uncertain what position they will play.

Yasuo, a hero, should have hit the middle, but the plane is also a hero who should have hit the middle. Considering that there is no exact ad position in the Ig lineup, Yasuo and the plane must have one to go down.

Now the only thing we can be sure of is that Kennan is on his way. Because the prince and the barrel are able to fight wild, although Baolan continuously took out the barrel to assist, but who can guarantee that this is not a smoke bomb?

"They should be assisted by the wine barrel, the plane goes down, the prince goes wild, Yasuo goes in! I feel that they deliberately chose such a swing lineup to show HuaHuo. In fact, it's not so powerful! "

Although Ig this lineup choice makes people dizzy, but in tiger's view, this lineup is also a little more puzzling, really fight, it is not much fierce.

Uzi frowned: "not necessarily. I don't think Yasuo stepped down. The wine barrel or the prince assisted him. They're all flying Hit and fly with Yasuo's big move. That's what little K said to guarantee to break my routine... "

Xiao Ming thought of Xiao GE's wechat chat with Uzi before, and said thoughtfully: "it seems like this! It's just that this version of Asoka's barrel is coming down. Is it strong enough? "

"If it's Yasuo's wine barrel, how can he make Yasuo as big as you after six. Is what Xiao Ge told you on wechat not a smoke bomb? "

Xiao Ge told Uzi on wechat a long time ago that he thought of a good routine for Uzi. However, people in the RNG team discussed it at that time and thought it was Xiao GE's smoke bomb.

Now Ig has finished selecting people. If they use Yasuo and keg to walk down, then keg's E and R can really match Yasuo's big move. After six, Uzi's ice is destined to eat this combo.

Just before six, Yasuo and keg can resist the pressure on the line. Even if combo comes out, it will be able to target Uzi. It's still unknown.

"Yasuo, the hero, I played several times a few days ago, and I feel that I can still play now." Little tiger thought about it and said, "but I don't know what the effect of Yasuo's going down is, and this hero is known to all. It's hard to operate."

Obviously, tiger doesn't think jackeylove can play well with Yasuo, or use Yasuo to match Uzi.

"The main reason is that since Ig has been taken out, they must have tested it, and jackeylove must have practiced Yasuo I feel I have to be careful... "

"Don't think about it. Choose first! Zrr, I'll give you the last hand to choose the sword demon. Is that ok? "

"Sword devil, sword devil, sword devil! Dao Mei and weapons have been ban, the rest of me will play better with sword demon! "

With the final hand of RNG selected sword demon, the lineup of both sides was finally determined. Then, Ig after a position change, the role of each hero will be determined.

Blue square (Ig) vs Red Square (RNG):

on the road: Kenan vs sword demon.

Daye: Prince vs nightmare.

Middle: plane vs akali.

Ad: Yasuo vs ice.

Auxiliary: cask vs Tam.

"Good audience friends, the focus war between Ig and RNG in version 9.15 is finally coming! Ig side after some swing, Kamen really brought a new routine, happy wind man and wine bucket down

"It's a combination of the following Let's not talk about their effect, at least their purpose is very clear, that is to say, after six, the big move of the wine bucket is the big move of Yasuo. "

"In addition, Kamen's prince was able to cooperate with Yasuo. And this RNG's next ad choice is Hanbing. For Hanbing, an ADC without displacement, he is undoubtedly afraid of Ig's lineup. "

"So how to protect the development of puppies will be the top priority of RNG team! Once the dog development is not smooth, RNG team must be very uncomfortable

"Well? Previously, we thought that RNG had taken advantage of BP. Now, is this the BP process that Ig has long expected

"This I'm afraid I have to go through the post match interview to know! But today is Ig this obviously for the next line-up can surprise victory? Or does RNG break Ig's routine and win the game? Let's witness it together

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