"Rookie, this wave is dangerous! He pushed the line too far! And he was too hasty to hand in W, so he was hit by the Falcon dance (E) dart of little tiger akali! "

After finishing painting the red buff field, Casa returned to the city to supply, and then went straight to the middle road after going out again. Wang Duoduo, who has a God's perspective, predicted that rookie was in danger at the first time, and the result was completely predicted by him.

Rookie made two major mistakes in this wave. The pressing line is too deep, which makes Casa easy to wind.

After finding that he was killed by gank, w [valkiri dive] took it for granted, and let Xiaohu's akali hang up e [Falcon dance], which is the second.

Rookie made a mistake, but Casa and tiger didn't. After Casa completes the detour, first Q [path of nightmare] does damage, and then immediately puts E [silent fear] on rookie.

Casa is full of details at this moment. He controls the distance between himself and rookie very well. So that rookie can't get rid of the effect range of nightmare e skill after using w to pull distance.

Casa is still carrying a red buff. Every time he attacks, he will slow down and burn rookie with a red buff.

At the same time, Casa stands on his own nightmare path (q), in addition to ignoring the small soldier's collision volume, he can also gain 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35% acceleration and 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 attack power!

So if rookie wants to run for his life, he can only continue to cross flash and distance. But now Casa also has flash. If rookie flash, Casa can control with flash.

At the same time, Xiao Hu's Falcon dance (E) mark on rookie's body is still there, rookie flashes, and akali can follow up and output through the second paragraph of E.

But if rookie doesn't flash, and the fear effect of nightmare e skill comes out, he's also dead.

In this situation, rookie seems to be a dead man. He can't change anything.

Even if Xiao Ge is present, he can't be saved. If you are not careful, you may even take yourself in.

But in Ig's team voice, this is not the case. Xiao Ge is frantically communicating with rookie: "two more steps! Two more steps to the tower! If they dare to chase, I promise to arrange for them! "

Rookie was ready to give up. He wanted to save this flash, because he knew he couldn't even run. And once there's no flash, he'll play harder in the next few minutes.

But after hearing Xiao GE's command, rookie couldn't help hesitating. If you take another two steps and flash, you can really enter the defense tower.

But now rookie's blood is very weak, and the mark of akali's e skill is still on him. Even if he succeeds in entering the tower, akali's second stage e follow-up will not hurt him, but can still lose him.

And akali's health is very healthy now, even if the top two defense tower, there will be no danger. Therefore, if this wave alternates, it is a waste of a flash.

"Nightmare e is going to be scared! Ready to flash

NOC's E has a two second release delay. As a professional player, Xiao Ge is very accurate in controlling this time point. At this time, he is still in command, while driving to the middle road.

Rookie can't understand why Xiao Ge insists on letting him hand in this flash, but he sees that the fear effect of nightmare e skill is about to take effect, and his blood is about to dry up. Rookie simply did not think too much. He became a tool man and listened to Xiao GE's command.

"Hum, is cross flash useful?" Tiger sneer, and then decisively press the e key - symmetry, between everything!

With a cold voice and elegant body, akali flies fast to rookie's plane under the guidance of Falcon dance. Just one a, Q, Kutch's plane will be shot down!

"Fight till you die!"

Just as Xiao Hu was imagining that he had taken off the plane, a cold voice rang out in his ear. Yu Guangzhong, it seems that a dark shadow suddenly appears in the lower right corner of the computer screen

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