"Be careful with the ice tricks and the NOC tricks, especially the rookie. Once you are caught, the dragon will be in danger!" Xiao Ge said as he brushed the field.

Just now, Xiao GE has been living in Xialu to suppress Uzi. Under his pressure, Uzi didn't break Ig's way down, and even a blood tower was preempted by theshy.

But Xiao GE's ability to suppress is strong, and Uzi's ability to develop is also strong. What Xiao Ge can do is to slow down the development of Uzi, but it can't make Ig from a disadvantage to an advantage.

In such a tit for tat, Xiao Ge successfully delayed the time when the next tower was broken to 15 minutes. Then RNG changed the line, and Xiao Ge also returned RNG's blue buff field to casa.

At the moment, Uzi is growing up in the middle, and Xiao Ge also starts to work around the middle. Anyway, he is wasting time with Uzi.

But as soon as we enter the stage of the battle for the dragon, Xiao Ge can't stay in the middle all the time. He has to give consideration to rookie.

Because Casa's NOC must have a big move now, he can completely use his big move to attack gank from a distance.

And rookie is definitely the focus of casagank!

In addition to rookie's plane is easier to be gank than theshy's Kenan, rookie's road is very close to dalongkeng.

Once rookie is captured, RNG can take advantage of the situation.

But just after Xiao GE's advice, it suddenly became dark, and Casa's NOC opened up!

Although the screen in front of him is completely dark, Xiao Ge can't judge who Casa is flying for the first time, but instinctively tells him that rookie's plane was taken off.

"Asiba This is akali and NOC Ah Xi... "

As expected, rookie's angry voice came from the headset. Soon, the system's prompt sound sounded: "your team has been slain!"

In front of the two heroes, akali and NOC, rookie was killed in the blink of an eye. RNG, after losing rookie in seconds, immediately began to fight dragon.

"Sorry, it's my fault. I shouldn't have..." Rookie scratched his head with remorse. He knew what it meant to be killed this time.

"Nothing, nothing! Akali and NOC force you, you have nothing to do, this wave is mine, I should be near you! "

Xiao Ge comforted rookie for a few words, and then began to command: "brother shy, although we are few, we are a group battle team, and this group can fight when we handle it well!"

The next second, red and blue TP lights up in Ig middle road and dalongkeng, and theshy and zrr come down at the same time!

"Brother Zaozi is well equipped. They are quick to fight the dragon. Let's go together! Full, see the opportunity to open the group, must hit the key people! Brother shy, let's go first, and you'll come in last! "

"And Yasuo, their lineup, is likely to rely on ice's big move to stop me from grabbing the dragon. So you can use the wind wall to block it for me. It's better to block it for me. I don't have to be able to hide every time. "

On the commentary platform, Wang Duoduo has quickly explained: "this wave of rookie is a little too careless. Casa must be focusing on him. As a result, he was still arrested and gave RNG a chance to fight the dragon. "

"Although the iron rule of" Kamen is here, not fighting the dragon "is still there, RNG obviously doesn't believe it. Moreover, Uzi equipment is too good, and RNG fighting the dragon is too fast!"

Tong Xi was surprised to see the speed of RNG's Dragon strike: "my God, how can it be so fast! It's too late for Ig! Once RNG takes the dragon, they will definitely keep people in the backhand. After all, they have one more person! "

"I feel like I'd better withdraw the Ig, because the dragon is about to be lost by rush Ah! Kamen is ready to go, but Uzi also sends out magic crystal arrow (R), the target is Kamen

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