With this wave of RNG down the road double group was killed, the situation has completely shifted to the Ig side. Originally, the two sides of the upper, middle, lower and field four lines, Ig is the upper field advantage, the middle road five five open, the lower road big disadvantage.

And the disadvantage of Ig's next line directly offsets the advantage of the two upper lines.

But now, a wave of double play between a Shui and Xiao Ge directly reverses the situation on the next road and breaks the rhythm of Uzi.

Many players in the League of heroes may not know what rhythm is until now. In fact, the word rhythm covers many aspects.

In a nutshell, it is the top professional player. Every time he returns to the city, he has strict planning. After they go out, they develop, pay, and save money. When their economic level reaches a certain level, they go home to replenish their equipment.

But if you don't have enough money to buy the equipment you want, the process of going back to the city and then going online is actually your wasted development time.

You've been on a meaningless run all this time, but your opponent has been growing. In this process, your previous strengths will be reduced, while your weaknesses will be widened.

Just now Xiao Ge and a Shui killed both Uzi and Xiao Ming. After his death, Uzi almost bought the equipment. In this way, his waiting time for resurrection and time to go online again are his wasted time.

The most important thing is that after you go online again, when your economy is enough to buy the equipment you want, you need to waste another opportunity to go back to the city to replenish the equipment.

Frequent back to the city, are killing your development time. But if you don't go back to the city, you will leave a lot of money on your body, which will undoubtedly make your equipment update can't keep up with the rhythm, thus affecting your combat effectiveness.

So the killing just now has a great impact. And after this wave, when Xiao Ge and a Shui face Uzi and Xiao Ming again, they are not absolutely superior, but they will not be pressed any more.

"Next, be more careful. Casa will definitely help brother Zaozi. Rookie, let's change the line. You go down the road, and ah Shui and I will take you to the middle road! " Xiao Ge continues to command.

In any case, the game of League of heroes should abide by the basic rules. When the fighting power of the people who face each other is almost the same, the party with more people will certainly have more advantages.

The most fundamental and important tactical concept of RNG is to ensure that Uzi is fat enough. Now that Uzi's development is hindered, Casa will definitely help Uzi to fly a wave and continue to help Uzi to continue to build an advantage.

That is to say, Xiao Ge and a Shui will face a two for three situation next. Although they still have a royal blue on their side, it's OK for royal blue to understand the wild monster's situation now. Xiao Ge doesn't expect him to complete the "difficult" operation such as anti squat or support.

So at this time, Xiao Ge and a Shui change the line and come to the middle road. The middle road is not easy to be caught compared with the next road, and it is easier to wait for the support of teammates.

At the same time, after rookie's akali gets to the next road, she has more operation space and is easier to finish single killing.

But even if Xiaoge expected all of this, Casa was desperate to come to the middle road.

After 17 minutes of the game, ah Shui, who is shuttling happily among the soldiers by using the chopper (E), seems to be playing. After a pass of "Harry aka pain", he releases the wind wall to block Tam's giant tongue whip (q), which is really very natural and unrestrained.

But when Xiao Ge saw Ah Shui release the wind wall, he immediately realized that something was wrong. "I'll go, the wind wall can't be put anywhere! Get out, get out! NOC is going to pull the light... "

Before Xiao GE's voice fell, the screen went black immediately, and Uzi also shot magic crystal arrow (R) for the first time!

"Shit! It seems that Casa B has been squatting for a long time

Xiao Ge leaned forward to ah Shui while scolding him. He watched a black shadow passing by and pressed w decisively. With a light red light, the Golden Shield (W) has covered the prince.

Then, an ice arrow with crystal light also shot, crushing the golden shield, and fixing Xiao Ge in the same place!

On the commentary stage, the two commentators immediately got excited.

"Bocasa has been squatting in the middle for a long time! It's just waiting for the chance to catch a wave, and after jackeylove handed over the windwall, RNG really started to do it! "

"Kamen is a half meat export outfit. It's hard for RNG to kill him in the first second, so the target of RNG's fire collection is Yasuo! But Kamen used his flesh and blood to stop the ice shooting at Yasuo! "

"RNG immediately transferred the firepower to Kamen, and CASA, who has already made a big move, also transferred the firepower! Although Kamen has a gold shield, he can't stand such a fierce export. It seems Yasuo can only sell the prince! "

“Kamen…… It should be gone. The single control effect of the ice trick is too exaggerated, and the moment the ice trick is over, it's time for NOC's fear to come out... "

At this time, Wang Duoduo and Tong Xi have already sentenced Xiao Ge to death, but in the voice of Ig team, Xiao Ge calmly shouts to a Shui: "this wave can fight back, this wave can fight back!"

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