"Good audience friends, now Ig has pulled back one city through its strong rebound, and the two sides are now tied 1-1! Let's take a look at the strength of both sides first! "

A long time ago, the League of heroes officially put out such a list of strength value and fans' contribution value. In essence, it is to let the audience give gifts. After all, in the era of national live broadcasting, everyone wants just right food.

No matter which team Ig meets, there are always two people whose strength value and fans' contribution value absolutely crush the opponent. These two people are Xiao Ge and theshy.

At this point, the third inning will start soon. After the stylization, Wang Duoduo and Tong Xi will continue to analyze the game.

"I don't think this RNG will give the prince to Kamen. After all, Kamen's Prince is playing too much!"

Tong Xi didn't follow the procedure. He came up and began to boast: "in fact, the situation of the second one is very similar to that of the first one. It's the advantage of the upper and middle fields in the early stage, and then he was beaten down the road It's hard to play

"However, Kamen was obviously aware of this when he took the second shot, so he didn't want to make the same mistake, so he came up with a talent routine - changing the position with the assistant on the spot, letting Baolan play wild, and assisting Yasuo on the next step."

"In fact, the prince with Yasuo is almost the same as the wine barrel with Yasuo. They can cooperate with Yasuo to release his big moves. And Kamen's sword style of going to the side of the front really got a marvelous effect, which broke RNG's most core combination of the next way

"Then there was a big show in the middle. Kamen made an inverted V-shaped EQ flashback and finished a wave of one for three, which broke RNG's hope of victory."

Wang Duoduo's face did not change, and then said: "yes, the situation of the previous Tong Xi is over. Ig really led Ig to win by Kamen's strong performance."

"But I think we can consider whether RNG wants Prince ban or not. In fact, I think as long as RNG takes away Yasuo, the prince's threat will be much smaller. "

"Of course, we are all talking nonsense now. Ig and RNG may have deeper considerations. Now that both sides have started BP, let's witness it together! "

As soon as Wang Duoduo's voice was over, the guide shot turned, and the big screen already showed the BP pictures of Ig and RNG.

The loser can choose the side first. If the team who is playing with Ig now has the right to choose the side, it will definitely choose the red side. Because in this way, Ig's big move can be avoided as far as possible.

RNG is no exception. This one also chose the red side.

This time, Ig's first three hands ban Tam, Kalma and Olaf respectively, while RNG unexpectedly ban JAS, Chiana and Yasuo.

Ig, who has the right of first-hand selection, takes the lead in seizing the crown prince. RNG takes out Titan and Casa in backhand. Then Ig chooses Kennan and plane, the first combination of upper field.

For a long time recently, rookie always likes to play with the hero of airplanes. Because he is not in a good state, only when he takes out the plane can he make an effect. It's easy for other heroes to make no sound.

RNG doesn't care much about Ig's top three heroes. Because Ig seems to be hiding a combination of different ways, and the next way of Ig is the one that RNG is least afraid of.

Then RNG selects the sword demon and determines the first three hands.

In the second wave of ban people, RNG focused on the down road of Ig. Ban lost the cat and Luo, while Ig lost the enchantress and Dao Mei.

Next, RNG established their field position. In order to make Casa do things in the early stage, they helped Casa get the blind monk.

When I turned to Ig, it caused a stir again, because they took out ice and Rambo!

"Well? This is What is this routine? Where is Rambo? Do you play wild? But if Rambo plays wild, what position does the prince take! Is it the prince's assistance

Wang Duoduo is completely confused by Ig's lineup. In the face of this unstable lineup, he doesn't want to show his understanding. He can only express his doubts.

Tong Xi's eyes twinkled with expectation and said with a smile: "ha ha, it's swinging again. I feel Kamen likes playing this routine so much! I don't know what's the big move this time. It looks like an upgraded version of Tianlei dihuoliu... "

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