Many people who watch the game can't wait until now. There are too many obstacles and too many swings in the process of Ig's lineup from selection to final determination of the position of each hero.

Especially when he grabbed the prince, everyone thought that Xiao Ge was going to continue to fight with the prince while he was hot. But after a swing, the prince ran to help!

This choice of Ig is directly questioned by many professionals and non professionals. Of course, they can understand Ig's idea of using Prince's moves to cooperate with other heroes' moves.

But just for the sake of this routine, it's a little too deliberate to force the prince to assist. The hero chosen by Uzi is kasha, a hero who destroys heaven and earth when he gets up.

Baolan's original dish is out of order. If you ask him to come up with such a wonderful assistant, I'm afraid Ig will be defeated by Uzi early.

Once Uzi develops too smoothly, can Ig really bear it?

However, apart from the prince's assistance, Ig's "four element flow" lineup, which has upgraded the "thunder, earth and fire flow", has given us a lot of expectations.

After all, we have seen the power of "thunder, earth and fire flow". It is reasonable to say that the upgraded "four element flow" lineup should be stronger.

After entering the game, in Tong Xi's explanation, we found that Ig's routine is deeper than they imagined, because their talent of assisting the prince is Eli!

"Prince Ali, you should take the AP route, and then rely on E consumption to play a functional role!" After digesting for a while, Wang Duoduo continued to analyze: "it's just that this routine feels good for passers-by!"

Tong Xi continued: "but since Kamen's comeback, the style of the whole Ig team has changed into this The style that suddenly gives you the whole routine. "

"And every time Ig comes up with something new, people will feel insecure at the beginning, but after fighting, they will always play a magic effect, so I think we'd better take a look at it!"

Wang Duoduo nodded with great approval. After all, what Tong Xi said was right.

Some time ago, when Ig was fighting FPX, Ig took out the cat that everyone couldn't understand and stepped down, and then matched it with the global support stream lineup of strong breakthrough into China single.

Guan Zeyuan and Wang, who were in charge of the commentary at that time, once vowed that Ig had chosen the wrong hero. If it wasn't for the wrong hero, it was their understanding of the game.

Results the final result of the game proved that the Ig lineup is really no problem, the problem is really Wang remember, Guan Zeyuan and the majority of netizens' understanding of the game.

After that game, Guan Zeyuan and Wang remember that they were ridiculed by everyone and were hit in the face.

The "painful experience" that Guan Zeyuan and Wang remember is a wake-up call for all LPL commentaries - don't show understanding in front of Kamen!

So after the end of BP, when we see Ig playing some incomprehensible routines, we all learn to be good, and will not question at the first time, so as not to be beaten in the end.

At this time, the game has already started, Ig and RNG still don't want to make trouble. They start with a long snake array and go out. Then they stand carefully and take a broad view. Finally, they go back to the line and start alignment.

How fierce Xiao GE's Rambo is, the LPL audience is the most clear, LPL's other teams also know.

You can't control the operation and injury when he plays in the group, so you can only use Lambert's weakness in the early stage to interfere with him as much as possible.

This is to grasp the early rhythm. After all, in the first two innings, when Xiao Ge got the prince who could do things in the early stage, he played a very good effect.

So Casa chose the blind monk who was very strong in the early stage and wanted to fight with Xiao Ge. But I didn't expect that Xiao Ge changed his style and took a hero who didn't have the ability to do things in the early stage.

Casa, who has been suppressed by Xiaoge twice in a row, inevitably wants to find face, so after the lineup is confirmed, Casa has made up his mind to fight against Xiaoge without brain!

So CASA, who is in the red side, goes the other way, choosing to start from the red buff, and then goes straight to Xiao GE's red buff field after reaching level 2.

And Xiao Ge, the blue one, started to brush the field from the blue buff. After playing the blue buff, he went straight to the red one.

In this way, he will meet Casa in the field at the beginning of the game!

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