"Good audience, welcome back to continue to watch a match in the final eight of S9 global finals! At present, the bo5 match between Ig and G2 is in full swing in Madrid, Spain, and Ig is already 1-0 ahead of the next city

In the domestic commentary room, MACT made a quick opening speech: "the second duel between the two sides will be held soon. Whether our Ig team can continue to win the match point, we can wait and see!"

"The competition just now To tell you the truth, the fast-paced playing style of both sides in a 19 minute game is really enjoyable

"Now, we don't know what adjustments our Ig will make after such a big war, and what adjustments our opponent GRT will make."

In the official commentary circle, Tong Xi, the famous "Kamen little fan sister", said: "I think if we want to talk about the adjustment, it must be G2. We should make a good adjustment! After all, no one expected the first match to be like that

"In fact, before the game, I personally think that the problem of Ig winning G2 should not be very big. But I never thought that Ig would play so bravely and even out G2 in less than 20 minutes! "

"Of course, their lineup is as routine as ever. And Kamen's play, as always, has no solution. Including theshy, it's also rolling everything, and the linkage between rookie and Kamen is closer. "

"Jankos, to tell you the truth, is a T1 player in the world today. But when he faces Kamen, he still looks like a child. He is crushed by Kamen in all aspects. "

"In Ig competitions, you can't suppress one point, and all other points will be driven. Among them, Kamen has the most frightening effect. "

"So when Kamen took advantage of the opposition at the beginning, G2 was already very passive. The subsequent wave after wave of Kamen's Tianxiu naturally took off with Ig! "

Tong Xi said so much, the main core point is around Xiao Ge, which has been her consistent interpretation style.

At the beginning, when she just showed signs of Xiao GE's little fan sister, she also triggered a rhythm. Especially after Tong Xi posted a group photo of her and Xiao Ge on Weibo, many people even thought that she and Xiao Ge had been together.

But then she quickly refuted the rumors, saying that like many little sisters, she was just an ordinary "Kamen little fan".

However, with the help of her work, she was able to get in touch with Xiao Ge, who was very kind in private, so she had so many group photos of two people.

Since her debut, Xiao GE has captured the hearts of countless young girls because of her handsome appearance and pleasant personality. All along, whether Xiao GE has a girlfriend or not has always aroused a lot of discussion.

Tong Xi was questioned because of his group photo, and his relationship with Xiao Ge was extraordinary. Although he refuted the rumor personally, once this kind of thing came out, no matter how you explain it or how you deny it, someone would still hold on.

In addition, Tong Xi always praises Xiao Ge crazily when he explains Ig's game, so the more shadowy rumors spread, the more fierce.

Of course, many people have gone to the authorities to make trouble. It is said that Tong Xi's explanation is unfair. I hope the government can find a way to deal with it.

But how exaggerated is Xiao GE's popularity? Tong Xi praises Xiao Ge as "Zhengzhi". And Xiao Ge is really good, Tong Xi's praise is just to tell the truth. So the authorities have never been in charge of this.

At this time, Tong Xi once again praised Xiao Ge for 360 degrees, and MACT and the guest toothpaste could only smile.

Of course, Tong Xi's analysis is actually very pertinent. She just focuses on Xiao GE's excellent performance. There is no exaggeration in these words.

In addition, MACT and toothpaste have a good private relationship with Xiao Ge, and they admire Xiao GE's strength, so they agree with Tong Xi's words.

"Well, Tong Xi has just made it very clear about the performance and function of Kamen's handlebar. I won't say much about it here."

Toothpaste whispered, "what I want to say is that Ig still needs to pay a little attention to their small mistakes in the medium term. In addition, their performance has been almost perfect, otherwise it is impossible to push off the G2 base in 19 minutes. "

"As for the G2 side, how to say I hope they can give Da Ye and a little love! But when you fight Ig and face the murderers like Kamen and theshy, it's good that you can keep yourself, and you don't have much leisure to help others. "

"This is the gap in hard power. It's very difficult for you to find a way to eliminate it. So it's definitely hard to play G2, and it's also a question whether they can hold on to their mentality. "

"However, the strength of the G2 should not be underestimated. I think they will definitely adjust. So the next game, both sides are likely to start to show things, so the wonderful level of the game, certainly do not worry aboutMACT nodded and concluded, "OK, we've already analyzed what we need to analyze. Now the front has begun BP, let's focus on the front! Let's watch the more wonderful second contest between the two sides

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