League of heroes this game, fist designers buried a lot of eggs in it. Even though the game has been popular for so many years, there are still many unpopular knowledge that many people can't answer.

Even those who claim to know the League of heroes best will roll over in this respect.

What Miller just said about the knowledge of preventing punishment from being released is actually quite unpopular. The reason why Miller knows this little tips accurately is mainly because of Guan Zeyuan.

The cause of this incident comes from a regular season match in the LPL division of the S8 season, in which the two sides are RNG and JDG.

When the two teams were in the third place, the JDG team took the lead and began to play dragon. At this time, Zak of Casa jumps into the Dragon pit, first uses e skill to stun JDG's wild troll, and then grabs the dragon.

Guan Zeyuan, who was in charge of the commentary at that time, said that Casa was lucky to win the dragon, but after the game, Guan Zeyuan's remarks were angrily sprayed by netizens.

One of the netizens said that Casa was able to capture the dragon because Casa was dizzy at that time, so the troll could not release punishment, which is a symbol of strength.

Later, Guan Zeyuan communicated with this netizen on Weibo and popularized cold knowledge on the spot. Guan Zeyuan responded that punishment and kindling are uncontrollable and can be cast at any time.

You know, when Guan Zeyuan came out, he was able to make people see clearly the skills of each hero, and then let people remember his name.

At present, Guan Zeyuan's pledge to popularize science is really full of master demeanor. For a moment, his netizens were ridiculed by other people.

It is worth mentioning that at that time, Guan Zeyuan also said in detail that the control skills such as "silence, strike, vertigo and suppression" could not prevent players from casting punishment.

However, soon omnipotent netizens hit Guan Zeyuan in the face. Through experiments, it has been determined that horse Zaha, werewolf, crab, scorpion and bud's tricks can prevent punishment.

This incident really caused a small disturbance on the Internet at that time, and the final result was that Guan Zeyuan was disgraced.

Although the netizen who first questioned him didn't know how to talk nonsense, and Zach's dizziness really couldn't stop the punishment, Guan Zeyuan vowed to popularize science and was finally slapped in the face. There's no need to argue.

It can be said that if it wasn't for Guan Zeyuan, Miller couldn't have known so much about the way to prevent punishment.

Of course, it has nothing to do with the current game. And Wang remembers that when he was about to talk about the stem, on the road, theshy had finished killing Wunder.

Yasuo, a hero, has a lot to do with Ig. At the time of S5, it was rookie Yasuo's flash that successfully carried Ig to the world championship.

At the end of this season, Yasuo, who has been weakened, has finally been strengthened and has also been given the opportunity to play in the professional arena.

In particular, after the appearance of the routine designed by Xiao Ge, Yasuo's appearance was more.

In the current world version, Yasuo still has a lot of strength. But there are still not many teams who dare to choose him. Yasuo's few appearances were also accompanied by wine barrels.

However, in the Ig array, in addition to Bao Lan, the other four have practiced Yasuo. Because they are waiting for a suitable time to bring Yasso out to play routine.

Now in the strong dialogue between Ig and G2, theshy took the lead in bringing out this hero, and so far, it has also played a very good effect.

Originally, the main reason why theshy practiced Dan Yasuo was for counter NAR. Because when I was preparing for the final eight, Ig had expected that NAR would be the only choice for many teams.

And Yasuo's windwall can not contain his boomerang, and Yasuo is more flexible and can get close quickly, so it's easier to use it to fight NAR.

However, the top order of the G2 did not choose NAR, but Keli. However, in order to complete the combo combination of Yasuo, stone man and spring, Xiao Ge forced theshy to take Yasuo and go on the road.

On the whole, yasodacri was not too difficult to fight, so theshy listened to Xiao GE's deception. And this time, theshy also played a Sao routine, he ordered Cong blade talent!

Clump blade talent can help Yasuo cut three knives at the speed of light when he completes melee. Cluster blade's three sabres plus Q [chop steel flash] damage, after a set of small bursts, quickly use E [step forward chop] to open the distance.

This kind of play can greatly improve Yasuo's consumption ability. With the consumption ability of this routine, theshy successfully harasses Wunder.

Wunder, who has been consumed by the shameless tactics of theshy one after another, has been earning blood by theshy for nothing every time, which makes him a little impatient for a long time.

Wunder, who is in a bad mood, is eager to help the team open up the situation, and also wants to kill theshy alone to improve his morale, so after he gets on top of the team, he goes head to head with theshy.As a result, the previous consumption of theshy played a role in the fight. Wunder, who was dissatisfied with his blood, was knocked down by a wave of damage from theshy.

Then, theshy showed his real killing move. A blow blew Xiao Kelei up, and then connected with the "fierce wind cutting", successfully completed the single killing!

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