"Boy B, I'm leaving e-yin on purpose. Come on, come again! Let's see who has a deep routine. Don't run away, I'll kill you all! "

At this time, Xiao GE's mind has sounded the exclusive BGM for Wayne, while chasing while spraying: "brother Zaozi, today you'll have a good look, to see if your brother's Wayne has a taste in it!"

This wave of jankos has specially held an e for Xiao Ge. It's really very cloudy. But he has a good plan, Xiao GE has a ladder over the wall. Xiao Ge not only holds a Q to guard against all kinds of unexpected situations, but also gets stuck in the wave level.

Although Ig had been suppressed in the whole line before, Xiao GE's first wave of gank got two heads, and defiled several soldiers of theshy. Only in this wave, Xiao GE's economy and experience have been greatly supplemented.

During this period, jankos was in gank, while Xiaoge was in anencephaly. After the outbreak of this wave group, the heads of stone man and crocodile all fall on Xiao Ge, which makes Xiao GE's experience grow rapidly to a degree that everyone can't imagine.

It is also to see their own experience is a little less than six, Xiao Ge just dare to go alone to chase the opposite three people.

As a result, G2 was completely deceived. At the beginning, they still wondered why Xiao Ge dared to run after people alone. It wasn't until Xiao Ge suddenly started a-bing that they realized the problem.

But when Xiao Ge began to be a soldier, it was too late for G2 people to run!

“Jankos! The man Kamen chose to hunt down was jankos who had just been carrying the tower! Haha, jankos just took the initiative to carry the tower because he had a flying sky. Now you have to pay for your carrying the tower! "

"Two draws a, jankos state has been greatly disabled, there is no way, jankos can only fly a drag time! But his flying is equal to losing the chance to live! The night hunter will not let the prey go

"Perkz and Wunder decided to sell jankos! They both run away without looking back! Kamen, running after three people in the opposite direction, is too aggressive

"This time, jankos can't run. It's flying time. Poor jankos can only be killed by Kamen! Three kills, Kamen, this wave has finished three kills! "

"Kamen still wants to catch up, but Wunder and perkz are running a little fast. They really can't catch up. Then the two sides are fighting for each other. "

As Xiao Ge hunts jankos again and perkz and Wunder run away without looking back, the group battle is finally over.

"Damn, at this level, dare to breathe so much before the game? How funny it is

Xiao Ge, who has won three murders in one fell swoop, feels that she is holding a breath in her chest. The time of the big move is not over yet. She wants to find someone to fight but has no opponent. So Xiao Ge can only face G2 defense tower, and then tap the keyboard.


The black-and-white Ig team logo once again rises above Xiao GE's head. Under the reflection of the Ig team logo, perkz and Wunder, who fled in a hurry, are even more embarrassed.

At this time, the director aims at Xiao Ge in the whole process, and the pictures of Xiao Geliang's team are naturally transmitted to all parts of the world through the large screen and broadcast pictures.

"Cow b! What a cow! This wave can play three for three with G2, I can only use cow B to describe the performance of Ig, I'll take it

"God K is really out of line. He chases three people in front of him. Perkz and Wunder are really running like dogs. Others are shining their team marks on your face. Can you respond a little? Rubbish

"Haha, jankos is really like an experience baby in front of God K. I think for a long time from now on, as long as this guy closes his eyes and goes to sleep, he will have a picture of God K shining his team mark in his mind! "

"Hey hey, in S8, brother shy ran after five people in G2 with his sword demon. This time, K God Wayne ran after three people in G2. To tell you the truth, I feel a little distressed for G2, hee hee. "

"Maybe that's life! Ig is the natural killer of G2, so if you dare to criticize their killer before G2, you are doomed to be beaten in the face

At this time, the audience in the live studio and the live commentator's doll were all up: "Wow, this Kamen, ha ha I can't help it! This team's standard is bright, we just give more comments, OK

Miller said with a wry smile: "it's really a bit arrogant, but it doesn't matter. When the players feel like playing on the court, they must do something to relieve their emotions. It doesn't mean that they don't respect their opponents."

Wang remembers saying, "it's definitely not disrespectful to the opponent. Who doesn't show a brand when playing hero League? And before the first group, jankos didn't show his brand

"Come on, come on, don't worry about it!" Dolls do not want to tangle in this matter, quickly change the topic: "one said one, this wave is over, although the two sides played three for three, but Ig is undoubtedly making a profit ah!"Miller nodded: "it must be a profit. G2 just now was a gathering of five people. Ig four against five and G2 three for three must be a profit."

"And this wave is Kamen's three kills. After this wave, Kamen will be fully developed. I think everyone knows how terrible a fat Kamen is. "

"Anyway, we don't blow much. We'll just watch it..."

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