"Oh! What are Baolan and ashui doing! Kamen is fighting with crocodiles on the road. How can you be easily hit by stones! I want to drive you when Kamen is not here

Originally, the director had been giving the camera to Xiao Ge and caps, but suddenly all the cameras were on the middle road. In the lens, I just see the picture of Baolan and ashui being flashed by the stone man.

Then perkz directly flashed to follow up, using the puppet on the stone man to pull out the big move. Looking at Baolan and ashui being hit by G2 perfect combo company and their rapidly decreasing blood volume, Wang can't help shouting.

The baby said: "no way, no way, stone man flashed the big move with the ball, the distance between spring and flash is enlarged, so desperate to open the ball, normal people can't react to it!"

"The G2 wave was planned for a long time. Caps drew Kamen on the road, and the others started the group regardless," Miller said. Whether it's good or bad, that's the wave

"Because caps knows it's impossible to beat Kamen alone. Caps is not Kamen's opponent in terms of equipment, hero attributes, and even operation."

"So he is sacrificing himself to hold down Kamen so that his teammates can start the team perfectly. Ig should have thought of this layer, but now G2's stratagem has succeeded! "

The baby said, "Wow! Perkz equipment is not very good, how can the damage be so high! Baolan is just seconds away! You can at least put an e! Let out e, ah Shui can walk

Wang remembers sighing: "Oh, there's no way. The combination of stone man and spring is so unexplained, it's pure second man! And now ah Shui can't release any skills, but he's in good condition. Does he have a chance to run... "

"There's a chance, there's a chance! Rookie is too big for ashui, as long as ashui is not directly controlled to death Water flashed! But Jankos's spider is in the grass ahead! You can't run that way! "

"Oh dear!" Miller stamped his foot in chagrin: "ah Shui was bitten to death by a spider! In this way, ah Shui and Bao Lan are all wonderful! "

"It's not over yet!" Dolls are also very anxious to say: "rookie in order to save water big move down! Rookie can run! [Durant's shield] is stored up, taunts the stone man, and then [justice's heavy fist]... "

"Wow! My god! Jankos catches rookie with a flash! How can jankos's e be so accurate at this time? He was not accurate at all to Kamen before! "

"In this way, rookie may not live I can't live. I'm sure I can't! Rookie's down, too! G2 desperate to open the group, directly hit the Ig wave 0 for 3! "

On the commentary stage, Wawa, Miller and Wang Jide wail and howl to explain the crucial group battle. Before they can catch their breath and guide the camera, they present the scene on the road.

At this time, the group battle on the road is not over, but Xiao GE's heart is already half cold. At this time, his brow was frowning. There was a lot of crying and howling in his headset, but now it was completely quiet.

Just now, Xiao Ge took a sip of caps by using dilapidation. While recovering a little HP, he also used the acceleration effect of dilapidation to break away from the scope of crocodile's big move. Then q skills roll, find the output position and start the kite.

Originally, Xiao Ge was ready to make a big move to quickly solve caps, but with the sudden death of the middle and lower auxiliary three, Xiao Ge realized that the real battle might not have started yet, so he decided to keep the big move and just fight in a normal state.

Caps at this time, although there is no target attack during the big move, it can't use the passivity of the green dragon sword to cool the skill.

Without E and flash, he can't jump into Xiao GE's near perfect position again. He can only be kited by Xiao Ge.

Although Xiao Ge didn't open a big, but the damage is really not low. Under the flat a attack one after another, even the caps, who has made a big move, will soon be in a state of emergency.

Although he tried his best to operate, he still couldn't get rid of the fate of being killed by the kite, but caps didn't worry at all. On the contrary, he already laughed and said, "ha ha, nice, nice work, brothers!"

"Kamen, don't you like to fight me alone? Come on, you kill me, my teammates kill your teammates! I admit, I really can't beat you, I'm not your opponent, but so what? "

"I'll trade three for three myself, and I'll be fine! Oh, by the way, I'm not dead yet. It's not one for three But it doesn't matter. I can't run anyway. I'll kill you! "

Caps screamed like a villain, and then did not operate. He directly learned from Xiao Ge, lit up the team logo on his head, and then danced in the same place.

Xiao Ge is also impolite. He goes forward to make up for two common attacks. He does three ring damage again and finally kills caps.Looking at the screen, caps continued to smile: "brothers, hurry to fight the dragon, take the dragon, we can almost turn it over!"

"But Kamen is not dead. Dare we move the dragon? And theshy's not dead! " Jankos felt a little empty and didn't dare to move the Dragon directly.

"I'm afraid there are four of us now, only two of them. Don't you fight the dragon? This is our best chance. Kamen killed me, and I can't stop it any more. This big dragon must fight! "

Caps roared: "Wunder, don't worry about the vampire, just fight the dragon! If Kamen dares to rob, Wunder, go out and kill him! "

"OK, I'll come right away..."

"Then fight. I don't believe Kamen is so evil!"

"Yes, fight!"

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