"Let's congratulate Ig! 3-0! Clean 3-0! Coming, coming! The two sides are going to shake hands! Kamen takes the lead and leads Ig to enjoy the treatment of the winner

"Ah..." Miller breathed a sigh of relief and made a strange voice in his emotional excitement. But now no one cares about this: "Ig is going to fight like this. This is the Ig team we are most familiar with and like!"

"Wow, this is a place where miracles happen, just You said that before the game, all the commentators didn't expect this game to be like this. We didn't expect that Ig could sweep G2! "

"My original prediction was 3-1, doll, your prediction was 3-2. I remember your prediction was 3-1. None of us could have predicted that Ig would sweep G2 3-0, but they did

Wang remembers: "and this is our prediction. Many commentaries abroad predict that G2 will win Ig, but Ig has done a clean sweep with its own strong performance, and beat those who underestimate them in the face!"

"Although we watched Kamen grow up all the way, in the process, Kamen brought us too many miracles and shocks. What's more, Kamen has long taught us that he will never be beaten in the face. "

"No matter how incredible words he says and how exaggerated flags he sets up, he can always complete these flags through his own performance without giving others a chance to slap in the face."

"Before the start of this competition, Kamen said that he wanted to seal G2 zero, which seems to be an impossible oath, but once again, Kamen made the impossible possible!"

The baby said with a smile: "count the amazing flags Kamen has set up all the way. At the end of the regular season, he won all the time in FPX. Facing the booming Ig, he said he would win the spring championship."

"Then I joined Ig and said that I would win all the playoffs in the summer and lead Ig to win their first league championship. Besides, I said that I would win a clean G2 before this game."

"If people say these words, they will be treated as jokes. But only Kamen, when he said these words, was serious, and finally really achieved these amazing goals. "

"Of course, I believe our LPL audience has already had a lot of great achievements. We will not repeat them here. Next, let's turn the camera over to the comment booth at the back and listen to what they want to say. "

With doll's one handed move, the camera immediately cut back to the comment seat in the rear, and MACT took the lead to say, "OK, congratulations again on Ig team's 3-0 proud result, and finally won the bo5 victory!"

"And I have to say that after watching this game, we have the feeling of sublimation, as the three people in front of us said

"In the end Wein's shot after shot is not only on the base crystal of G2, but also on the hearts of G2 players and almost all the people watching the game

"What we have to say is that before we came here today, we saw TL, including CLG, and many foreign commentators and insiders who had already left the world stage. They almost agreed that G2 would win in the end."

"Almost all of them support G2, because G2 is more in line with the course of a strong team in their mind. However, Ig tells you in his own way what a really strong team should be like

"Since BP, we felt that Ig's lineup was very difficult to play. As a result, after the game started, Ig really fell into the disadvantage. But it wasn't until after the 10 minute wave that Ig gradually pulled back the situation. "

"Since then, Ig has never let the advantage slip away from them. Even if experienced by the opponent first second three people's predicament, Ig also survived! So Brother Gaozi, first of all, tell me what you think of this game. "

Toothpaste said with a smile: "to tell you the truth, I think this G2 is totally for nothing. Jankos, needless to say, played two games with spiders. At least he lost about 20 e's to Kamen, but he didn't win any of them. "

"So that in the end, after the big dragon was robbed, jankos was stupid and stood in the same place and was killed by Kamen. And other people in G2 are also a little dizzy by jankos. They can't stop Kamen from becoming stronger. "

"You think, in the final 24 minutes, Kamen had 16 heads In the end, he actually won five kills, and then grabbed the dragon. This is not a normal person's performance at all. It's really exaggerated. "

"And That is There are two gods in Ig team, Kamen and shy. When the two of them work together, even if there are twice as many people in G2, they will not be able to fight. There is no solution

MACT said with a smile: "it's true. Either Kamen or theshy is enough to make a headache. Only Ig can bring out two such rebellious characters at once. ""And I suddenly thought of a problem, that is, our interpretation is good. After all, we just watch the game. The stronger the LPL team is, the happier we are. On the field LPL team member operation is more beautiful, we are also more happy

"But brother Gao Zi is an active player in LPL division. Seeing Ig abusing G2 so much, I feel that when you go back to LPL division and face Ig again, the pressure will be great."

Toothpaste gave a sullen smile: "don't say these unpleasant words on happy days. Well, I'm feeling numb now Let's let Tong Xi say something

Toothpaste suddenly a Sao words, make Tong Xi laugh: "ha ha, Gao Zi brother suddenly a Sao words, really flash my waist. But now I really don't have anything to say. No, I'm so happy that I don't know what to say. "

"Well I hope Ig will continue to march forward, Kamen can lead Ig defending champion to complete the feat of succeeding in the s championship. As a little fan of Kamen, I will always support Kamen and Ig! "

MACT said with a smile, "well We all hope that Ig can continue to move forward and complete the unprecedented feat of being the champion of s competition! Now, let's give the camera to our colleagues in front of us and watch Ig's post match interview together.... "

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