FPX's lineup is a bit similar to the four guarantees one, which is not quite like FPX. The only thing that can explain is that FPX is a little flustered and lost after losing the first game.

This is not a good sign. It shows that FPX is changing itself greatly in order to target its opponents. The result of doing so is likely to lead to the players playing, they will not play.

However, the effect of the combination of the selected heroes is a bit mixed, but the good thing is that these heroes themselves are the heroes that FPX players like to use.

So after a real fight, no one can tell exactly what it will be like. After all, throughout the year, FPX has created its own miracle.

In this game, FPX has two rhythm points, barrel and Thain. After Thain reaches six, he can support through big moves. Obviously, FPX is ready to hit the field double tour.

And their focus is still on the next road, on the road NAR is a pure single point. Under the road, verus gatam has a good starting ability, and it's very easy to cooperate with gank.

But not long after the game started, the content of the game didn't seem to be much different from that of the first game. Xiaotian's wine bucket is still the first to open up the situation, and FPX's next step is still taking advantage of Xiaotian's help.

But on the road, gimgoon was once again targeted by DWG. This time, DWG's field play is simply living on the road, completely intended to imitate the way of winning the first game.

Don't you FPX like to help? Then I have to help! Let's face each other. At the end, let's see whose strategy is more important and whose carry point is more c!

FPX can also see the idea of DWG, and they are happy to compete with DWG in the tactical concept.

However, the final result is not as good as FPX. Nuguri's early development and formation has caused too much damage to FPX.

Fourteen minutes later, when the two sides were ready to fight for the second little dragon, nuguri went around one by one, and then the thunder came down to earth, a big call for four!

In the end, FPX was beaten one for three and Bruce Lee was lost. Two of the three heads were taken by nuguri, so the development of nuguri could not be stopped again.

It's also the advantage start, the second wave of the little dragon team was overturned, and it's also that nuguri made a great contribution in the overturning, and it's also that nuguri's development is more irresistible after the overturning.

The same script eventually leads to the same result. FPX was slowly suppressed by DWG, and everyone lost their rhythm. With the gradual widening of the economic gap, there is a gap in the combat effectiveness between the two sides.

Nuguri always plays well in group games. Finally, in 26 minutes, DWG once again pushed away the crystal base of FPX, and won the match point with the next two cities.

If FPX people can keep calm and even smile before the start of the second game, they will not be able to laugh after the end of the game.

0-1 and 0-2 are totally different situations. When you are 0-1, you still have a way out, but when you are 0-2, you have no way out.

At this time, the psychological pressure of the players will also show a geometric growth. Under the pressure of great pressure, can you still play your consistent level, and can you guarantee that your operation will not deform?

It's something you need to think about, and it's not just one. People with a bad mentality may be affected by this huge pressure before the end of the game.

At least, you also need to carry two match points and drag the game to the Bo1 situation, so that you can build a certain psychological advantage when facing the opponent.

Xiao Ge doesn't know what kind of atmosphere is in the FPX team now, but with Xiao GE's understanding of FPX and the actual situation of "big game soft footed shrimp" in doinb over the years.

At this time, the huge pressure has definitely affected doinb! As the main command, glue and rhythm point of FPX, doinb's state will be affected if it is affected, and the whole FPX will be affected.

Not to mention that the mentality of other people in the FPX team is not necessarily as good as that of doinb. If the mentality of other people is already affected, plus the influence of doinb, it is a double influence.

Now FPX absolutely needs a very strong backbone. Xiao Ge played this role when he was still in FPX. But now, he has been away for a long time.

Xiao Ge really can't tell who is the core of the team. But Xiao Ge knows that there is no one in the FPX team who can unload everyone's burden first by talking.

And FPX is now under pressure, but other people's DWG will not be under such pressure. People come up from the bubble competition, all the way here, and take the lead to win the match point, the morale must be high.Next, DWG is more likely to take advantage of the current morale, all the way forward, sweeping FPX into the semi-finals.

Everything is developing in a direction that is not good for FPX.

In the hotel, Xiao Ge hesitates and suddenly sees a light, then picks up his mobile phone

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